What You Need To Know About Frozen 3

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we were totally shocked by your decision Elsa we've really thought that you would go back to arendelle with Anna after all you are doing a great job as Queen but honey Marin was right you really do belong in the Enchanted Forest you'll be closer to a to Holland where your powers come from and you can get closer to all the other spirits plus it's not like you're that far from your family but what does this mean for the future of arendelle frozen to had a pretty satisfying ending but fans are already dreaming up plots for a third movie we have to admit a lot of these fan theories make total sense keep watching for the best theories about frozen three the ending of frozen - we can't believe everything that happened in frozen - there were a lot of storylines that had to get wrapped up first honor realized that the only way to freed the forest was to destroy the dam the dam had been built by her grandfather who used it to trick the North aldrin it destroyed their resources and her grandfather attacked the tribes which angered the spirits so they cut off the forest from the rest of the world when Anna destroyed the dam she also freed Elsa who had been frozen in ad till Holland this made Elsa's powers complete as the fifth spirit she is the one who can unite and calm the other spirits she arrived just in time with a knock to save arendelle from being destroyed by the flood Elsa used her magic to bring Olaf back to life water has memory and snow is just frozen water Kristoff finally proposed to Anna and also realized that she belonged in the forest with the other spirits causing onit to become the queen of arendelle frozen to was beyond epic and it's got fans talking some are convinced that a third and final installment is a shoo-in and first and three theories are flying around the internet as though they were being guided by Gale herself Kristoff can I borrow your wagon and Sven I'm not very comfortable with the idea of that Elsa's forest adventures the first frozen three theory is all about Elsa she's no longer the queen of arendelle so what will she do with all of her time one theory about Elsa is that she'll finally get a love interest plenty of fans notice some serious chemistry between honey Marian and the ice queen there are lots of fans who would love see an Elsa love story also now that the Enchanted Forest is open again it can be totally safe some people in arendelle still fear magic like Elsa's grandfather or maybe news of the forest will travel to the rest of the world someone else will come and try to use the magic of the forest also we'll have to stop them she could also figure out more about her parents she never did decode that parchment she and Anna found in the shipwreck the North aldrin said that her mother was from one of the oldest families in their culture but we don't meet this family Elsa might go try to find her distant relatives Princess Anna is dead Hans returns can we all agree that Hans is pretty much the worst in the first movie he's determined to take over arendelle here's the thing about Hans though he's the annoying little brother of a huge family his chances of ever ruling a kingdom are pretty slim that's why he tried to woo on it and get rid of Elsa he figured it was his best shot at becoming king of anything Hans might hear that on is now the queen of arendelle he could think that it's safe to come to try again because Elsa isn't there Hans might even convince his father or some of his brothers to help him there could be a whole army Anna would need Elsa to come down from the forest to help save arendelle again Hans is also totally the type of person to try and take over the enchanted forest Hans would have gotten along great with Ana's grandfather he could end up fighting the North Waldron's and then the forest might become cursed again only Elsa and Anna can save the forest are you totally obsessed with Disney fan theories so are we be the first to watch the hottest theories about Disney movies when you subscribe to the things want to be notified about new videos make sure your mobile YouTube settings are set to allow notifications now let's get back to frozen three theories keep watching to find out what could happen with Kristoff and honest children frozen a prequel we were absolutely fascinated by the story of Anna and Elsa's parents it would be so cool to see more about them we know what happened with arendelle attacking the north all drones but what happened before that we would love to see what Queen I do know was like when she was growing up and then there's whole question of what happened after where did I do not go after she saved Agner we'd be really curious to know how I do know made a life for herself as a young girl all alone we also have to wonder what else was going on in arendelle people had to be pretty upset about the forest being sealed off and Eichner became king that very same day but he was just a boy he had a lot to learn and never had time to grieve another possibility for a prequel could happen way before I deunan Agner the North aldrin czar in ancient people Elsa was probably not the first person with powers we think a movie about the ancient north old ruins would be so cool it could explain all about the magic of the forest why is there only magic in the forest we think there was probably a time when magic was outside of the forest to take a look at the trolls they're made of stone just like the earth Giants they are just a lot smaller grandpappy has some magical abilities he was able to heal Anna and erase her memories as a kid he can see the future a prequel could explain all about the trolls and their magic how did they get to arendelle there are so many questions that still need to be answered and prequels are a great way to do that there could also be a prequel about what happened when the forests sealed off it was a magical place but something went wrong the North aldrin and though arendelle soldiers were trapped for 34 years they were constantly at odds with each other we would love to see how the soldiers learned how to survive the North aldrin whole way of life had to change to can you imagine not being able to really see the sky for decades they were also used to using the forest magic the spirits help them with their day-to-day life but after the forest was sealed from the outside world the spirits kind of disappeared that is until Elsa woke them with her song it would be cool to see what was happening in the forest during those three decades Anna and Kristoff Anna and Kristoff are seriously couple goals these two are just so in love there are way more realistic than a lot of Disney couples back up while I deal with this crook here did you call me Christophe adores honor he helps her instead of just trying to protect her we're so glad he finally got over his awkwardness and proposed at the end of frozen to on is announced as the queen of arendelle but it's not clear whether or not she's married yet Kristoff gets all dressed up along with Sven and Olaf for Ana's special day so if they aren't married yet frozen three could be about the royal wedding but it can't just be an easy wedding there would have to be some major adventure perhaps Hans comes back and kidnap Sanne maybe Kristoff and Sven get lost while they're out exploring and on and Olaf have to find them either way we really want to see a wedding Kristoff attempting to write his own vows would be so cute also would have to come back to be maid of honor of course we cast Fenn would be the best man grand pabbie would perform the ceremony you have to admit it would be the best wedding ever a spin-off everyone loves the main characters from frozen Anna and Elsa are awesome Kristoff and Sven are so much fun to have around and Olaf is the cutest and most hilarious snowman ever but there are plenty of other characters that were introduced these characters were so cool we'd love a story about general Matthias and his lost love in arendelle Ryder is also a super cool character he was so excited to see what life was like outside of the forest maybe he and the reindeer go on some grand adventure then there's honey Marin we want to know so much more about this character she is really amazing but she's kind of mysterious we think there could be a ton of spin-offs based on the minor characters from frozen to the next generation you serious and it's the latest model no I can't accept this you have to no returns now that Kristoff and honor are getting married there will probably be a whole new generation it would be cool to have a movie all about on and Christoph's children but what would it be about well we think there's a good chance that at least one of them will be magical think about it Anna and Elsa are half North old Elsa was given her powers as a gift it was because her mother saved her father and got him out of the forest then the forest sealed and her father tried to make things right as the king but he didn't really understand the past ahna help the forest - she destroyed the dam to save it she broke the curse and freed the people her children could be blessed with magic powers - but Anna will know better than to force her kids to conceal their powers look what it did to Elsa in the first movie see concede but Anna will also know that she needs help we think a movie about Ana's future daughter going to the forest to live with her on Elsa would be so awesome I also would teach her niece how to use her magic and since she's starting so young she might become more powerful than Elsa also can you imagine how cute Anna and Kristoff children would be they'd grow up with Olaf and Sven to play with it would be cool and adorable we really hope that one day we get a movie all about the next frozen generation that's a rat which of these theories do you like best for frozen three do you have your own theories about a future movie let us know in the comments section Elsa's powers were too much for this world now we must pray they are enough [Music] alsa you've gone on such a journey back in the days with the first frozen film you were scared of your powers you wanted to hide yourself away but by the end of frozen - you totally own your magic gift and now you know who you really are with all of this newfound self-confidence you're more powerful than ever you've even met up with four other awesome spirit powers and found your place in the world we couldn't be happier for you Alice has been searching for the truth about her ice powers all her life and she finally gets the answers in frozen - which makes her extra powerful keep watching to the end to discover what new alliances will increase Elsa's power even more Anna no I have my powers to protect me Elsa's power is finally explained first things first we can all agree that knowledge is power and in frozen - Elsa finally gets the answers to all her questions about her ice powers she spends nearly the entire movie and the first film trying to figure out where her magic comes from we learned that even her parents weren't sure about the origins of their daughter's abilities their ship got wrecked on their journey to OTO Holland in their search for the truth and the answer that Elsa eventually discovered was that her powers were a gift not a curse the nature spirits rewarded I dunno for her selfless act of saving Agner by giving her a magical daughter simply by knowing the reason for her power Elsa's power is increased Elsa finds a community in the original frozen film Elsa is an outcast she banishes herself from her kingdom and chooses to live in isolation on the North Mountain we get the perfect insight into her frame of mind when she sings let it go they say that no person is an island and you really can't get through life entirely on your own so Elsa needs to find a community that she can thrive in and express her powers to their fullest even though Elsa reunites with Anna at the end of the first movie we see that she's still not settled at the beginning of frozen - it's clear that Elsa isn't totally comfortable in the family setup and the others still don't totally understand her when Anna asks Kristoff as Elsa seemed weird to you she seems like Elsa it's clear that Elsa isn't amongst others on the same wavelength that's her she can't get fully involved in Ana's game of charades sure she's distracted by the voice that's calling her but this kind of endorsee constrained entertainment just isn't her cup of tea also explains the disconnect she's feeling when she sings into the unknown she wonders if the voice calling her is someone who's a little bit like her who knows deep down she's not where she's meant to be and eventually she admits that she's longed to go into the unknown she needs to be free add amongst nature and by the end of frozen to she's found the perfect environment by living in the enchanted forest amongst the other four spirits she can finally unleash her powers to the max Elsa connects with Anna Elsa and Anna have always had a tricky relationship ever since Elsa accidentally froze her little sister's head when they were kids they've managed to mend their relationship at various points along the way but Alice's still wasn't entirely on the same page as Anna in frozen - Elsa promises Anna we do this together okay I'm famous but she ends up betraying that promise when she sends Anna and Olaf off in a frozen canoe no matter how close they were getting Elsa's still felt a disconnect from her sister she still felt like she couldn't fully embrace her powers and go as far as she needed to while Anna was around however by the end of the movie Elsa has finally found a way to connect with Anna without stifling her powers by being the protector of the enchanted forest Elsa can live in her element while still having contact with her sister she can connect with Anna through letters and meetups but without having to hold in her powers also frees herself from imposed duty it's important that Elsa renounces her role as queen of arendelle this is a position that was thrust upon her when her parents passed away it wasn't the roles that she chose for herself by being pushed into a station of imposed duty Elsa was limited she couldn't use her ice powers for much more than sparkly celebration fireworks she couldn't unleash the full force of her powers while she was queen of arendelle but by passing that mantle on to Anna who perfectly suits the role Elsa could free herself from that restraining responsibilities sure she ends up in another position of power as the protector of the Enchanted Forest but the important difference is that she chose that role for herself and it's a job that lets her use her full range of powers without restriction Elsa knows who she is in the first frozen movie it's clear that Elsa suffers from self doubts she had such a traumatizing childhood conceal it it's no wonder she ended up feeling like a burden she didn't understand her true nature by finally getting those answers in frozen - Elsa could discover her true self she can now embrace her powers and everything that makes her who she is she literally lets her hair down in frozen - when she gets to Otto Holland and she embraces her true self before we reveal what new allies make Elsa even more powerful to invite you to be the first to watch our latest frozen videos so if you haven't already subscribed to the things and tap that notification bell if you're watching on your phone go to your YouTube settings and turn on your notifications now back to Elsa Elsa finds her purpose Elsa's big musical moment on Oda Holland is a major turning point show yourself is like an anthem of self-acceptance self realization and self love she sings about a friend she's always known and how she feels like she is home Elsa goes on to sing about feeling so certain that she's there for a reason the reason she was born she's finally finding the answer she's waited for all her life the voice that's been calling her is her mother who sings come my darling homeward bound and also replies I am found some fans have wondered whether the voice actually belongs to Elsa and if it is in fact Elsa herself that has been calling out for the Ice Queen to find her purpose either way watching Elsa finally embrace her true calling is such an emotional moment Elsa can push herself to the limit not only does Elsa push herself to get to adda Holland and discovered the truth about the past she also goes deeper than she's been advised to go pappi had warned Elsa and Anna about their journey before they set out to the enchanted forest Pappy told Anna magic is very alluring without you she might lose herself to it and going back to their mother's lullaby about auda Holland I do know has also warned Elsa about going too far I do know sings about the river dive down deep into her sound but not too far or you'll be drowned Elsa stands on the precipice knowing that if she leaps down deep into memories of the past they will destroy her but she does it anyway sacrificing herself to find the truth and as she begins to freeze she shoots out the answer to Anna to make sure their grandfather's betrayal is known Elsa has pushed herself to the ultimate limit and it takes such a huge strength to do that with such strength comes power Elsa has tamed her powers we're so relieved when Elsa unfreezes and comes back bringing back Olaf - there's some debate amongst fan as to whether Elsa actually passes when she freezes and comes back as a spirit or if she simply came back to life she certainly looks more ethereal after her frozen moment she's paler and more ghostly buzz like Bruni she's a physical being capable of being hugged by Anna so either way whether she came back to life or is a spirit Elsa exists in some forms and in this new form she's totally in control of her powers she manages to beat the water surge when the dam comes down and reaches arendelle in time to save the kingdom from the massive wave her ice powers quell in the water and all is calm and the important point to make is that also is able to do that because the spirits agreed she is working together and finding harmony with the other powers now - the fact that she's tamed her powers stands in stark contrast of the first movie by the end of the original frozen film we see that Elsa isn't much more in control of her powers but she still isn't totally there yet after all she accidentally freezes her hands to the balcony at the beginning of the second film but by the end of the sequel she's owning it Elsa can tame other powers not only does Elsa manage to take charge of her own powers but she also manages to control the other spirits powers - and she does have to use force in the end sure she unleashes her ice powers in a battle with the fire spirit to begin with but then she realizes that it's actually a cute little salamander called Bruni and she finds that she can tame Bruni by being kind to him and by using her own powers to make him happy by giving him snow piles to jump in or snowflakes to eat she also gets playful with Gale the wind spirit and as for NOK the water spirit in horse form Elsa totally takes charge she manages to rain and knock quite literally to ride the water spirit across the waves to Otto Holland and she finds a way to work together with a horse and harmony disability to not only tame her own powers but the other Spears powers to makes Elsa even more powerful Elsa has four new powers to play with as Elsa is working in harmony with the four spirits she now has four new powers to play with this has practical benefits for example Elsa is so friendly with Gale that she can send letters to Anna thanks to the helpful wind spirit and when earth fire wind water and ice all connects they make an unbeatable force else is at the center of that power and we couldn't be happier for her what did you think about else's journey in the sequel do you believe she's happier now living in the enchanted forest or do you wish she was still living with Anna sound off in the comments Oh distracted worried hey Elsa we know that you have a lot going on in frozen to an unknown voice is calling your name and it wants you to go north you're going to travel into the great unknown to discover more about yourself and save arendelle if anyone can save arendelle but what comes next some fans still think you need a love interest or will you decide that being queen isn't for you we think there are definitely enough storylines for a third movie and I know what that means frozen fans are already excited about the prospect of a frozen three movie Disney is far from confirming the third film but that doesn't mean it's off the table stay tuned as we reveal why frozen 3 needs to happen love stories one of the biggest reasons fans want frozen 3 - - has everything to do with love stories we love seeing Anna and Kristoff slowly fall for each other in the first film like it they are just perfect for each other in frozen - they are still together we know that Kristoff wants to propose to Anna but he keeps trying to find the right time from what we've heard about the new movie he keeps getting interrupted when he tries to propose nice poor Kristoff frozen three would be a great opportunity to explore their romance imagine if something happens bother planning their wedding maybe Hans comes back into the picture after all he was technically engaged to Anna will you marry me yes that could be some serious drama or maybe something happens to Kristoff before the wedding and Anna and Elsa have to save him there is definitely no shortage of storylines for a movie all about Kristoff and Anna getting married there are also plenty of fans who think Elsa needs a love interest you probably remember the give Elsa a girlfriend campaign it started before frozen 2 was even announced many fans were disappointed to learn that Elsa will not be falling in love in the second movie find who is calling to you but there is always the possibility of a 3 cold in fact a new site called we got this covered reported that Elsa is getting a girlfriend in frozen 3 but we aren't sure who their super secret source is Disney execs have said that there are currently no plans for a third movie they will have to wait and see how successful frozen 2 is backless ad and at this point they don't even have a plot for the third installment we guessed people who want an Elsa love story will have to keep hoping Elsa stays behind Elsa's never really felt like she fit in because of her magic and her powers just keep getting stronger in frozen - she says there's boys and from what the trailers say it seems that she'll get all her answers about her magic in the enchanted forest no one has been allowed in or out of the forest for decades but her magic allows her n what if Elsa finally finds where she belongs we could totally see her choosing to stay behind at the end of frozen - she never wanted to become Queen at her young age do you have to go you'll be fine Elsa but she lost her parents she might not want to be the queen of arendelle if she stays in a place of magic she might tell Anna to take over the throne and that would definitely open up a possibility for a third movie Anna doesn't want to rule either and she wants to stay with her sister we do this together ok I promise frozen three could be about Elsa needing to return to arendelle to save her sister from some threats or maybe she only wanted to stay away to find herself and get better at magic a third movie could be about her journey home all about Anna the frozen movies maybe about sisterly love but they're more geared towards else's journey the first movie was about Elsa learning to accept her powers and Anna trying to convince her to come home You Belong down in arendelle so do you the second movie is about Elsa learning more about her powers and saving arendelle Anna is there because she supports her sister plenty of fans think frozen 3 should be mostly about Anna there have been lots of theories that Anna might have powers of her own she might be the fire queen to Elsa's ice queen frozen 3 could definitely explore ah no learning to harness her own magic but maybe on a doesn't have powers she could go on her own adventure perhaps she tries to find out what happened to their parents or maybe Hans comes back and causes all sorts of problems for her it could be that Elsa needs to save Anna this time around and we would love to see Kristoff be a huge hero either way a movie about Anna would be totally awesome we will have to wait and see how frozen 2 ends but we know there is still so much does Nika do with Elsa and Anna frozen 3 would make so many fans happy why do you think there should be a third frozen movie don't be shy tell us your theories in the comments thanks for tuning in be sure to like this video and subscribe to the things for more great content we'll catch you next time you
Channel: TheThings
Views: 1,280,912
Rating: 4.8246207 out of 5
Keywords: thethings, Frozen 2, Frozen, Frozen 3, fan theory, Frozen theory, Disney theory, Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven, enchanted forest, Honeymarren, into the unknown, frozen 2 show yourself, frozen 2 kristoff song, frozen 3, frozen 2 theories, frozen 2 iduna, frozen 2 bruni, frozen 2 songs, frozen 2 soundtrack, frozen 2 elsa dies
Id: gHnGxJBRenE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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