What's Going On With Threads and Twitter?

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guess what I also did on the plane I spilled water on it okay there's a water bottle in the little thing next to my seat and when I popped it open it was a metal water bottle for some reason and it like fell onto the phone and it cracked the bottle open and it just started pouring all over the phone and I picked it up and I was like well that's the end of this phone shook it out like unplugged it from oh my God it's fine it's totally fine um all right what is up people of the internet welcome back to another episode of the waveform podcast back to your regularly scheduled format we're your hosts I'm Marquez I'm Andrew and uh David as you can tell is currently not here he's out he's I think he's taking some pictures in the Pacific Northwest somewhere so we'll see him when he gets back yeah follow him on Instagram because he's posting a lot of them and they're yeah pretty sick so far with some previews of those yeah but in today's episode we have a little bit of Twitter versus threads round two I've got some thoughts is it round two we've definitely talked about them like specifically once yeah it feels like it's sort of a second wave of Twitter versus yeah I think so yeah but we also have a little bit of a hype or not game to play at the end so it's not a full game show episode but we still hooking we've done it before and I think people liked it it's a lot of fun to just like speculate about things that are maybe too hyped or not hyped enough yeah I like playing hype versus not hype games yeah uh but first we did both we traveled we did you did something pretty cool I had a had a trip right so you went to to It's called The open right open the open and the couple days before the open was something called the open Invitational okay first time they've ever done it so some of you guys may or may not know this but I'm a golfer I've been a golfer for and I actually someone asked me this and I heard this part yeah I've been a golfer for 20 years isn't it wild that we're at a point in our life that you can say you've done something I've been snowboarding for like 23 years at this point and I thought about that like whoa that's weird to say it's weird yeah I've been golfing for 20 years uh I'm not as good as you would think as someone old when you say is that a sound bite when you say out loud that you've been doing something for 20 years you think you're really good at it I'm I'm not I've been playing on and off and obviously we have all the stuff that we do but uh my first love my first sport so it was super cool to be able to play on the golf course that is in Championship condition because the open the major is being played there uh basically as we speak and uh it was actually sort of a practice round Day so a lot of the pros showed up I walked through security right in front of Phil Mickelson put it on the putting green with him and it was like a new event to sort of hype it up a little bit so it was a sort of a teams format and a bunch of invited sort of celebrity guest people uh and we played a scramble and we played the whole course and it was amazing that's really awesome you guys won too right and we won the scramble that's awesome yeah I'll tell you what there's nothing like first tea Jitters when there's there's first tea Jitters in like any sport where you like first arrive and like hit your first shot or hit the court for the first time take a first shot but when you're not used to playing in front of a crowd the amplifier of like people watching you you don't get to appreciate on TV how many people there are and how close they are to you you can hear people mutter things under their breath it's that close to you and um they've been watching making this shot they've been also but they've been watching professionals the whole day yeah amazing shots and then we walk up and we're like sorry guys this is gonna be a little worse than that but no it was sick it came on the tail end of a ADL doubleheader in Colorado and Salt Lake that we uh also won both games that's awesome and you can watch um you can watch that it was live streamed right I skimmed through and tried to watch all of your shots and I don't know golf but they looked pretty solid the announcers liked it yeah yeah I played okay obviously we won we had a great team shout out to Catherine she was the best player of the entire she had a nasty shot yeah yeah she had a six shot uh she hold out for Eagle on the last hole in front of the whole crowd it was Unreal so yeah go watch that it'll be on YouTube we'll put that link in the show notes if you want to check it out you also went on your uh you rescheduled it um I went to Grand Teton National Park in Yellowstone National Park and it was like beautiful tons of animals I posted some photos some really crazy Wildlife photos I never thought I'd be able to get in my life where design photos rented an awesome ones yeah of a grizzly bear I have a couple grizzly bear shots which is pretty cool yeah um I'm actually making a video for the studio Channel right now um kind of about some of the tech that I like to bring because I talk about hiking way too much on the podcast so I figured let's get it all in one video so I can maybe shut up about it for like a few months and then we'll get all the gear all the nerding out of it exactly yeah so that'll that'll be up there soon but we also just posted another video on the studio channel that was like a total Banger from Ellis his his first solo hosted video um do you want to tell us a little bit about it no okay but go watch it definitely go watch it it's really good it's really funny and really insightful I I like learning experience yeah but the week I was supposed to be on vacation I missed a little bet that you guys had and Adam just posted it on shorts and I wanted to kind of get in on this because I missed get in on the Cyber truck on the Cyber truck bed yeah okay so I think the BET was 25 non-employees received delivery by the end of 2023 yeah well it actually happened I say yes everyone else said no I'm going to agree with you on this one actually which thank you come on hit the Buzzard I know you're looking for it yeah man I'm telling you so yes I agree with you I still think it'll be like under a hundred I think it's going to be a very small amount I don't think it's going to be a lot uh so we're all excited about it and everyone on Twitter is like oh my God it's coming brother just got announced in 2019 like oh no I don't know I know you're not I just need to say it like we're excited but like man this thing was out there and I was just thinking like how many other EV pickup trucks have come out since that since they got announced and just like the lead they thought they were gonna have in the pickup space world and how much they blew that lead away it's been really interesting I don't know how much I thought it would matter that they were first to be an EV pickup truck like yes rivian came out like before them and that was their thing was they were the first Evie pickup truck basically ship and I don't know how much it helps to be the first one if it's a hundred thousand dollars and then the F-150 Lightning comes out and I am seeing a lot of them on the road and it's an F-150 so it should be popular but the Cyber truck also has I don't know how many I'll Google it how many million pre-orders are there for the Cyber truck uh I mean a hundred dollar refundable also pre-order is like a weird which for Tesla is a great little four-year interest-free loan they got um but yeah yeah I do think it I kind of think it is pretty important especially if you're not a company known for doing pickup trucks so I think the fact that rivian got in there first probably helped rivian quite a bit to be able to say first EV pickup is and then when Ford comes out like you know people who are Ford loyal are going to go for it yeah yeah they had a ton of people in line we were talking to Ford about this they had like tons of people pre-ordering F-150 Lightning and for many of them it was their first truck and for many of them it was their first Ford and so you know just like getting an EV just changes the equation for a lot of people so yeah I think cyber truck it's still going to come out in this uh sort of newish age of EVs and yeah I think it's going to have an impact uh it kind of reminds me of a hot take that I'm going to talk about in a hot day video yeah which I kind of want to spoil a little bit because I think it's one of the funniest ones just do it let's send it okay one of the hot takes that um I'm gonna address in the video with a little more Precision than this is someone said this cyber truck is going to outsell the F-150 by 2026. can I confirm the F-150 or the F-150 Lightning the F-150 I did the same thing that person is optimistic I would say that person is I don't even know a nice way to say it that's one of the dumbest takes I've ever heard so you can convert yourself 20 26 so three years so okay but think of it this way if you're a Tesla fan and you see this is the I'm going to the most optimistic route right okay there's a million and a half pre-orders of the Cyber truck right now right let's say they start shipping at the end of this year and they make them all in the first two years and by the time they start making them the third year they have another million people order so by 2026 they they shipped all the pre-orders and they're gonna make another million new orders that would put it on Pace to match the F-150 now the chances that they actually ramp up production that fast and sell all the ones and nobody cancels and they sell all the ones they made and make another million orders very very low but the F-150 sells like 600 to 900 000 every single year and it's the most successful vehicle in America so if you're saying it's going to overtake the most successful vehicle for the past 40 years running in three years you're an optimist and it's probably a hot take and I like that it's hot but it's probably not going to happen yeah there's I just don't think there's any shot that that happens I mean it's it's four years of pre-orders right that and even that is barely what Ford actually sells honestly I think the most of the pre-orders happen in the first year I do think so also but that's why I don't see that pre-orders getting finished and x amount more coming in like you hit a very huge part of the ones that you think you're gonna sell those aren't all gonna sell and then you're not going to get a higher influx once it actually comes out especially with now r1t Ford F-150 Lightning I'll say that the Hummer pickup truck but like I don't think that's much and the Silverado is already getting test driven by journalists now so like there's quite a few I think that comes out probably around the same time and there's a lot there's other options at this point don't forget the Lord's Town yeah if you're not watching the video version I'm sorry for that I don't actually mean that there's a but uh we were talking this morning because I wanted to say it's interesting how many pickup EVS got announced and delivered since the Cyber truck got announced and I thought the rivian was announced after but it was actually a year before before the Cyber truck which I didn't realize and I think that just kind of goes to prove that when you're an EV company no one knows about and you announce the truck no one takes it seriously because to me until the rivian started like showing up I didn't really take them seriously so this Lordstown stuff like no part of me considers this a thing that I'm going to ever see until I start actually seeing that's totally fair I think the difference is with rivian it was their first ever vehicle and so it's hard to take anything they do seriously until they start shipping their first ever oh yeah and that's true about Friday future and that's true about Lordstown and that's true about so many others but why I think it's different with Tesla is it's not their first rodeo agree which is why when I see them starting to test mules and roll around camo versions of it it seems like they're actually ramping up to something real or the others I could never prove that yeah I agree I think you clarified what I meant there is more like these new EV companies as their just first EV in general like Tesla's been around for longer but it's also been four years so maybe I shouldn't have given them as much trust as I thought I did but it's impossibly hard to make an EV tracking world but it's a simple stamp that so many fleets they can just stamp out a bunch of them that's why the designs like that this thing is is a six thousand pound Guillotine with electric motors I will say I mean like this is true and I think it's weird because I keep hearing this about the Cyber truck but like the Hummer EG and the rivian are both over seven thousand I think the the Hummer eating might be nine fifty nine thousand the battery is six thousand yeah and it's bigger than a cyber truck and it's admittedly it's not sharp on the corners like that's definitely a difference and I don't know how that plays into these tests or whether it'll get pulled yeah it also has crumple zones the the Cyber truck they're really big on the fact that like this thing won't crumple it'll just go through despite having a front truck whatever you hit which is good for the occupant but not whatever you hit it's good for the occupant in theory right assuming you just do go clean through but remember that the whole point of a crumple zone is to slow you down it's to send energy around the vehicle past the passenger compartment so there is a very realistic chance that your truck will be perfectly fine and you will be like a Chef Boyardee can and you're like the windows are bulletproof so you won't go through them yeah don't worry you'll just Splat up against them I feel like I should say before the Tesla boys come out too late the the the model 3 and the model S are some of the safest cars money can buy biggest crumple zones in any Vehicles yeah the nhtsa says like those are at the top of the charts so maybe they've got some tricks up their sleeve but to me this just seems like they should make this illegal to drive around schools right there's like there's no way any grade schooler could survive getting hit by a Tesla truck which is so high off the ground they couldn't see them anyway I don't know how different it'll be than the Hummer EV the thing even just outside of EVS the trucks and like SUVs were driving in America are so dangerous towards pedestrians everywhere and we let them drive all the time like I just don't see anyone actually stopping the Cyber truck as being any more dangerous as these the amount of times I've almost been like clipped on the side of a sidewalk in town because some lifted pickup truck I was just in Uber yeah in in the city and we were in like a Denali or a Yukon XL or something and it's just like riding in it I'm just like we are we are Kings of the road right yeah this is insane they're so high and they have such a big front and like front grille and everything it's hard to see over and if you're in the blind spot of them it's it's dangerous yeah yeah it's terrifying let's put a blade on it yeah let's make it go 0 to 60 in three seconds this is why the Hummer was hilarious when it came out it was like the Hummer nine thousand pound massive refrigerator of a vehicle can also do a 0-60 in three seconds how does that make Annie's I think the only reason I'm more scared of the Cyber truck is just I know there'll be more of them on the road um whereas the hummery V just like I think it's a pretty Niche vehicle and so I'm not as but like if I saw Hummer EV on the highway I probably would just pull over take a break and just like wait for that thing to be like far away from where I am that's fair yeah we'll see we'll see if the deliveries happen and and then if they reverse the deliveries we'll have to come back to that bet but I stand it's not I don't think it's coming out this year all right well I think that's a good spot to take a quick break we got a lot to talk about with threads and Twitter but of course before we do breaks it's time for trivia start of the Season all fresh what number season is it three is it this is season three officially okay you won season two um you also won season one so six okay first question coming from Ellis all right so I was reading on the internet as one does and I found out that you can wake up a computer from sleep using just the internet you don't even have to be at the same room in order to do that you send a very particular message to the Target computer to wake it up it's a very silly name that's why it's a trivia question what is the name of that message this is multiple choice sir yeah I might need multiple trays for this one you know what I'll make up some choices I was gonna say I mostly want it because I want to hear your made-up versions yeah here you know what I'll just off the dome right now right okay yeah okay number one a stomp s-t-o-m-p these are all acronyms number two Womp Womp number three clump at number four alarm wild card all right I'm impressed by the off the Dome I have a feeling that some of them rhyme yeah and that helps a little bit I'll be brainstorming on that through the break answers are at the end as usual we'll be right back foreign for this episode comes from siren Marine a Yamaha company everybody loves a smart home adjusting your thermostats or lights anywhere feels kind of like the future but with Simon Marine Boat Owners can take advantage of the same high-tech convenience so their smart boat monitoring system makes it easy to monitor your vessel's vital signs from anywhere with a simple app that offers real-time information about battery levels exact location and so much more didn't didn't your mom like win a boat from Mr Beast no comment it all adds up to a connected vote that's more secure than ever before siren Marine your home is smart your boat should be too to learn more visit sirenmarine.com waveform all right we're back uh so we've been using Twitter for years yes and we've been using meta's threads for about two weeks now two weeks do you call it meta all the time I still call Facebook uh I do have to remember to call it meta okay and sometimes I don't I just say Facebook but it does say like when you have the splash screen meta so you know I get reminded of it uh yeah we have a lot of thoughts I have a lot I've been using them both I'm interested you know various intents in and I think you kind of see the waves now of things happening with each of them yeah I I don't wanna we're saying it's like the second wave but it almost feels like the fourth wave like the first wave was the day it launched which was in the midst of a trough with Twitter because they had like the rate limit Scandal and all these things happening and then threads launches and explodes right and has tons of people joining tons of Engagement you could consider that the first wave okay even though there was like the zero wave of like all the pre-release assessors I'll leave that out then the second wave was like all right it's sort of stabilized for like four or five days in seventy million 100 million users all right we're here what do we do now and then Twitter on the other side is like a little bit quieter than usual and you're kind of looking around Twitter like interesting it feels like there's less posts happening but also is it a day off is it a holiday why isn't anyone on the road today there's like a tumbleweed going across and then the third wave was then suddenly like all of the here I am engagement farming posts happening on threads and then all the all the like threads versus Twitter talk and then I feel like the fourth wave is now Twitter flips the switch turns on a monetization feature it starts writing a bunch of checks and like literally the other day there was a post from Adam asseri that they had to turn on rate limits because suddenly there's a bunch of spam happening and they needed to actually slow that down and so now it's sort of equalizing and obviously the spike in engagement at the beginning is what you'd expect to see but it's it's never going to hold up to that level but it is at a different place so there's a lot to go over with uh where we see both of these platforms going yeah the last time we talked about it was by the time the episode came out that launch date had happened but when we were talking about it we were just basing it off of your like day before pre-release and talking there so like we haven't really covered that whole step through process that you just mentioned all the waves so do you want to like really quickly go over how you've been using threads and what you've thought about it so far sure yeah so I mean it launched and there's always just that like fun first couple days of something new where you just play around with it start poking around you know I think I I tagged just random people I tagged Mark Cuban I said can I be a guest on Shark Tank and he was like yeah let me get back to him I like the idea I I tagged the Zuck in a feature request and he was like yep it's on the list like just kind of poking around and seeing what's happening and things are all moving and colorful and exciting um it's fun that that part is fun like everybody's just like what do we do here yeah and like it's the difference I think of that is what we've talked about a million times before is that the user base is so important on all these like we all dealt with this on blue sky and T2 and Mastodon but now within was it not 24 hours threads already had more than probably all three of those combined probably within hours yeah yeah so like you get to actually experience this like hey this is kind of neat yeah everyone's nice what do we do it's like walking into a party and like so many people you know are there and you're like whoa whoa you're here too oh wow you're all here that's crazy what are we what are we talking about what are we doing here and you're so excited you don't get into the like toxic hellscape arguments of like the regular Twitter thread and that was just nice for like a week yeah I think then once you've gotten over the hump of like right we're all here we're all trying to do stuff then it's like what do we post here and and this is from someone who posts on social media for a living I'm like do I post the same things that I'm posting in other places or do they not belong here I saw at the beginning so many you know and so much emphasis from the founders about things like conversations and and just text posts and it's it's called threads it's literally just like text threads people talking to each other so I kind of assumed I'd mostly just be using it like Twitter in like text threads not a lot I didn't post any YouTube links so I wasn't thinking about posting any you know photos or videos even though you still can technically but then the question is like well I I just posted some short form video on Instagram do I also post it on threads is that like double posting I posted on Twitter maybe I posted on threads and Twitter but not Instagram or reels or Schwartz is I don't know it's kind of just a weird there's a thought process now to it so that that's in the back of my head the whole time but then also I do find it fun to engage with shorts because it does for me still feel like it has this second fastest engagement rate of any social network behind Instagram sorry your threads are short you said threads threads okay yeah so like on Instagram if I post something within 10 minutes there's over a hundred comments there's probably 10 000 likes and you can just see just a chaos activity happening where that's very different on Twitter versus Shorts YouTube shorts has almost the opposite like a low two-day burn before it hits the short speed and then takes off so it shorts is just or threads is just interesting to just like poke around and and reply to something and just see how fast you can talk to people on threads before the thread's over yeah and from that first week like despite having wildly like less people on the platform and less followers than like Twitter that I had like the engagement I was getting felt kind of crazy I think just everyone was so excited to be on it they were on it a lot more they were replying all over the place there was engagement everywhere everyone was like oh shoot I didn't realize you're on here yet like what's up did you follow the did you follow everyone that you followed on Instagram or did you did you follow separate people it's funny because it's it's more along the lines of the people who I follow on Twitter because Instagram to me has still been this slow move over of more of my like personal life versus this like social media work life I guess um and on threads I found it really interesting because a lot of people that I do know in my personal life on Instagram that don't have Twitter were creating threads and then you get to see yeah just some of their stupid little that's what I love about just like very short text-based posts is like you can just have one random thought and that thought can be hilarious and just like makes my day that's the most pure like early version of Twitter it's incredible I love it so much it's like when you can have a tweet from your phone yeah and you could it was just like 100 when you're sending a text message yeah it's just 140 just a blurb of a thought yeah that's kind of how it starts and I think now you're seeing like the the people who are here to get you know engagement here to figure out like how to turn this into a page there's the the LinkedIn Bros showing up like trying to optimize and like doing all these crazy things like you expect that with any new shows even though it's not monetizable directly yet it's still you expect that that was kind of the fun part of the beginning it was like when that happened people were like no get that off no this platform's fun right now get that grind set crap off of here like yo block that muta and yeah um but I think like like you said one of the biggest issues of it at the beginning or you didn't say it but this is what you tweeted at I think Adam responded to you about just having an actual front page with the people you follow not random people and they did say they're working on it which is great I'm a little worried it's going to be which is similar to Twitter now where that's not going to be your main you're gonna have to swipe into it as a secondary one that is always fascinating to me because every social media has to have some balance of this where you follow people because you want to see what they post but in order for them to be successful and keep you engaged they need to be giving you new things it's almost like on Spotify like we have the music that we want to listen to but there's also like if you hit Shuffle it's gonna just toss in some music you've never heard before it's going to toss in some explore weekly or whatever and that's what Tick Tock has got Tick Tock is probably the far end of the scale you don't even really check who you follow most people don't check who they are it's just the for you page and on the other side maybe it's closer to like twitch or YouTube back in the day I only watched who I subscribe to but now it's mostly home page it's things they recommend YouTube's getting closer to that that Tick Tock side where like I'm watching people that I realize I'm not subscribed to because I'm just so consistently getting fed their stuff that I enjoy and so Instagram now too wants to be it used to just be like people you follow in the post that they make with the photos now it's just like tossing stuff in my feed obviously the Explorer page and reels is giving you new stuff so now they're pushing towards that so now threads shows up and of course we're following a bunch of people we're engaging with a bunch of stuff but yeah the home page is full of people you don't follow and so as a purist I want just a list of people I follow and the things that they post because that's why I'm here I just joined threads to follow 12 people uh but they don't even have a following count for people they just show you the home page and you can follow people on the home page but it's constantly pushing you new stuff and that's just the way social is in 2023 and I guess it's cool that it's on our list but I kind of doubt it's very high on their list yeah or it's not going to be like a default you're because Instagram you can do only following chronological but it's not even like in Twitter where you just swipe over it's like a drop down menu yeah which that you have to do every time you open the app I think which is my suspicion is it will never be the default I totally agree with that yeah um I did sorry quick question when do you think they're going to add ads hmm ads because I think a big part of why people like it right now is because there's no ads it's very pure with no ads I think meta has the bank role to be able to roll this for a little bit without ads and I think that's probably the smartest decision to eventually dump ads and make a ton of money on it um but they I think we all can probably agree they pushed this pretty quickly in a very opportune moment with what was going on with Twitter so why not completely capitalize on Twitter maybe uh you don't think they did that already I feel like they already like I think it's too early I think they did a lot of the things and they're still definitely and don't mess this up mode I think yeah the pressure needs to just stay on yeah um like I think Twitter can have a bad week and it's fine but if you have a really good couple of months in a row on threads and it's the activity's still going and like you didn't ruin it with abs yet then you start to really think about like all right we're actually taking real meaningful market share we're actually changing the landscape of social media then maybe you start thinking about okay we'll do a little bit of ads here and there yeah and there's a there's a benefit to being having multiple different social media sites and products that are making money and then one being able to lose some versus spending 44 billion dollars immediately halfing the worth of that and then having to try and make up for all the loans that you take yeah but meta is also like burning money in VR and AR so like they need something to give them more money right they've got some others they still have Facebook and Instagram plenty of money okay so the next question how long until Google makes one Google everyone with a Gmail already gets an account you just bring it over I was this is why I was saying do you remember how many things Google Plus did to re like Google Plus was ahead of its time for real Google Plus which I used for every year it was out as I've mentioned many times before but like do you remember when there was a plus one plus one button on everything on Google search there are still like I'll still see some trucks with advertisements on them that will still show their social media links and they'll be like a Google Plus like food trucks I love it I don't know why yeah uh on YouTube they forced everyone to turn their profile into a Google Plus account so you could only like you could plus one comments plus one videos share it to your circles they forced all of that like the same way that we got this like nice plug with Instagram for Threads to take off they did that with Google search and YouTube so the fact that that doesn't exist anymore is a pretty good indicator that you can't really brute force your way into it it's got to be good but like Google Google tried Google did try so yeah but they tried like 14 years ago they're good old Google the guy like whoa this didn't work immediately cut it I totally remember when they did that and like being however old I was like a child and like watching the Philip DeFranco video where he's like going over like yeah they're making everyone sign up for Google Plus and I remember just childhood me being like this is an outrage as if it like affected me at all that's amazing it was it was a it was a it seemed like a turning point on the internet because Google had that kind of power where like if you got a lot of plus ones on your site that would specifically improve your search ranking and so you had an incentive to be strong on Google Plus that was the gamification of that would be out of this world more than SEO right now like they should just go back to that and that'll be again the way that you write that platform will be destroyed by Bots and like people just turning it into a total mess by gamifying everything I mean Google never said specifically what how much of a percentage the Google Plus thing had to your ranking but it became very clear that like you wanted to be strong on Google Plus you want to be the most plus one thing on your search page to get you to the top you were the second most plus one thing weren't you maybe I don't know I was one of the I was one of the accounts that they suggested you follow when you joined that's awesome so that was pretty solid that's a badge of honor yeah that was pretty cool um so yeah I don't know I I do think the the Instagram poll is very strong but I don't think the growth phase is over yet I still think they have to they're still in don't mess this up mode and as people poke around and find what to do they can add the features that people seem to want the most yeah they're definitely in like a I you know they they had their high of like everybody joining right away and now it's gonna dip a little bit and exactly what you said don't screw this up so that dip doesn't go too far down and that dip it steadies off and then they start slowly Rising again yeah um I did find one thing this is funny I think I found one thing that I think threads can do that Twitter and Instagram can't do except when I tried to do it it didn't work so let me explain I was at the airport and I think the reason this didn't work is just because of poor airport Wi-Fi that's why it didn't post but if you think about it threads is the only place that you can post more than four images that don't all get automatically cropped to square because once you add more than two photos on Instagram in a gallery it auto crops it into a square and you can only do four photos on Twitter so I took all these different pictures and different aspect ratios and portrait and landscape I was cropping them and I wanted to post all the photos I took on my trip and I could do that on threads except that it just kept failing to post in the airport Wi-Fi and it didn't actually go through so I just wound up cropping them on Instagram some things like that feel like features when I think really they're just not yet pruned like they're gonna definitely limit that you think they're gonna limit that I think so yeah I think kind of the same it's meta like they're gonna probably find a way to you know compress more efficiently and they're gonna find ways to like reduce the amount of bandwidth you need to use to post and you know maybe if everyone's you saw what David was posting he was had these huge panoramas on the landscape yeah they would take up your entire phone I wish it was here like so we could talk about this because I feel like that is something he would enjoy like David is definitely not taking 10 square pictures at once and wants to post more than four at a time so I'm sure that would if it works work well yeah he's giving you that IMAX experience on threads you know it's longer than your phone you can only view it on a Sony Xperia yeah exactly exactly um before we get into Twitter and what they were doing I Twitter had to have been if we stepped back to wave one here there's just something a little peculiar about if you posted any threads links on Twitter that I I think is pretty obvious and just very funny but it was clearly suppressing right like I think I have a picture here of your timeline you posted something that just says it's actually impressive how bad Siri it is 8.4 million impressions on Twitter next post for some threads and the link to your threads link two hundred thousand Impressions and then another video of a caviar iPhone 1.1 million impressions yeah something's a little fishy there interesting yeah I don't I don't think it would be a shock to anyone if they uncovered just the word threads or any Thrills yeah yeah they're they're definitely not showing that to people the way they show other things to people not shocked by that I don't honestly this is like a part of social also where I think when you post a lot to social media and you're trying to optimize all your content you're like what do these platforms incentivize and how can I ride those waves on Twitter or on any website like on YouTube they do not like you sending people to external websites period so on YouTube if you have a really popular Link at the top of your description and that link is sending people somewhere like I remember we used to do uh giveaway videos and a lot of people would use like a giveaway hosting service or whatever like and there will be a link at the top and those videos would always bomb really because you're sending people people off the site and YouTube's going whoa whoa we don't like this video this video is sending people off of YouTube and so you do this massive giveaway but it would get like attempt in normal traffic do you know another good example of that is um doesn't shorts have a thing that sees if the tick tock logo is in it because they don't want you to just take your exact Tick Tock video that also shows a link to how you follow them on Tick Tock I'm not sure if they've admitted this yet but a lot of them definitely I think that was like a pretty obvious yeah I'm not sure if it was shorts or reels if real sees a tick tock logo I think that's the one everyone knows about but I'm also pretty sure like if YouTube sees a tick tock logo they don't want to push that either yeah yeah that's a fact it's already funny it's also very funny that threads has an immediate share to Twitter button which is just like I'm sharing essentially my tweet on a different Pro to Twitter but yeah but let's talk about Twitter yeah Twitter Twitter went through some stuff Twitter had that like sort of a quiet couple days you know what it felt like it felt like New York City after the hurricane after Hurricane for like two days and it was like dang it's kind of quiet which is kind of cool it's yeah it's kind of like not leisurely see it like that post-apocalyptic Twitter yeah there's some graph of a I think it was a cloudflare thing I was trying to show that like Twitter traffic did actually tank for a little bit for sure I don't even know how accurate that would represent everyone's Twitter experience but if you use Twitter every day you probably notice there was less stuff happening um it came back uh lots of random things keep happening at Twitter and then one big thing that happened was they started doing payouts for uh verified users who are in like a revenue sharing program yeah it's essentially if you now get a portion of the revenue that is created through the ads that are only posted inside your reply so I'm sure we've all noticed that replies on Twitter have ads now very annoying but I get it um yeah so those specific ads will now benefit the Creator that it gets posted under yeah I tweeted uh to my subscribers on Twitter so if you are a subscriber on my Twitter you saw this a week or two ago uh but I got a screenshot because I just like got a pop-up when I opened Twitter one day it says congrats at MKBHD as your share of ads revenue and replies you're receiving six thousand six hundred ninety eight dollars your portion will be deposited into your stripe connected account within the next 72 hours thanks for being a Creator on Twitter and you just hit OK and that's it there's no analytics there's no oh this is in the last 30 days this is there's no like here's the tweet that generated you the most or like any information this is the only information I've gotten about this and I can go into my analytics and try to find more I can go into my stripe account and try to find more almost nothing but interesting but everyone got this screenshot of like oh I'm gonna get paid for my tweets I guess yeah so let's I had some questions it sounds like yeah you can't really answer them so yeah my favorite thing to do on waveform let's speculate sure um there's a bunch of people and some people are getting paid a lot of money I'm crazy I saw multiples over ten thousand dollars yeah um but one interesting thing here is I my two main questions are one it says that this is retroactive back to February February when it was announced interesting so if you think about that then this isn't just like 30 days worth like six this is like six months worth of payment that makes a lot of which is a lot which under why a lot of these are very big do you have a separate payment for subscriptions yes it is separate so that is not included in this this is different and it's it's also through stripe but that this amount this new thing that popped up was separate from subscriptions subscriptions has already been happening it has a payout in a totally different way it's the same way but it's this is just it's not in the lump sum Okay cool so that does actually help that because I was wondering like man some of these numbers I'm seeing are crazy yeah um do you want to go I saw Jimmy Mr Beast posted one I think he did the same thing he posted for subscribers so sorry Jimmy but yeah it was the same thing it was like 25 000 I think I saw his so I don't think it's a subscribe I think I saw you so it's just out there yeah yeah so that's like six months worth of so you're you're looking at maybe a thousand a month basically yeah so you do the math six months six thousand yeah I mean not much to just share your random Tech thoughts every once in a while to deal with the annoyance of ads showing up under tweets all the time that seems like basically I think that moment on Twitter where it was like oh if I am a part of this program I am incentivized to post more and use Twitter more because I will be paid more accordingly and anytime that moment happens on a social media platform that changes the landscape of it forever like every time that's ever happened yeah now to different extents like when that happened with Tick Tock it was a Creator fund and people didn't really make that much money so it didn't change it that much but when YouTube got the partner program and started Revenue sharing that inflection point changed YouTube Forever yeah so Twitter finally getting this moment and we don't have any details about like what our RPMs what are is it a shrinking pile of money is it a a percentage like what is even happening we don't really know but the fact that it happened at all was enough for people to sort of come back to Twitter and start talking about it and figuring it out yeah and there's some cool parts of it you do have to be subscribed to Twitter blue but I actually don't think that's that big of a deal if it's eight dollars a month then you're probably going to make if you're somebody making obviously over eight dollars a month right it pays for itself that's kind of nice the one question I saw people have was it says you need five million impressions over the last three months and two things here one do you have to keep that streak do you always have to have three straight months of five million yeah in order to do that and then I also included this tweet on here which will show on the screen and I'll read out loud but someone named John Krause I think we've talked to him for the podcast before he takes um photos of like SpaceX and like rocket launches he has his impressions are hilarious when you look at them versus having to have a three-month streak of five million because he goes January 6.7 million February 5.3 million March 4 million then April 74 Million May 9 million or June 4.9 million so wouldn't hit it there and then July 101 million so if that's what it was he's well averaging over 5 million but he doesn't have the streak of three potentially doesn't have the streak I mean this is a very Niche amount of people that this would happen to but that would be super unfortunate to pull 101 a million impression a month I think that should be I guess if I was going just by the YouTube model you just have to get the streak once and then you're in the program yeah uh it would be hard to imagine getting 70 million impressions in a month and just not being in the program like pretty quickly but you know it's hard to tell we don't know my other worry and I saw this a lot of people saying this is just does this potentially incentivize people to steal more content on Twitter and post themselves versus retweeting or linking to original sources like why would you link to a YouTube video that might not get as many Clips when you can clip the YouTube video and upload it yourself it's obviously gonna have to go through a bunch of copyright things now which I think already is apparent on Twitter just not as enforced as YouTube and now you're potentially making money like why would you like am I wrong on that no no I was just like that's a really soft there's whole movies like Shrek one two and three bro there's like like the Super Mario movie was in theaters and on Twitter at the same time like this is reminding me of like the Kik website they're just like yeah man come over here stream whatever you want like we're streaming the Super Bowl and it's like you guys know that's not gonna work for very long right and they're already starting to now like strike all these big people that went over there and are like I thought we could watch movies it's like no it's not the Wild West it's the internet still there's still copyright laws that's exactly right so this is why it feels like Twitter and I've been telling people that Twitter whenever I have any contact with Twitter like please communicate more like people need to know what the rules are and at this point we don't know most of these rules like the on YouTube for example we know about the copyright system we know about how to get into the partner program what the requirements are and then once you're in how it works you get all the analytics and the revenue sharing information so you can optimize however you want based on info on Twitter none of that is really communicated at all so you need people to communicate in order communication team turns out but like this would be super useful information for this whole inflection point to have the most impact but as of right now yeah it feels like yeah there's gonna be people who just go oh more Twitter activity equals more money okay let's just post constantly and steal a bunch of stuff and post more because there doesn't seem to be rules that specifically enforce that where when you do Define them then you you get better answers to those guys yeah and I think like a a pretty good example of even past like like videos are pretty obvious you're copyrighted or like audio it's pretty obvious you're stealing that but when it's just like a random thought it's very hard to prove that you were the original of that and there are people that can just scrape not only Twitter but a ton of other stuff we know there's somebody who we know got very popular on Twitter from just scraping Reddit threads about programming and now is like a has a very big following and just basically retweets and reposts things that are already on the internet already and yeah probably is making quite a bit of money from this yeah and I don't know if there's any uh Twitter copyright system the way you see it built so clearly through YouTube like that's that system that was built behind YouTube like took years and negotiation and lawyers and paperwork and like that is built now in a way that it's part of YouTube YouTube uh I hate to keep using YouTube but like hey it's the yes to your platform so they've got to build it's figured out so yeah this is something they've got to figure out whoever's in that office building just gotta figure it out I have a feeling they're just gonna wing it until they can anymore yeah might as well um there's also threads conversations probably about this because threads is so new I don't think there's obviously there's no Revenue share program but when they do start doing Revenue sharing or ads or whatever they got to figure that out too yeah we'll see I'm interested to see I am very interested with what Adam said is like when are ads gonna start getting onto threads um I guess to wrap up this conversation I kind of wanted to see how you think or like how is threads been turned into your just like everyday life right now because I think that's the most important thing yeah well I guess I can it's probably different for everyone we can probably yeah for me personally uh it's a it's not on my primary home screen okay it's on one of my home screens though okay it replaced uh his Twitter on your primary home screen uh no okay it's next to Twitter on my third home okay cool so okay you know it's made it out the app drawer which is cool and yeah I open it just for like the same level of entertainment as Instagram interestingly it's not the same content but it's the same level of I'm just gonna scroll for a while and see some fun stuff and peace out um I was in an airport for four hours and just like flipping back and forth you know it's just like casual passive entertainment and once in a while you engage a little bit reply for some threads talk to people that's kind of what it is there's no DMS so yeah that's just like surface level what I use it for yeah I'd say my use case on it right now is like I still have that habit of just mines in a folder right next to Twitter but my my like habit is to just folder Twitter like it's just like such a habit to just like yeah yeah so I'm so much more hitting Twitter scrolling through Twitter and then being like this isn't great oh yeah there's threads and then going the threads and then looking at that and then maybe replying like once and overall my just like my usage of social media that's reliant on text posts has just dwindled quite a bit here's a question yeah let's say you you have a bucket of all your social media let's say it's uh I don't know 100 units have your units overall gone up or have you split up your units into smaller pieces like if you did like 50 units of Twitter and 50 units of Instagram are you now doing 50 more units of threads are you doing less Twitter or less Instagram to make room for Threads weirdly I think I've probably just been using Instagram more overall because it's just like seeing photos and and being more following the people that I know in my like personal life has been I've just realized like man as much fun as it is sometimes it's just like there's so many people bickering and arguing and like it's just more fun to stay away from that a little bit on Twitter but I mean like it's gonna it's gonna be a thread soon it's probably already starting to come in there my Twitter has been and it got cleaned up a little but so bot written and I know you guys have mentioned that like there's a lot of that on threads lately I haven't seen it but I'm just not on threads as much I would I would say like it goes Instagram Twitter and then threads but I'm probably engaging more on threads but I'm reading Twitter more because I still think that's like a habitual thing that'll be very hard to bring and that's and it's so like news based and there's so many like I like keeping up to date with news and that's because people I'm following when threads does that and when it becomes more like apparent and people are on there which will happen yeah I'll see myself using threads more maybe I would like a dim mode on threads not the dark mode I like dim mode on Twitter not full blast specific okay it is David agrees with me on this I know David agrees with me on this I for some reason it's like blue purple almost uh yeah like super dark Navy or whatever I like white black it's not quite full black interesting okay I'm hoping for a little trending topics page on threads yeah that would be nice trending threads trending words are you guys using Twitter or threads at all I've been using it it did make my home screen um mainly because it's the new thing so I'm just like trying it out and seeing seeing what it's about um but I do like it because a couple of months ago I went through and like really curated who I was following on Instagram so my Instagram for the past couple months I've actually been having like a decent experience which is crazy there's actually like interesting people and creators and things that I like that I follow yeah um so when threads happened and it all just transferred over it's been pretty interesting seeing those people now I have like a decent a different experience in Twitter which when it first came out and I like was first starting to follow people it was all All Tech people so like Twitter for me for the longest this whole time has just been exclusively tech people and now all of my other interests are also on Twitter basically because of threads coming out yeah before you stop did you see um they mentioned threads is adopting activity Pub they was like today they've been saying that they're going to do that and they've been like doing their due diligence and going through it but I'm curious to see when it actually happens I hope they do because it would be awesome yeah it would be really cool but we'll see Alice I don't have threads nice at all no don't you have like the other one don't you have like some weird that's why fake account on it I have a Twitter no you can't make a weird fake account yeah you know what I mean so like I had Twitter and then everyone's like oh unless you gotta get T2 and then it's like oh Alice you gotta get blue sky and then I was like oh Alice you gotta get I was like enough threads is too late I'm done so uh yeah outside looking in cool okay so if you see Ellis on threads it's not it's fake that's good to know that's that's super huge to know all right well I think what we're gonna do after the break is hype or not there are no notes I have no idea how this is going to work I think which I'm excited for but before we get into that we're gonna do trivia and then a quick break [Music] okay question two do you guys want a tech trivia question or a nature question agriculture you're asking Marquez and Andrew part of me wants to stay Tech because when I get the other one wrong I'll be more embarrassed so the audience let's do a nature question nature questions is this a nature is this a specific I'm still gonna get it wrong because it's a national park question or is this just nature it's just nature in general but let's do that okay cool so how many grizzly bears are alive in the world Jesus how how am I gonna why can I tell you a really cool fact I learned this week sure does it have to be an hour can it be later is it really related no it's not Grizzly but it is wildlife right now right now what is the biggest natural predator to Moose humans no like biggest biggest largest size wise largest yeah orcas yes dude good job moose man over here what they swim and they swim up in like the Arctic oh they do and orcas have been known to eat moose that's I don't think it's very common but it can't happen whoa that's kind of crazy all right that's the best trivia thing I've heard Clara taught me yet over the weekend imagine being an orca and being like Oh jackpot that's sick okay well we'll take a quick break we'll be right back welcome back we are going to do something now that we call hyped or not hyped or over under or hypothetically speaking there's a ton of names that was the name yeah basically what we're doing is me and Ellis are gonna go back and forth and name things in technology maybe not in technology mostly in technology you guys have to tell us whether that thing is overhyped under hyped and I'll give you each one perfectly hyped okay so you can use your one perfectly hyped throughout this round and just be like okay yeah I think that's pretty good and we have to use the perfectly hype in this scenario we can't retroactively go back yes because you want to like kind of save the perfect yeah you got to save it for when you're really stumped it's more spicy if you have to use it exactly Fair okay cool okay so I'm gonna start off with an easy one RED cameras that's kind of easy are they yeah like not easy because to two different communities there's two very different answers yeah that's I want to get into that give me both okay so among um among normal people overhyped agreed nobody should get one well they're also over hyped because like so many people are just like Marquez uses a red camera that's why everything looks amazing they don't have any Talent it's just the red camera right and like red built their brand up in a way that made that easy like good job red you have a strong brand people see red cameras and go oh wow nice camera uh but in like the video making Community I think they're I don't know if they're appropriately hyped or underhyped but like I think they're really good especially for a one person oh as a one-person shooting manual focusing camera as far as that goes I can't get better quality out of any other camera me personally so I'm trying to average them I guess it's like slightly under hyped I'm definitely not using my perfectly hyped on the first one it is hard to say underhyped because like you can pull a lot of incredible footage out of a lot of cameras and like it's really hard to be like oh yeah people aren't giving red enough credit because I think they're getting yeah I think they're getting their credit it's very obvious they're getting their credit but like you said not many people ever need to have one especially in our job the way we use them like we pull thumbnails as a still frame from a video and it is a 33 megapixel full frame still that's unreal let's forget that from video frames but I think as an average I have to say they're overhyped I think I kind of have to say they are over hyped yeah yeah all right overhyped consensus yeah all right L is Europe This one is uh near and dear to my heart okay licensed dongles like if you want to use some software you have to plug a dongle into your computer and I I actually have a comment I want to add on this because I feel like they're universally loathed I've never used one but I feel like I would hate that here's here's the way I feel it right I use a lot of expensive software in my day-to-day and I have multiple computers right and I don't want to have to buy that software twice so as annoying as the dongle is it does let me multiple computer my stuff which is why I'm throwing under Heights that's what it sounds like I I feel like I have this is a little bit different but on our Netflix account you're only allowed to download to two different devices but I've switched my phones enough time that I'm pretty sure there's a phone that has downloaded stuff on it that's not deactivated and I cannot figure out so I only can down I have to when I go between my computer and iPad and phone I have to keep deleting them off of it because I can only do one so if I just had a dongle that forced me to do it I would always know where it is yeah SoundCloud does that but I don't it's my phone so I don't I don't want it toggle I don't want people that's the problem yeah autophone is a pain in the neck NFC dongle that doesn't exist but okay it's such a pain in a physical dongle though is a pain because you always have to bring it with you and then if you have multiple softwares now I'm gonna look like the like Middle School Janitor of like keychain of software dongles walking around that was me in college yeah I would say this it would be nice if this expensive software could also just log into more than one computer at once so uh I'm going overhyped fair enough that is the correct answer okay mine is Twitter like services so Macedon oh overhyped it's easy all of them they're all over what every single one including Twitter is overhyped right now well oh yeah the average would be over it literally has to be their marketing is to overhype it and everybody hyped yeah this guy is over but they're only overhyped in our communities ask your cousins about Mastodon what do they think like so then in that sense it's like everything is overhyped except for threads which is is actually pulling out of the the uh Tech Community and going to the normies out there and um but I still think over hike overall I mean the other thing is is like all the smaller ones everyone wants to be like I have a blue sky in fight it's so incredible through everyone yeah whatever you just wouldn't know because you didn't get to try it and that's overriping like crazy threads did have a couple days there where they would put a little badge on your profile for what user number you were yeah and the clout that I had was I was like top 1000 and there were people who had like I was number 103 million 78 266 and it was like I had a little little piece of me that was like yeah I was I was one of those people are selling the vanity number accounts 420. it's already no it's gone all right it's already and now it's just it's just the threads logo just like we thought it would be oh I didn't even notice that yeah cool yeah I guess uh I think you have to turn it on though I think it's off by default okay yeah yeah either way they'll turn that on by default very shortly yeah I agree with you though I think they're they're over hyped over hyped yeah yeah okay overhyped Ellis RGB lighting over hyped next override yeah I think even like repeat it yeah even the the crowd that likes it doesn't even really like it anymore do we consider these lights behind us RGB lights they do everything I believe these are RGB IC I think RGB was a mistake it was fun but even you look at like think of main gear custom computers they're big ones selling now are like the stealth versions that have like oh yeah very like the lights are one color and it's only to really accent all the really cool water cooling and post Parts exactly so we've definitely gone from the RGB everything like burn your retinas into the like wow this is a cool like razor beautiful yeah even razer's kind of doing it yeah 280 razor Mouse no RGB beautiful mostly for weight saving but there was a there was an error where I refused to get a mechanical keyboard because they all had just like you'd plug it in and it would just be like blasting you with RGB light waves for some reason it's a keyboard I don't need this we have an extra five one where it's not even just through the keys it's literally the whole base plate is you want to see any of your letters you're just going to see green red and pink lights all the time yeah that was tough I'm I'm gone overhyped okay tensor G2 is an interesting one is anyone hyping it that's the question besides Google and David I wow this is a tough one I mean if you're going camping you got to bring the tents right yes the the G2 is better in the that is tough it's not okay I can evaluate how good it is but I don't know how to evaluate how hyped it is it's pretty good but it's not that great like in the pixel 7 and 7 Pro it's decently performant and okay battery life and for some reason the pixel fold it's quite nicely performant and not good battery life at all um but is it hyped at all that's kind of I don't know I think I'm gonna throw it as underhyped because just it hasn't reached the level of us like considering it like when you talk about all Android phones you're like this has the latest Snapdragon and like tensor is just such in this category by itself where iOS is as well but they've had years of making that so you're used to saying this is like the new a whatever chip and then tensors just we've only had two years of it two years yeah so like I think it's under hyped but it's I don't know is the uh bionic is overhyped or underhyped I think all phone chips are overhyped if I'm being honest I think I could say that the a16 bionic is under hyped I could argue that I was gonna say all phone trips are under hyped because they're tiny little computers in your pockets that are that are doing these crazy Fair things like processing on device building a voice out of scratch from your own voice just like weirdly capable yeah and then I see like 10 Qualcomm videos out of Hawaii that are like the new Snapdragon video and I'm like this is right nobody cares they're definitely overhyped in those I think just for law of averages sake I'm going perfectly hyped you're using you're perfectly hyped here I'm using because if I say over hyped that implies that there is any hype at all about tensor and I don't I just don't think there's really any hype and if I say under hype that would have to imply that tensor is like better than expected in some way but it's not it enables a couple different things that are pretty cool I mean the speech to text is super fast and Google assistant's good on device and it does have now playing in the background I guess that's under okay I think I'm gonna go under her you talked me into it I think now playing is pretty sweet I'm going under hyped now playing just for that one feature yeah which only works on tensor it literally can't work on anything else in tensor G1 as well though okay but I'll I'll Snapdragon could never let's go under hyped sure wait that was only a G1 feature G1 and NG I thought no playing's been on Pixel for a while yeah it's both the tensorship I thought it was pre-tensor though really I think I am I like pixel 4 had it oh yeah Ellis just give me the thumbs up yeah never owned one sounds overhyped so that's not a tensor feature I think it's been there for a bit and it never works when you wanted to I swear I'm not just gonna say out playing I think is so cool and every time I'm like what song is this and I tap my phone to see it nothing's okay so there is something to it and I have a tiny rant about this and it is complete speculation because I don't know how this feature works but if you are sitting in a car and the radio is playing and the the song you know you change the radio station it pulls up in the middle it will listen to the first five seconds of the song and instantly tell you what that song is and that is amazing and I think what then it happens is it knows at what part of the song it was in and it doesn't start checking for a new song until it gets to the end of course that song would be so if you were in a four minute song and you pull up in the middle of that song you're not getting another now playing answer for two more minutes and so if you're shuffling through radio and you get one id'd and then you Shuffle to the next radio station you won't get it I if that's how it works I want to talk to the manager I think that's how I love the conspiracy aspect of this is like maybe that's how it works because that's totally something that I would believe would happen if that's how I I realized it yeah and that kind of makes I think now playing is awesome I just realized I don't have it on my Zenfone and I've been using it for like a month so apparently I didn't use it very much it's it's good it's good in Ubers all right sir you are you into perfectly hyped then if the thing I'm stuck in was perfectly hyped okay yeah cool temperatures so you use your perfectly hyped Andrew still has his all right streaming TV sticks is there any I've at all about these I think it's overhyped because they're pretty much useless at this point are they they're mostly built into TVs aren't they exactly well we're saying I wouldn't consider that built into the TV I would just not consider that a streaming TV stick anymore but you can you can but you're talking about like a Roku stick that you plug into a HDMI port at this point to turn a non-smart TV into a smart TV right it's fine it's fine I mean most new TVs have the Roku or YouTube or Netflix built in yeah and so if you have an old TV you plug in a stick and it works exactly I use one for my like garage TV that I I'm not gonna buy a new TV for my garage because I rarely use it and the chances of it breaking out there are it's like a 10 year old TV that I just have a Chromecast in there yeah maybe I'm just like in a bubble here because my family is always super excited about all of the new sticks because they can like hack it and put the Kodi on and all these crazy things and do they have an Nvidia Shield I know that's the thing everyone sounds like it's overweight I'm not gonna answer that is is The Shield one of the sticks are we counting the shield people still use that I have friends that use that Shields and they love it from all the stuff they've done people love it yeah I don't even know what it is there's like a Shield MOD Community yeah yeah I guess I gotta go over hype with them I'm gonna say override sorry over hyped sorry guys I'm sure there are people out there where they haven't bought a smart TV yet but you will soon and it will be useless yeah good thing it's only like 40 bucks usually next one widgets under hyped under hyped yes like touchable widgets scrolling on the Apple watch it's supposed to be coming it's widgets in general are so good and I've seen so many iPhone home screens since widgets have come out that don't have widgets so I'm like guys what are you doing you're missing out widgets are so useful I'll I think I'm gonna use my hyped my correct one here quickly because I do agree there are some that are incredible but there are way too many that are just so pointless and take up your entire screen and just turn into clutter I don't get all the new widgets on Mac because you're always gonna have windows open and that seems crazy I think I don't really use widgets that much I'd rather like have a nice clean home screen I do think I do agree a bunch of them are great widgets on the Mac are pretty dumb yeah I don't understand that but I think some on phones and iPads are like incredible so like by average they're perfectly hyped yeah on on widgets for Mac at the moment that they were announced at WWDC massively overhyped I'm just gonna pull up like the optional widgets I can put on my phone right now but like I can't live without my calendar widget on it the Asus launcher widget cool my authenticator widget actually that might be kind of nice yeah see you're about to log into Twitter you just go home and bonus my code my Bank of America widget because I want to send money through Zell in a widget on my phone that sounds reasonable that's insane that is insane that is crazy right the Chipotle widget which just has to sign in to get rewards I definitely need a shortcut on my phone there's a good one the Tesla widget constantly displays how much battery you have unless you lock and unlock that's pretty good solid it's pretty good I do not need the in Brighton widget actually no I love widgets there's so many good ones I can't I can't go under hyped for widgets because not enough people use widgets I have to go sorry I can't go over hyped I have to go under hyped which is I'm just gonna add the reddit is fun widget just because it's still there even though it doesn't work at all rip I think I'm just gonna keep what is the tick tock widget oh it'll just like launch you into the tick tock camera right away oh damn you got to be tick-tocking a lot to do that okay cool I'm gonna stick with perfectly I don't use widgets well enough so I understand they're there but I can't call them overhyped okay overhyped or under hyped the brown lucid under hyped you like it it's awesome because it's two-tone right yeah it is it's the oh no we saw that in California if it's a loafers of that's rough it's the loafer I don't I don't think there's that much hype but I'm still going over hyped I think the Lucid in general design is under hyped I think people hate on it too much and it does look I think it looks good and in some colors it looks really good it looks like a brown ain't that color though it looks like a whale whale shark both sides look like a whale shark yeah the brown is probably overhyped because if one person likes it then it's over right like Alice yeah sorry to whoever is listening to this podcast I feel like the chances that somebody's listening to us in their Brown Lucid is actually realized so I'm sorry yeah one time if you own a brown Lucid just know I'm on your side send us the picture of us playing on your infotainment system handheld gaming consoles overhyped over hyped yeah everyone's smartphone gaming it's a hard disagree smartphone game I think they're actually under hyped right now I think the switch brought it into play and everyone really liked it for a while and now everyone's trying to do it and I still think this switch is just doing it the best and the switch is still the only thing I see people I went to the airport and there were I saw two different groups of people with a switch propped up on their suitcases playing Mario Kart on separate controllers yeah the switches I've done that before Awesome every other one that's trying to be like a hardcore switch is just insanely small demographics the switch is just such a it's the like Perfect Storm it's like yeah reasonably fun short games you want to play a bunch of or which could be could run Windows and be overclocked yeah and play call like Half-Life it's just not something I'm interested in I am going over hyper we're gonna get a lot of heat engagement for this I can't wait it's totally fine I agree though I don't need to play Counter-Strike Source on the airplane yeah or just use your laptop the Google pixel fold I would like to go under hyped it's my hot take is it's not a hot take but it's more durable than I expected first have like sand in it yeah and it's fine isn't that crazy I had sand in it weeks ago to be fair I thought it would be broken by now it's the same I went so for those who missed that uh when I was first testing it when it first came out I went to a three day long beach tournament and I accidentally took it with me the entire time I came back here I pull I opened the hinge and and when I made that like hinge opening movement I could hear sand grinding in the gears of the hinge and I thought this thing is gonna die within days of me getting back here it hasn't guess what I also did on the plane I spilled water on it okay there's a water bottle in the little thing next to my seat and when I popped it open it was a metal water bottle for some reason and it like fell onto the phone and it cracked the bottle open and it just started pouring all over the phone and I picked it up and I was like well that's the end of this phone shook it out like unplugged it from the homework it's fun it's totally fine that's actually really impressive it cracked oh no that's the metal bottle thin metal water bottle what it sounds like the like the photos of like the old Volvos when cars would crash into them and then the car would get destroyed because the Volvo is just like a rock that's no crumple Zone on that thing yeah no that's the Cyber truck this is the Cyber truck of phones there it is it's the Cyber truck of phones under hyped for sure pixel folds under hyped it's it's expensive I didn't say it was underpriced relative to the time right now it's probably overhyped because it's the most recent folding phone and that is always the most overhyped thing but like no the mat the mix Magic 2 came out after oh sorry I guess yeah then I don't know so we're back yeah under hype sure yeah all right next one Hyundai's new design language oh spicy you can't get me to say under hyped I love their new design language I don't know just Hyundai just well okay Hyundai and Kia because I love them yeah yeah so I wait so no yeah that would be I don't think people are giving me I won't say overhead yeah I I'm very likely to say under hyped I think they're under hyped I think some people are giving them credit I don't think but even like Claire all the time has been and this isn't even just their EVS some of their just regular cars their ice vehicles are putting out tell you right hello good man they look great Claire's like wow I really like like I saw a Kia Stinger here and I thought damn that looks like a dude looks pretty sick kind of fire like I would never buy a Maserati but the Stinger looks like one that I would buy they're both South Korean right I believe so yeah yeah killing it did you guys see the Santa Fe the 2020. this morning it was looking yeah we were Brandon and I in the car concluded it looks like a Range Rover but kind of like uh there's a very long conversation here but yeah we had a huge I think Alex thought it looked a lot like darwiness but I think it's more Range Rover style it is a through is a three row right there's no way it's that bulky with only two rows I think it's I think for a three row SUV I think it looks fine I think it looks really good so wait Andrew you're saying I think it's under hyped I do think people are giving a credit I don't think I also think people are giving them credit they look really good and I think they still have the like cheaper brand just behind them but that doesn't my thing is that like it look they look great but also like the car itself is like meh so that's good design because the design is so much better than the rest of the car that you are let down by the car which means the design is great that's true but I also think people are under appreciating how much of a moment in time this can be for some manufacturers as they make their first EVS they can kind of turn the corner into being uh into changing a reputation and I think they're doing it at the perfect time they're going to a new high school and they can reinvent themselves exactly yeah people call me Charlie or whatever else name you're gonna make up I don't know wait was that the Santa Fe that's what we were looking at I don't know I don't think it's just a Santa Fe yeah oh yeah yeah it had like tailpipes and stuff it's funny because I'm looking at the Santa Fe out right now and it does not look like it has a third row so maybe this does not but there's not enough pictures I think in here yeah the regular Santa Fe right now does not have a third row yeah I don't know if they do that new one only has two rows I'd take it all back it looks like it like it has it has to have three rows also in terms of cars being like met and the design looking good like didn't Doug demuro say recently that like Prius pretty much every car you buy is going to be fine and at a certain point just buy the one that you is that still true with EVS though I feel like it's not true with Evie yeah regular cars yeah true of all the mature regular cars gas cars and hybrids yeah yeah I don't know there's nothing in here confirming that it's three rows so it might only be two but this does look like it has more trunk space than the current yeah uh Santa Fe Mariah described the new Santa Fe as quote having a badonk which is why I think it has to have three rows because if it only has two rows that thing's got a trunk on see but this one's not as bad because some of them straight up look like they have like a saggy diaper like the ev6 I think looks like it has a second Lucid the Lucid kind of has the saggy diaper yeah yeah just like too much wait maybe six bottom yeah it does only because it's got that weird plastic piece that like like is like the corner of it the plastic piece that looks like a saggy diaper okay yeah but yep yeah look come on yeah that piece I like the ev6 that's fully loaded baby that piece I don't think it looks as saggy type there's just like too much behind the wheel back here have you seen like the Porsches though that all have that like rear because they're literally rear engine cars and they have all the weight over the rear axle pass the rear axle pass behind the rear axle and that like also comes with the look of being like a I don't know if it's saggy but it has the same like rear bite I think it needs to be like more High hatchbacky to like have the whole round like the tight diaper filling yeah I don't know these don't these don't quite do it the which is a good thing I also think the the Porsches since they're using Straight sixes a lot of the time it's like they they shape the car around that and they used to be air-cooled too that's what I'm saying yeah anyway sorry under hyped under hype design under hype design I do like them I still like the Kia ub6 by the way I love that all right one more one more are you ready over hyped under hyped yep Apple One I don't know what that is it's the sort of okay it's not Consolidated Google one same idea it's like instead of the planets instead of buying Google storage just in Drive you get like storage and photos Drive Gmail everything is like cloud storage like your one Google One account it seems like it's just storage and a VPN I have Google so apple one is cloud storage TV plus music and arcade oh and Premiere also adds Fitness and news plus and music did I not say music if I didn't say music you might have if I didn't I read it off a list and severely screwed up so apple one it's just the whole shebang it's at all baby it's the whole enchilada seems like Google one is I'm gonna say under hype just because I had no idea yeah it was but I'm also just like not in that ecosystem at all I think this is good I think I generally think streaming services are like people don't realize how much value they're getting out of them and I generally think they're mostly under hyped like YouTube premium being 12 bucks a month or whatever it is and getting ad-free access to the entire like history of humanities video archived is pretty good I think that sentiment is right and will be wrong in five years because so many streaming services are just taking full advantage and it's all going to turn into this very weird too many of them asking for too much didn't Netflix just eliminate their 999 basic deal so now rather than a a basic no add one device it's only ad supported or the like 15 Multi-Device 4K streaming version so what do you get for for fifteen dollars a month I think you get up to two devices or like two or three devices you do get 4k and no ads or you pay 6.99 and you get ads and then you get all of the shows that Netflix has ever made in its history yeah well I'm ever hosted ever all the ones Netflix made but like the ones that Netflix didn't make who knows how long they'll be on there and yeah you're in the middle of watching something and then they just go away and even even now because it's new streaming service pops up like peacock can take all the office episodes off of it right yeah I I guess I don't know how much of a I don't really watch that much stuff that's not on YouTube but I guess with the ones that I do use they are super super worth it yeah like Spotify like spotify's great whatever I pay for it it might be 12 bucks 15 bucks a month unlimited I tried to I had I was on a demo device just a second ago playing with something and I opened up the free version of spotify and tried to play a song and I got a video ad I got a video ad to listen to a song that's crazy so paying for Spotify which I'm totally down for and getting unlimited access to music period is pretty sick I know people don't like paying monthly for things but I think Spotify is like the easiest one it's pretty good it's just really hard to not from the users let's maybe use apple music but just like yeah if you use Spotify you don't pay for a monthly do you I pay monthly okay you were making that face like don't look at it because I I used the free version for a long time because I just didn't care I would just like Let It play and then oh and add whatever and then when I started like commuting and I was only listening to music but then it was a problem Oh and add whatever it's like my music ends playing yeah but if I'm like Spotify also don't you know you don't get to choose a song in free Spotify um yeah I think you can only pick albums Shuffle play yeah yeah that's how I listen to music anymore just albums but it would be like if I'm like doing my room modifies the whole reason it's like I want to listen to like when a new album comes out it's just like you can't listen in order it doesn't like oh no by the time Ram came out I was already listening I was already paying but there's albums like you know girl talk like their entire album is essentially one song and then just listening to that out of words yeah or even like the incredible true story it has like a plot line you have to list in order if you're especially the first time you listen to it you gotta you need spot I'd pay 10 bucks a month to listen to that album in order that's it do you guys remember iTunes Match I've heard of that iTunes Match was the so it was released at the alongside Apple music and they said I had it I was the biggest iTunes matcher of all time where they said I could not get it to work it was so complicated it was 20 a year and if you had a huge iTunes library um which I did I had like a four or 500 gigabyte iTunes library they would take all of your iTunes library replace the files that were in apple music with like the mastered for Apple ones and then upload all of that to the Apple music servers so you could open the Apple music app and stream your iTunes from anywhere you were so I didn't pay for Apple music for years but I was using essentially Apple music and and still buying albums yeah damn yeah but now it's gone yeah I think I'm I think we're just landing on under hyped yeah that's what's happening dope good place to end this yeah all right we should get to the trivia we've got some trivia questions yes get those white boards all right I wrote down the first one already I'm not gonna change it so I was Googling through the internet I found out you could wake up a computer with nothing but uh an internet connection and the name for this whole thing was so funny that I I just had to turn it into a trivia question so the options are a womp that stands for Wake On magic packet to clomp like a horse load on message packet three Stomp that stands for sleep time over Mr pewter four alarm which is an automated local access revive message I think I'm ready we're both ready yeah we're both ready three two one oh man we just put different things Marquez wamp it is womp wake on Magic packet bummed no one shows sleep time over Mr pewter but Clump is a really good I was like you're not gonna think about clubs there's no way he made that up seen this I've seen I don't know where I've seen this what what's the name of that that Mario character it's like the um well there's chain chomp but there's also isn't the the large Stone one called like a womp it's basically this like flat one with feet and it goes like yeah and like smashes on top of you that guy's if he has feet he's wamp but if he's floating he's a swamp Okay nice wow that wasn't learned something new every day yeah I forgot yeah the floating ones like on Rainbow Road and Mario Kart and the other ones are in like uh like Mario 64 and just run around in circles and just try and body slam you how many wolves are there is that what the question was oh question number two Marquez is already thinking about it trying to figure this out how many grizzly bears are there in the world like what is the grizzly bear population the entire world the entire world and and we need the answer in in kilograms how many kilograms I'm gonna be an order of magnets exact number or is this is not going over closest without going over okay grizzly grizzly I'm gonna answer and then have a question same oh I'm nervous about my order of magnitude oh okay same order okay I said 33303 -33303 all right Austin yeah I wrote 10 000. yeah I guess technically we don't know closest until David answers you will be answering yeah what's the actual number the actual number is 55 000. wow oh wow okay so Marquez is closer yeah Marquette will get the points grizzly bear or brown bear grizzly bears according to world population review.com well ask David what he thinks the answers are uh both for the acronym uh for waking up a computer B that is B wamp that is correct womp wake up on a magic packet is the correct answer and for uh how many grizzly bears there are on planet Earth 40 000. 40 000 is incorrect but it is closest without going over for that question meaning you have taken the point away from Marquez and Andrew there are approximately 55 000 grizzly bears in the world David that gives you one point meaning you are tied with Marquez no I have two points because I've got the first question right oh my gosh you have two points meaning you're in first place week one season three trivia how does it feel uh feels just like every other week [Laughter] we'll leave it at that thanks for listening thanks for watching talk to you guys in the next one peace waveformers produced by Adam Molina and Ellis Robin we're partnering with VOX media podcast Network and our intro outro music was created by vayne still bingo [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: WVFRM Podcast
Views: 419,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MKBHD, Marques, Brownlee, Andrew, Manganelli, Waveform, Podcast, WVFRM
Id: GAJJ3juWyaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 8sec (5348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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