What's in the Box Challenge!!!!!

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Hey guys, it's Karina and Ronald from SIS vs BRO and we are doing what's in the box challenge part 2! Ronald I wonder what we are going to get this time I'm so NERVOUS Oooo, I'm way to shaky AAAAAHHHH And if you haven't seen part 1 of what's in box challenge (clap) there it iss alrighty (clap), sooo...(another clap) rock, paper, scissors on who goes first oh, okay, I kinda wanna go first though (cutely) I dunno. Rock, paper, scissors shoo. Rock, paper, scissors, shoo oh, oops sorry... you cheated! this is her hand and this is my hand, and BOOM, (giggles) that doesn't work that way Ronald wins. so do i go first? Yeah! (cutely) Ok, I dunno, im nervous alright NUMBER ONE RONALD YOUR TURN THERE YOU GO WHAT IS IT I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS IT I DON'T HERE IT MOVING JUST TOUCH IT LIKE *MAKES WEIRD NOISE* LIKE SHHH I PROMISE YOU'LL BE OK IS THIS A FAKE PLANT NO!! NO THIS IS I KNOW WHAT THIS IS THIS IS GRASS IT IS GRASS YAAA!! I GOT IT RIGHT YOU ACTUALLY DID IT HOW DOES IT FEEL IT FELLS WEIRD I GOT IT RIGHT It's a toy toy. Let's take it out what's it all about sighs I was feeling down the Easier or snow or that if I was a beater with chicken it could be a cool dog toy or catch wait Maybe you did oh, I think it's a cat toy okay now it is Going everywhere in our Irana skin Flick grab it to cook and close it Is that slime? it would feel like you Put your hands, and I want to look like Hey, Hanson, I don't know what it is. Go dad like I'm talking at Arena reason like is it There's a place Is it yogurt? No, okay? I made my guest oh Ah, so I didn't have to play bad socks, but now it's Korea, sir We're just about safe oh My God Korea is your turn when you look just open Look, Susana. Mommy. It's really cute Karina Just proved it No Rookie I'll get it on I'll get the puppy puppy. It's a bunny. Oh No, I fight it. Oh my God. This is the cutest thing alive. I'm Gonna be oh This is your he I think this is you know sure he or do we name him? whiskers mmm It's a boy whiskers What should we name it? You comment down below a girl named and a boy and I can lid on over to girl or boy Oh missing something. It's nothing transport. I bet The guys is so adorable look at him nibble on the hey Yeah, guys comment down below if you wish you had a baby bunny like this I kind of never have a puppy But this is still adorable. She's like eating like a pig or head. This is Mrs., Janice Guys, it was cute. It over alone after all those turns. All right yeah, right Alright missin hanging above. I'm scared Yep, I bet you oh my God. It's such a smell it oh No, okay. I'm going to put my hands on What is it? Is it right here beyond my hand go? once again, okay Down until fail you wait right there now stop it. Yes What three is that Chicken I? Don't like the mouth something is it a fish because I thought like a mouth really tiny No, is that your final answer. Can you touch a little bit more? I think that's like some kind of moves Just do it Okay, I think it cal tongue. I don't know why I'll take a look Guys, this is gross. Thank God. I went through it quickly my turn Thank you, Richard. Oh, yeah, ready curtis. Yeah. Oh yes, you're you're dropping guy, okay, mine So now I'm nervous once again kay sure is you know go ahead and cunt you? I'm not gonna look All righty what yeah? It's very know looks like a me It's like a lot to me meet some Sort okay um so What's it? What's your middle? Guess you thing on me like some to me. I don't know seems like me Water expression, I think it's like chameleon or something just can't hurt Crane, you're the bravest person man Touching me porcupine. No you should spicy yet Wow Whoa, I don't even know what's called. So maybe you can't you're in take a guess. I don't know Should I give you free what we are giving a clue um it has a long tail Well, let me see I don't see you Yes, it has a long tail over the mail is Sci-Fi was it kill a million oh I thought all the lizard It looks cool Dooney bite or something I think My fans feel so weird after touching him. Oh, no, I don't want to touch him I'm not going to touch him bring it to someplace cool Useful I love my hands with you my buddy, and they can't see what's going on Okay, no I was for my turn after you got that it's a run stands for the pilot and ranch allah You will be a challenge scared Towards think I saw something One run, did I selfie on the ceiling? It's not like Malcolm. Goofiness. I feel like like there's a bump here, and then there's a bump here and bump here and bumpier How do you touch it so much by putting my hand on it, but were you scared no? Okay, is this a part of work Home - I will be touching upon words just to show you it's nothing. I feel like I'm pulling on your ear off Water don't fight me stop Camera is at Rollins try Angela. Okay. Let me do this touch it a bit more If I can find it, I know I'll look if I'm going to be embarrassed I'm not only that you all I want the rule. I shouldn't touch it more into so I feel like a plastic What is it sheep let me she's blue she looks price on it creator now. It's your turn Are you nervous if I'm nervous once again? Okay? Create your turn? I hear something scratching on do all I know it. It is Mike. I guess right now about well. I hear it I could Kara I know what it is. Okay. Let's just do it Take a guess Alright y'all I guess? I'm just a little bit scared to touch them because they might bite me - chicken spice Um oh my God, it's a sweetened. Oh my God like shit. Hey Johnny. I don't think they bite Did you touch what is it doing you good wait? I know they have like slimy orange crews. We're going to touch a bunch of it So if you'll just like this side of the head like that, that's the silence and Tommy the Pinky touching and Like he's letting me round Why are you a chicken, baby chick chick chicken, you got a point, okay? Tiger it's my turn. I'm scared for them. Yes. It is okay feels good What is it wait? Is that a Bone? Oh? That's a normal one, but let me tell you a bit mom Okay, proving it is yeah, it is what no no, and it's all turning your lines, okay? Lioness yeah, so that's bone. Oh My God now you're saying that it's not a bonus kind of spiky It is spicy, and it feels like a bone just why mostly fish, but caddy oh My God it does Okay, I had enough watching I don't want to make a death smells like fish Feels like a bone, it's pointy Is it a fish cappy sanctuaries look oh? Was I touching arm of lobster? Oh, I did not think that would be a crab like their coils I guess and it was moving around. I was like a fish. I'll get it moving around and Catering it's your turn. How do you feel nervous? nervous like always Shudder and in there. I am knows what it is. So I might be tricking you or not. I feel vibrations vibrations Making scooping or maybe do something tilted or something here. I feel it moving let me check And then what happens if it bites me Nothing. It shows the crop yeah, I Mean you want to check the signatory on the bottom. What is What it's like plan not just the thing on the bottom it. I'll give you a better idea How can that move nothing this move she's moving man? Will you get in a bit? Don't you know what it is is it a so grass Okay, you want to be a stone crab this one. Yes with will move You all kind of like the wind like the air kind of tilt because it's like a little thin thing So no point for me. I guess long maybe is gonna get appointed next round. I hope not okay now It's time for my heart. I have been nervous, but all I see is cardboard Yup, yeah better, baby. I'm going to see something crazy probably Okay, good. Shit. All right is it moving oh my God? It's moving it's moving okay movie what I have it wait is this a pineapple covered spiky. Oh My God, it's so scary Don't tell me this is the time here ek I feel isn't time napping this feels like juice Squishy and to not arnon pretty to be a pineapple. I think it's a I Think it's a rubber toy okay, let me check ah I think I'm here to me wow Rip headphone users. I got ten point for me in total. I still have one point I know All right touch it Mr.. Beer hand touch it with your hands Okay, what do you feel anything? Mm-Hmm you're smiling giving me chicken Okay check Do you feel two of em? Oh my one? There's another no notic almost again for me That's my answer me nice Mitchell rock rock me compete. You're wrong you're wrong It shells Me a clamp ik lambda. Oh my golly I Will show so I guess that means don't go away And the happiest song I ever heard from a loser, but no One Beats illusion, okay, but where's the cute bunny? Guys remember you can call me in the comment section down below what you want his name to be yeah I was thinking Maybe YouTube Gina or maybe Karis Mmm. I'm not sure cuz me because one day you'll be a cool superstar superstar. Oh look where we're going you Know what no? Epilogue he'll jump off the table break. It's Lebanon guys. We're gonna play somebody now This is so freeing you see something we hope you like this video if you did make Sure to subscribe like and comment, and we'll be honest. I'm good BYE! special thanks to everyone who Added a Close Caption
Channel: SIS vs BRO
Views: 13,676,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2RV_jncVgwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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