What's happening in Splatoon 3's story? [My Predictions]

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it's been about a week since the trailer dropped first platoon 3 and we all lost our collective minds in explosive excitement i mean it's been almost four years since the second game came out and it's clear the franchise has been a successful one for nintendo a third in the series was inevitable splatoon is mostly known for its multiplayer aspects a healthy growing competitive scene and its art style but there are people who may not be quite as familiar with the lore and yes there is splatoon lore now i've watched the trailer several times and i know i and a lot of splatoon content creators are gonna have a lot to say as we eagerly await additional news i'll likely be doing additional videos about different things from the trailer but today i want to talk about something that kept gnawing at the back of my mind over the weekend until i couldn't stop thinking about it what the hell happened here let's back it up a bit most of the pieces of lore we have come from the single player campaigns in splatoon 1 splatoon 2 and the octo expansion dlc of the second game along with some bits from official art books in this video i'm going to talk about what i think is going to happen in the story for splatoon 3. granted we only have a little bit of info about this new game at the moment so these are guesses and nothing more but i am so excited the splatoon 3 trailer opens with a mad max vibe with an inkling taking off their hood i love the greater representation in this customization process by the way and then we spot next to them none other than what a salmonid haven't we been hunting those this whole time in salmon run as a part-time job at grizzco our little buddy seems to be abnormal and that it has formed a symbiotic relationship with our character whereas most salmonids are still known to be dangerous or at least i think they'll still be dangerous in the third game in the splatoon 2 salmon run co-op mode we're attacked by hordes of salmonid creatures while we take their eggs for mr grizz our boss who pays us for our work now i've made a lot of jokes about capitalism when streaming salmon run but before we get into what i think might happen in splatoon 3's story mode we need to talk about what a great idea nintendo came up with for salmon run a salmon run is an actual thing in real life but instead of squid and octokids grabbing eggs to give to a bear bear's statue we've never actually seen mr grizz it's an annual period when salmon swim uprivers to lay eggs for future fish to spawn grizzly bears will often hunt salmon during this period as the fish go upriver fun fact adult salmon in the wild eats squid so in splatoon we have a bear using squid kids as bait to haunt salmonids that's not nice no wonder he's such a terrible boss dare i say could he be the antagonist in splatoon 3's story campaign after all we haven't actually seen him and i don't think bears actually exist in this setting anymore considering they're not sea creatures there's even a tie into the octarians of splatoon 1 and 2's story campaign because as we know from the splatoon 2 art book the salmonids and octarians have formed a commercial agreement and are trading salmon at eggs for the octarian technology but because the golden eggs are precious to salmonids they don't trade those those very same golden eggs we gather in salmon run so to what end does mr grizz need these golden eggs and why are they so precious to the salmonids what if mr grizz has a connection to the octarians what if he is one so far our story campaigns have focused heavily on the conflict between the inklings and the octolings in the great turf wars splatoon 2's octo dlc finally introduced playable octolings and went deeper into lore about marina being one of the octolings who broke free of dj octavio's brainwashing of the octolings to do his bidding by the end it seems like octolings are more accepted in inkopolis i feel like that story is mostly complete now there were already a few things before splatoon 3's trailer that supported the idea of more salmonid lore in a future game or expansion team chaos won the final spot fest and we know from splatoon 1 that the final splatfest of the game impacts the next game in the chaos versus order announcement we saw on pearl's chaos side a salmonid which makes sense from their design they look kind of primitive like they're less evolved than the inklings and octolings then at the end of 2019 we got an official image celebrating the new year of 2020 before any of us had any clue what 2020 would be like with a hidden message of save our salmons i was actually expecting us to get some kind of splatoon news last year but with the pandemic it's understandable that timetables for game development got shifted around and now with a small fry clearly being in the game the salmonids must play more than a minor role in the story mode right this opens up so many possibilities what if this salmonid becomes more than a cute little friend what if it develops greater sentience through the story what if this is a preview for a playable summited character or samuted npcs what if something in the world is finally forcing them to stay on land and evolve we know that the setting for splatoon seems to be on our earth albeit a post-apocalyptic one sunken scrolls from the previous story campaigns have showed us that over 12 000 years ago sea levels rose dramatically and resulted in the eradication of much of life including all of humanity pearl and marina sometimes even joke about humans in a sort of i wonder if they ever existed sort of way and there were human remains said to have been found buried with game consoles as said in the sunken scrolls at least then two thousand years ago the water levels receded and creatures previously from the sea had to adapt to being on land hence our inklings and octolings as we know them now post evolution while inklings and octolings can't survive in water anymore the salmonids can but what if there's something about the splatlands being in an arid desert climate that would maybe force the salmonids to come onto land or what if mr grizz is doing something to them to satiate his greed so we find ourselves back at the eiffel tower upside down in the sand while some people have tweeted about this being the tower from splatoon 1 if you look at the structure it is most definitely the eiffel tower and while i know there was a tweet from the nintendo of europe account in 2016 with a picture of callie and marie by the eiffel tower i don't think that's particularly canon as it was promotional art celebrating a squid sisters concert at japan expo 2016 in france but it's one of several things we can see glimpses of in previous games are left over from humanity's time on earth in the octo dlc tartar attacks with a massive statue in the form of a human in salmon run there's a destroyed shuttle in the background of the arc polaris map and wait a second what is that okay okay i know that last part might be reaching but hey it's flummoxed me for years but it's clear that the salmonids have been a threat to the inklings for a while in a sunken scroll from splatoon 2 story mode there's an image of a weirdly biblical apocalyptic event from the book of madai a fictional text in game depicting what looks like two inklings running from a salmonid horde while seven rings open from the sky the text accompanying this scroll is when smoke rises from the seven rings the pink fish will emerge from the sea devouring all the creatures of the land the book of moderate chapter 10 verse 10. this and a few other scrolls are about salmon run and i'm hoping that this darker lore we see from the scrolls ends up becoming relevant in splatoon 3's story is there going to be a salmon attack on the splatlands or are we going to fight mr grizz and protect our friend what if by the end we make peace with the salmonids it would be really sweet for us to reconcile differences with this other race and work together in splatsville and after all there's clearly something shady about mr grizz while a lot of this is me spitballing i'm certain the salmons are going to play a larger role in splatoon 3 than they did in splatoon 2. i wonder if we'll still have a salmon run mode to play with friends wouldn't it feel terrible to go kill the brethren of little buddy no we can't have that whatever the story ends up being i can't wait to see more splatoon 3 announcements leading up to its release next year do you think i'm way off base with my guesses what do you think is going to happen or what would you like to see happen this has been such a blast to think about and i love chatting about splatoon so if there's anything i didn't mention that you'd like to chat about you can hit me up in my streams on twitch i stream about three days a week with a variety of games but i do play splatoon at the very least once a week i'm even doing a charity campaign starting tomorrow with fun splatoon incentives so come on by that's it for me in this video thanks for watching and don't forget to stay off the hook [Music] you
Channel: Rose of Battle
Views: 3,339
Rating: 4.9340658 out of 5
Keywords: splatoon, salmonid, nintendo, splatoon 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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