What Your Blox Fruit Says About You! (Part 3!

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what your fruit says about you part three love you are a spammer spider you just like Spider-Man do [Music] you sound just because it's new doesn't mean it good Phenix learn to not run and use a combo for once portal you are good at running but bad at everything else Rumble you are new to PVP or one of the biggest spammers pain you have the best aim in the world I swear blizzard you are good at PVP nothing else needs to be said gravity you're lying nobody uses this fruit unless you're rich Mammoth wrong game you need to be in the gamees spam fruits do you need to be nerfed as a do User it's too overpowered Shadow you might be better than me in PvP that's all Venom you are new to PVP or one of the biggest spammers control somehow you know how to use this fruit good job spirit this is a good fruit and a fun one also dragon you just ate this for the rework didn't you leopard you are one of the biggest spammers in the whole game kit soon either you are a spammer or you're lucky or Rich
Channel: NameIdeas
Views: 12,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v2OaAZGcz9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 50sec (110 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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