What Would YOU Do? Tough RV Living Decisions...

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it is day 47 of our 60-day boondocking Challenge and we have just exactly 2 weeks left until we beat this Challenge and this video we're going to actually take you along for that entire two weeks we've got a lot to do well that is if we don't fail our challenge you're coming along either way but it might be a little bit shorter of a video if we happen to fail yep but we do got something to ask you if you enjoy our videos please subscribe and hit the like button it really does help us it's also free it's like one of the only subscriptions you can do that's free so what yeah go ahead and do it we really appreciate it and yeah let's get this going okay now we have a lot of destinations multiple destinations multiple boondocking spots and multiple cool things we're doing over the next two weeks and we're going to tell you about it all in just a few minutes but first we got to pack up and get going lately we've been at this place called miners Canyon it's BLM land totally free camping it's south of Saratoga Springs which is south of Salt Lake City so kind of in that area of Utah beautiful Lake but unfortunately it's pretty trashed out here it's one of the things I really hate seeing when we're out on these public lands is it just has seemed to I don't even know how all of the trash ended up here like there's been a crazy amount of trash right there's a lot and it's like more has been put here since we've been here which is strange I don't understand you always unfortunately encounter no you don't always actually the last spot we were at across the like on the other side it was actually quite clean so as always I know all of you people watching our videos are cleaning up after yourself so I don't have to tell you but always remember leave no Trace when you're out here [Music] boondocking since we found so much trash in this site and there's been like a lot of nails and glass in this sight I'm just going to back the RV straight out instead of turning it around and here no so hopefully we don't run over any nails or if we have already ran them over I don't know I don't know what to do then probably start swinging it back towards your driver's side some keep coming back we did it that was actually not too bad it's the ruts were not too bad here but you know you just got to keep your eye on them cuz you never know when a rut will jump out of no where and try to eat your [Music] Jacks this looks like a new Maverick here yeah it's kind of nice I like this entrance in the back like [Music] this I have to say I don't think that until you start rving you have things like a favorite gas station but I have a favorite gas station now and it's Maverick would you agree I like this one yeah Mavericks have usually free dump stations you usually always have free water that holiday one was good too the holiday the it's very similar to like a Maverick I guess I don't know if they're together or not if they're separate but they are very similar the way they're set up they usually have dedicated like RV Lanes with a higher canopy and they're usually spacious and laid out so you can actually drive around them without getting stuck somewhere so anyways that's why Maverick's my favorite gas station I never thought this would be a conversation we're having with our favorite gas gas station is in life but what's your favorite gas station I know you've got one I think that's it nice we got to fill up water now yep a lot of times the portable water at Mavericks is at the [Applause] pums all right let's talk about our plans where we're going ultimately at the end of this 2 weeks we hope to be in Calene which is you know not far from it's in Idaho not far like a medicine caline caline I think it's French shot I'm sure I'm not saying it correctly the French way I'm sure it's like Calin caline I know it's America okay anyways Calene I think that's how most people in Idaho actually say it that's where we're heading at end of the two weeks however on the way there we are going to be stopping in Lava Hot Springs thanks to uh email recommendation so somebody on our email list we I was talking about how we have no clue where to go and they said you got to go to Lava Hot Springs I was looking at it so that's where we're going tonight so if you want to get on our email list make sure you sign up I'll put a link in the description below and then we're also going to the most well preser or one of the most well preserved ghost towns like ever which I'm pretty excited supposedly are you going to call Ghostbusters and then we'll be headed to Calene and the reason why I want to go there is to do the Trail of the calines the rail trail on our electric ebikes before we got our electric ebikes honestly I hadn't ever really done much bicycle riding Craig before RV life did a little bit of mountain biking old specialized rock hopper I had tried that with him or just riding a bike in general those bike seats those most of them aren't comfy anyways since getting our electric bikes which have much more comfy seats we've been getting to explore in different ways but one thing I've never gotten to do yet is a rail trail and if you're an avid bicycler you've probably done a million of them but I'm really excited to try one do you know what a rail trail is nope it's when it's I think I hope I'm going to say this right I might be making this up but I'm pretty sure it's just when they take an old railroad and they turn it into a bike trail so you're basically following the path of it's a rail trail they're all over the United States rail Trails so it's basically a sidewalk no it's a train track like you're by the the train tracks oh so they didn't like asphalt or concrete over the train tracks that's beside it I don't think so I don't know I guess we're going to find out you better stay tuned I'm minimal research over here we do minimal research so we just had to pull over going like 65 down the interstate and I look in the rear viw mirror or the side view mirror and our front door is just wide open back there I I I locked it I locked that door this is our third lock on this Brinkley third door lock none of them have worked I don't understand we still have that original brand lock that they no I locked it I know I locked [Applause] it you got it latched everything looked okay seems fine gu good thing is the stairs yeah the stairs kind of like would prevent anything from being able to fall out and with the wind the way it goes against it it keeps the door mostly shut it just kind of like will be flapping a little bit and I guess so word of advice is just to like really tug on all your doors as part of your final check through before you do your travel day cuz if I guess if I tried to probably tug on the door I might have been able to tug it open and then know and it wasn't all the way latched properly even though it was locked anyways whatever it is just check your doors before travel day oh there's one more thing that I got to tell you guys and by telling you I'm also going to be telling Craig right now there's some bad news about where we're going tonight good and bad news good is that I think the hot springs are going to be great bad is there's a flood warning flood warning that's real bad what do you mean the area happens to be in a flood Warden because of the rivers and the snow melt right now and we're getting rain right now I didn't expect the rain necessarily so I don't know what kind of boondocking spot oh also the boondi spots on the river if they total it if a flood totals RV they if we the the flood the flood anyways it'll be fine it'll be fine it's just maybe a little bit of flooding if it's flooded we won't turn in there's two spots two spots that we have both could be flooded none could be flooded we don't know we're going to find out though we going to find out I guess going to find out find out I know if it's perfect I got us there if it's a flooded out mess it's Victoria's fault that's how it usually goes yep yep [Music] yep I like this section it's pretty pretty nice feel nice look at this River too yeah that is so flooded that's an RV park oh here's an RV okay in the RV se s sits are not flooded barely okay yet they're not flooded yet above ground still the river it is high though you can tell oh yeah very high your route may be affected by flood warning we're going off the road just way continue on Blazer Road for 1 and 1/2 miles oh my gosh okay that is high water the road's about to be washed away no I'm a little nervous about this campground on the river oh there's RVs and they're not underw flooded right there though oh gosh I don't know about this this Campground is it's on the owned by the department of offish and Wildlife or something like that it's free there are actual like little Camp spots but no hookups so people in the review said it's like their favorite boondocking like Campground they've ever been to I assume that when they went it wasn't underwater so we'll see how it is when we arrive be lake front thing is over the railroad tracks take the next left oh it's a skinny Road oh I don't love the railroad trucks I don't love any of it this is sketchy looking it's pretty narrow too I know make sure you go correctly we're about to drop on this pothole with RV but there wasn't much I turn right train tracks um on the plus side we're still on dry ground so far so good we've got some options to the water is pretty far down there water's way down way down there yeah I think we're going to be good here oh that one looks like that one's on higher ground right here CU you can see it's like up a little bit from where we are this is I can't believe this is free yeah it's kind enough you're good keep coming on in you don't have to turn too tight cuz you got you want it more to the driver's side I mean technically it's fine all right keep coming stop [Music] these sites are extremely spacious got this huge uh gravel Pebble Pebble gravel pad fire pit no hookups but totally free I think you can stay I'm not sure if it's 7 or 14 days we'll have to look at the sign at the front look at that thing Russian we put our paddle boards in I have a surfboard is you got a river wave right over there no if it was warm oh my goodness it is definitely blowing and then this evening we're going to the Hot Springs hot springs I'm pretty excited I think it's going to be so these are you'll see when we get there it's not like the last hot springs we went to it's like developed Hot Springs we've been to some that were fancy in Colorado they were pretty cool Co these will be probably nice will be in between that and the last ones in our last [Music] video no I'm cooking this one's the hottest pool 112° so it only costs $12 a person to get in on the weekends which isn't bad at all there's several pools ranging from which you say 104° up to 112° which is what we're sitting in right now and it is warm but it feels so good especially since it's chilling out [Music] so it was only 12 box and well worth it it was very relaxing however that 112° one holy smokes that's I didn't last long in it there's a lot of pretty flowers and like Landscaping all around the hot pools but then there's also this Sunken Gardens area that really could go to for free that's right above the hot pools and it looks pretty cool [Music] good morning it's a rainy dreary morning but we headed into town this morning got a little breakfast it was delicious fueled up the truck highly recommend a stop in Lava Hot Springs Idaho yeah it's a very small like little tourist destination there's a lot of campgrounds here though and the hot springs is very relaxing but also what's is surprising a lot of times is that the restaurants in small towns like this will be really good so both the restaurants we ate at were very good we had breakfast what was it Chuck Wagon Chuck Wagon restaurant and then last night the you better be hungry if you go to Chuck Wagon that's all them portions were huge last night the eruption Brewery or something like that delicious yeah yeah also if you come to this place just not during the Spring I guess when the snow melts happening they have a river that runs through it and you can tube through it that goes through like this whole area like the town and everything however right now it is intense it like it was some Rapids it was insane you don't want to get in it right now no no don't even let your dogs near it highly recommend a few days stop here though but now we are headed off to Montana to a ghost town we will be boondocking nearby and taking you guys through this super cool Ghost Town we actually met some people at the breakfast spot we were at watch our Channel and Brenda hello and they said been to the ghost town and said it was really cool so now I'm even more excited yeah yeah should be good it's been a smooth drive so far today although I have to admit we did not expect to be passing through a completely snow covered like white out area luckily higher elevation than where we're going to be camping at not high so it's 44° out right now it's pretty chilly but not as covered in snow as it was earlier but we're headed to the Clark Canyon reservoir area where there are like seven different free campgrounds all around this Lake and this free campground is going to be even fancier from looking at pictures I think than the last free campground we're at hopefully we can find a spot I'm that is the Hope but we got seven campgrounds seven chances this is the most like backup options I've ever had for boondocking spots all in like one spot if one doesn't work on to the next we have a strategy with which of the seven free campgrounds we picked so we didn't pick the first one cuz we figured it would have the most people at it it's right off the highway the second one didn't have these fancy Pavilions at it the third one's still only a mile or two down this road um paved the road little bumpy um but that means that it shouldn't have as many people at it stopping for overnights but it still has the fancy Pavilions we're looking for here's a second one oh here's the second one ain't nobody at it nobody at it so our strategy should be sound hopefully we'll see looks like it's coming up no that might be there's one paid Campground somewhere that might be the paid Campground I don't know anybody I guess hookups take the next left then turn right horse Prairie Campground is where we're trying to gos I see one person one person let's see if we can get one of these Pavilions though oh there's a few people here huh must have same thing as us the other thing is I didn't want to be so far around the lake that it was going to be a 10 milei drive out any time we wanted to get back to the highway and go to town or something like that cuz you might get a little more seclusion but then it's a little bit annoying every time you have to leave so it's all a balance look at this we found ourselves a pull through sight right here for free for free let's see if we can pull pull through yeah it's a kind of a tiny pull through side I think we can make it work the question is can we get level yeah they're not the most [Music] level so this spot would have never worked with us for our old hitch cuz of how crooked we got to be to park here but um with this one it just lifts right off the ball and you can pull out pretty crooked so should be good yeah we're pretty cooked but it don't matter [Music] okay we are so sorry but this video is ending a little earlier than expected because over the course of the two weeks that we've been filming for this video just too much stuff it's just can't even talk too much stuff has happened so we had to break it into including one of the things is why my face looks like this I had a bit of an accident so make sure you hit that notification Bell and this is not even the worst of it oh you just hit the notification Bell so you don't miss next week's video there's a lot of fun stuff that also happened in it it's going to be good okay I'm sorry but this spot the spot that you just saw beautiful if you're going through Montana that area make sure you put it on your list thank you for watching and we will see you guys next week
Channel: Wild RV Life
Views: 30,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv living full time, rv living, rv couple, Brinkley RV, full time travel couple, RV tips, rv travel, full time rv living, fifth wheel, Brinkley RV Model Z, rv living fifth wheel, full time rvers, rv road trip, rv vlog, rv life, full time rv, RV boondocking, boondocking, full time travel, free camping, rv off grid, RV travel day, off grid full time, hot springs, idaho boondocking, lava hot springs, montana boondocking, rv idaho, dispersed camping, van life
Id: dkr-ePvkBdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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