25 Questions with MKBHD

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but 25 questions with marques Brownlee mkbhd and as we go down the list we're gonna get more personal more tricky and more awkward so you good to go I'm ready sure okay so 25 how much would someone have to pay you to use a blackberry phone as your day-to-day phone I wouldn't be very happy probably but you know they made an Android Blackberry with a touch I'm forgetting the name of it with the flip out keyboard front facing speakers not the proof but the one after that I think I think I can enter it as a terrible name yeah yeah without getting yeah Windows Phone will come to do you think YouTube rewind is gonna be worse or better this year I think it has to get better they can't get worse fan of it yeah it can't be any worse say I think well they'll learn from their mistake right from the previous yeah 2019-20 idea will be better so you mentioned in your pixel four video that the fern has a lot of shortcomings just things that you kind of expect from other phones and are missing like ultra wide camera lack of storage do you think that is an intentional move from Google because they're targeting a market that doesn't really care about that stuff or do you think it's just a misstep pixels I've never had incredible hardware if you think back to pixel two in pixel three you know not the flashiest screen not the most amazing design they had great cameras but we also what happened to the internal as we all saw what happened to the the performance so I think maybe our expectations were a bit high but our expectations are set by price and it's basically $9.99 if you want like a good amount storage and battery it's priced right alongside those top dogs not yea they press at UI so related to the pixel as I was testing pixel for I did notice that Google has started to make the phone more aware they've got radar they've got better face scanning and it kind of feels like they don't want you to touch of her as much do you feel like that is where phones are headed do you feel like after touch voice is gonna be the next thing and then after that maybe mind control yeah well I think it feels more convenient to not have to pick up the phone and hold it and use it you're a fan of gestures some of them yes yeah some of them not so much like I like the squeeze for assistant actually it's you're still touching the phone but it's more of just like a casual like squeeze it ask a question you have to yell the the key phrase or whatever so you know it's a little more convenient that way not so much this not not as much of that okay quite a big question so if someone came to you they were currently using a Nokia 3310 they were locked into no ecosystem at all and they asked you which phone to buy what is your gut feeling I'm gonna guess that this is a person who doesn't have a whole lot of criteria the phone because it does really make the phone calls and maybe text I'd have to ask them a couple questions probably but if they just came from that phone and they want the best I would probably hand him an iPhone 11 Pro I'd say be careful with the ecosystem because there's a whole bunch of other fences that you can build around yourself but this phone will text great they won't make calls great or do a whole bunch of other fun stuff yeah yeah so what is your favorite camera phone between iPhone Samsung pixel right at this very moment iPhone 11 is my favorite camera in a phone now we're saying it's right at the beginning of me testing pixel for which I think takes pictures that I like the style of a little bit more little contrast you're a little bit more detail but the video is sort of lacking and so I think my default smartphone camera right now is the iPhone 11 protein carry the easiest to get the best result kind of thing yeah a point-and-shoot I don't go into manual controls that much at all so yeah so foldable phones we've talked about foldables a while ago and do you think foldable phones are a destination are they like a form factor that's here to stay or do you think it's a stopgap between flat phones and flexible um I think the foldable thing is here to stay if I was looking at the future and my crystal ball I would say the whole idea of having a big screen whenever you want but that you can fit in a small space like your pocket that you can fold up and tuck away is like that idea is here to stay I think that's the beginning that we're starting to see at the phones so you think even four years onwards foldables will still look something like the galaxy falls just better yeah I think so so if you could pick one moment out of like your entire youtube career what would you say gave you the biggest rush haha Wow recency bias but I would say when I first started doing these interviews just the fact that anyone was willing to just spend the time and talk tech with no agenda they're not promoting anything yes what hang out I think interviewing Ilan probably comes to mind whereas that was the first one of the first big ones were like he was just like yeah let's just talk I've had others since then where they're specifically doing a press tour I think that's something that happens when you do interviews but yeah just just sitting down in casually chatons and he was a busy guy he's very busy man so that's a that we talked about this earlier real me you said you haven't heard of him that what is your initial reaction to this phone that's just been announced the x2 Pro so it's got a 90 host display it's not driving a 15 I plus 64 megapixel camera and China price is less than $400 yeah so there's this whole brand of phones I'm seeing come up actually similar to this one where you see like incredibly at 90 Hertz display at Snapdragon a 55 plus all these high-end specs and a pretty decent looking design and an incredibly low price and I'm loving that hardware competition I want to get more of these phones in my hands cuz it's sort of like the polka phone area or like the specs don't tell the whole story and you actually have to use it to get to know what it does well and doesn't but and there weren't many weaknesses on the pop code do you agree right yeah exactly it's all the camera turned out better than I expected when I see $400 I'm like cameras gonna be bad yeah but it turned out okay so yeah I want to use more of these phones than figure that stuff out okay reel me hey I'm up yeah yeah so the more I starting to talk to people about ferns the more I'm starting to get the impression that the tech community is this a little bit of a bubble and the actual main factors of people buying phones are not which one has the best camera and which one has the best display that more about which one is gonna give people less hustle do you agree with that or do you think that something else is maybe the most important thing I've tried to do more of these real-world tests with people and I sometimes just hand a phone to someone and say what do you think and obviously they can't get the full usage experience but typically what I found is cameras do matter a lot to people they just want it to take good pictures instantly and not have to think about it and they want it to be fast and most of the rest of it is just all my apps gonna be fine so it's ease so the yeah the ease of use and it kind of turns into an ecosystem thing when you bring up apps because then if your other ecosystem doesn't have those apps then that's right you end up talking about but it turns into ecosystem and camera do you actually use wireless charging I do you do have a pixel stand on my desk I the pixel stand at next to my bed and any time I can especially with this phone I will where I was charged and I think you do think it makes your life easier it does really depends on the phone because some phones especially lately will have these gigantic batteries or I like I use the phone differently like I don't charge most of the day and then like I'll just plug in at night and be fine yeah but then there's these other phones with like super fast charging so I'll use those differently I'll like plug in in the car I'll plug in five minutes on my desk five minutes at home and then I'm just always at like a high state of charge so it just depends on the phone but okay but Wireless it's definitely easier and if you had to guess how many phones do you think you have in this studio Wow smart phones how many smart phones do I have in this room I would say it is a three-digit number less than 200 over 100 yeah yeah way too many what do you want to do with them uh no I don't have any plans for any of them I mean we just get phones yeah here so they're just sort of just accumulate so it's not like I'm planning on hoarding more phones but they sort of end up here happens yeah yeah I just bought a pixel four and a pixel for Excel so there's more on the way and like what would you say is the best collab you've ever done puffing this one the best like YouTube collab yeah that's a really good question because I've done collabs on other channels and bright yeah young channel you've done like Casey's toll you've done all these other things yeah man recency bias again but I'm gonna go with actually so it's true third dab where Sean Evans awesome host mmm hosts a YouTube chicken wing show but also does this true third AB spin-off had Casey and I on and of course his questions are super well researched and the whole ecosystem of that show is just fascinating so I'm gonna go with that actually okay 19 that's displays you talk about them quite a lot you really like them you love them is that a sweet spot like do you think actually we benefit from going to 120 Hertz yeah I've I've played with that a little bit in my head I think it is kind of a sweet spot I definitely noticed a difference between 60 and 90 and then I've played with the ROG phone to at 120 and I felt like I sometimes notice the difference but again your power draw is gonna be one habit rise again so I think yeah 90 seems like a sweet spot but also underrated is the touch response frequency so you have a hundred twenty Hertz touch response on an iPhone that makes that 60 feel smoother than Samsung no 1060 so yeah you have to get a number of factors right but I think 9 Hertz refresh rate is a good middle ground have you ever taken a different angle shot in one of your videos just to flex issues yes and that's something I can say I've done this year you just did that with the Apple watch video is that way maybe that's the most dramatic version I've ever done yeah I have at least at least at one time done a alternate angle just to flex a little bit so marques are you planning on being part of the team trees campaign I am yeah I'm actually already a part of it I know that I won't be in town unfortunately on the day that it all drops which is gonna be phenomenal but I do plan on participating cool and for those you guys who don't know what that is essentially we're trying to do a bit we realize that YouTube is this massive responsibility and we can make a massive change so it's basically the biggest YouTube cut off ever organized by mr. beast mark gruba and we're gonna try and plant trees 20 million trees with enough money raised it's a dollar a tree if they can raise you 20 million bucks they can plant effectively 20 million trees and make the biggest difference possible in the name of YouTube creators making a positive impact on the world it would be insane so I will leave a link below that yes it to what extent do you script your videos because like in one I'm like they do come across like you're defending a conversation but they always have a structure yeah I would say 90 plus percent of what I say is scripted the challenge is information density play there's a lot of things that I want to say in as short of the amount of time as possible so I'm trying to structure it in a way that sort of flows from point to point so I would say yeah it's a good 90 percent so I remember you saying that you don't really watch much TV you don't really play many video games so between frisbee and flying to meet celebrities what are you doing a spare time eat sleep a little NBA 2k and dream about the next video that's me remember okay so right now I've got a couple of true and false questions here okay it's not a not a test no pressure they're pretty wacky gets assists okay so three questions so the first one is Apple displays the time on iPhones in promotional materials as 9:41 a.m. on purpose that's true it's not and I'm trying to remember why it's 941 isn't because nine for one is that just cuz the fans are all like evenly spread out you know they do something like that for the upper watches but it's separate for the iPhone it's to do it when the first iPhone was announced it was like 40 minutes into the presentation okay and they wanted the time to line up with the actual time well okay so quawi has a rotating chairman system so every few months they change the deputy chairman I don't think I've ever seen that in a company before but that doesn't mean Huawei doesn't do it I'm gonna go false that one's true that one's true but you didn't say you could believe it so fair enough the third one is that Samsung already has a patent for a flying car for a flying car I could also believe this because Samsung makes everything they make washers and dryers and refrigerators and let's go with true for questions left and number four is would you rather lose 1 million subscribers or would you rather have to use a Windows Phone as the only phone for the next 5 years five years oh that's easy I'd rather lose a million subscribers yeah if you look in the YouTube analytics you can see how many subscribers you've already lost roses gained and I have already lost more than million subscribers Oh total in a lifetime of the channel it hurts to say that out loud but that's crazy and the subject to subscribers who's gonna hit 10 million first you or - it's gonna be real close man I think we've got an edge on him right now but you know he's always got his tricks and so we'll have to see but let's go Tina McGee Bhd 210 Cal first ok so number 2 how many of Sony's past flagships can you name Wow not enough so Sony Xperia one is last one I used and then I have to go back another like 2 years and her horrible name that's the thing yet horrible ah XV I'm gonna just stop there because you have to start naming the buzzer don't exist so the the K yeah the middle name right you're revealing at at 10 million so if I were to like go on to Google now yeah and type in your name it would say it's Keith is there a possibility it's not are we gonna have to wait and see yeah going out to NC so there is a there's a fun fact that you can't edit your own Wikipedia page so every time someone edit my Wikipedia page it becomes a thing like oh that's got to be what it is oh and I can't change it or correct it and if you do this enough times Wikipedia will lock it for vandalism at whatever the latest changes because people just keep editing it I can't correct it so you'll just have to wait til right and this is a plot twist yeah oh man okay I thought I had you yeah so there you have it there we go mobs are up thanks a lot for having this has been fun this has been really 25 questions see the tour has been amazing I wish I could have shown you guys some more of it but the studio is incredible and as you know he's moving soon I'll drop us on a link if you don't already know but you know who doesn't and yeah catch you in the next one exciting times [Music]
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 4,991,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mkbhd, marques brownlee, best smartphone 2019, best phones 2019, iphone, best, smartphone, smartphones, best phone 2019, smartphone awards, smartphone awards 2019, android, samsung, oneplus, apple
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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