What you didn't know about Mrwhosetheboss.

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so I spent a good deal of time breaking down what you didn't know about companies small phones gadgets but having just hit 3 million subscribers and here are 15 things you didn't know about me I've had a lot of hair phases and started bald went with what was pretty much a bowl cut and this turned into more of a mop which finally evolved into spiky and even then there are few more iterations before we finally got to hear my favorite phone ever was the HTC One m8 so many good memories associated with it it was the first time I had a camera I was genuinely excited to use with portrait mode and cool filters plus the first time I'd had a phone with stereo front-facing speakers I love this thing I'm also incredibly competitive if someone beats me or something I'd like to think I'm a good sport about it but I will also already definitely be thinking about how to beat them next time my job right now being a tech youtuber is a bit of a weird one it's not very well understood once you're in it it makes sense a company will send a product I will use the product I will tell you what I think but it wasn't always like this when I started I had a little camcorder not a lot of money and the camera presence of honestly of vegetable I realized that the youtubers that were ahead of me they were only going to continue to get further and further ahead because they had the large channels they had all the contacts they got invited to all the events I didn't and so the only choice I had was to do two things a software-based videos if you've been following the mister who's the boss channel for some time you'll know I would make as many Android app videos as I could because that's all I had the budget for and B I had this constant stream of buying and selling phones I'd buy one in I'd review it then I'd sell it again hoping to try and make back what I'd lost on the phone in ad revenue it was not very successful I would almost always lose money doing this but it was the only way I could get the channel off the ground I was a Windows user up until about the age of 14 and then Apple stole me since moving to a macbook i kind of just stuck with it there have been a fair few times when I wished I could just jump ship back to Windows those laptops are more powerful with often better heat management but I just loved the Mac software too much for the last two and a half weeks my SIM card has actually been in the Galaxy fold and I don't think I've ever both loved and hated a phone this much at the same time it's so cool and that massive inside screen is glorious in applications that take advantage of it but they're just far too many that don't I've tried posting Instagram stories but it cuts off the bottom third so I can't actually see what I'm posting I've tried watching video but it only fills half the display even for games you'll often lose a lot of important info on the sides of the screen also questionable battery life I ditch about 50% to the videos I initially planned to make I'll have an idea usually just perform about to go to bed I'll write it down I'll get halfway through scripting it and then just decide actually it wasn't that great of an idea one thing related to this that sometimes makes me a little nervous is this tech world moves so quickly but it takes three to four days to make a good quality video so sometimes I just worry that by the time the video goes live some new bit of information is going to drop which is going to make the entire thing redundant I've always been really good at maths and really bad at languages in fact you might know I studied economics at university but something that I haven't talked about is that I use this almost every single day I spend hours per week using the statistics I learnt at uni to break down the graphs and data I get from YouTube analytics essentially approaching YouTube from the perspective of a math student and it would be totally fair to say I became a little bit obsessed by it when the channel was just starting I would regularly print out my social blade profile to keep track of my progress over time if we just pick up the top one here you can see I took the screenshot when I'd uploaded 164 videos and the channel had 3202 subscribers I had plotted graphs predicting future growth and of course by the time I had absolutely no idea that within a few years the channel would rocket past the absolute highest possible estimates I'd given myself so that was my statistics out the window to give you an idea it took seven years to get from 0 to 1 million subscribers one year to get from one to two million subscribers and eight months to get from two to three you've probably seen this guy pop up in a few videos this is Simba he's just turned one and he's shaping up to be quite the tech reviewer himself work in progress if the Samsung Galaxy called look it's a good before i started youtube i used to be a full time follower of existing tech creators like mkbhd and it's just crazy to think that a couple of months ago i was literally at to his studio we were to sat there talking tech like old friends catching up and that journey from being a viewer to being on the other side of the camera is just so surreal every time I think about it my favorite piece of tech ever was probably the PlayStation Portable I wasn't much of a home console gamer so this is where a lot of those hours went in games like God of War Metal Gear Solid and probably number one Monster Hunter in a normal day I'd say I work between 12 and 14 hours it's more than a lot of jobs but I think when you work for yourself doing something that can be super interesting you don't mind as much there are a lot of times I completely forget to eat meals I completely forget what time it is I forget where I am but I'm happy I'm doing something that I really really love if I had to pick my least favorite part of the job it's probably emails I never seem to quite finish them you go through them in the morning before you start your main work and both the time you get to the evening everyone you've just replied to has just sent back a message but they're important and I get some really funny ones too they just come in out of nowhere and brighten your day hyoeun we are big fans of your beauty and makeup channel please reply to my massage on Instagram is there any chance you could buy me a PC my mum thinks it's a waste of time and money but I'm really good at for night I need a PC and finally I realized this is gonna sound super cheesy but I'm being deadly serious when I say that I wake up every morning grateful this tech universe it moves quickly and things are bound to change but even for the opportunities I've had until this point I've got nothing but gratitude before so thank you thank you for 3 million thank you for every time you've liked you've commented on or you even just watch something that I've made thank you for the compliments thank you for the complaints and most importantly thank you for sticking with me I've been doing YouTube for well over a third of my life and every now and again I watch my past videos just trying to comprehend who on earth saw this and thought wow I really enjoyed that I want to see more of this I want support this person and the answer is you guys so I can't fully Express how much it means to me hey to Berman just doing a quick video on my orange emphasis goes a keyblade review Nicola let's do a quick video to thank everybody who's subscribed commented and liked my videos in the past two years because I've just hit 1 million views on YouTube okay hi YouTube misty is a Boston and in this video we're gonna be talking about the Nexus 6 it's basically this is the first time I've ever done this and it's super exciting thank you so much like it really makes me so happy then stop watching and I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 1,843,012
Rating: 4.9659505 out of 5
Keywords: mrwhosetheboss, arun maini, arun, maini, mr who's the boss, mrwhosetheboss indian, mrwhosetheboss bio, mrwhosetheboss qna, qna, q and a, 3 million, android, smartphones, mkbhd, unbox therapy, tech youtuber, tech youtubers, austin evans
Id: tuaqgB1AcHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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