What's A Bare Bones H? This 1940 Farmall Model H

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brought to you by almond auctions the worldwide leader in antique tractor auctions time thumley Schmidt in California Missouri I've got classic tractor fever and I've had it since 1984 can't get rid of it this is one of my tractors it's a 1940 farm all aged one thing Lee Schmidt gets cranked up about is his trusty farm all H on steel but you'd be pretty enthusiastic too if you shared as long a history with a tractor as Lee does with this fine farm all I grew up on it as a child I grew up on my uncle's farm in eastern Kansas and drove an a-10 Ford and always admired the neighbors h's nymph our malls this is one of the farm all's I wound up working on the neighbors farm at about twelve years of age thirteen something like that bucking bales and cutting silage what have you and drove this tractor quite a bit I just admired the big shiny red farm all that long hood the 8in seemed kind of ugly and short and squatty and those four moles really looked cool back then and still do to me Lee drove this cool farm all plenty once he started working on the neighbors farm later his uncle bought the tractor before passing it on to Lee who restored it to calendar quality perfection yes my my uncle's name was August August Joseph Schmidt and I talked John when he put it on the calendar as making it the month August so yeah it does make me think of my uncle and he is deceased now so it's one of the ways that I can remember him in addition to the tractor Lee also restored the number 8 little genius plow to go along with it 1940 was just the second year for the farm all H which became an all-time bestseller for International Harvester back then a little more than seven hundred dollars bought you a sturdy plow puller without a whole lot of extras it's a what was called a bare-bones age didn't have any starter didn't have any lights didn't have any belt pulley didn't have a hydraulic pump didn't have a PTO so it was just basically a drawbar tractor like an F 20 Morton the white front end really makes this one unique the front end on the early 8th set way out in front one later H's setback tucked in under the tractor so it it adds a lot of length to it it also makes it steer pretty good good wheelbase to it the steering is a cosh steering unit it's not IH it was made by caution believe nebraska kayo SCH company and it's basically an anti kick device but it makes it wide front end handle real nice it's almost like power steering its gear reduction besides driving the Farmall hm taking it to tractor shows Lee likes nothing better than showing folks some of the fine details of this well-crafted old iron here looking at the tractor where the belly pump should be is a cast iron plate where your fittings would be for your hydraulics corks and the holes later models had a metal plug in there when a farm all left the factory and h it was had a sealed governor we duplicated with the help of some friends the original style governor seal as you would have seen it on the old farm all we've tried to keep it as original as we possibly can the hood fasteners instead of bolts were these fasteners that you just turn in and turn a quarter turn they locked the hood on being undo four bolt four and zeez fasteners here and lift the hood off the radiator with the optional swinging drawbar the lincoln grease gun that clipped right to the tractor and the radiator cap with the word water embossed right on to it simple as it was this early farm all H had a whole lot going for it another unique little feature is the little clip on the brake lock so that you could lock the brakes with your foot or release the brakes after you lock them with your foot without reaching down there you had your C on your early farm all was flip-up most of them were just a pen seat and if you were fortunate and got the upholstered seat it was black until 1947 and then you had the silver seat the steel wheels on the early ages were a lot lighter and a lot narrower than the later ages which had a cast-iron hub this hubs called the wafer hub the fenders were a nice option a lot of them were thrown away because they got in the way of your various implements but they make the tractor nice and showy and it did have more than when I was kid nice and showy pretty well describes Leigh Schmitz 1940 farm all H restored to its bare-bones perfection speaks for itself been here a lot of years yeah I like my farm walls and they're usually affordable and you can restore one and have a nice tractor way to go Lee your uncle August would be mighty proud you know keeping mite
Channel: Classic Tractor Fever Tv
Views: 54,614
Rating: 4.9514017 out of 5
Keywords: Classic Tractor Fever, Classic Tractor, Aumann Auctions, Aumann Vintage Power, Classic Tractors Tv, Tractors, Farming, Farm, Agriculture, Farm Machinery, Tractor Restoration, Tractor Repair, Tractor Rebuild, Engine Repair, Engine Rebuild, Steam Tractor, Vintage Tractor, American Historiy, Cultivating, Tractor Auction, Farm Machinery Auction
Id: gOUNoZEpEw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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