What You Should Do On-Board Depending on Your Plane Seat

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curity line life can be unpredictable and you may get stuck in a huge traffic jam being a mere five minutes away from the airport as you're running up to the security check terribly late and close to panic your first instinct might be to ask other passengers to let you cut the line this behavior though is bad Airport manners ask an airport staff member to help you deal with the situation and don't force your fellow travelers into a moral dilemma should they refuse and look insensitive or say yes and risk missing their own flight do not ask strangers to look after your belongings it's not only risky can you really trust someone you see for the first time in life but it can also inconvenience that person imagine getting stuck in a Starbucks line while the kind-hearted stranger is waiting for you out there with your bags time passes and it's their boarding time or their name gets called what now should they leave your stuff not to miss their flight or wait until you get your daily dose of caffeine please don't make them choose be understanding if a security agent doesn't seem overly polite security agents have a lot to deal with they have to repeat the same information to thousands of travelers hundreds of these travelers will still forget to remove their liquids from suitcases and put laptops and separate bins no wonder agents may look tired and unenthusiastic the only thing you can do is listen to what they say and never ever ever argue with staff members switching seats is a touchy topic what are the main unspoken rules when it comes to seat switching is offer only an equivalent or better option for example if you ask someone to swap their economy aisle seat for a higher class middle seat it might pass as a valid offer but asking for a window seat while offering a middle one in the same class unacceptable if you're asked to switch seats with another passenger feel free to decline politely you don't have to give any explanation especially if you've paid for additional comfort like more legroom do not grab seat backs on your way to the laboratory imagine how irritating it is for aisle passengers to have their seats yank every time someone is basketball for the same reason don't use the back of the seat in front of you to pull yourself out of your chair every time you get up do not just have stand while your neighbor is trying to get out of their seat if you're unwilling to leave your chair your neighbor will have to crawl over your lap while they're trying to squeeze by that's too close for comfort for everyone involved in this awkward situation the only way to save face is to unbuckle your seat belt step into the aisle and wait until your neighbor leaves their seat no bare feet on the plane it's one of the biggest no-nose of air travel even if we omit the topic of unpleasant odors picture several hundred passengers removing their shoes and socks at once move the airplane floor is extremely filthy people with contagious foot problems could be walking the aisles barefoot there's likely to be a lot of dirt left after previous passengers and don't even get me started on the floor in the bathrooms if your feet need some freedom take off your shoes but at least leave your socks on or bring a pair of light slippers if you can't lift your bag to the overhead bin it's probably too heavy to be carry on flight attendants don't have to help you with your suitcase or bag if it's too heavy to be lifted think about how many people may get injured if it falls out during turbulence plus overhead bins can withstand only so much weight and if you try to stuff your mega heavy luggage inside they could collapse always try to store your bag over your seat one day you may come up to your seat and see that the overhead bin is already packed even though there's nobody in your row yet some passengers like to store their carry-on luggage one or two rows ahead so that they can keep an eye on their belongings well first hand luggage theft is almost unheard Plus such a tactic is only problematic travelers with occupied overhead bins have to look for a free spot then they squeeze their way back to their seats the next wave of displaced passengers start to search for a free space and so on the end result confusion and flight delays and now let's see how airplane etiquette differs depending on your seat if you travel into window seat you're in charge of the window shape it gives you a lot of advantages if you want to look at the clouds open the blind if the Sun is bothering you close it but if you see that the glare prevents your neighbor from seeing their screen pull the blind down if your seat mate wants to take pictures lean back and let them have a great shot try your best to visit the bathroom when your middle or aisle seat neighbor goes there don't make them stand up twice if you can prevent it if you're a middle seat occupant well you have my condolences you have all the rights to claim the armrest on both sides don't spread your knees though they have to stay in when the farthest seat is getting their drink from a flight attendant he'll pass it you could also find yourself in charge of passing the aisle seat mates request to the window seat neighbor sitting in an aisle seat puts a lot of responsibility on your shoulders you might have to get up the most often to let the others out please do it without complaining huffing or eye rolling you're supposed to use just one armrest the aisle side one always keep your feet and legs out of the aisle they could get bumped by food carts or trip passengers taking a straw you're also the nearest person to the in-flight call button it'll be your responsibility for the whole roll don't eat smelly food on a plane the cabin air is stuffy enough please don't add an aroma of fast food eggs or fish to it if you won't get a meal during the flight bring along some dry snacks like dried fruit nuts or crackers avoid reclining your seat unless it's absolutely necessary if you've ever flown economy you know how cramped the seats are and how little personal space each passenger has if you must require your seat for example on a lengthy or overnight flight or if you have back problems always warn the person in the seat behind you otherwise you could accidentally hit them knock their food tray over spill their drink or even break their laptop which happens unnerving ly often keep your conversation short even if you've just come across your new best friend and your similar interest keep the dialog flowing remember that other passengers might not be as happy about this fateful meeting when all you want is to close your eyes and have a nap the last thing you need is people chatting nearby statistically 83 percent of passengers think that all communication on a plane should be limited to a smile and a greeting avoid personal grooming activities it doesn't mean you can't put on some hand lotion or soothe your dry eyes with drops but if you really must brush your hair trim your nails or clean your ears right now head for the airplane lavatory do not crowd the baggage claim belt leave at least several feet of space between you and the baggage carousel this way if someone sees their bag approaching they'll easily swoop in and get it standing up against the belt won't make your suitcase appear any faster got all that
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, good news, airplane etiquette, plane etiquette, public transport etiquette, etiquette rules you should know, etiquette rules around the world, etiquette rules bright side, etiquette rules everyone should know, switching seats on a plane, how to change seats on airplane, etiquette of swapping airplane seats, barefoot on the plane, planes, airports, onboard, traveling by plane, air travel, airplane travel, flight rules, aviation
Id: BaL6prtcFkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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