What's in Our Pantry? PANTRY TOUR

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hey you guys it's carolyn from homesteading family and josh is traveling this week so i'm here alone but i have been good that was a cat running into the tripod um so I've been getting a lot of questions from you guys about what's in the jars in the pantry so I thought I wait - just a quick tour for you guys of what's in here right now now of course this is always changing the pantries one of those places that things are getting added and things are getting taken out just constantly and this was one of those years with the different moves where we ran down our pantry shelves we ran down our jar good supplies so that it was easier to move because fill jars you have to be a lot more careful as you move them than empty jars so so anyways we are kind of at a low level but I've been working to fill it back up so up here we've got some loaded baked potato soup and oh this stuff is so good I know you guys are all gonna be asking for recipes and I'm not ready to share them yet I'm getting them all ready for the upcoming class this summer on food preservation and it's gonna be a good class so this is these are so good over here we have our party veg - hamburger vegetable soup and this stuff is just delicious and it's so thick and it's so warming on a cold day now this over here is just a chicken broth and then I've got some canned sliced jalapenos in these cute little jars I love these things and these are great for grabbing if we're having nachos or some chili or something like that where people might want a little kick because these guys are hot they're from the garden this summer and they went right into jars and I really like having those on hand now these are small jars of canned onions and these are so nice for a real quick French onion soup I absolutely love these but these also go with some meat or whatever else I need to make a real quick dinner so I would like having this on him now this is kind of a conglomeration of different jams and jellies that we have left over our stock of these are running really low so let's see what I grab I'm gonna tell on hand here let's see this is a dark plum jam so this is a long cook method it has no pectin in it so that means I cook it down instead of thickening it with the pectin and it just makes these delicious really caramelized flavors and so this is a really really nice jam to have on hand let's see we have some prickly pear cactus jelly isn't that great that is a lot of fun real nice flavor from this summer when we were living in a place with the prickly pear cactuses so if you live in a hotter drier location this can be a great thing to do let's see we've got one of the family favorites over here which is an old-fashioned pear preserves and this guy is sweet it is at kind of the top of my interest of sweet level it it's a very sweet but great-grandma Jeanne remembers her mother making and canning this exact thing and so we always keep jars on hand for her when she comes to visit us so this is a lovely very spicy but very sweet and chunky pear jam and this is the last jar we actually gave her most of the rest of our batch from this last year and so we're kind of watching this she's gonna come visit us one more time before we expect pears back on the tree so we're gonna hold on to this guy until she comes to see us okay then some jalapeno pineapple jam and this is so good for an appetizer with some cheese and crackers oh I love this stuff and there's all sorts of other little sweet jams mixed in here this is a cherry preserves right here and oh a chocolate cherry preserves this is so great poured over ice cream oh really tasty and in the very last of our apple pie filling is stuck over here only a few pies worth now I love this because any one of the kids in the house can make a pie really quickly I make a big batch of pie dough that I wrap individually and keep in the freezer and so it just takes a few minutes for that to defrost enough to roll out and then a few jars of this and you've got a pie it's so quick it's so easy and it's so delicious okay down here we've got chili chili con carne and then we've got some of my lacto-fermented preserved lemons on this side this if you have not seen how to do this I have a video out on how to do that and then how to cook an amazing roast chicken with a preserved lemon and thyme reduction sauce and it is so incredibly good and it looks so fancy it tastes so fancy but it's really incredibly simple so you'll want to go check out those videos let's see a few little jars they got misplace here this is more chocolate cherry preserves these guys should be up here now this one I really enjoy because it's it's kind of different in fact this is an Italian specialty and it's a green tomato jam and it is actually a sweet jam like you'd have on toast and it's so good is a really tasty and it's a good way to turn those green tomatoes into something really tasty and here because our season ends so early we tend to have a lot of green tomatoes to deal with okay we have a salsa Oh nope a zucchini relish over here and we love this just on a cheese sandwich it's a really good and then we have some cucumber relish now these big jars here I know a lot of people look at these and they're asking me if I have milk on the shelf but these are grass-fed tallow this is rendered tallow from our own beef cows and this is great it's just sitting here in this quantity waiting for me to make another big batch of soap and so I love having these on hand you can turn them into soap you can turn them into hard lotion bars candles there's all sorts of really good things and you can use it for cooking it's not our favorite in the house for cooking but some people absolutely love it and it does make a nice flaky pie crust okay and then I have a little bit of dry food these are some morel mushrooms that we harvested and dried and oh they're so good so these are kind of like gold this is the last of the stock of it until the snowmelt and we get more morel mushrooms and you never know if it's gonna be a good morel you or not so you're not guaranteed to get any more look very nice and dried corn from the year before last garden so I love pulling this out when I want a good cornbread and then we have our hard cider we have several shelves of hard cider here and let's see over here what we've got we have a lot of cherry pie filling up here on the top so we get to keep eating cherry pies because we're not too far from cherry season again we'll be picking cherries probably mid-june and back to making a lot more cherry pie filling we've got canned potatoes here some zucchini pickles and then cucumber pickles and then a whole bunch of a roasted salsa verde and this is so good out of our tomatillos let's see we've got some different broths here we have lamb broth and some let's see chicken broth and that is actually a large jar of large so it is not milk you can see it is a really good Lord actually this is the everyday Lord so this is not the fancy or leaf lard that I save for our pastry making this is just for kind of everyday type of cooking we find that we can put this in cookies in baked goods in our breads and you never know the difference from having butter in there you just can't taste the difference in fact it makes for a really nice product so if you're getting animals butchered anyways go ahead and make sure you render your lard and use it because it's it's worth every penny it's so healthy for you and it ends up saving you a lot of money on buying butter and putting those in your baked goods ok I'm going over here in just a little bit of canned chicken left now canned meat is never pretty it's never the thing that just looks pretty on the jar and I'm sure that's why they put them in the tin cans at the grocery store and not clear jars because it just doesn't look pretty there's no way around it but but it is so convenient and so wonderful to have on hand and it's it's a great way to have a really quick meal really fast all right now this over here is one of the few things that you can actually can in a half gallon size and this is apple juice this came from our own apples we got to take it to an apple mill a cider mill and they have this big machinery that comes down and presses your apples and you get to get your own apple juice or apple cider right back out of the mill and then I bring them home and a can them and we like having these for a lower sugar option for the winter to make a hot apple cider rather than a hot chocolate all the time because that has so much more sugar in it for the kids and it's so easy because I just open one or two of these put them in a crock pot with a little bit of mulling spices and that's all you need you don't need any additional sugar you don't need anything and it's just ready whenever the kids come in from playing outside and so this is a great thing to have on hand but the other thing that I like to do with it is I can it in the fall so that the next summer when I'm canning fruit I can can my fruit in juice instead of in a sugar syrup and I really like that because then you just get to decrease that refined sugar you know take that out if you don't put it in anything you can just can straight in water like cherries just in water but I find that the color becomes very dull and it just the flavor isn't quite as good and so putting something like some apple juice in there with your water makes those fruits just that much nicer plus you don't have to worry about that extra sugar okay down here we have sloppy joe filling and oh the kids just love these because it is all ready to go you just heat it out up put it on a bun and you're ready to go so this is a really quick easy and absolutely delicious meal on hand ready to go all right now over here I have some homemade elderberry vinegar a whole lot of it and this is a great thing to to take a little bit every day you can put it in food you can take out all different ways you can put it in a drink and the flavor is pretty good it's a great way to keep your immunity high during the winter so this is a great thing to have on hand and I love having this vinegar this in this form and this was actually an elderberry wine that we made an elderberry wine and then we let it go ahead pass the alcohol stage into a vinegar ferment and made our own elderberry wine vinegar and so it's kind of a fun thing to have on hand but it's a great way to get your daily dose of elderberry okay and I think that generally wraps it up there's a little bit of different wines here's some dandelion wine a little bit of plum wine and a bunch of dried goods like dried herbs and all so hey one question that I get all the time that I wanted to address here is why don't I have rings on my jars and I think this is a great question if you have a jar and it is vacuum sealed properly you've canned it properly your lid should be on so well that you do not need a ring if you need a ring to hold your lid on you have not canned your jars properly the ring should only be holding your lid on while your jar is going into the canner and while it's coming out and cooling and after that you do not need it it is not actually providing any function any longer and in fact it can give you what's called a false seal where it is pushing down on the edges and you don't know that your jar is not properly sealed this is exactly why in all of the canning directions that you'll see they have you take that ring off after your jars have cooled completely down and they'll have you wipe all the way under it and dry your rings and either put them back on loosely or store them separately because you just don't need them any longer in fact when we've moved across country we've packed boxes of jars without the rings and had a very few fail seals fail and that's because that vacuum seal that's created in a properly canned jar whether your pressure canning or water canning water bath canning should be so strong that a few bunks are not going to cause any problem to your seal so that is why you'll see most of my jars do not have rings if they are canned now some of the things like the fermented foods or if I have dried foods in here like this here is some dried summer squash this is a Romanesco squash and of to keep the lid on this is not sealed actually I think I vacuum sealed this one on there but it is not actually canned and so you are gonna want a ring to hold that on okay you guys so that is the current pantry tour and I'm sure you'll be seeing in the different pantry chats as this fills up and empties and things just keep changing but we'll keep you up to date with what we've got on him so take care and we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Homesteading Family
Views: 88,160
Rating: 4.9483266 out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, homesteading family, pantry, larder, pantry cabinet, pantry door, pantry ideas, pantry organization, pantry tour, pantry shelves, pantry challenge, canning, canning meat, canning potatoes, canning vegetables, canning stew, canning chicken, what's in my pantry, What's in our pantry? pantry tour
Id: UWZeE4PN0uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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