What's Gumball Turned In To Now?| The Box | Gumball | Cartoon Network

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[Music] did anyone order anything nah this was the credit card company's answer when i asked if i can order things online it's been like that for three days i think they're working in shifts well it was delivered to our door so [Music] opening other people's mail is a crime oh why is there always a law against everything i wanna do because the last thing you wanted to do was move into the supermarkets you could eat for free uh if the food enters your body and exits it while still in the supermarket it's technically not stealing hmm come on am i the only one who wants to open the box opening other people's mail is like staring at the sun the more people tell you shouldn't do it the more you just gotta richard we're over here oh yeah sorry now kids there's plenty of fun things we could do to take our mind off opening the box just think outside the box play some music on the boombox maybe go watch a boxing match or just open the box wait i think i know what it is it's a teleportation gun how could you possibly know what a fictional object sounds like uh what does a laser sword sound like box open we're not opening it oh come on think about how this could benefit society and enrich our lives gumball i told you to take out the garbage i'm not sure i'm comfortable with this speak for yourself [Music] hi mom what are you doing i just found a way to avoid walking are you sure that thing is safe i think so what makes you say that uh probably that weird thing on your nose it seems teleportation is dangerously affecting your dna so you're saying i'm getting super powers no that's a rather specific interpretation of what i just said but you're not saying that i won't indeed but i would say there is a 99.9 chance you will turn into a cyst-like pile of flesh with tongues where there shouldn't be tongues oh right i i understand good finally so you're saying there's a 0.01 chance that i could get superpowers hey dude looks like you've been teleporting a lot whoa what's that i've been trying to get super powers i wanted to fly so i took a bird through the portal but instead now i can lay eggs then i tried to get invisibility so i took a chameleon through and now i could like a million eggs and then i tried to get super jump so i took a frog through hand now you can lay yeah so uh i decided to take something that couldn't lay eggs and tada ah a laser pointer did it work you sure did check this out laser vision oh great now i can see exactly where you're looking but maybe you should focus on your efforts on the aesthetic side of superheroes you know maybe look a little less like that you're right i need to merge with something that looks super cool okay wait a minute i'm just gonna say what we're all thinking please do are you gonna finish that fictional food that's on your plate what no why did you choose to merge with a cockroach just imagine what i could do with the powers of a nuclear-resistant parasite repel girls even more i still don't know what it is but i know what i wish it [Music] we was have to worry about the end of the month again yeah i could get a submarine to school every day but there's no water between here at school we'll buy some exactly i can finally call myself retired instead of unemployed come on let's go mom where are you taking us you see such a large amount of cash is bound to belong to somebody shady and it's very likely to send someone to retrieve it [Music] wait so now we're on the run from a hitman exactly [Music] so now we have to live every day like it's our last yes but isn't that a good philosophy to have carpe diem i think i know how he's tracking us i'm sorry i'm just so scared not bad there must be some better tracking device in the money
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 8,817,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, the amazing world of gumball baby anais, baby anais commercial, gumball commercial break, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, gumball jealousy, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon network, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball funny moments, gumball cartoon network, cartoons, the amazing world of gumball (tv program), Darwin's Yearbook
Id: oq8PqEWH9sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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