What's Hot In Tucson: 2017 - Part 1

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[Music] good to see you so nice to see you again I understand you have something very special yeah yeah I try to you know my always my best to find special things but what is good in our business is that you never expect you're always surprised right and when you see something there's coming from nowhere the surprises even like more intense that's real yeah and then I got that that's a lie right from because the Europa Oh and all things it was a big P that I trimmed I took a risk I didn't do the job myself aha it was sent in a lab and it was a incredible stressful job because that's a big spider right from because they overpower one single crystal very sharp that is very rare to find and we could keep all those calcite on top of it that makes it kind of you know oh it's fantastic he actually let me show you why it's one single crystal flawless that's one or Safari right larga it's gem clear it's got red up here like red eyes oh it scored it kind of knows okay I know the piece has that if I can say some voodoo no I just think it's absolutely creamy with the scaly heed Raquel so it's like a head with a I think it's from tyrosine it's extremely sharp the luster is a total complete is a 10 on the scale of 10 and the geminus is an 11 on his oh yeah absolutely and the color is very rare to get that to red color Oh unbelievable for that mineral yeah it's one of those things that makes makes our business yeah you say it came out some time ago it's not long ago that was an old piece that was the you know price many how many was in a collection in Spain yeah and again it was a big piece with big crystals around the outside around ice and that that crystal was buried inside the matrix that I noticed to crack all around this fairy right yes I was not touching this very right and every good there might be something inside yeah thanks man how many years ago would you say just a guess I think it was from the 80s okay quite a while ago no but we used to see you know big masses for a ride yes nice color yeah not really crystal shape that's right there is no crystal shape yeah this one is one single crystal unbeliev Oh gem faceting it's funny right but I have something that it Jeff is working on through okay that worth the trip I think mm-hmm so this is from the new fine Sabourin yes it is is it severide I knew it would get tourmaline yeah it's a complete floral tsavorite and diopside oh and its crystallized all the way around oh there's many little pyrite on the back and you can see that's all crystallized let me get the light it's totally you here you draw I just think this is a kind 20 bad one of if not that as we've seen better lose crystals yes like 20 grams maybe yes flawless tsavorite but I'll just lose crystal not a real mineral special and it's a combo so it makes this piece even that is rare you know that is collected oh if this was a gem faceting material you wouldn't be here in your hands it would be cut anyway that's right you know so unbelievable and what is this matrix so this is you have pyrite yes diopside oh okay you know wish diopside down the table aside on top of its average christian right there is no point of attachment I think we there was a little day and you mention that because you know if you just first see it you think oh that's where it broke but no no totally you heat your crystal yep oh that's fantastic one of all the crystal how many rare jewels that come you know that can become you know that would become an icon you know oh that's so rare yes it's so incredible to find so few in crystallization of this material if I'd requested Jeff to make a beautiful photo of this next to the big that's outlaw it look leave blueprints have alright from this there are Lani in Tanzania so this is going to be stunning turn that a little more toward the camera there yeah that's fantastic I think he's gonna be I know Jeff has some magics with the gems yeah this is what you call the epitome of collecting the finished product and the original constraint came green and this is so unique we should put that next to absolutely one of the best of all right cut stone in the world absolutely no question about it fantastic thank you Dave congratulations thank you here thank you [Music] thanks for coming one of probably the most interesting finds for us and the fine that had the most vivid color in amazonite is from the Norwich Oh pocket and we found that in 2014 and this pocket is named after my first niece her her name is Nora Josephine and my whole yeah my whole family was there when we found it so that was a nice little family outing so let me show you some of the colors here the great thing about the Nora Joe pocket is its color yes colors super vivid and it has very vivid white caps as well exactly and as you know very rare to find both of them be vivid and maintain that that kind of a dissection of color and non color and here's another one so that one has a really really good aesthetics to ever seeing color this deep and then especially associated with the loop that mean that the caps Arnim and then we've got this guy here which is from the Nora Joe pocket and that is probably one of the sweetest pieces because yes it maintained that really nice intensity sugar and then you can see how absolutely glassy the smoky is perfect man nature yes one piece that I have as well is this one that I want you to take a look at this is actually an unrepaired piece so we've got wonderful you know that three associations everything that you want in an unrepaired piece is there that's so hard to get yes we've had very very few these are some newly prepped icon pocket pieces yeah and you can really tell the difference between the icon pocket and something like the Nora Joe pocket because these are behemoth crystals they're absolutely massive and it's the largest pocket we'd ever found produced 80 flats of material and this is what the famous smoky hawk King plate came from came from this pocket okay yes so if you also notice on this specimen this kind of leans more towards the green yes and the our Joe pocket that means more towards the blue side of the color spectrum touristing the amazonite here you the more green and more blue the newer gel pockets actually probably one of the most blue spectrum colors look at that color yeah bet on Belize yeah and of course the larger you get with the crystal sizes the more likely are to have modeling that occurs on larger crystals and the color won't be as intense but the fact that it was able to stay this intense we're very very excited about that I'm gonna turn this over to Tim because he has some new pieces that are newly prepped and some very interesting surprises Dave let's head on over here really quick I wanna play a little game let's let's see if you can't guess the locality on these specimens boy let's see well we got here well the the three areas and thinking of San Diego County area or back east this is a main Tourmaline main man yeah okay have you ever seen a main tourmaline with this type of quality before gem that's the color not the color and the general quality this is as good as you'll ever see I've seen some bigger crystals but don't this rich of blue color well that is really neat yeah the locality from out east and in Maine in general they have the big ones but very very few are ever Jimmy if ever I'm correct and and and the color is richest this this is from the Havey quarry in Maine and man Jeff has been working there okay very good I've been working there for five six maybe longer years and he doesn't find tourmaline very often of quality but when he does it is just dynamite knockout quality stuff this is a quartz with lepidolite and tourmaline it's pretty rare matrix specimen from there yeah the one tourmaline the good sized one on that one side is complete and terminated yes the tourmaline is out of Maine they do get them Jimmy but not specimen great Jimmy that's right so this is a very unique occurrence after the locality here you have your more classic kind of watermelon yes very much so well that is all right this is from what we call the lucky Monday pocket discovered in 2015 for 2011 this is a killer and this specimen is just one of the kind I really can't describe it more than that unbelievable the luster on the smoky quartz is top absolutely thank you very much [Laughter] beautiful some of the top color and the Smokies are off the charts no it's fantastic and I've never seen anything like this with smoky quartz each spike coming up like that it's scattered like that and coming up nicknamed it the Hedgehog oh very cute bigger brothers the porcupine so I'm gonna go ahead and show you a few more specimens that we've discovered this is an older specimen oh I've got that I think that was found in G's 2007 or so quite a while ago but when I'm prepping a pocket I try and get the majority of it done but I run out time so now it just kind of stash it for later it just takes time to get back to more continue pressing this specimen is is an amazonite smokey quartz with the fluoride on it and getting a combination of the three is seeing this never seeing this we get a maybe maybe a handful total specimens with the fluorite with the smoked in and Amazon and first one I've ever since so it's got to be rare especially if quality yeah we do get the fluoride every now and then that forms but it's doggy it's junk there's no gem eNOS and a perfect miniature and I think that's all I've kind of got congratulations for the whole family well thank you wonderful thank you it's always a pleasure seeing you love this Tucson show what a wonderful opportunity to get together with our friends and yeah beautiful minerals again yeah and seeing beautiful things in here and you have such wonderful minerals that you suff collect I mean there's so many wonderful aspects to our hobby yes you know but but the field is really the place that I aspired to spend the most of my time and yes I encourage as many people as I can to get on out into the field to enjoy this wonderful side of our hobby that's right matter of fact one of the things that we were able to do here recently is the Dallas symposium just we were down there here last year it was a wonderful event probably one of the finest symposium events that I've ever been to and we were able to focus on a talk there that I did called blistered fingers I've got a whole DVD here and this is a wonderful thing it's just been offered so it's wonderful it's coming out right now here at the Tucson show it's a bill online and subscribers through the mineralogical record yes and one of the things that we're gonna focus on in the symposium here was a talk on field collecting so good getting out in the field and sharing that story is really the very best and having these opportunities at the symposium to share the stories with others this robot is so wonderful that's so true and they call these as write dollars how to write sons as well as work the same thing yeah but this is material that's been recovered from Central Australia now for a couple of years yeah and we brought it on into the room we've got a beautiful big powerpack display here yeah and it's a wonderful opportunity for folks to see some of the materials that can come from other areas of our planet oh yeah by all means and I'm really fortunate this year that we have the mine owner here and I was hoping that maybe there would be a little bit of time we could have Dean step on in and he could talk about the recovery yeah and the operation of collecting some of these beautiful things great excellent yeah thank you Dave let me go ahead and do that congratulations this is fantastic material getting out thank you David yeah yeah and how how many years does this is one big pocket find or it's this accumulation like a collection you're putting together now over 90% of this material was mine last year we had a free month mining program last year we opened we're working on free drive faces it's an underground operation and the wind our last tunnel we're driving was down a anticlinal dip in the in the cusp of the anticline and we'll starting to get some malachite and bare rock with the Asia right in that particular area David we find the specimens encased in kyanite and we kept very careful to remove the specimen without damaging it yes and we then we do a process using water guns or or they call them fabric cleaners too both using a heavy hitting and a very very light hitting water tools just to take the clay off from between the crystals and just expose us there if we do any damage during mining if we knock them off the matrix or during cleaning we do not react very good I'd like to select this one oh yeah that's a perfectly yeah it's three-dimensional - yeah hmm so here we have one of these here perfectly round nice crystallization there this is really an interesting fun I've never seen anything like this from any parts of the world like what you described and what these are and it's almost like a miracle the fact that these were found on such an opposite coloration being the fabulous blue color dense white like this it's almost like it can't believe it well this is the we have argued in our latest publication this is the only place in the world which has ever been argued to be of primary origin in respect to the age reitman or the copper carbonate mineralization yes so it's going to be different the reason for the flatness we're dealing a very high hydraulic pressures when this material was injected into the actual formation so you get this discoid or form instead of the normal sphere achill form you get impassive Asia right deposits and the there may be other deposits in the world that have been formed during this same process we've identified the first one in Central Australia very good well that is so fascinating what congratulations your beautiful exhibit here thank you David Thanks it was only in October that we opened up the pocket where these particular pieces came from airy and it is it's it's below the Red River so it's it's in the floor of the red food refine that we made in 2012 and hello that the main section of that so it was sort of the juices were going that way we could see so we'd hoped that there'd be something there but it was it took us a while to find it there's five different styles that came out of this chamber and this here is one of the finest of them that is absolutely beautiful just a total porcupine it's actually got the second generation of crystals radiating off - yes yeah little needles Garnett is a mad interesting slightly hollow but the very good luster on the terminations around the hollow so you can actually see the turnin terminations yeah yeah that's nice and quite often the hollow they become a bit ragged and a bit fine and it's very hard to see the terminations yeah but these they've got enough of the rim and it's sharp enough and bright enough that you can really see the sparkle come off them that is beautiful this is a very very fine small miniature which has top color and top ladders absolutely fabulous and again just mirror lustre on the terminations very small hollows down the center but just very good luster that's a miniature of that I've ever seen terminated brightness color you don't see real fine small ones they're hard to find fine it's just for all the material we find the number of small pieces of this caliber is few and far between it's a city that take a point it is it is a complete porcupine and the darkened matrix is always a really nice yes that's wonderful and again that's like bursts look at that fact it's the beauty of the crack art is the radiating nature of us you tend to get great starburst effect then you have one other one I have one special one that I'll get up and I'll show you okay this came out of the same chamber that we found in October and mmm excuse me I'll just kind of lay there worse look at that it's a unique novel find in that it's gotten done the site coating over the crystals which is the white mineral and then you've got a second generation of croco radiating out across the top of the croco it sure is yeah looks really unique oh yeah that is a fabulous I need a very small number of pieces of this style and yeah I've never seen anything like that no it's a new one for us as well we'd not seen this style before the one cavity had five different types of material in from this three to those other last couple of pieces that I showed you and then there was a type in between which just had a small amount of the done site charges on the half that's fabulous holy cow Oh once again thanks for coming another fabulous lot thank you every year you have something new you told me you have something very yeah that's all for me what's that in your hand that is a very unusual type of Chris federal for Madagascar look at that shape you know it's not twinned as you most of the time can see which makes it but marine it's not an egg much height absolutely not in metamorphic rocks no is very weird Association like taffy right yes I'm she lied yes you know very very strange paradox chains I've stood on the study - mm-hmm and calcite sometimes but you see that shape if it was anything like that yes yes yes well that one is one of the best ones in terms of lobster size shape and everything there's no you know it's about four five centimeters that yes the biggest size we have that's all right very good okay excellent and I wanted to show you something else okay something for the species like rare and as far as I know not really well-known blue spinner on that lease blues be there I've never seen crystal blue spinel but I've seen cut synthetic so now from Weaver's arts right you know - he's really blue you know like a good and for the shape units used to concede that one should we go straight to phase one located okay John you know perfect are two huge yeah beautiful oh that is alright never seen this color no you expected in the pink and they've gone into the red and all a half through the sapphire blue you remember maybe from years ago we found those we are the very nice scepter yes okay so we found we found the little pockets recently and I really wanted you to see that because it's so beautiful in so usual so look at that it's a tsunami teast weaver scepter jab twin mmm it's incredible Wow what's amethyst tips on absolutely yes it's incredible real slow here it's a g-woman I've never seen anything like these are real everything okay it's all very small all the time and we know they know you know broken so this has a good Lister the good size it's good symmetry it's a beautiful piece and a killer miniature was a pleasure do you always have something nice [Music] good good goodness me amazing thing I discovered in the show is your purse workmanship care and what you've done oh thank you thank you I love traveling all my life I've been in this hobby 65 years and tourmaline has always been my favorite mineral what really makes it amazing is the fact that you've taken the term linked specimens and you can make these glass objects representing tourmaline so I've been doing glass work for about 1516 years okay when I first started in glass I tried because I'm been a mineral collector for years okay and immediately I wanted to make my own specimens out of glass because glass was very gem-like and material that's correct but I failed miserably for the first three years so I went into creating sea life and in an aquatic animals out of glass for the last 12 years or so okay as I'm revisiting my mineral collection and in getting back into minerals again which was kind of my original inspiration in glass in that time I've learned you know ten years of the material sure so now I can revisit that with that knowledge that's right and a few things came together and I had an aha moment and the first glass replica tourmaline was born so this is a decanter okay yes so it also comes with a glass snapper okay and for toasting glasses and that and then that look this piece would would be a sculpture you know I call these sculptures with specimens sculptures yes so I'll make quartz crystals and tourmalines and arrange them is more of a desk piece or paperweight or sculptural can I say that a second and this is glass it's glass it's all porcelain I'm not gonna thinking what a tourmaline this guy's yeah this is glass too so here's a leave this that's going to say what a hell of a multicolored slice of tourmaline okay then yeah oh yeah I'm making coasters you know coasters okay I thought it was like good oh that is fantastic oh yeah there is more of these different elements of being able to create with the tourmaline design yeah these are gonna be little dishes coming up in the next few months you have watermelon tourmaline dishes that's great that's great congratulations this is my girlfriend CeCe Cece and this is my partner Alex hey no no it's very good I'm glad glad to me yes well I looked in this room from the window there and I could see you folks have some very fine minerals to show us this hematite is actually Alex's hematite and this one in particular is just outstandingly Oh articulate very different it has very sharp structure it has the secondary or the second crystal coming down connected by the rear elongated crystals okay very good just absolutely outstanding piece of million well I've never seen them quite like this in this manner oh it's very different so this is one of my finer Jackson crossroad specimens good that's a beauty so one of the things that Jackson crossroads is really well known for yes that when you turn it in certain lights and certain angles it flashes blue and red some people believe that's because it's the presence of titanium we'll see that right in here yep yep and it's not exclusive to this location but it occurs from this location more often than most okay and then also we sometimes find in hydrosim pieces unfortunately I don't have it in hydro to showcase for you or at least one that you can locate well with a camera yes this is about as good as you're going to get in blue you don't want a too blue I've seen them sometimes too blue it's too dark once you cut it and but this one here is a perfect example perfect termination it's a small miniature a little larger than a thumbnail but that is a superb piece Alex how did you get these memories that's a very fine actor breathe like that yeah I have a connection with the family over there who buys directly from the miners and they're you know working with them getting it directly to the United States very good I've been dealing with them for a few years now and you know I've built a good relationship so when they find finer pieces made with a pineco termination and no damage yes I tend to get a good look good for you this one is a fantastic Rainbows mock specimen it's a very large cluster for the location it has very little damage considering one of my favorite parts of this one is this protruding twinning structure going on there that yeah the Chur is look at that and this one's as well because it's coated and a very thin drusy of smoky quartz and that kind of gives it a depth of darkness a lot of them don't have a lot of seasons from this location are coated in white quartz yes I thought that was a little bit an unusual kind of difference yeah this is a very fine town there's complete cube yes and that's what I'm gonna say we did fracture fill because when we first found it it was completely filled with fractures but once we filled it it became it's just pristine very clear cue okay which you know anytime we do something like that we of course mentioned yeah misson factor fill that's been restored yeah but this one just seemed like such a horrible opportunity to waste to leave it the way it was yes I don't blame ya and that's good that you do and that but being the collector myself for 65 years that still have this because of that so believe it or not this is a pink fluorite from Colorado it actually is and it's from Colorado oh good for you I saw a photo of this piece and was on an airplane a few days later flying out to Colorado to see it for myself as I believe it it was dug in 2006 and the miner was quite partial to it and wasn't ready to let it go and this last summer 2016 he finally decided it was time and all very good real mineral collectors thing I also just generally love assume of it because you don't see copper secondaries like this from any other location that's right one of my favorites that I have right now is this duff type table taste combo because I love it when you have a piece that's kind of hidden a little bit by its coating yes and then it shows this sharp lustrous crystals just peering through Oh like that is something perfect miniature too it's not the most unusual species but it is most unusual looking as far as it is that's right very aesthetic it's very perfectly atop the epidote critically that's what caught my eye I mean it looks so many so manufactured that when we've actually first received it we actually soaked it in acetone because we didn't believe that this could just be just that good just by itself like why is this a single crystal perfectly adopted epidote and lo and behold it was mine exactly that's superb this is a very very large halite and I'm sure you've heard the story about the man who was crushed by a hay light one time he was under assault so farming that's a hell of a crystal yes I've seen other large crystals of halite before but typically they're cleaved yeah they're not very well formed yeah this is very sharp very distinctive and the color as callers are wonderful as that yeah yeah there's all kinds of different shades of blue in it yes for certainly yeah first we have a cruisee err of tourmaline on quartz beautiful definitely terminated love life I believe this piece has two repairs on it but otherwise it's completely natural some of the finest minerals in the world or repaired specimens and I had a number of them for certain yeah and I feel like that with tourmaline a lot of the repairs are a little bit more accepted because most of them are broken in pocket there's not a whole lot we can do about it but when we pull them out we can definitely restore that that's correct we have a big old plate of sweet home rhodochrosite this is another thing that a lot of people talk about that they used to buy the table of and I'm like if you could buy a table with this you should oh it's one of the most beautiful minerals and so popular and everything you know they hit a jackpot there's no question about it this is a very fine example of the small crystals right and it also kind of shows you that that sometimes when they find pockets of things if being inexpensive when it first comes out does not lend to how rare or not rare it is just indicates to you know what price people are putting it on to begin with right well congratulations you guys thank you so much we really did a fine job and you only been out of ten years and five years well congratulations [Music] yes I have some nice special pieces and let me bring it to show you good yeah yeah here is a one tapas from harem Oh oh boy this is the you don't see these like clusters Wow single ones and so forth that you actually got a cluster of this it's amazing way the mica is just kind of like a ribbon it goes all the way around it yeah very interesting oh you got one two three four yeah topaz crystals on this yes yeah that's a lovely the other one I bring it this is almost like a aquamarine but it ends up being more organized right you don't see morganite is elongated like this and this is the more typical squad and you have two very very unusual morganite what makes this so fine if it's a perfect crystal on the matrix these things always have when they're big they've got problems and this happens to be a very perfect crystal that's pale in color but it's a wonderful specimen yeah setting on matrix and you have a little secondary one there and this is sitting on all bite so that that really is a magnificent textbook crystal here that's a beautiful this is the beautiful okay these are black Sherrill crystals all isolated with the snow white all right some smoky quartz that's a some aesthetic beautiful mineral you have that in the room people walk right up to a lot of sense yeah it's very striking lookin and this is normally the black tourmaline coming from northern Pakistan scarred with it though this is from pop rock oh yeah with the nice termination yes is small compared to the other is a small but is also down jool okay here you have a double together topaz you have a single topaz here you got big muscovite crystals or topaz down here with a ball of white that's a lovely psych all you brine on the tent here let's start right here this caught my eye across the room this is specimen here which is a emerald on matrix okay what makes is so unusual so the length of these crystals on matrix and it's not repaired no sir you would think this would have fractured up but it's obvious not repaired that's what's on you even the little one isn't repairing now as far as color it is very light but it is the family these are emerald crystals because it has the chromium in them okay here we have a cluster of aquamarines this specimen is really extraordinary for several reasons but here you have a large crystal then it got narrowed down here it's not repaired as you mentioned and it's a miracle how they got this out of the ground without breaking it because everything is intact this is double terminated from this and it narrowed down in the formation it's quite unusual how thick it is here then it narrows right down comes all the way out to here once again always praise fine sites on matrix back in my early days if you wanted a nice kunzite crystal it was in a mud play type of thing they would have to solidify that and that mostly came out of Brazil but Pakistan in Afghanistan especially Afghanistan with these spa Germans and everything they've come out naturally on hardrock matrix this is Cleveland diet and this is a mass of micro tourmaline crystals but very very rare compared to all the kunzite so that have come out to get Amnon matrix I always praise them when I see a superb specimen now what's so unusual about this a few of these came out in less than few extremely rare to get fluorite this quality on the matrix from Pakistan like this but what makes it very very interest how this is so modified in a way unless you know your crystallography and everything a lot of people think this was a morganite but it's a fluoride right and it's beautiful perfect condition and the muscovite and all the way around it and you got two colors in this you got a very pale bluish green if you want to call very pale and then you have a rosy color in here and it's perfect okay the color oh yeah you'd never saw these 35 years ago little long be hard rock matrix and here you got Cleveland died but look at the color of that spa German little needles of tourmaline a shooting in all directions out of the main shaft care of this terminated deep deep green tourmaline and you know it's green because of all the little ones shooting off them it's just that it's very den beside being a magnificent smoky quartz cleveland died beautiful single crystal here of the same material and there was one other thing that was that there was looking at that well the overall composition of this host specimen is really special it's a beautiful museum type specimen and this happens to be a perfect double terminated beautiful crystal faces on it very transparent in the inside of the specimen then you got a nice little one here and the specimens perfect you just don't get them like this and I always had an appreciation for these morganite because I had a killer from San Diego County and I'd never saw one until the last few years and I can state now that what's come out now this much better than the one I had if you look at this from here to here it reminds me of the Himalaya term lives from San Diego County but what really separates us totally by itself not only that it's from another locality but just the character of the specimen of heaven fine blue tourmaline coming right along the side of this yeah look at that color very unusual you have a light purple yeah olive green and then blue yeah now see from San Diego County the himalaya mind if you had just this alone very nice that's it this is unique totally you need to get this blue like that a well attached right grown right with the larger crystal never seen anything like this it's a one-of-a-kind type of piece thank you it is very pretty oh it's beautiful very good I see two large superb specimens first I'll just mention this very fine amethyst has been coming out and really makes these extra fine is the fact they have nice calcite crystals so it adds to it and then this one has a stalactite and a calcite so these are very special and appreciate everybody should appreciate these because you're seeing something that's very rare you know I've never seen these years ago you're lucky to get the geode and they found many many of those it's very common but when you get the combination of the three and well actually fourth thing they're smoky quartz under there oh is that Kelsey oh for pete's sake a smoky calcite can you zero in on that brand with zero damage the whole piece but no damn oh yeah it's perfect oh yeah absolutely this is the first time just because of what a statement I'm going to make doesn't mean you know I've never seen a long Charl like this little loan long and on the matrix like this with beautiful cleveland blades and then micro crystals all on the specimen this is totally complete all the way around needless to say as you say no repairs no repairs a long crystal like this I don't remember seeing one like this okay we have a set of four specimens all in the burl family and it's so neat what you have here because each one of these have its own important quality to them what makes that very fine not only is it a fine emerald but the locality this is from but what part this is from Pakistan yup Pakistan it and it's Jemmy and colored color speaks for itself look at the color of that it's pretty terminated yes Dave basically emeralds from the Swat Valley which is the Mingora mine in Swat are well known around the world especially in Geneva they put them on watch faces because they're very tiny and they're the finest color you find anywhere world yes well swathe has been known for the menorah mine for quite a while yes we have another mine in Swat Valley is known as a good you're killing mine that is the distance from the Mingora mine yeah and this is the largest emerald that has been found up to date okay good you're killing mine okay cause you have found larger crystals much larger but they're broken yes opaque or with cracks or with no Beauty at all but something with this color and that rare and rich it's the first of its kind this is your typical find emeralds from Swat Valley so now will you hold that up now you can see what we're talking about the yes very much it's a full full color there's no colored normally in emerald even from Musa or from Afghanistan from Brazil and Zambia you find color zoning yes this color saturation from the top of the crystal to the bottom is honor pollution a hundred percent saturated color which is very very rare oh there is one another jewel in our crown for 2017 yeah thank you very much thank you so much [Music] are you doing Monsieur thank you back again or wondering that the wonderful show this is starting to big and it's big yeah a lot of stuff here and boy you have some fabulous looking things here and I've been spotting them out and everything so it's a flourite is this floor I do this is a floor right okay see ya that's unbelievable you always see a few of them you never see these in quantity yeah that's really neat this is a calcite it comes from Nasik with op Affiliate crystals on it very good that is something you back let this how can we do that it was so beautiful now this is a calcite and what I like about is all that what are these little brown are they individual little little crystals of calcite yes yes yeah they're voting on a calcite with Apple phillyd crystals on it that is really neat three stages here and then one big scaly Hedra exactly that's fantastic so a powerful light is normally light green to rich green all the way down to dark green and so forth this is black I've never seen it before yeah so it must be very rare yeah it's one of the very rare combinations this comes from America in India and it's the first time it's come in a black color top affiliate normally is not never in black currants the first time it's come in black currency is very rare there are two yeah bring those out another time to small crystals of the same pocket that's a perfect miniature so how big when was this discovered this was just two months prior hey this is also a greeting applet question yes you see the side would you believe that with the still bite and then main crystals is green apophyllite a very shading of green that is a gorgeous I've never seen this how it is this a small deposit of this type would you say yeah yeah okay these are all Terminator 2 calcite in the form of a flower aha these are new this is a new quality of calcite form this is from a maneuver okay it literally is that then expect fantastic under that that a perfect scaley he'd ruin on the matrix like that and what is the white this is more to make peace what is it is more tonight oh okay perfect look at that thing this was one of the best that came out of the pocket very good yeah it's a killer oh yes yes yes yes now what is this EULA died yes and gree I never seen this before this it's green deep green like this this is this is green because it has illusions of salad or night in it oh okay oh boy and that's something so I assume this is a very small pop yeah yeah this one what do you see you is a cubicle upper flight okay black color up a flight with Sally tonight in illusions never seen this I assume this is very rare yeah this is it has been okay Brian I don't think you'll be able to pick it up and I'm gonna try to get this light and kind of go this way look at the pattern in this it has actually a pattern of light upon flight yes you did its green color oh it's very different that's never that it almost looks like silver that's beautiful it's got the glitter that's shy oh yeah and it's perfect it's you know it's beautiful yeah that is really wonderful I never see anything like that in that menara congratulations and keep up the good work and get these things [Music] hey good to see again nice seeing you too and here your set up at the Pueblo show yeah about that yeah it's our first Pueblo gem and mineral show investments in Earth was established in 1992 but we've been doing shows for about seven years but this is our first blow show so we're excited to be here we know we kind of specialize in unique and you he'd roll best of the world this is kind of a a look in this green peridot with a magnetite crystal and you it's so hard to get these yeah yeah and it's from Sopot Pakistan those go great color and it's pretty rare to see of magnetite crystal you've done you know and that's with a pair of Genesis like that in the in the peridot that's very true we'll meet tourmaline yeah come on Luke and it's got a little termination on top it is he's just got beautiful color I like the character of this it looks like it's raining it's got a core if you if you turn it around David so you can see the kind of the core of of Shora yes so it's in it but the purple the purple was just you know it's got that typical beautiful purple very much so Burmese tourmaline color nice termination here yeah this is a an old piece of good its llama night it's got something you he'd rule apokolips the green three-night it's got a gyro light in here with the court drew secret courts over de l'homme that so really a unique oh he's very much very different I got it many many years ago good for you and you know so an aesthetic yeah and then I think you guys you want to look at a new gold collection that I recently acquired okay there's a lot of Colorado go manacled some california stuff mixed in a lot of historic pieces on the bottom but and obviously I've sold some of these already but the blood in the middle of the old label indicated was from Ouray Colorado yeah it is a beauty it's got some sulfides on it too but it's this schmuck you raise this is very typical okay yeah good you're safe there yeah poor there's a lot of gold of this yeah you don't realize until you really wouldn't smelled it down but so maybe these gold with courses and everything they think wish it had a little more maybe not so much gold that's fabulous it's like 23 ounces with 16 ounces there you go it is it is a big you've got some lovely things here and welcome aboard well thank you very much appreciate it another year you're all dressed up what's this about thank you much I got a new suit made in Thailand very good that's great I mean you really do get around I remember you take several trips all over that area do I do it in the age of three times last year her up twice in Africa one well good for you yesterday you got some nice good Easter Owens a really unique formation oh yeah look at that so I visited the mine back in August I was told I was the first Westerner ever to visit the mine how about that really start to how oldest language so they said the area was about four years ago and they were using most of it for calving rough they didn't even think about mineral specimens oh they were flying in spaces like this where it makes a nice bubble inside when you calve it off and now these little orbs inside I say and sometime about a year and a half ago somebody said that those make good mineral specimens aren't right and it's been analyzed now at first they just called it copper bearing it's a selenite from poland Oh for pete's sake beautiful isn't it gorgeous my grass green tastic I've never seen color of that this men are on this collar yeah so it's colored with it's a very unusual thing period beside the color and this is from Poland yeah very good and they've analyzed it and determine it's Herbert Smith ight it gives it the green color isn't that interesting okay it's a DI mattina Brazil okay and the unique thing about this particular course is there's this line that travels in this direction where the quartz has been melted Luis Mendez has the research on it and determined it had to be 6000 degrees it was struck by lightning in the earth which caused this phenomena here yeah these are iridescent der tight from Tarsus Spain I've never seen Gert I'd like there with a beautiful iridescent today incredible yeah these are really the prettiest I've seen you know it's not really a pretty black dark brown lumps and what-have-you but here you have a iridescent to it I've been looking for 20 years for moonstone crystals I've never even heard of that right I've been at this hobby sixty Bristol's of moonstone I think wow I don't know where a bit but look at that you can see the iridescent sear and look at that really didn't know wild yeah their iridescent yeah that is wild this is pyro more fight from the Eiffel Mountains in Germany never saw a color like that look at the color of this thing the beautiful another one of those things that I pick up when I go to European shows and you can't get it anywhere unless you go to Europe you know see there yeah it never hits the states yeah no that's beautiful to come oh no dragon oh oh that was the I had it done in Indonesia oh okay that's really neat what is that material some kind of a muscle suit or Master said okay I not would you believe that congratulations on your stuff you did very well and here you're all vowel DUP that's beautiful and I love that suit yeah thanks David I actually had a custom made in Thailand and closed my store last year Oh California I used to sell Jerry Garcia ties look at that all the ties and Adam make the lining out of the ties only one girl guarantee yeah that's fantastic thank you well good for you thank you much yeah I can't believe what I'm seeing right here at the door entrance yes so wonderful three years now we've been doing this and every year we feature unique artists special exhibitions and rare artworks and objects and present them under our theme of financial design so let me show you some goodies that we have on display this year test in the first room in our main room I convey some Dreier carvings that's right so Garrett and Patrick Jer fourth and fifth generation gemstone Carver's from either over shot in Germany yes and as you can see true masters in their crowns I mean rarely had a collection of these about 35 years ago you know I know I know about the Dreier's the best the best again you can't be so yeah I mean we seldom do you see such work that's so detailed and realistic right as these animal carvings so all pieces that you see here are from the private collection of the Jer family yes and of bill Larson's collection and oh okay they were both kind enough to I want to make a point that this starfish is on a piece of quartz a soon the quartz matrix that's all one piece that's all yeah you didn't to set it on there a lot of the public wouldn't realize that yeah that's why we won't bring it to your attention you know and I know but the public but think well they made that and then they glued it on too right no it's all one piece I can't believe this look at this this is actually the geode natural geode and then the whole rock was carved through him that's fantastic I mean through the again everything there even the eyes is part of the natural materials or did they add the ice I think that eyes might be added in some coin okay yeah but look at that a geode and then they and that's all one piece that's all one piece and oh the ability to see you know this in those in the specimen in the rock the wrong you start to work I mean that's all that's an art for itself yes seems like toads and frogs were there probably they give a lot of personality I don't care is addition this is why this one is one of my favorite ones it's called the grumpy Joe did you know I can see why I've never seen one of those like that I'd say I had a couple of toads years ago never seen look at that place wow that's really cool and look at this look at the face of this guy yeah so three of them are actually on sale for sale and this is one of them since the young Oreo time oh look at the rooster look at that dog down there if that isn't that that is so cute it's a puppy that's the puppy from the family collection I think it belongs to his mom so no chance on this one oh that is so cute in this room here we have Victor to slack off display with his new collection okay so last year we featured his philosophical stone collection yes this year we have on display the elements which want to take a look at it connect it connects this the human senses to the elements hello fine yes yeah I have to meet ya late to see you fantastic and this is your work yes in here let me just explain a little bit yeah there are two small collections first of all it is devoted to five elements connected with our five senses so it else water air fire and hm Oh interesting I try to show the queue with stars on each plane of this metaphysically you know the shape of crystal or the arrow cstube and this is citrine with some color zones of smoky quartz very tiny well aroma this stone has a shape of drop drop of water and at the same time you see a part of lotus before blossom in yes is very special symbol in a travel from one my collection to another unbelievable touch of the hurricane is the air we see many tiny facets goes from one point like a small touching of hurricane he explained into the beak yes yes it's so precise in this one it looks like small sparkles in a fire yeah oh yeah look at that yeah you move your head back and drunk just the colors just jump out at you yeah absolutely oh it's fabulous okay this is of infinity ever before this elitist had to color zones and almost colorless in the middle yes yeah I try to create design such that color light travel alongside the stone and improved the color very good okay and if you see through the optical axis you can see many sparkles like from the Infinity Wow you keep up the good work I tried yeah well where they are an artists at this it's no question about it thank you so much thanks so having take care all right Dave let me show you this special exhibition looking forward to see in this so in this room every year we feature our special exhibition and this year we have of the Paraiba room and so we have some of the largest stones ever to be found between 35 and 65 carats okay and they were mined from a pocket about ten years ago and hidden behind closed doors to the last eight years and only recently came about back out for a public display we have for the first time together some of the best cut stones together with a piece on matrix and we're really fortunate to have this piece here yes and it's owned by Marcus boo deal who happens to be here Marcus I understand you had the specimen at shown at the Munich Show this year yes it will be on the DVD from what Solly Munich very good and hard and but not together with the cut stones which is unbelievable never certainly just play like that oh it's wonderful and yeah you obviously didn't see the specimen in person that's right so you take first time yes well that's wonderful then Rudy I would love to see it open directly that is something for you know these were found around ten years ago okay so the cut stones were found ten years ago okay and specimen about fifteen years ago okay little hurry but obviously yeah very good I want to take it out yeah that'd be fantastic isn't it crazy thoughts unbelievable especially one specimen yes my mind that comparable that examine all that was fulfilled right yes absolutely fabulous one thing I find about this has a unique color here it's quite different from other term leads I've seen a lot of tourmaline but I've never seen the coloration like this that's what separates this gem stone that's inside that gives it this that purplish color you know the cut stones are beautiful and what sizes are those stones between 35 and 65 carats develop right it's your stones but I remember that so no pretty big Marcus thank you my pleasure yeah beautiful absolutely beautiful Dave let me show you the rest of this right fine okay let's see this is our Scott Pelley a pitcher to her display okay these are all traditional Florentine hard stone mosaics made by father and son Renzo and the Ronaldo Scarpelli and yeah I met them during the nuniq show and they invited us over to visit their workshop and meet their family and showed us the amazing work and skill that goes into making all these masterpieces look at that so it looks like an oil painting it does that is fantastic for the rooster there that is the cutest thing and this Capelli's are one of the last traditional families from Florence doing this art and it dates back to the Renaissance in the 16th century and the way they do it today is exactly the same way they've done a hundred two years ago okay oh Rudy thanks a lot for you thanks maecy I hope you enjoyed the gathering and every time I see this gallery new things you have in the quality as I mentioned before the Tiffany of Tucson so we're here in the wholesale area yes but let's go up this way and okay the stuff that you ruined this is so spacious now yeah this is Lawrence Stoller's gallery oh he really does fabulous work he does an amazing job and he just came out with his new book oh very good primal beauty yeah I don't think he's ever spoke he's done no this is his second his first book was okay frozen light this one actually for our for our videographer mr. Swoboda this has a certain history this topaz is actually a cut off section that Lawrence optimized and turned into a piece of art that came off of a giant gemstone I believe it's the largest topaz in Smithsonian you're not gonna buy exactly yeah it was his father soon this is gorgeous isn't this great I can't believe that we call it the island yes sometime down in Florida in a lake yeah it looks I could just come to coming out of a lake it's a wonderful trees yeah like palms and I don't know what it is it's from its from a calcite cavern with is this the Lexx to lack tights reach a water level yeah exactly and so all these crystals precipitate under the water level and then at some point the water level recedes and you get left with these crazy animations that look like perfectly straight across and this is sort of an adult entree into the wall isn't this something and then of course we have the vault to share with you so first this is Indian mineral okay that is wonderful still in that great the way it sits up like that Eva Paul just sits on a still way the whole thing grew right there yeah but that is extraordinary that's fabulous ah it's just got a beautiful gotta have to be honest I can't remember seeing one that size on a piece of matrix or with matrix yeah and in this condition yeah it's absolutely perfect yeah this is another one that's from the caves but we call it the tornado would you believe this it is look at that just look at that it's a tornado doesn't that look like a tornado it's fabulous little thing up here the little one now worse is coming out of China it's also Chinese time yeah the same location as the as this brace okay and here the water table was at this level exactly right there so this grew the opposite way well that's fantastic this is a twin floor right okay actually I don't really need much light but you can see look at that thing hmm how that thing glows beautiful thing and not with a lot of light I think it's just the shadings very chewy yeah and what it is is it's a spinel twin yes right and you have the it looks like the Star of David but then the corners have chopped off because there's a modification here and here and here yeah and it's glassy luster on the flat faces of the twins and then it's it's more like a sheen or something like that on the corners it's just yeah surface these garnets that's pretty great because that's demantoid from ear and ER fall the size of this one yeah yeah wonderful for demantoid that all it's a fantastic bet your life that's from Iran Iran yeah Wow and this you know where this is from this is a Stewart Lydia who would lift the abide sure is something this is Queen but this is storage yeah yeah and this one is from down navorski oh it's a little cute guy but more recent we haven't had that kind of quality and luster from down the horse in a while yeah oh that's unbelievable never seen anything like that do you know what besides ours yes they did cut they didn't have to cut now all the way around they didn't have to do anything you can see all the sanding and recrystallized on the band's how exciting look at that thing that's beautiful yeah you really see it with the white it just glows it almost looks like you're looking into trance apparence II does yeah almost looks like it's down in there about an inch and a half that ring it's unbelievable again before I fell right yeah but what a gorgeous think this is wonderful never seen such floor rights coming out that you're getting from different areas they become popular so I guess the whole thing's out of the yeah the stashes and this was what was a Chinese one yeah it was considered the best waterfall when it came out Wow and you can see the color oh it's fabulous fabulous piece no really wasn't that big of a pocket seemed like it just disappeared there or no more than probably half a dozen great pieces that's upon that's it yeah amber and the amorous yes this one which is called lips than their City the two crystals right looks like a fairly and then there was one called the blade I think haha and those are the four major ones and then there are a couple of secondary ones and that was it and this is one of these serie site twins but you see the green inside it's malachite okay included inside usual very good and then this is a Vinay tonight that's just one crystal that goes up and goes into a whole fan arms back down sure is look at that nobody can see the back guys that has the rib up where it grew that's off the wall it's fun the size of that yeah super super rich green like that lime green apple green end even yeah that was the best color that ever came off from beautiful and there's huge crystals oh yeah very much so here's a piece that you should say as far as Helia doors go unbelievable this is I think it's the biggest one what's the quality of seeing and for the Ukraine I mean for volador Assam this is probably came out of the ground over 30 years ago okay this is great this is the actually the show poster scepter or not the show poster but I guess the ad poster would it would have you for the westward look show this year oh that's fantastic and this is you need to see it with the blue and this is from Brazil from the Machuca mine and it's Raziel green scepters on blue cores which I'd never seen before from anywhere unbelievable not great that's a great piece it's got a super balance and all very much so here's that look those Barrett's again just something look at this rose yeah that's fantastic beautiful and where they're coming out of is Moroccan of Moroccan yeah I think the name of localities not or ornate alarm okay and this is fantastic look at that look at that color it's almost like a purple beard essence right now okay and where is that from from Laos because it didn't quite look like tsumeb and it's not like this be what a gorgeous that not nope it looks a little bit like milk pls but yeah it's not it's Laos and this crystal is a good inch and a half maybe a little bit more right this is really unusual because this is my Marion critical absolutely it grew and it and you can tell it's all covered with the quartz it's got that generation they didn't remove anything say you had another one there's another one as a similar exactly same style a little bit taller one single with a sidecar yeah but they were the only two that I saw that was it and then this is a giant tansy okay that's only the side cat never seen one that size that's a man's tanzanite it's a man's a night man's a night here and you can see you can still see the red all the way down to the bottom and it comes up I don't have it lit but you get the purple now this is an opinion I'm going to give you I was reading when they were digging these out and discovering them they said they're up to ten inches in size there must be exaggerating when they talking about I have a feeling that came out a while back and they pulled it away and it came on the market maybe here it is right there so these are just cute fun things and yeah I love things like this they just they make me crazy look at that isn't that fantastic it's beautiful so that's a quartz with some iron staining in to you bites that's from Vermont oh the Joule total Joule and I just sort of went oh you'd over here fabulous construction this is unheard of so this is from Madagascar and look at that are you ready for that that is a tourmaline crystal yes and this is chalcedony and so see if you can follow how this happened yeah the pocket grew and the tourmaline formed yeah after the tourmaline formed the entire pocket was in filled with calcite crystals okay okay calcite crystals formed and the calcite crystals there was between them a negative space an empty spot imagine between a group of crystals in internally they had all connected but because of their geometry they left an empty void then a late-stage intrusion of quartz came in would you and you filled that void and lined it oh and then another late-stage intrusion came in that eroded all the calcite leaving the inside lining of chalcedony still remaining so what you see is the negative shape of a bunch of calcite crystal faces yes and it's basically it's an empty pocket it's totally Hollow if you feel the wave it has no weight thank you very much wonderful so that's just that that's crazy Tobin I mean it's that major major major thing to have that with the tourmaline collection yeah at that bragging Rock and that that's an a can't they ooh isn't that fantastic wonderful for it can't they'd never see anything like that yeah from Guanajuato okay and I don't know it wasn't it come out just recently within my last month or two yeah and I don't know what it is about it but it's got some sort of charm you know it's got carrots some sort of novelty or something good reminds me of a little robot man or something I don't know it's just it's great and this was the other great one from the vine oh my god these are recent you say yeah very recent you can see over here hast I've got pyrite growing under together with the oh yes I see that no that Mexico they come up with us stuff it's unbelievable crazy I don't know the name of the mine it's a I create it is God but it's from China from China not Mexican Mexican we do believe that that crazy not the craziest thing this is great ah look at that oh and that a gorgeous blue nice fish very unusual lose ends on through it and ee terminators that's wonderful I'm not fantastic oh I love that no I can't do it just turn it this way a little bit just see ya I'd show that from here to see the kunzite like this where he is there yeah there you go beautiful oh nice shooting from all different directions there yeah what a beautiful that the matrix right on yeah the little micro blades of berry yes growing all over it you know them they said they found a lot not as good as this but they found so much of what I happen to it all I don't see it you don't see yeah yeah I remember these pieces coming out of there and Roman L it took me to charlie key and Rick Smith's place and I was able to get one of them right this is fabulous fabulous though wait to see this thing out Tennessee that's such drama spell already else I later that thing are you ready for that look at that size again magnificent with the ball and the two crystals they're killer I mean that's just you know perfect I don't position the dr. Steve Neely he loves all of us from there it's all terminated everywhere beautiful thing that's a fabulous fabulous Cal so fun this is so I don't remember if you remember but last year we looked at one of these which we had from a girl where the yes the court slipped and it proved the premise that there's a cleavage plane yeah in courts cuz courts actually Cleaves much to most people's well most people don't know that it actually appears they don't shake it does they think it always is conchoidal a broken glass but it actually has a cleavage plane and here you can see the quartz was oriented in the pocket this way it cleaved slipped but then it really healed and crystallized back you got it and so it's just so cool yeah beautiful thing and when they normally if they cleave entirely and they fall off that's when they fall and become these diamonds and these weird shapes yes sometimes they're sitting on the tops of other points or become total floaters that's right and this is just a lovely lovely celestite look at that beautiful it's color quality two big ones like that no that's butyl is that Ohio where is that from no that's Madagascar of Madagascar l-- okay because i never remember see anything like that from ohio yeah now well that level that size yeah exactly has to be Madagascar it's the only place think you did that there's some interesting goodies this is just this speaks to me because I've you know done so much with down the gorse yes and I've seen so many pair of tights but this serie tight it's really a jewel where that thing it's just extraordinary on will luster a little calcite sitting on top as far as these go high red look at that it's a pirate look it's a killer I'm not gonna straight with you he drooling is all over us from it ah Jules that's a great pie right now what certainly is nice Cruzeiro oh that a jewel of a thing beautiful piece look Brazilian tourmaline hold the Fed differently to throw that right out the window later that's left you know tourmaline it's my favorite mineral is it really yeah well I'm gonna the last mineral I'll show you is a tourmaline to it'll probably bring back some memories yeah this is just really fun it's a fluorite and it grew cool with that look at that it's gorgeous the way it just sits up there almost like you are yeah poking at you beautiful and then all of these are cubes non-modified but that one's modified that's correct right on the top of the quartz in the thing that's so interesting the colors and the varieties that flora it's really good mineral to specialize and when you see things like this here we got another piece here these came out and in small quantities there's four really good ones look at that I've never seen a big one like this yeah this is real right now this is the epitome of those quartz crystals it's heavy isn't this something oh yeah it's the best one I've ever seen isn't that pretty yeah you know you'll see clusters like this like this random one that size the hematite in the resistor fabulous area you have here now oh that's fabulous it's in that great oh it's a great thing it just twenty degrees all the way I think this came out this came out probably about a decade ago okay yeah it's an older we put away and hidden away in somebody's collection killer it was actually kept over there over there and young in Pakistan exactly and it's Afghani obviously from yep Rock yeah exactly that's fantastic at the feldspar surrounded with little groups of the pit lights and there's some little tourmaline there some rich Afghanistan guy latched on to this and kept it back killed our beautiful Oh a blue cap I'm matrix well isn't that neat you might have owned that yeah I had 35 of these pests pass did you really yes I might have had that with my group I had about it ten fine large pieces look at that I looked at pictures years ago see that 72 in 72 73 that's wonderful great thing mmm and with the courts I mean that no unusual to have it set the major fine when they got that and that my friend that said is what we have once again congratulations thanks you get it again I appreciate for you I'm fine thank you yourself oh I'm doing all right I'm just uh p80 this November so you are kidding yeah so I'm told by dogs yeah yeah a pink one just in front a classic blue one from the South of France and this is from Mont Blanc from Chamonix beautiful yeah and it's a really super full shaft color and condition yes almost flawless lovely large single crystal the little matrix and the pink is very intense I was beautiful color beautiful color and this is from what part of France from Luke mine which was the last fluorite working mine in France it closed in 2005 oh okay that one you always 25 years old we squats wonderful yeah it's a nice one I like the round oh it's just and then the beautiful quartz us with that like that speaking about classic minerals from France I want to show you something hidden okay it's a stones I very never seen this type of strange like I've got it that's wonderful it is usually it's kind of covered I don't wanna say translucent I should say from Australia I've never seen this and this was from France yes right the center of France in massive some honey on average all in your Nova those crystals are actually trade solution to tell ya transparently inside there and the inside yeah it's another mine from town the department okay the name of the mine is blue for small it's about 15 kilometers from the block very famous mine and also five kilometers from Mohawk the big open kit also known for blue fluorite this is the upper part of the vein which has been not very much worked at that time so the few right are deeply etched naturally deeply etched I say this is not broken this is kind of really lat I the water dripping bathroom you can see the triangle that's right very very starts what means Samba right on the top and the size of this and blue yeah and the dienes of the color you're wonderful and this has no rights to it it has been founded three years of less than three years ago unbelievable we stopped that painting okay onobu yes from Ethiopia well don't believe that it's a little bit more than 200 grams it was a from the five to six years ago and cut at that time and no no moving of the of the cracks of the opals is that very good oh yeah stable I think this is a good open toe it's beautiful lots of fire in that black old ball they spotted that as soon as they came in the room larger the color that Cabal de and Cal said it so intense the richness yeah I reviewed a moment Carter yeah very very pretty oh yeah these are resource sure are in a cat's eye beautiful is also some solid right twins would you believe that yeah sure is yeah just like a little bush on their beautiful crystals now you said you have a surprise the shows as it is fragile and little bit heavy out well we'll just leave it yes Wow locket down the gorse the fluoride that's the largest crystal I've ever seen from there that's wonderful it's colorless but with a little bit of a tent to green green that is wonderful have you seen or heard of oh I've never seen such a large crystal from that locale I've seen another one but a part only of the crystal and not that quality not that transfer yes these are in fact - yes in control that's right oh yeah Energon cubes there is some valley right on the back okay very few part of pirate ID you can change which is a stable good luck for for the specimen and there is some bubbles from place to place inside yes that is spectacular Wow just well Jimmy that is yeah you know I've seen Jimmy small ones went boy to get a crystal that size as Jimmy as it is wonderful and it's from the very early 90s oh okay congratulations thank you very much again Stewart it's been another you bought tank goes fast it goes we turn everybody says the same thing and it goes faster as you go we've got some lovely things that start up here on the top left that's a fabulous thing Barilla night tourmaline it's an older piece it's been pictured in a couple of books okay and I know of three great Beryl and I turn lanes and that one is my favorite of the three there's only three major ones that I've ever heard of that's one I've ever seen I can't miss that yeah complete crystal Barilla all the way around yeah oh that's beautiful it's the best one out there yeah yeah but it's definitely the best and it shows the termination there absolutely a tourmaline now this looks like a horribly where I thought it is an insanely rare thing so light yes you site and quartz from Brazil and I think there's no question it's the finest Elliott in the world I've never seen anything like it I mean most people who've seen it have no idea even what it is yeah don't blame them because right selling is not a mineral you'll ever see yeah normally their name and knows what you look like and normally white or clear yes look nothing like this has a nice honey color to it yeah this red Burroughs the finest I've seen in few years yeah it's very very hard to get them in this type of quality they're just not around so if somebody's looking for a red burl that's a killer specimen and it's absolutely perfect every one of these crystals are terminated here and I love the red against the white absolutely it's the best combination yes and so often these crystals are buried in the matrix I love the way that one stands at all yeah this is your zero light from Morocco it's from a fairly recent find I think about a year ago but this is the biggest and best one I know uh normally this is a mineral that forms in micro crystals and suddenly you have these usually hazel bah no that's a major major thing holy cow it's fat isn't that beautiful look at that thing now that I've never saved they're rare probably the best one they found there were some smaller ones but nothing like this this is clearly you know that's a beautiful one the color of that cobalt II goethite is crazy yeah absolutely beautiful yeah this is a high right pseudo morph after parrot I don't leave this this is really something look at this look at the quality of the pyrite and how you know just pseudo morph to para tights so yeah so sharply we don't see the for the parasite crystals yeah and the way it displayed itself perfect yeah it looked like you're playing a tam on there well it's a wonderful you know maybe we did that's wonderful now this is the best one of these we've seen that is unbelievable yeah that's kind of a new find it is it's fairly new yeah they're calling it gray baguette I think technically it's really chalcedony yes it's not actually agate but the name is the name but this is the largest one and the finest one that we have seen yet unbeliev and what I love about this is every edge is complete all away piece was hanging down can it set not know plenty of attachment noah said and both sides are equal wow it's an amazing piece and it ends completely cursed alized everything is crystallized very good no that's a wonderful thing this is a quartz cast after Barrett from Colorado oh how neat isn't that nice a wild thing and it's just a complete cast all the way around salutely from the old locality look at that and this is from what part of Colorado that is from or a little swing ride yeah hooray mmm this is a malachite spray on quartz with a little bit of shadow you think and not the cutest Rama will suck somebody just placed it in there because yeah yeah sorry now it's all crystallized that sure did I mean beautiful crystal okay where do you have terminated Malachi exactly and this is primary man okay this isn't the Sunnah morphic type oh that's a wonderful thing yeah we just got that look at the beautiful color on this piece this mineral has always been underestimated this is the best one I've ever seen because not only its deep color you got a light translucency to it and then you got the balls of what it what is Nelson and Nelson I'm just gonna remember and that is a killer specimen and they always you know they gave it a price and everything but it should have always been much more it's very hard that's right yeah that's right I know you had mentioned this piece when you walked in yes because of the strange combination or the the beautiful combination of Florida and born or not yeah you just don't see that on the courts like that yeah see if it was just born it'd be very lovely yeah fine piece and everything but boy with with the law rights like that yeah it's fabulous so we're so strong as Chinese yes y'all got shine is getting some great stuff I'm telling ya I'm huge cinnabar crystal beautiful Jim red on quartz matrix China I'm gonna tell you guys something this is fantastic and it's large Oh little quartz shooting off of there ah that is something there's another one look at the color of that Wow isn't that crazy you know we think of hey light is just a common than all that is not wonderful it's fantastic it's like a fog - you're sure Sonny's into glue these say it looks it's an action you could see it's it's from Poland never seen anything like that yeah it's just a crazy thing wow this is a stunning piece this is from Morenci oh okay because that killer yeah this is an older piece came out about 15 years ago beautiful love the combination of the malachite and azurite that's right it caught my eye beautiful yeah it's a very fine out of camera again Oh fabulous with this type of major major thing yeah yeah oh yeah that's fabulous and to find out how my crystals that big oh yeah size and the matrix and the beauty of it yeah oh yeah that's a wonderful economy oh that's gorgeous Stewart once again Dave until we my pleasure thank you for coming by wonderful exhibit we'll do this again next year if I rock I sweep herb are you there so do you have to show us today is going to be just a few pieces okay because I'll give you guys a teaser I'm putting my collection on display the main show very good so we're going to see each other in about a week at the main yeah yeah and um hopefully we'll be able to go piece by piece and look at that no by all means film it again if it can of course yes but I do have some treasures to show okay very good it's a classic date today classic and contemporary we have the CNC going on Oh native copper killer Wow Michigan of quarrel this is fabulous yeah and look at this triangular fabulous that's a great copper certainly one of the best I've ever seen you know Dave I do worry about coppers like this with you because they do look like chocolate you are gonna break patina sometimes your eyes get bigger yeah you know that's fabulous and look at that as an old timer it's a real old timer I mean look at that thing this is a program they get someone yet see thousand mislead oh my God look at this it's really quite absurd holy cow sorry yeah my god I can't believe this it's the best one I've ever seen HMF are the same clothes when that box was opened up I was like oh my god see you have the singularity shootie no it isn't all bunched up and everything no that's a killer you know something Dave I have a theory and you know we would you were talking before about fluorides courts --is terma lanes listen we've seen thousands of them but when you think about it when you can say that one of these is the best you've ever seen especially for your body of knowledge that's right that makes it almost as rare as a fossil fill light yes because when you think that let's say there are a hundred thousand Celeste Knights in the world yeah if you have one of the top five that's five out of a hundred thousand that's right you know and that infinitely makes it rare that's right right yeah and that's the different type of runs a different type of rarity yeah that's fabulous yeah I just and I never exaggerate I'd most people realize that I tell I know as it is you do tell it as it is yeah I got to give you credit for that especially after a glass of wine there are you right you know what I love you yeah yes I always look forward to our visits and every one of these rooms we see including yours have things of interest this water clear beautiful is that interesting very much yeah that is really something and you see also the twinning is starting here okay oh that's pretty darn good it is a find from 1953 Wow which was then the specimen was inside a vacuum since these days this is an amazing movie tonight oh they're so hard to get tight from pay well that's fantastic because it's such a soft material yeah but do you believe this sharp crystals here I've never seen a like a nice loop of Christo's you see them laying down like platelets but to see a cluster like this very unusual yes I totally agree and look the thing else that's what I say that's wonderful we have been lucky to get some of the world's finest karna light crystals it's Potter's okay yes a very rare mineral in the size that is very unusual this is a little bit hygroscopic that's the reason why we handle this in a vacuum oh when I say we look at this crystals they are perfectly perched on this on this you big halide crystals okay you're the perfect size of the of the karna light how interesting yes so it's a fabulous thing yes and this is a counter light as well probably the world's biggest crystal oh that's look yes well that's something new at the show here beautiful so if you like to see I have some specimens in the back room very good some it in a way yeah one of this best thing is a water clear right from Kerala mine that's wonderful look at this let's be very sharp no repair no restoration here the main crystals on the top slowly it's very beautiful very unusual very big this is a fan a kite we purchased the Switzerland collections with collection do you see this fantastic fan of kite crystals very unusual yes with some they have some chloride on the surface and some entered Rome chloride perfectly terminated sir is yes very unusual yes one I think one of the biggest fan Akkad crystals from dismissal I say I've never seen this habit either yep oh that's a wonderful piece this is all isn't it we think it's they are coming from most of this material is coming from the 50s and 60s okay not that bad yes so it's wonderful silvers are very popular among the collectors just love and you can see why yeah yeah they're very popular beautiful thank you for your confidence gonna see the tarnish yes oh yeah patinas hair cell thanks a lot I see you again and you got some new things that I haven't seen before they were the first time and one that highlights as these wulfenite sfrom china's this is my favorite specimen out here I think that was the best one a lot look at things the size of those crystals but two inch crystalline it's in great shape too in wonderful shape got it they they say this is three thousand miles from where these guys are from you know what I mean - get them transported back safely and everything is just edible you have to hand it off and you know there's very as fragile as that is there's very little damage on a lot of these pieces out you know unbelievable they they really collected them well well that's wonderful Wow no he's like these native silver yeah you think about classics that's what you you know you've got that's fantastic dan I noticed why I was sitting there waiting to talk to you got a wonderful case of thumbnail special yes oh yes now we like the little rocks and you've got a multitude of than high quality pieces let me show you the best one in yeah that oh that would be great I'm just gonna leave it kind of in the plastic there's a German Proust a well beautiful yeah beautiful oh there's a killer not only is it the character of a loop like that but it's all crystallized yeah it's a crystallize yeah wire I had is fantastic totally off the wall miniature that the miniature collectors would die oh yeah that's that's a miniature salute like this is one I actually I brought back I bought a few silvers and this I made the guy throw the simple hot and I boys K I've kept it back I think that is just wonderful wow that is some very unusual gets how that stood time without just breaking that's amazing the thing looks like it's look at this thing so brilliant oh that it is it's just like a piece of jewelry yeah it's cutter stone look at that it's all in that draw well you can't get a better luster than that and Adam specimen you know we've been looking at some classics we have a pretty good old German classic let me show you I've got it back here okay it's a power - right from Saxony oh wow seam specimen my god I bought its younger brother about 20 years ago and when I bought it the guy think was kind of surprised I would buy it because of the money that he'd ask you know and he told me he had a better one but he wouldn't show it to me 20 years later I finally got to see it and get it very good I'm gonna just hold it because they're very temperature sensitive or gorse that's down - gorgeous yes I'm gonna hold on to it okay but look at that I think of that thing all the way around I can't remember where I've seen a larger single crystal just yeah just for perfection and the clarity damn thank you wonderful job wonderful pieces yeah thanks always a pleasure to get to see you guys and see your wonderful minerals keep up the good work we will try [Music] fine how are you doing I see some spectacular things really did a beautiful job that's really nice of you joy and I say a lot of funny things recently there have been some exemplary discoveries of born a night in Bolivia honestly I think they hold up against the finest Cornwall Herod's foot born a Knights they certainly do it's four sizes these are large thick lustrous cogwheel twin vessels this particular piece is one of my favorites because of the orientation of the crystals and the fact that there's no damage on the display side wonderful well you know for years my dad was interested in metamorphic minerals you know he collected stuff from the Alps and there's a metamorphic deposit in Afghanistan that's been known for thousands of years it's the famous lapis locality in Afghanistan this is not lapis this is actually a opsite crystal butte we can put a little bit of backlight oh yeah you see the color coming through that green yes electric color and for the thickness of the crystal it's the fact that it's that jemmye and sharp and it's not distorted you know usually you get a diopside this size and it looks like a lump but to have a crystal that how big is that you think that's 2 inches that's pretty close to 2 inch that's pretty close it's not from a pegmatite everyone always associates Pakistan and Afghanistan with your topaz your torian's your aquas your sahaja means from a metamorphic deposit it's pretty cool yeah take a look at that Wow so dye up Ches that's a huge thing huge cristão robust Jemmy emerald green and the brown on there is actually macho might we have iron it's not rush there's another mineral it's mantra okay but for the size of it have you seen a bigger single crystal of died off days in your life no so we saved the biggest ones on the best one for the end here now Saru side i think wouldn't you think this was tsumeb yes it's the same locality as the other ones but Jemmy are crystals and in some cases nearly transparent crystals with like you said chelated Saru say and just sparkling luster I mean this thing glistens in the light the color is what you'd expect from good dye optics regardless of where it's from that's for that color isn't what entices collectors it's so pretty okay Dave we're done with colorful stuff we're getting stuff without color here to a double scale it's a skull double scull of native copper finish again very very rare when they're double right we've seen thousands of skulls yeah but to find two grown together like this no big deal yeah and I've never seen one I don't know how many you've seen in your life with two grown together like maybe one or two if you want it for sure one yeah and you've been around minerals since what year 65 years 65 years worth looking at rocks and I can honestly say you may only see one or two of these in your life that's right that's incredible now a few years ago and down the horse nor Russia they made a discovery of what they call Ice Cube fluorides yeah and these crystals are colorless but what's really interesting is we always associate fluorite with color right why because there's impurities in the fluorite that actually give them their color that's right this is chemically speaking some of the most pure fluorite you'll see from anywhere in the world make sure there's nothing else in there to cause the coloration to show on them as you rotate the piece around you'll see almost every single square millimeter totally crystallized no damage each specimen and the crystals are gem quality in areas completely transparent when they have small dodecahedral modifications along the edges there that's wrong for a cabinet and this is more than account there's a large cabinet display piece I've never seen one with such little damage and honestly I don't know if there's any damage I looked at it with a loo I can't find a flea bite on this thing or a Wilbur you know how I love my Bolivian minerals you know how I love myself assaults I got something cool here for you do you know what this is it can't remember but it's a this is also it's a lead silver silver salt Android's okay in indirect and about 13 years ago in 2004 I was fortunate enough to bring the finest examples of and right back to the US from Bolivia okay the largest most lustrous fine quality crystals of born and I ever seen yes and as I'm sure everybody saw when you rotated it there's a tiny crystal of a very rare mineral called Ferro cast right which is related to stay night but these were analyzed by Bob downs at the University of Arizona and they are confirmed Ferro cast right to have a Ferro cast right on and ray the rarity is multiplied by a factor of 10 combined with the extremely high quality of the and right crystal size luster color and the fact that it's undamaged makes it not only one of the best Association pieces I've had from Bolivia but it makes it a specialty for anybody collecting rare minerals because there really is only a few places in the world you get good crystallized and right and considering these came out nearly well in fifteen years going back and almost I don't think we'll ever see anything quite like this again or maybe not in our life never seen anything like this oh you're doing good I'm doing my best would be very proud of you if he was alive today that means a lot thanks I really appreciate that year went so fast it seemed like it was a couple weeks ago weeks ago that's right the older you get the faster the time goes I understand that very much you've been working hard again and that you get in very fine minerals maybe you're doing well thank you so let's see what you have today okay okay all right we have some new China pieces some Chinese gold pieces will be acquired and I'll show you this one this has some very nice crystals on it so you can see the octahedron various forms of gold there it's a really excellent piece and because it wouldn't be as more of a native gold as in the core in the quartz that's correct these are coming out of China [Music] now this is somebody China is not aware that their old specimens like this that's quite spectacular were sat from that's from Italy Tuscany Italy in 2008 a gentleman by the name of Gianni Bizet II collected a 3 by 2 by 2 foot block of rock and it yielded three large specimens of STIB Knights and several small specimens this is one of the three large specimen very good it was all encased in calcite so you'll look in the middle of the specimen you'll see the little bit of yes ok it was all it's doubt of the calcite share this with you this is the withering at wind weather right from the southern Illinois cave in rock and it has this doubly terminated lead sure and as almost like a butterfly look to it yes twinning twin that way and fall so twin this way so it's unbelievable I haven't seen that yeah I had some hand-picked specimens I wanted to share with you over here ok most people would not recognize this I don't believe but that is ink tenzin paint tanzanite yes I've never seen one that's good with this rich color I've seen them blue and this one is really fantastic you'll see a little blue right down here at the bottom yeah and this was mined about two months ago it's found in October so it's a very recent there's about 1 in every 10,000 pieces that come out that that turned out three things extremely rare my wife and I were absolutely stunned when we saw this piece and we acquired it immediately this is through sight but this is through sight from the combat mine yep and as you know they never I've never seen one this large that's wonderful most the material from the combat was destroyed and in blasting or it came out of got damaged so they're not there's one find of one group of material that was saved and so it's so rare to find if you look on MnDOT there's only ten pictures of suicides from from this combat yeah the rare blue the sought-after blue yeah that's a wonderful specimen it's all complete yes no damn I leave this thing nice nicely oh absolutely I've never seen anything like this with blue on it let that I know people have seen these before but this is a road across - you're wanting yes that is really spectacular piece beautiful this came out of an old collection Europe as well they grabbed this up so fast when they discovered it now it just disappeared yeah that's about three inches across eight centimeters thank you so much coming in hope to see you next year [Music] doing good to see you I would like to point out this wonderful room here from jag 2 lakh out of Afghanistan you bring that out or is that sure it's out of the will hire man collection he was famous for only collecting one mouth and that have never seen a better one yeah it's about the best one I've ever always well absolutely that's from jaga like that I understand yeah yeah it's just wonderful sitting there right now oh yeah beautiful cluster crystals yeah well why don't we go in the back and I'll show you some of the wonderful nice things you have that these are nice but this is a wonderful little azurite specimen I mean for Sardinia it's fantastic yes it is and it just sits right there perfect perfect yep no damage obviously we get wowed and sound by the other more famous localities but I mean for Sardinia this is very fine you don't miss miss Knight and their quality very often especially the whole velvetiness that deep rich color yes a lot of times they're more pale or they just think they don't have any luster they're dull do they still call us the nickname turkey fat you know I haven't heard that before what I like the name I feel like that would be a pretty ugly specimen yeah but if you flip it over they've they've done level oh then it's a wonderful slice so I mean it's it's that's right oh isn't that something that's a beautiful thing look at all jean in there a solution wow it's pretty flawless yellow very very very Jemmy water clear yep just love the texture oh it's wonderful but they wrote a pro set yeah from cement from Schwalm is got the jersey court set of hollow thinkin beautiful just a really nice cabinets and this isuh sure is so how about a small Burmese topaz David wow that's wonderful this is actually I've in armored spot in Tucson before oh it was displayed in my collection Oh 2008 I believe and so now it's for sale this is a gem Japanese Road Runners to say wow isn't that a jewel for this size it's the best I've ever seen with these somewhat balls and this is a wonderful thing yeah it's very very different Harry yes very much so normally they're more flat oh yeah wait it's kind of like this but this Center that really stands how much character well this is a killer preusse type from Germany from the world yes it is what a fine miniature specimen it's so hard to get these very rarely do you get these fine crew snakes literally on matrix like that see there's something else exactly okay that's a perfect condition now these are very rare now it most the time it's a loose Christo of some sort but to get them on matrix like that a cluster then perfect manager this is a Thompson ight from India okay oh it's from India and it's alright isn't that just heat just barely attached right there oh it's amazing but it is attached when do you think that came out do you have any idea you know they they told me they found quite a few of these but not most of them are white or or almost colorless oh and and it came out maybe in 2015 by the time I got it it was late 2016 actually yeah so beautiful but just a wonderful piece yeah here we have a wonderful Jonas mind terminal in that they did that is double terminated terminated right I would you believe this they get something thick it's very didn't difficulties dear little quartz on it very hard to get these term liens from this location in a small size they're usually big big things to get a small one like that let alone a double terminated one on the termination of this one and usually these things are much larger very hard to get the small ones I've seen very few and this is about as good as I seen in a nice small cabinet size because of this beautiful kite more suitable what a wonderful thing after a jury yes I would have that right in my collection doubly terminated one right in front a little V absolutely wonderful what a beautiful piece yes it is and that's from CM assume have it is something very good a 200 mm 185 grams Wow double terminated Kunz Inez motion on your line when did this come out that's from the big kahuna pocket the date I'm gonna forget exactly buddy on it's over ten years ago now see I never I heard about it the first time I've seen like this has to be the best one it's the best one unbelievable the fact that this has terminated that's termination right it's altar medium the bottom is terminator and it's just the color Torre's color is so good well that wraps it up well congratulations [Music] well as you know this Diwali those fallen deposit in Ukraine is it's probably that the best location worldwide for the yessir doors and these were produced as a byproduct during the russian tiles in the Cold War when they read the Russians were operating the amazing pegmatite Oh in this gem field for rampant electric courts which they used in the for the military well the Russians had very little interest in the with you Emilia doors and the the topaz to Jim topaz on this deposit last year we started negotiating and we're now operating the deposit for gemstones so we work with Crystal classics is mining again and we started to produce some of the nice heliodoro beautiful and topaz over the next few years you know as part of what's hot at the shows we're gonna be able to show you a step-by-step account of what's happening at the volatize tube that's very good I like that it's a very different rich shade of green it really is and it's quite incredible to consider yes but both that specimen and that specimen came out you know a few metres apart okay here the color is some yeah this year's a little bit rough yeah and this particular pocket produced about 20 kg one of the usual thing things that this pocket had shown with this this it's almost like it's not twinning but it's almost like a twinning indentation termination of the very difference yes yes it is this is also you this is a specimen we've just recently trimmed it up yeah this was that little film topaz and a different color in here with a blue that's unusual yeah this is wonderful this is from a three shaft and the Helia tours are from number two channels okay and this has recently been being trimmed up and it's a great combo oh yeah ask avoid must face the most great crystal yes and this bicolored topaz beautiful beautiful combination we all know where germany you know the Czech Republic and let's go for great camp fights but how about that for a table you like caught this immediately you can tie it you got a little silver warriors growing edges yes you do yeah you actually do uh-huh yeah sure no there's a wonderful cluster of sharp large crystal and the crystals and the specimen itself is large heavy yes oh yeah the glass and much as your Sheriff David this is from a British wanted yeah beautiful yeah that's somebody's big cluster of and you got a little dusting of Jersey yes that's for elation see Miss a killer oh yeah they give them this size Mehmet I this is a jewel perfect miniature very difficult to get these a good crystals sharp and large very good it's off to get this is actually the manga now and sniffs noise that came from the oxidation level then in sumup this is this is one of the rarer different one of the rarer types of Smith's mines beautiful very distinct colours colours so different yeah very distinct hello yeah I haven't I've seen this very pale pale pale but this color is really more intense than other ones I've seen in of the Smurfs a night I'm very proud of this I just think it's a nutty smell you don't more species on hit David let's see if you can name them all oh my goodness they're muscovite a drones all bite very something else oh that thing might be some thoughts a coating I'm not a mineralogist but no it's nice I think but it's unusual because you're the laser suppose you've got the the feldspar as you yeah this is epididymitis yeah yeah this is air come Chris okay bye Cruiser cosmos things little Christmases sake this is a really superb priest like from the army vet waves or I can see whole from the image of mine in Morocco yes move up on that brain if he can there's a lot of crystal sir it's that's kind of our Africa case that gives you a bit of a taste of our area and this is an old one from Y Hill for mine and see that Saxony in Germany Wow mm-hmm beautiful intent that certainly is beautiful and then this is from the same burning districts but so be different different mine Oh for pete's is an thing in there it looks like it's over oh for God's sake it's and they did you believe it looks like one of those fossils that I don't know what they would call him but here it's it is actually native silver yep it's yeah you can tell a little bit when you get into the light right that's a wild thing not something you see every day totally different yep and wrote a snit same same Barney districts arranged my bereaved mine and this is one of the famous priests ice and any bugger famous for look at the color oh it's wonderful yeah you just don't see that size matrix wonderful this is but really unusual I'm not sure if Brian can pick it up but this native silver from from the Freiburg area in Germany is overgrown with little cubes of pyrite which is extraordinary so would you actually take it in the right light you can see these little cubes apartheid growing all over the silver Wildcat it's just an extraordinary specimen a great mineral so appreciate it Thanks [Music] today nice seeing you to be in Tucson yeah welcome aboard and I hear you've got some neat things the shots we got some nice flow rates from Angela Cory that most people don't see that's right and collected these over many years and I brought them to show and appreciate with all the you know the mineral people what we have very good zoo and it's nice glossy surfaces and it has a blueish phantom inside of it and the size is unusual because it's about like an inch and a quarter hi most of the crystals are about like an inch I say it's a very unusual locality from it's because there's only myself collecting and my brother were the only ones that really have but the majority of the crystals we lived close to the quarry and so we could get into the quarry and and collect as much as we could yes to save for appreciation and to show yes this is a perfect thumbnail yeah and this is this is a typical size about one inch yes and clear faces in sharp mm-hmm beautiful the other crystals that come from here that are for the right they were etched so we got a match okay but are the nice luster and the blue color yeah now that's a typical the size you know almost an inch and a half but at one inch on the top surface and clear in pristine there's a few little marks on it but and then on the side here there's on this backside do some of the dolomite that white that white crystal on the backside his daughter there was collected in the 60s Oh would you believe that this piece this piece there and they're found and they're found in what's called the Lockport dolomite and it's a Penfield formation and we're talking about the Silurian period which is about you know four hundred and 50 million years ago and this is one of my favorites with the by the matrix is dolomite door-stone it's dolomite calcium magnesium carbonate and it's multicolored I say anthing it has the zone there's a red line around the outside it's in the outside is yellow and these are these are icons from Penfield only oh the only place there's another query 15 miles away in in Walworth but they're all blue they don't have any of the zones of a red line in and a yellow final you know formation you know saying so this did this is my legacy yeah that's right [Music] you [Music]
Channel: bluecapproductions
Views: 19,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mineral, collecting, quartz, fluorite, calcite
Id: KId9doi4Mek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 19sec (8239 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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