What would Sauron do if he won?

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in the past I've done several videos exploring alternate history where the war of the Ring would have been different had there been different outcomes in different circumstances for example what if Barbara May lived what if Saruman won that Helms Deep what if Sauron won at pelenor and generally the further you get from the event the harder things become to predict but in this video I want to skip past all that and jump straight into the dark aftermath what was sauron's plan if he won unfortunately we don't get much from sauron's point of view after all books like The Hobbit the Lord of the Rings and The silmarillion are technically written or compiled by in-universe characters characters that for the most part didn't get a first-hand experience of Sauron so when it comes to Sauron a lot of our information is speculation on the part of characters who are wise such as Gandalf or Aragorn but speculation is speculation we don't truly know sauron's plans and in the context of this video how he would have treated Middle Earth and his defeated enemies the only Glimpse we have of sauron's possible future plans is when the Mouth of Sauron meets with the host of the West at the black gate and offers terms in exchange for Frodo that one would presume came from Sauron himself the rebel of Gondor and its deluded allies shall withdraw it once beyond the anduin first taking Oaths never again to a sail sour on the great in arms open or secret all lands east of the Andrew and shall be saurons forever solely west of the anduin as far as the Misty Mountains and the gap of Rohan shall be tributary to Mordor and then there shall bear no weapons but shall have leave to govern their own Affairs but they shall help to rebuild Isengard which they have once only destroyed and that shall be saurons and there his Lieutenant shall dwell not Saruman but one more worthy of trust now to be honest these terms aren't awful not what you'd really expect from a dark lord who was almost immeasurably evil he wants tribute disarmament a non-aggression pact but will leave them to govern their own Affairs that kind of sounds like a real world peace treaty it's a surprise except there's one problem Sauron is a massive liar and everyone knows it why Sauron even offered these terms is never quite explained there's two likely possibilities one it's a poor attempt at humor or two and for me the more likely one Sauron is intentionally offering ridiculous and unbelievable terms which will help ensure Aragorn takes the field after all he does believe Aragorn has the one ring at this time so why are these terms so unbelievable well firstly they're delusional as they implied at Gondor and its allies are the aggressors and there's literally no way you can frame that without coming across as a giant but the main problem is that they're oddly merciful by sauron's standards especially when you consider the fact that there's plenty of precedent that shows that Sauron treats his Fallen enemies horribly when Sauron develops a personal Grudge with a person or a people he doesn't use logic and he goes to Great Lengths to ensure that they are destroyed the past speaks for itself when Sauron helped Keller bremboa forged the rings of power he did so because he wished to dominate The Elves seeing in them the potential to be useful servants but when Keller brimbor portrays him at least in his mind he makes one demand for the prings and then goes full scorched Earth he destroys a region kills Keller Brembo and then attempts to destroy all elves wherever he can find them even thousands of years later he's still attempting to destroy the elves despite the fact that they're few in number and relatively isolationist or what about numenor when the numenorians defeat Sauron during the war of the elves and Sauron he ends up hating them too doubly so when our farazon takes him as a prisoner to numenor but once their Sauron successfully corrupts the king and most of the numenoreans he's the power behind the throne and afarazan is aging and still hasn't named an error as far as we know Sauron could have easily just completely taken over after he died instead he was still so pissed at our farazon that he convinced him to attack valinor Sauron knew this would fail and to be fair he didn't know that a louvitar's response would be so extreme but once again it shows Sauron doesn't forgive he doesn't forget and he's willing to spite himself if it means destroying his enemies and I mean Gondor itself is a great example too sauron's primary enemy during the war of the Ring Sauron hated Ellendale his sons and the faithful and after the downfall of numenor he launched a surprise attack on Gondor no diplomacy at all triggering the war of the last Alliance and throughout the third age he attacked the Realms in Exile repeatedly he was responsible for angma destroying arnor he probably played a role in the numerous easterling and horadram invasions against Gondor and he might have even been responsible for the Great Plague which killed Millions the idea that after three thousand years of relentlessly attempting to destroy the dunadine that he'd be fine with giving them self-governance is absolutely laughable all right so how does this help us figure out what Sauron would truly do if he won the war of the Ring well his past Behavior indicates how he would treat the defeated three peoples the equation is does Sauron hate someone if yes then he will destroy them or at least so greatly reduced them that there's little difference and by the end of the third age anyone who's left opposing him has well and truly earned his hatred it's why during the war of the Ring he attacks everyone at the same time sure there's a strategic reason too he doesn't want them all uniting against him but it's largely driven by personal animosity so let's say Sauron has one how does he treat his new subjects poorly and video but for real that would be a lot of death and destruction but unlike his former Master Saron usually doesn't just destroy for the sake of destroying he likely wouldn't Wipe Out the rohiram and the gondorians because he would recognize that they would be far more useful as slaves remember gondorians are great at metalwork and stonecraft far better than sauron's own servants and the rohiram are great at Agriculture and raising horses he'd likely try and keep plenty of them around to do that work for him whether they're shipped off to Mordor or kept at home because when you're working for an order obsessed Maniac such as Sauron there's always more work to be done and there would be no self-governance places like minis tariff and eisengard would probably be repaired and then turned into dark fortresses from which sauron's overseas could rule with an iron fist after all Sauron did enjoy taking over the lands of former enemies and twisting them rather than destroying them that said anything culturally relevant to the gondorians in the rohiram would be destroyed and over time as the locals are gradually reduced to a Slave cast Sauron would begin two people the land with his own loyal subjects whether Orcs or men make no mistake while there would be survivors Gondor and Rohan would not survive in any real form except for perhaps small bands of resistors hiding in mountains and because people will probably ask what about the man of Dale being the other Manish Kingdom to be against Sauron while I'm not sure Sauron had any particularly personal grudge against them they were still his enemies I'm not sure if he would personally oversee their defeat and the aftermath of that but I'm sure he definitely wouldn't mind if the eastlings did something similar after all history is full of eastlings making thralls out of northmen it happened in door Lomond it happened in rivanian multiple times and it almost happened in Rohan too but what about enemies such as elves and dwarves as for the elves it's fairly simple Sauron has been trying to utterly destroy them since the aforementioned War Of The Elves and Sauron that's not to say that he would be against enslaving some of them but given that most of the remaining elves in Middle Earth were either cindar or sylvan's I don't think Sauron would see them as overly useful in the same way that the noldor would be they would perhaps be more trouble than they are worth to keep around as for their lands we got a glimpse of what Sauron would do during the war of the Ring Hint it involved Fire and Fire doesn't go well with forests the fate of the dwarves is a little more complex we know that Sauron hated jiren's folk and had ordinary servants to attack them wherever possible but we don't know his relations with the other six Clans and even when it came to duren's folk Sauron did engage in some minor diplomacy offering up a ring of power if they yielded information about the Shire the sincerity of this offer can be doubted but either way it was rejected and Erebor was attacked by easterlings during the war of the ring while I'm sure Sauron would love Dwarven laborers due to their skill and durability the reality is dwarves are incredibly resistant to domination and those few that wouldn't fight to the death would make the terrible slaves as they'd likely constantly Rebel in a future West hour on wins jiren's folk probably doesn't exist anymore although we can't say the same for the other Dwarven Clans in any case there might be a few individuals who would possibly willingly align with Sauron and benefit from it we've talked about his enemies but what about those people that are technically unaligned I'm talking about the dunlandings the Shire breathe the loss off and other small groups of men when it comes to the Shire I doubt Sauron would see much use for the hobbits and considering the part they played in the war of the Ring I don't think he'd treat them overly well in fact I think the existence of the Shire would probably offend him after all it's the complete antithesis of everything he believes in order in efficiency Sim simply put I don't think it would be long before the poor Hobbits cease to exist as for the others it's a little more complex in the past Sauron has left people alone as long as they a worshiped him and B could provide them with something useful we see this with the pre-numenoreans in the second age they had very little interaction with Sauron despite worshiping him and promising to fight for him when the time came which they by the way failed to do on the other hand Sauron could be needlessly cruel example the ancient guapharim were willing to align with him during the war of the elves and Sauron only for Sauron to basically give them the finger and burn their forests to the ground we see this behavior during the war of the ring too an oft forgotten front in that war was the fighting going on between the Woodman and veilman and sauron's servants from the Misty Mountains and doggle door these men are to threat to Sauron whatsoever but he still wants them gone or in any case he doesn't care if they simply disappear during the crossfire if any of these groups were to survive I think it would be the dumb lendings the they would at least be given a chance provided they give Sarah on their allegiance after all they hate the rohiram and had some considerable power themselves they would be useful in subduing and overseeing places that perhaps Sauron himself had little time for as for the other smaller groups I don't think Sauron would have much use for them they wouldn't be able to provide him anything substantial and I don't think he'd care if they ended up as collateral damage when his armies eventually marched into their lands so with all of Middle Earth under his control what does Sauron do next unfortunately he doesn't simply put his feet up as I said earlier Sauron is obsessed with order and efficiency he's a perfectionist and he wants to arrange the world according to his vision a vision that has been wholly corrupted by the end of the third age even with everything under his control the work would never stop there would always be more order to be created more wasted energy to be eradicated and when sauron's open enemies have been defeated the enemy will simply become those who either don't fit into his vision or aren't up to his maniacal standards keeping that in mind Middle Earth would become a horrific Place picture any dystopian orwellian future but much much worse especially as Sauron is able to exert more and more personal control now that his attention is no longer focused on the Westlands it would become a dog eat dog environment where peoples and nations are constantly striving to please the dark lord in every facet of their society those that are able to do his bidding will be rewarded those that aren't will be enslaved or destroyed cruelty would become the norm compassion a weakness if this sounds far-fetched I want to point out that this was already happening in the east and south of Middle Earth during the third age those slaves that worked the fields of nurn to feed sauron's armies weren't captured gondorians they were easterlings or South Thrones who for whatever reason had been enslaved by their own people and sent to Sauron as tribute the easterlings and heradram were not cruel by Nature they were cruel because of the circumstances they were in and it gets worse because I want to point out that this would be forever unless there was intervention from a Louis Vuitton or the Vala Sauron does not age his closest servants are slaves to his will and his armies are unquestionably loyal whether due to fear or love there would be no real chance of a rebellion or a resistance there would be no way to assassinate him no way to hide and weather the storm Middle Earth would be under a cloud of Eternal darkness and it would get worse and worse with each and every year that passes because Sauron wouldn't mellow out he'd just become more evil if that was even possible before I end this video I want to address a question that might sneak into the comments section if I don't address it here would Sauron attack valinor the answer is a comprehensive no in the third age valinor is physically removed from the circles of the world and there's no indication that Sauron would be able to get there let alone his armies and Sauron would not attack them even if he could at one point Tolkien calls Sarah on an insincere atheist stating that while Sauron preached atheism he was well aware of the existence of a louvatar and well aware of his power after witnessing what happened to morgoth and later numenor Sauron realized that the Vala or a Louis vuitar could SWAT him like a fly if they chose to so in that regard Sauron would try his best to avoid drawing their ire I mean sounds ridiculous he's literally trying to conquer the world but attempting to attack valinor would be one way to get the hammer brought down upon himself thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it or at least found it interesting this was a very dark video even in a fictional setting there's only so much you can write about deaf and enslavement before you want to step outside and look at the pride Sun as a way to remind yourself that everything's fine sort of unfortunately I wrote this script at 12 am so there is no sun but I hope when you watch this video it's bright and sunny outside cheers thanks again and remember if you want to make a good slave pick a useful skill if you don't want to be a slave just be useless like me and maybe they'll just kill you
Channel: Darth Gandalf
Views: 111,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ftHw1skZaiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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