What Your Monster Hunter Weapon Says About You

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what your monster hunter weapon says about you great sword the most iconic weapon of the series that hardly anyone uses such as one of the hardest weapons to actually use you're a master of the game capable of predicting monsters movements three steps in advance or people are gonna think you're from chicago the windy city i said chicago the windy city okay fine next weapon long sword you're the weeaboo wonder who's wildly whipping it out your cosplay is one of those blind swordmasters since you don't see the difference between the monster's tail where you should be cutting on the monster's head where you always seem to be going for you have two types of moves moves that might hit one thing and moves that always hit everything including your teammates so of course you're going to spam those types of moves to the detriment of your teammates and you wonder why you're never invited to the cookout sword and shield you're either a first time player and you don't realize that you start the game with one of every weapon in your box already or you're a long time player who's gone full circle tried out every weapon and realized that the default weapon is one of the best weapons also you will never sheath your weapon even when it makes more sense to dash dual blades you are incredibly smart incredibly handsome and you have excellent taste because why use one sword when you can use two swords idiots you also need to take a break every five minutes to drink your weapons life support to make it viable at all known as mega dash juice let it rip hammer you like being stepped on by the monster you welcome the challenge you always eat for feline provoker and you would never make the same mistake that thor made horn before rise you're the cheerleader you're the backup dancer you have to constantly pull up the pause menu to look up your songs only to immediately pause it again because you've got which note corresponds to which button you feel like you did 90 of your contribution at the start of the quest and when your teammates see you off in the corner doing nothing they'll think oh they must be using more songs when really you're pausing the game to read your sheet music you also find it hilarious that one of the biggest weapons is also somehow one of the fastest after rise you saw break dancing in the trailer now you play like you're auditioning for the baby video lance you prefer the simpler things in life you're here to fight monsters not learning crazy combos memorizing over complicated pages of tutorials is a waste of time with the lance your combos are poke poke poke poke poke poke and run run run run run run run run poke gun lance you do not exist nobody uses gun lance i'm sure there are a few people use gun lance switch axe you either just started and don't realize there's a sword mode or you watch the monster hunter championship since all the witting teams are all using the swacks chargeblade you enjoy reading pdfs chargeblade guide let's see here while in sword mode attacking which means the floor is lava and you are french just swim monday lightbow gun you cannot count and will try shooting when you need to reload on every single round you like the rapid fire shot so you can miss three times instead of one heavy bow gun you are incredibly stubborn and have a short memory because you will always go into crouching fire right next to the monster and then act absolutely shocked when the monster hits you bow you like using sleep arrows and putting the monster to sleep just for your teammates to immediately wake it up before you're able to place your bombs because they're playing with the music muted or you're always asking people to do a teostra hunt with you so you can get the eight percent drop and need to upgrade the only other good bow in the game thank you for watching these are all just jokes i like every weapon subscribe for more monster hunter and more videos on other video games and uh that's it video is over
Channel: Captain Astronaut
Views: 1,778,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster Hunter, Weapons, Greatsword, Longsword, Sword and Shield, Dual Blades, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Lance, Gunlance, Switch Axe, Charge Blade, Insect Glaive, je suis monte, Light Bowgun, Heavy Bowgun, Bow, Tetsucabra, Yian Garuga, Weeb, Weeaboo, Teostra, Teostra Bow, Sleep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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