What your boss can track about you with Microsoft Teams

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hi everyone kevin here today i want to show you all of the different ways that microsoft teams tracks how you use microsoft teams so what do i mean by that well the tldr version is anytime you click on something anytime you launch an app anytime you join a meeting and anytime you send a message and the contents within that message all of that is tracked and stored so someone could go back later on and they can retrieve all of that information and so you better hope that you didn't say something malicious because that could come to light to a public audience some of you might know that i used to work at microsoft as a program manager and we instrumented everything within all of the different experiences that we were building i worked on office.com but also within microsoft teams everything gets instrumented so anytime there's a click all that information is available later on so let's say you work for a company or an organization or maybe you go to a school that organization or that school they can find out what you were doing and they could even see the contents of what you were writing now before you freak out and you say oh no i was gossiping about one of my co-workers i really don't want this to come to light well you don't have to worry because it's not really practical to get it on just everyday cases in fact if your let's say your manager or your boss wanted to get access to some of this information well they'd have to work through i.t they'd have to work with hr and they'd probably need really good justification in place to gain access to this type of data now the types of cases where you could see this coming up is well maybe there was harassment or maybe someone sold the secret recipe to the kevin cookie company i'm looking at you adele those are the types of cases where you might want to go back have some discovery to be able to retrieve this type of information all right well with that out of the way why don't we jump on the pc and let's look at what type of information microsoft teams tracks to view all of the information that's tracked by microsoft teams we need to access a few of the different admin centers and to get there sign into the website office.com now once again to be able to access this type of information you need to be an admin and for some of it you even need higher privileges than that if you're an admin over on the left hand side let's click into the admin center within the admin center first over on the left hand side let's click on show all so we can see all of the different options first let's click into compliance we're going to start in the microsoft 365 compliance center and if that just sends a shiver down your spine i know the last thing you ever want to hear at work is that you're non-compliant within the compliance center we can search through everything in microsoft teams that includes things like private channels and even direct messages that you send others and it's not just limited to microsoft teams we can also search across email skype basically any product that's part of microsoft 365. and now remember typically only a legal or compliance team member will have access to this type of information you don't have to worry about your manager snooping around your team's messages to get started on the left hand side let's click on the option that says show all and next let's click on the one that says content search this opens up content search and with this i can search across all of the content that's within my microsoft 365 tenant now we recently had an employee adele vance and she didn't leave on the best of terms i want to find all communications from adele vance to see what was going on right up here in the top left hand corner i can kick off a new search by clicking here this drops me on a page where i can compose my search query right here i can search for specific keywords i could also click to add additional conditions when i click on this it opens up a pane on the right hand side and there are a whole bunch of different conditions that i can add now once again i want to find all content from adele vance and here there's an option for sender i'll check this box and then click on add now over on the left hand side for my search query i see a new field for the sender or author here i'll type in adele's email address i don't want to search for any specific keywords so i could just click on the x to close that i have all of the conditions selected and right down here i can also choose if i want to search across specific locations so do i just want to search on teams or do i also want to include exchange emails i could specify what all of those different locations are i want to simply search across everything so i'll select all locations right down here i'll leave that check box checked and then click on save and run next i can save my search and i'll call this the adele vance investigation i've now typed in my details so i'll click on save i've now finished running my query and i can double click on it and this will show me a top level summary so here once again i can review what the query was and down below i can see the status it looks like it found 182 different items involving adele vance now right up here i can export the results or i can view them directly inline i'll click on view results this drops me back into the content search view and i can now view all of the content within my tenant that matches this criteria so over here i can see any piece of content that involves adele vance so here i can see items from her calendar here if i jump forward i could also see email messages that adele sent and i could also see any teams messages that she sends now here for example if i click on this email where she said she quits here i could see the details of the message i could see who sent it who she sent it to the subject the date and i could also see the specific content of the message i went through all of the different messages and i didn't find anything where adele sold the secret recipe of the kevin cookie company i still have my suspicions but she didn't leave any traces behind or at least no digital traces along with being able to simply search across all of the content on your tenant over on the left-hand side there's also something called e-discovery and this too also allows you to search across all of the content within your tenant but it also allows you to preserve content so let's say there's an investigation in process or maybe there's a lawsuit and you need to make sure you retain the data you can use e-discovery to do that back now within the microsoft 365 admin center let's see what's tracked in the microsoft teams admin center to get there over on the left hand side at the very bottom let's click into teams within the teams admin center over on the left hand side let's click on analytics and reports and then click on usage reports this drops us into the report view and there are several different types of reports that i can run we're going to take a quick look to see what these reports are let's start at the top with app usage here i could select the report type also select the date range let's go with the last 90 days and then run the report the first report shows me what apps are being used in my organization so here i can see a full list with all of these different reports up in the top right hand corner i have a few different options i could export the report to excel so i could analyze it there i could also filter the report let's say i want to filter by a specific app name right back here i could also view it full screen and if i click on the settings gear i can edit the columns that show up in the report so once again i have access to these same controls and all of the different report views back over on reports i now have a set of three additional reports and they all have to do with pstn what is this well that stands for public switched network telephone basically if you can make traditional phone calls from teams you can view analytics on it so you'll be able to see things like call minutes or how many sms's were sent next there's also a report on teams device usage let's click on this and run the report this shows me what devices users in my organization are using to connect to microsoft teams so here i can see that many of my users are using windows i also have some users on ios and i have a bunch of users connecting on the web so this gives me per user information on what device they're using to connect to teams here too i could also see when their last activity was back within the report list there's also report for teams live events so if you host live events you can see analytics on that next let's click into the one called teams usage and then run the report teams usage will show me engagement on the team level so here i can see for all of my different teams how many active users are there how many posts how many replies and you can see the types of information that you can see here i can get a sense for what the most active teams in my organization are back on top within the report drop down let's click into the one called teams user activity and this is an interesting one here when i click on view report or run report here i can see how all the different users in my organization are engaging with microsoft teams so i'll take myself as an example here i can see how many channel messages i've posted how many replies how many chat messages so here i can see how everyone's engaging with microsoft teams as i go over some other interesting information i can see how much time i've spent in audio calls how much time i've been on video and how much time i've spent screen sharing and here too i could also see when my last activity was back on top the last report within this list is called diagnostics and this will tell you the quality of your different calls along with all of the analytics and reports that we have here we also have some additional user level information over on the left hand side let's click on users this will display all the different users in my organization so here i'll click on myself as an example within my own account up here in the top right hand corner you can see things like the call quality how many meetings and how many calls i've had over the last seven days and right down here i can view a call history so here i can see all the different calls that i had how long they were for and here if i click into it i can even see who the different participants on the call were back within the microsoft 365 admin center there are some higher level reports that microsoft teams feeds into over on the left hand side let's click on the option that says reports and let's start with the one called the productivity score the productivity score rates your organization based on how much you're leveraging the different tools that come with microsoft 365. so here i can see how much we're communicating how many meetings we're having how much we're collaborating on content and here we can see that the kevin cookie company isn't really doing that well our organization score is only eight percent basically down in the dumpster and here we see that the peer benchmark is 42 out of 500 so apparently we have a lot of work to do in our organization interestingly in the past microsoft also had an individual productivity score that measured individuals on similar metrics and yeah that got quite a bit of backlash and microsoft quickly retreated on it the idea of being rated based on the apps you're using just didn't sit that well with end users over on the left hand side the next report is called usage and with usage you can view how different users are engaging with apps and services within your organization here if i hover over microsoft teams i can see in aggregate how many active users teams has this is especially helpful if say maybe you're trying to roll out teams in your organization and you want to see what the uptick is you can view that right here also down below you can see across all of your different services what the usage looks like down here you can also view microsoft teams activity so here you can see channel messages or chats and you can see how much users are engaging here let's click on view more within the microsoft teams usage report this has a lot of similar information to what we saw in the team's admin center here i can see overall information and down below i can see overall information for my individual users right here i can also choose the columns and i can get similar columns to what i had in the team's admin center now so far we've been looking at all of the different information that microsoft teams tracks from within the admin center but what if you don't have access to the admin center can you still track some of this information if you're in education you have access to something called insights i've already added it here on the left hand side if you don't have it you can click on the ellipsis and you can search for insights this drops me into insights and by default i land in the dashboard view right here i can select what types of activities i want to view so here i have a few different options for now i'll stick with all activities i could also choose the date range and then down below i can see how many daily active users i've had so this gives me aggregate data and i can also see it by hour of day right up above i can also click in and generate reports within reports i can generate a report that shows me the engagement on a user level for all of the different activities so right down here i can choose my date range and i've already selected the last 28 days once i'm ready to run the report i'll click on export to csv here as an example i can see that at the beginning of february that diane was engaged in a file activity so here i can see how much time they spent in meetings how many meetings they joined all on a day-to-day basis so let's say that you have a student and you have one class every day you can use this in a sense as an attendance tracker and you can see how much time that student spent in meetings every day and how many meetings they ended up joining now we've looked at a lot of different ways that teams can track your usage and most of these are only available to the admin or if you're a teacher within an education account but there is one additional way that you can track users and this is available to anyone who hosts a meeting when you're within a meeting in microsoft teams and you open up the participants view over in the top right hand corner there's an ellipsis and you can download an attendance list this will download into csv format and you can see who joined your meeting when they left your meeting if they rejoined and how long they were part of your meeting so this is available to any meeting organizer all right well that was a quick look at all of the information that microsoft teams tracks if you enjoyed this video and you learned something new please give it a thumbs up to see more videos like this in the future make sure to hit that subscribe button lastly if you want to see me cover any other topics on this channel leave a note down below alright well that's all i had for you today i hope you enjoyed and as always i hope to see you next time [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 81,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert, microsoft teams, teams, microsoft, ms teams, teams tutorial, tracking, track, data, information, teams microsoft, team, microsoft team, tutorial, stratvert, teams meeting, teams tracking, ms teams tracking, admin, compliance, admin center, microsoft 365, using teams, message, contents, discovery, ediscovery, usage reports, productivity score, attendance report, attendance reports, analytics, reports, report, center, usage, telemetry, instrumentation, teams data, search, content
Id: vgfTUk7_Fxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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