How Scientists Created a "Wormhole" in a LAB? Full Explanation

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this video is brought to you by onedram stay tuned for a special offer for arvinash viewers if you followed physics news recently you might have seen headlines such as physicists create a holographic Wormhole using a quantum computer and a holographic wormhole traversed in a quantum computer this is based on work by a team of physicists led by Maria spirapullu of Caltech did we really just make the first Wormhole and in a lab what did their work actually show how exactly was this done and what does it mean for the future of humans being able to Traverse vast distances in the universe almost instantaneously through wormholes answers to those questions explained in simple words that's coming up right now [Music] foreign we have two main theories that describe nearly all observable phenomena these are quantum mechanics which is the physics of the very small pioneered by scientists including Niels Bohr Urban Schrodinger and Max Planck and general relativity which is the physics of the very large pioneered by Albert Einstein both these theories work extremely well in their two Realms they make predictions which can be verified and have passed just about all tests we've thrown at them but the fundamental problem that Still Remains after over a hundred years now is the lack of compatibility between these two theories when we try to fit general relativity into the quantum mechanical model we get Infinities which are like nonsense results infinities are usually a red flag indicating that your theory is broken I have a video detailing how and why this happens if you want to know more about it right up here and quantum mechanics exists because classical mechanics like that of general relativity makes no sense at the quantum level I have a video on that as well if you want to know why that is the Holy Grail of physics has been and is the unification of these two Realms into something like a quantum theory of gravity which we don't currently have Einstein himself was working on this idea of unification until his last days in fact he along with his collaborator Nathan Rosen in attempting to create this unified theory of quantum gravity publish what is now called the ER paper for Einstein and Rosen together they developed the concept of a certain type of Wormhole called an Einstein Rosen or ER Bridge the idea is you start with a flat space time then you add something super heavy like a black hole that breaks space-time something that creates a kind of hole in the fabric of space-time because of a theoretical Singularity which would occur at its center it's a point of infinite mass density thus you get a kind of tube-like structure of space-time that ends up at the singularity now if you have this same construction somewhere else in space then you could just imagine these two tubes connecting such that you don't have a singularity anymore but rather a tube that connects one space time to the other space-time this is a wormhole it's like a bridge from one part of space-time to another now it so happens just prior to publishing this paper Einstein Rosen and another collaborator by the name of Boris Podolski had published what is known as the epr paper in which they argued that quantum mechanics is incomplete because of something called quantum entanglement this is a phenomenon in which a pair of particles can be created in such a way that their Quantum states are linked to each other they're linked such that the act of measuring for example the spin of one particle instantly determines the spin of its entangled pair no matter how far apart they are so the epr paper argued that this is not possible because it would require information transfer instantly or faster than the speed of light Breaking causality now here is where it gets interesting what if the Wormhole from the ER paper and the phenomenon of entanglement from the epr paper were theoretically connected what if two entangled particles very far apart were exchanging information instantly because they were intimately connected via a wormhole through which this information could transfer through space-time instantly in 1997 physicist Juan maldacena showed that a system involving two sets of entangled particles was mathematically equivalent to two black holes connected via wormhole in 2013 Juan maldisena along with physicist Leonard suskin proposed the ER equals epr conjecture basically they suggested that the physics of wormholes as described by the ER paper was equivalent to the physics of entanglement as described by the epr paper in other words the conjecture is that entangled particles are connected via a wormhole so by creating a configuration of entangled particles we're also creating something equivalent to a wormhole this is the basis of the claim in the recent paper about how Wormhole is created in a lab using a quantum computer quantum computers work thanks to entanglement so this is the connection between them and wormholes this does not mean that the authors created a physical wormhole in space-time but rather using a quantum computer they manipulated Quantum entangled particles in space-time that stimulated the behavior of a wormhole remember that this is because the conjecture is that entangled particles and wormholes can be described as being mathematically equivalent so now let's look at how this experiment was actually done according to general relativity when anything with mass or energy is introduced into a wormhole its gravitational effect immediately closes it in other words in order to keep the Wormhole open and traversable some form of negative energy or negative mass is needed to provide a kind of force against the gravitational collapse of the Wormhole to keep it open negative energy or mass is something not considered physically possible but this is not the case in our Quantum system negative energy can be simulated in the system by manipulating the electrical field to change the spin direction of the qubits so approximately a propagating electrical field could keep the quantum wormhole open stimulating the effect of negative mass in space that would be required to keep a real Wormhole open okay so now all the team needed was a way to set up and manipulate entangled particles this is where Google comes in their Sycamore quantum computer can do precisely that type of thing the researchers created an entangled State between two sides of a Quantum system using seven qubits a qubit is a basic unit of information in quantum computers just like a bit is a unit of information in a classical computer the difference is that unlike a classical bit which consists of a one or zero on or off a qubit can consist of any state between a one and zero it's a superposition of the two the seven qubits simulated a wormhole consisting of seven pairs of particles one set of particles acted as the entrance of the Wormhole and the other entangled set acted as the exit of the wormhole two more maximally entangled qubits were used in this experiment bringing the total to nine one of these qubits is called a probe and the other is called a reference the probe was swapped out with a particle located at the entrance of the Wormhole that probes possible States then quickly got entangled with the states of the other particles at the entrance spreading or scattering this information among them kind of like a drop of ink in water this is roughly analogous to a particle entering the mouth of a wormhole next the experimenters simulated the pulse of negative energy needed to keep the Wormhole open so that the information or particle could be pushed through it they did this by rotating the spin direction of the qubits by changing the electric field as the Wormhole continued to evolve The Scrambled information from the probe was transferred to the exit of the Wormhole consisting of the seven particles on the other side and then it unscrambled and focused on a single particle at the exit of the wormhole this is analogous to The Scrambled drop of ink and water turning back into a drop the researchers confirmed that information was transferred from the probe qubit at the entrance to a particle at the exit by measuring the amount of entanglement between the reference qubit and the particle at the exit so this confirmed that information had indeed been transferred via a mechanism which is similar to the physics of a traversable wormhole the surprise is not that the message made it across in some form but that it made it across unscrambled in the ink analogy the drop of ink was scattered but then was unscattered this suggests that the physics of a traversable wormhole was simulated the researchers said that in principle if they had two quantum computers on opposite sides of Earth a refined version of this experiment should be able to transmit Quantum information from one side to the other so if this is shown to be correct that could be quite profound so does this mean we might be able to someday Traverse a real wormhole in space-time to travel instantly from one far away place to another well keep in mind that this is a quantum mechanical simulation of a wormhole and not a real wormhole in space-time they're just mathematically equivalent most scientists are skeptical about how far we can push this analogy between entanglement and quantoparticles and real wormholes created in space-time real wormholes today are still a fantasy What's My overall opinion I think this experiment is not as irrelevant as some scientists are saying this is still a great step forward because it appears to confirm some conjectures that attempt to combine quantum physics with general relativity showing that a unification may be possible and that these are not such crazy ideas and this is the kind of thinking and experimentation we probably need to make progress towards a quantum theory of gravity I think it's good that people have crazy ideas because sometimes they're right Einstein was considered crazy Einstein thought quantum mechanics was crazy I can't think of a single grade Paradigm shifting idea that was not considered crazy when first proposed so let's be skeptical but also open-minded now the one thing I've been emphasizing is that this entire experiment including creating the Wormhole was done in a quantum computer so if you really want to understand the details it would be important to know a little bit about how quantum computers work this is where I think you can benefit greatly from trying out wondering today's sponsor there are two terrific courses on the basics of quantum computers and how they work both courses are taught in simple to understand Language by one of my favorite Educators Benjamin Schumacher of Keenan College the first course is simply called quantum mechanics and covers the fundamentals on its way to explaining what makes quantum computers so unique especially for solving certain problems that would take centuries for standard computers the second course is called the science of information from language to black holes it explains what qubits are and what Quantum information actually means you'll find this and many other wonderful courses on wondrium taught by some of the best Educators in the world like Dr Schumacher that's why I've been a member of wondriam for a very long time and you'll even find my testimonial at the bottom of their home page if you click the link in the description you'll get a free trial so be sure to take advantage of this free offer that link is Arvin that's Arvin and you'll be support supporting this channel when you sign up so I can't thank you enough for that I'll see you in the next video my friend [Music]
Channel: Arvin Ash
Views: 392,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quantum computer, traversable wormhole, holographic wormhole, existence of wormhole, wormholes, did scientists create a wormhole, einstein rosen bridge, epr paradox, er=epr, er=epr explained, quantum wormhole, how is wormhole created, how scientists created a wormhole in a lab, quantum physics, entangled quantum bits, Black holes and entanglement, quantum entanglement wormhole, quantum computer wormhole
Id: 4fv1xmX854k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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