Never Take a Picture with Mimes, Here's Why

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it's finally that time of year again you activate airplane mode on your phone and vacation mode in your brain but hold on a sec there are some things you need to be aware of to avoid having your dream Journey turn into a nightmare if you're going to Barcelona or some other tourist hot spot in Europe you'll see some cool looking mimes around major signs they won't say a word and will jump straight into your shot you might get excited to post a picture with a street performer on your insta but this picture will come at a cost literally the second is taken the mime will go from friendly to pretty aggressive as they'll want your money for the photo the best you can do to avoid it is not let them be in your photo in the first place change your location give them a cold look or loudly say no now what would you do if you saw a cool looking guy selling coconuts in this tree probably take their photo or maybe let them approach you and be in that selfie with you and of course if they offer you to try their coconut you won't say no well that delicious snack will come at a really really inflated prize if you don't want to pay for their treat the coconut Master will follow you and demand money from you in an aggressive manner getting into a conflict in a foreign country is unlikely on your to-do list so you'll just hand the money right now that you know about this scheme that works around the globe just avoid any interaction with the coconut people and don't let your youngsters accept their gifts either now imagine someone approaches you in a square full of tourists in Italy and asks what time it is you naturally put your hand out to check the clock and you're immediately rewarded with a wristband it's supposed to be a gift for your kindness but just wait 10 seconds later The Giver shows you a sweet photo of their son and asks for money to support the youngster when you say a polite no they get pretty pushy so you don't want to help my son normally you can just give them the gift back and walk away but many people won't have the heart to do it so be aware of this wristband scam and decide for yourself if you're willing to invest in this accessory or not our next stop is in Thailand you get a bit lost looking for one cool Museum a friendly local approaches you and informs you the museum is closed but they'll be happy to take you to another one once you get there it turns out it's actually a store they partner with to bring tourists like you and if it's a gem store they might offer you some unique luxury gems that you can resell at a really good price back home you'll be unhappy to find out that these gems are worthless because they're made of plastic so the best you can do is checking out the working times of the sites you want to visit and see for yourself if they're actually open or not bring a proper bag on your Voyage special anti-theft models will help you protect your valuables many of them are made with Slash resistant Fabrics or straps and lockable zippers the bad guys often grab a bag or backpack or cut the strap and run away with it anti-theft backpacks will have a cable hidden inside the shoulder strap it's not so easy to cut steel on the go those secure bags also have secret compartments for items you cherish the most with an extra layer of protection it's not easy even to find this compartment well hidden inside unlocking it is a Next Level task don't feel like carrying an anti-theft bag because it doesn't go with your style you can opt for an RFID blocking wallet it won't have the same functionality but it won't let pickpockets steal your personal data from your credit card or password and in case you're wondering what RFID is about it's the reason you can make contactless transactions a microchip inside your cart has information such as your card number an antenna inside the cart sends data to the sales terminal if the bad guys get close enough to you say in a crowd of tourists they can scan your card with their gadgets and get your card number and that's where that wallet with a layer of carbon fiber or aluminum comes in handy it'll block the electromagnetic signal from your car your phone and other valuables aren't safe in your pockets period even when you're listening to music and you're sure no one will grab your phone because you'll notice it immediately they will still do it the same can happen in a crowded touristy area when you're holding your phone in front of you taking selfies or filming the sites it's super easy for bad guys to snatch it and get lost in the crowd the same can happen when you're driving in a taxi with windows down and filming the car is stuck in a traffic jam or at the crossroads someone on a bike drives past you or even walks by and Bam your phone is gone with them you sure can relax at one of those restaurants with an outdoor Terrace right yeah but never leave your phone or tablet on the table when you aren't using it it's like a dream for any pickpocket they can easily approach the table grab your Gadget and run away [Music] if you aren't planning to overpay for a taxi ride always choose authorized cabs and ask the driver to turn on the meter if they tell you it's broken it's up to you to still take the ride or not if you don't want to pay extra for going the longest possible route pre-load a map of the city you're visiting and ask your phone to build the fastest route the driver won't love it but you can tell them you see they're making all these detours on purpose sometimes a kind-hearted taxi driver will inform you that your hotel is overbooked or closed altogether they'll offer you a different accommodation option it'll be more expensive and the driver will get their commission from the hotel it's time for a relaxing swim but wait what should you do about your phone wallet and other pricey personal items you could do some research and find a beach where you can rent a locker another option is buying a waterproof smartphone pouch that you can swim with it can also fit some other small but expensive items of yours just make sure to wrap it tightly around your wrist if you're feeling more adventurous you can hide your Treasures in clean and dry food packaging cans bottles crisp packets there's no limit to your creativity for the most extreme solution put your stuff in a bag and then hide it under a few layers of sand and top it with your beach towel you finally make it to your hotel room and before you jump on that huge bed with a crispy white blanket make sure you have a secret place to store your valuables when you leave the room you can buy a ready-made secret stash hair brush it can hold some rolled banknotes your Jewels or maybe a flash drive with some important data the bonus part is that it also brushes your hair well how handy another solution is to bring the duct tape with you you might get some surprise looks at the X-ray at the airport but trust me it's worth it you can put your bills and jewelry in an envelope and duct tape it to the underside of your mattress in the middle I mean who will voluntarily lift your mattress and hold it for so long to reach the middle right another barely visible place for your Treasures is the shower curtain I know it sounds absurd to you but guess what it appears absurd to Intruders too so put your stuff in an envelope duct tape it to the inside bottom of the curtain and don't forget to remove it before you shower happy trails that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
Views: 283,336
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, how to stay safe while traveling, how to stay safe while traveling alone, how to stay safe while traveling abroad, how to travel alone, how to stay safe in your car while traveling, how to stay safe while solo traveling, how to stay safe while travelling, how to be safe while traveling solo, how to stay safe while travelling alone, how to be safe while travelling solo, coconut man, tricks abroad, why they put wristband on your hand, tricks in Europe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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