What You Missed | Elden Ring DLC - Shadow of the Erdtree Breakdown

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hey what's up guys I'm Dave Klein AKA Dave control and like all of you I just watched the Fantastic shadow of the earth treak trailer if anything it just reminded me of how much I missed the lands between but I digress let's discuss what we could get out of the trailer I will at some points be presenting some of my theories which could be completely wrong but that's part of the fun of this the trailer starts with none other than Mika if you recall from the base game Moog Lord of blood was the half brother to Mika and carved Mika out of the Halo tree bringing him to mwin Palace and trying to utilize Mika to create a new dynasty of his own in game Moog is an optional boss and if you defeat him you can see the Cocoon that Moog shared with Mika however there's nothing you can do with it other than acknowledge it's there this is where the trailer begins and given the way the DLCs have worked in the past for from software games this is where you'll access the DLC through Mika himself at the very end of the trailer we hear vo saying come now touch the withered arm and travel to the realm of Shadow I will not be far behind may we meet again that withered arm again likely referring to Mika IGN interviewed director Haka Miyazaki about the trailer and Miyazaki confirmed this was the entry point to the DLC it will take you to the land of Shadow which is where the DLC takes place and you'll be following along the steps of Nia once you enter could it be that the Elden ring DLC teaser art that was released which showed mola is perhaps the starting point of his journey and where you two will start the DLC from the trailer description it was to this land that Mika departed divesting himself of his flesh his strength his lineage of all things golden when it comes to the land of Shadow Miyazaki says it is a land that is overshadowed by the particular shadow of the UR tree as opposed to the UR tree and the lands between and it takes place again on an entirely separate physically separate map in terms of setting and themes it technically occupies the same same space as the lands between the same universe but due to something Story related that we won't reveal today this has become physically disconnected and you'll travel to the shadow of the earth Tree Land as a separate Place something I found especially interesting is Miyazaki goes on to say another axis of the story is Queen America and what she did in the Land of Shadows and what led Nia to follow her there in fact the official description for the video from Bandai Namco says a place obscured by the Earth tree where the god America first set foot so if this is where America first set foot would that mean this is where she was born if so let's talk about who America is according to Newman's Rune the Newman are said to have come from outside the lands between and are in fact of the same stock as Queen America herself so could it be that the land of Shadow is where the Newman are from and a race will regularly be seeing in this DLC what follows are shots from the land of Shadow which according to Miyazaki is comparable to if not larger than the area of limbra from the lands between it will also be structured similarly to normal map in Elden ring filled with an open field large Legacy Dungeons and small to medium Legacy dungeons continuing on we see the shadow of the her tree however it seems to be dripping magma and covered in some sort of ethereal Veil as quog and a German spy pointed out in an excellent Twitter chain this bedding is a Baldin and resembles the veil that drapes the Queen's bed Chamber from the base game later we seen chamber and an NPC who looks somewhat similar to renala Queen of the full moon however this isn't rala what she does look like again thanks to quog for pointing this one out is the figure on the Kion hourglass she's also surrounded by caran bird cages so this is very likely a caran royal of major importance later we see a painting on this painting is an old man and a woman later in the trailer we see an old man pulling a weapon out of his skull and to me at least they very much look like they could be the same person on top of that the brooch they're wearing looks identical a minute in we see a building that looks like it's deteriorating from the top death rout would seem to have a similar appearance also if you look at the top right you can see what appears to be Roots growing out of the side of the castle as this is the land of Shadow and America visited it for some reason you have to wonder what her goal was and what she brought back could this have something to do with Godwin's rot I don't know about you but that's a thread I would like to see explored even deeper let's take take a break for a second and look back at the original Ellen ring if you recall malth we learned from the remembrance of the Black Blade malth was a shadow bound Beast given to his imperion America's sole need of her Shadow was a vessel to lock away destined death even then she betrayed him if malth is described as Shadow bound does that perhaps mean that malth also came from the land of Shadow and continuing this thread and what I discussed above Malik specifically had the ability to lock away Destin death could it be then that America returned to the land of shadow in order to get malth and this is what molo was looking into and this is how Amica sealed away destined death next up the giant flaming cauldron this is personally my favorite enemy or boss from the trailer and according to Miyazaki it's a weapon that was used in the war which occurred specifically in the land of Shadow the kindling inside of it is the remains of bodies after a cool looking worm we see a beast that notably has Omen horns and I'm not going to lie this kind of looks like a corrupted sarash to me if you recall sarash is Lord of beasts who became king Godfrey's Regent so to me this would appear to be a corrupted sarash but that could just totally be coincidence it could also be an omen baby relative of sashes just like how Moog and morgat were related to the Godwin family but again I'm really getting into speculation territory here I find it interesting that it seems to spew a death Mist which would remind me again of death rot and also lightning which is very reminiscent of Godfree this creature also has feet and as my cooworker Phil hornshaw pointed out it's very reminiscent of the shot emphasizing morg God's feet who notably is also an omen after my Sasha lookalike we get Mesmer the Impaler his name confirmed by the pre-order info initially I honestly thought this could be an older Mika and I grabbed a side by side of mola's hand and mesmer's hand but other than them being lanky I'm probably just stretching here for sure though he's probably either related to the Giants or rig the Giant's red braid item description tells us every giant is red of hair and rigan was said to have despised his own red locks perhaps that was a curse of their kind redheaded characters in the game have so far been one of the two of these things so that seems like a good guess to me it's worth noting that his armor also appears to have a drake Wing he's also surrounded by snakes how very reichart of you we do get the line in the trailer those tripped of the grace of gold shall all meet death in the Embrace of Mesmer Mer's flame so that would seem to indicate an alignment on mesmer's part with Amica so perhaps not Mika because again he divested himself of his flesh his strength his lineage of all things golden mizaki states that he has the important element of Shadow to him which is a key theme throughout the DLC I find it interesting that Mesmer wields flame we see flames in the game related to either the fire Giants who received the gift from a fell God that America supposedly killed or frenzy flame on the Fel God side once wor Ship by the Giants this evil deity is believed to have been slain by Queen America but the item description of it clearly states it's a oneeyed shield and Mesmer definitely isn't a cyclops or is he in the close-up of Mesmer we only see one eye it's not a cyclops like the shield depicts but perhaps this is that God and Amica didn't kill him but rather sealed him away and he's now allied with America obviously this is heavy speculation but it's food for thought it should be noted that his eye is very snake-like and his crown also seems to depict a snake the other place we know flame coming from is the frenzy flame which is always yellow in color and hey look at that mesmer's eyes are yellow although you know this could be a coincidence of course Mesmer is seen on a throne in artwork at the end of the trailer and this Throne is exactly like the Thrones the demigods share outside of the Ury from Miyazaki this represents the Thrones at the base of the UR Trey and it's supposed to symbolize that Mesmer stands on equal footing to those other demigods and Children of America who sat around in these Thrones and held the rooms of the UR Trey so he is an important figure who Rivals these other demigods and as you play the DLC you will learn a little about why he wasn't featured in The Legends of the erery the lands between you'll realize why he exists in this Shadow this land of Shadow both Mesmer and my sarash Omen seem to relate to the primordial Crucible where all life once Blended together The Crucible of life is called the primordial form of the UR tree however notably it was considered the signifier of the Divine in ancient times but is now increasingly disdained as an impurity as civilization has advanced so it very well could be that we're going to discover a bit more about the relationship between the primordial Crucible the greater will and the her tree moving forward there's an alien looking creature who has a weapon kind of reminiscent of Orphan of cause from bloodborne therefore I'm just saying it bloodborne and alen ring are in the same universe confirmed okay all joking as sides I think this is probably another alien race who landed on the planet and is trying to influence events similar to AEL Natural Born of the Void finally there's this scene at the end with the golden figure and tree I'm not too sure who the golden figure is to be honest but by the look of the hair and the braiding it's very likely that it's Mika my coworker Phil had a theory that it could be St Trina or perhaps that grown in the picture of St Trina or there are St Trina elements somewhere within the DLC St Trina's torch depict St Trina and from The Sword of srina srina is an enigmatic figure some say she is a comely young girl others are sure he is a boy the only certainty is that their appearance was as sudden as their disappearance so could it be that they disappeared to the land of Shadow and furthermore their colors is associated with purple so is the purple butterfly spell in the trailer associated with them another interesting connection is that the clean rot Knights those ones you find throughout the Halo tree and who serve mola Dro St Trina's Lily and that's all I've got for you there were plenty of parts I skipped over where my only General assessment was yeah that looks awesome or cool Worm but I didn't want to dig into surface level observations shadow of the UR tree releases June 21 2024 and I for one cannot wait
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 26,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sbk1c_Me108
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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