What Would Drach do at Jutland? 15/05/2020

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right i'm very sorry everybody i am completely on everything literally everything here has been taken ages to set up i've moved my microphone i've moved the webcam i've got all the setup and yeah i even got this laptop is more powerful than my flipping desktop specifically for this purpose and yeah the wi-fi decides it's going to die for the first time in a year hey so for those of you wondering what's happened what how the signal came back i went and got something out of a cupboard i never thought i'd have to bring it back out again a 50 meter long ethernet cable so there is now a very very long ethernet cable snaking through the house so if you hear random cursing shouting screaming in a loud bang that's probably someone's tripped over it right where was i run to the south yes and i saw the comment somebody came came up with which was um about the bad coal so yes the german battle cruisers do have bad coal um then it's it's not not the best however bearing in mind the the invincible and its subtype battle cruisers are capable of 24 25 ish knots maybe a fraction more if they're pushing it the queen elizabeth are kind of 24 25-ish knots again if they're pushing it um and then you've also got to take into account the the german battle cruisers most of them are designed for 26 27 knots plus yes they make it a little bit far a fair bit faster than that on trials but that's eight that's trials you can rig them to a certain degree um by running through shallow water but more to the point that is the fact that the german battle cruisers when they ran their trials they obviously had good coal and good crews um so with crews well not bad crews but just regular crews and bad coal they're gonna lose a knot or two but as was actually shown at dogger bank apart from blucher they could pull away from an invincible type so they can make even on the bag called 26 ish knots at least poss and possibly more so yeah they can pull away but the speed advantage is marginal and as i said if by the given the the engagement between the first scouting group and the battle cruiser fleet was a very much a meeting engagement where they watched each other get closer and then only realized exactly what was happening almost as the shooting began the chances are that we're going to end up with the fifth battle squadron the battle cruiser fleet able to engage for a while hippo won't want to keep that engagement going and we'll have to try and pull away but it's going to take time so his ships are going to take damage and then this does lead to a question which you can't really answer without extensive wargaming which is how much of the um hippers first scouting group is going to be able to pull away because operating at 26 27 knots assumes that they haven't taken bad hits to their funnels their engine spaces etc which some of them might this is kind of what happened with blewker uh dogger bank it got hit and the hit slowed it down and that allowed it to get mobbed and overwhelmed so whether or not hippa loses a battle cruiser or two in the run to the south it's possible but i wouldn't want to count on it necessarily um and yes uh schleppy 42 points out the invincible and its subtypes not keeping up might actually be a good news for them because indefatigable um well new zealand is blessed so new zealand will be fine um but indefatigable obviously wasn't and yeah it indepaticable is the one ship in all that lineup that doesn't have either steel or divine protection capable of withstanding 11 and 12 inch gunfire so um at least on the belt so indefatigable falling behind is probably not awful news for indefatigable but anyway the point is that overall that there is a change rather than bt desperately trying to cling on um long enough for fifth battle squadron to come save him this is very much going to be a pursuit of first scouting group now first scouting group obviously once it realizes it's in trouble is going to run back towards uh shear and he's going to let him know well there's a lot of british ships chasing us however and this is the interesting thing in a lot of ways this might actually tempt sheer more forward um than in his historically because historically it was battle cruisers versus battle cruisers so the big question was where are all the battleships if fifth battle squadron is known to be with the battle cruiser fleet right from the start it actually then raises the possibility at least in shia's mind one would think that the british have sent out a reinforced battle cruiser fleet which is exactly what he wants to try and isolate so the the german high seas fleet is probably going to be much more enthusiastically um coming north to pursue uh and join up with hippa now that then leads to a rather interesting scenario because sturdy now in command of the battle cruisers is going to be chasing south he's going to be feeling fairly confident about things and so he when the when the high seas fleet appears that's going to be a little bit of a rude shock so the battle cruiser is going to have to wheel about and run north along with the battleships the fifth battle squadron obviously and here is where you may very well see at least one possibly more battle cruisers lost because well with the best will in the world there's probably still likely to be issues with stacking charges and removal of flash protection obviously with me being angelico replacement several months earlier i would have done my level best to get rid of that but changing cultures takes a while so they might the flash flash doors may well be back but the stacked charges may still be present in the turrets um sturdy might have wiped out he might not have it's it's a variable that's a bit difficult to pin down exactly and so [Music] at that point i'm going to hazard a guess that at least one battle cruiser is probably lost in the confrontation with the high seas fleet if for no other reason than the fact that as i said before indefatigable's armor just isn't up to standing up to the incoming german shell fire regardless of anybody else even if all flash doors are in place even if all magazines and charges are properly being handled the 11 and 12 inch shells are perfectly capable punching through pretty much any part of indefatigable's protection and the poor thing is probably its best chance is the fact that if it has fallen behind it might be able to double back outside the range of the german battleships so there's that now the next stage of things that you've got to think about is our new hypothetical run to the north as i said shear is probably now thinking he's got things right where he wants them and off he goes sturdy hopefully is actually going to do his job unlike bt and communicate to jelico exactly what is going on um and so angelico is going to know in advance one of the germans are coming two pos well at least uh german battle cruisers are heavily damaged possibly one or two stopped or sunk you never know um although that does rather another interesting possibility which is if a german battle cruiser gets crippled and left behind in the run to the south assuming that nobody just tries to mob it that that cruiser that battle cruiser may actually end up alerting shearers to what's coming to him but that's a variable that we can't it's such a niche variable that i don't think we can necessarily count on it happening so we've got shear coming north chasing the battle cruiser fleet we've got jelico now with a bit more information able to deploy more precisely and this is a key difference between the first and second encounters of the historical battle of jutland with the grand fleet although jelico manages to cross the t both times in the second crossing of the t he does actually far more damage to the german fleet because he's a able at that point to have his fleet in a nice tight line formation at the point that um shear encounters jelico the first time historically although it is a crossing of the tea it's not a firm crossing of the tea it's more of a slightly drunken crossing of the tea like this and also i know this is probably mirrored because i'm doing it doesn't make sense to me so like this let's say also jelico's line is bent over a bit like this so then they will spread out so only limited parts of the grand fleet can fire at any given target now that jellico has more information he'll prob he will be able to make that t-crossing maneuver but he'll be able to make it with a much much tighter grouping of his ships which means that when shia runs into it there's going to be a heck of a lot more damage there's also going to be a significant problem in that with first scouting group more badly battered um they're not going to be in quite the same position they were historically there i mean also with fifth battle squadron fully engaged um along with battle crucibly it's less likely that jelica will dispatch admiral hood in third battle cruiser squadron uh with invincible and its two stable mates so there's there's that to say he he might still do and you might still end up with the invincible versus lutzow but i don't think necessarily would happen but either way to be honest it's it doesn't affect the overall outcome of that t-crossing maneuver particularly well now of course shear is going to do his battle turn away um that's the sensible option that's what the german fleet has trained for the german fleet will disappear off into the mist but the lead ships are going to be significantly more badly damaged um so i'm in a much i as jelico i in a much better position now i'm not having to deviate too far from what jellico historically did at this point i can head south and obviously i from the future know that she is most likely option is to then try and cut back east so we're going to get that same meeting engagement you get with the second um fight between sheer and jelico that you do historically but at this point remember the lead elements of the high seas fleet are more badly damaged the battle cruisers are more badly damaged and they were pretty knocked about as it was anyway so it's fairly questionable as to whether they'd be able to conduct their death ride or if they can probably fewer of them can do so now that means that in addition to obviously the vanguard of the high seas fleet being more badly damaged they're taking a really concentrated pounding again and historically again the the german vanguard was actually starting to break up its formation was breaking up under fire during the second encounter which was why the the battle cruisers got sent on their death ride to give sheer time to extract the high seas fleet in this case it's probably fairly likely that any battle cruisers that go in in a sort of pseudo-death ride one they're more badly damaged and outnumbered in the first place so they're going to get hit even harder and chances are possibly more of them are going to get lost then the leading elements of the german fleet because they're more damage from the first encounter there's more likelihood that they're going to get stuck um either disabled or slowed down so there's probably a few ships going to be lost there and i haven't had to counter again i haven't had to change angelico's tactic about turning away from the torpedo boats which i think strategically made sense but so far when shear pulls his second maneuver to pull away i've now probably chalked up at least two or three german battleships and probably three or four german battle cruisers which is a good hall now off we go down south and obviously i could exploit my hindsight and go oh yes well i know he's heading for um horns reef so i'm gonna go there well two things one i don't actually know that now because the high season has taken a much heavier battering than it did historically so whether or not she has decisions going to be the same i don't know and also that's horrible abuse of hindsight now this is back where moving bt to the westernmost of the battle of the grand fleet's battle squadrons comes into its own because obviously historically during the night we had major problems with commanders seeing german ships and not engaging them and also not reporting to jelico now obviously bt probably is not still not going to talk to anybody or if he does he's probably going to send a signal or something like the martians have arrived resurrect thunderchild or something equally irrelevant to the period but what it does mean is that as and when the germans appear he will engage them apart from anything else he's going to be immensely frustrated that sturdy got the battle cruiser squadron and if sturdy's pulled off a couple of kills against the first scouting group he's going to be even more annoyed that he's missed his chance at glory so he's going to be aching to take a pot shot at somebody um so i as jalakom taking the grand fleet south overnight in pretty much the same information that jericho did historically and angelico's decision-making was relatively sound he missed um for lots of various reasons which i'll explain in an upcoming video the fact that germans are actually going for horns reef but the point of it now is i don't know exactly where um she is going but i know he's probably going for either horns reef or where jelica thought he was going um so i'm heading as jelica did it originally a bit and then if the high seas fleet cuts east and they start to cut across my rear and obviously revenge marlboro those ships under beat his command see the germans going across their sterns bt is gonna go nuts he's gonna start shooting um where's that meme where says so i started blasting that's gonna be bt he is gonna go ballistic quite literally um if the germans don't cut across there then hey i'm i'm going to block off their main their actual their lineup of advance to the south south west and i meet them at dawn fantastic result for me they cut easter horns reef bt starts shooting this is where it gets interesting i now have direct evidence that well there's a massive gunfight going on so clearly something's up i can figure out that they're going for horns reef this time fantastic right i know where i need to go for the morning however i now have a capital ship fight in the dark and with the best one in the world the germans are better at that so what i am probably going to do at that point is turn for horns reef order the grand fleet to engage where necessary but to try and pull away which given that hippers well hippa and shia's forces are slower thanks to the pre-dreadnoughts and everything else and the damage they'll have taken earlier i can do and i'll use my torpedo boat and destroyer flotillas to basically assist bt in disengaging for the moment and put some more torpedoes down range because well that worked on taking out the permanent so um so hopefully i'll be inflicting a bit more damage on the germans overnight and then we have this this little dichotomy of choice if shear changes his plans from his historic and goes straight south by southeast i meet him at dawn he has to fight his way through me with a much reduced and slower fleet and well that's that's the trafalgar the royal navy wants and if he does turn eastern heads for the horns reef then bt is going to let me know by means of uh voluminous gunfire and then he's gonna i'm gonna uh go to horns reef as i said and i'll meet them horns reef in the morning and then i get the trafalgar that everybody wants the only difference is that with the horns reef scenario because the germans are going to end up with the vanguard and middle of their fleet engaging the rear of my fleet at night where they as i said do have the better or probably have the better of it and i'm having to use my destroyer forces to disengage i probably am going to take some losses overnight um in that in that fight in that engagement the germans probably will take a few as well because their ships are starting off in in worse health but and then you have to also acknowledge that regardless of whether or not it's a horns reef or um the other main approach that's being taken by the germans because i'm standing in the way of the germans in home and just because i outnumber them it doesn't mean the germans going to lie down easily the germans will fight tooth and nail if they know they're completely cut off then they'll fight to the death if they think there's any chance of forcing with their way through they'll do it i mean we know his historically where an objective needed to be met she would throw the battle cruises in for the death ride so if she feels he needs to throw away maybe say his remaining battle cruisers the pre-dreadnoughts and some of his more battered dreadnoughts um basically throw them where's meat shields to try and punch the rest of his dreadnoughts through then he's probably gonna do it because most of those ships probably aren't gonna make it for very much longer anyway in a straight up fight so he might as well preserve some of the high seas fleet instead of uh wasting all of it so it's going to be a very messy engagement the only saving grace really at that point in terms of a major advantage to the royal navy outside of the numbers and firepower aspect is that a lot of his ships as was mentioned earlier going to be running on bad coal a lot of his destroyers historically were running at very low speeds even slower than pre-dreadnought speeds um i don't know what's going on there interesting um so yeah it's they're going to be running at slower than pre-dreadnought speeds because their engines are completely clogged with clinker and ash or the boilers i should say um so all of this is going to add up to a rather interesting little scenario where the grand fleet will take his more losses than historically speaking for sure you don't take on the high seas fleet and basically corner them like a rat in a trap without taking some pretty nasty losses but it is going to be fairly decisive because by the time that engagement starts i'm probably got two to one numbers advantage i've got a formation advantage and i've got a speed advantage um so that is gonna that would pretty much be jutland for for me and that it's it the being the second trafalgar the royal navy wanted well the slightly weird thing is i probably then end up being promoted away from the grand fleet pretty quickly because of all the medals they'd be throwing at me so there you go now how long have we been going 22 minutes on this one at least okay so about a bit for sure so switching over completely to the other side as sheer what can i do well as i said she is default if he knows that this is coming is just don't fight it because he's outnumbered he doesn't want to fight it but if i have to fight if i'm dumped into a scenario where i don't know i randomly take over shia's body halfway through hipaa's run to the south so we're now talking about a historical royal navy um with bt in charge of the battle cruiser fleet at that point i'm a sheer there are ways of getting this done again the temptation to abuse hindsight is quite severe but trying to use the information that she has to hand as best i can the first thing is i'm gonna ditch the pre-dreadnoughts i'm going to tell them to catch up um sorry admiral move but there's ships that need killing um so i'm going to take my fastest chips and i'm going to tear our up north maximum speed and that i'm gonna go after bt uh bt ships with a vengeance unfortunately because it's bc and he's managed to get a disjointed squadron i'm gonna have much much uh a much better chance of it so bt is gonna meet the leading squadrons of the high seas fleet full force and that is gonna go quite badly for him uh fifth battle squadron probably is going to be able to make it out because if they see bt getting trashed ahead um evan thomas and the other queen elizabeth's are basically gonna produce pretty much what they did before which is just turn around and uh make it make it away um ironically enough war spike might not take quite the battering that she does because um as i say fifth battle squadron's just gonna probably no pawn out of there when they see what's going on now at that point i've still got most of hippers battle cruisers vaguely operational so i am going to send them north but i'm gonna send them north on a slightly slower speed because i have left mo forces behind and i do need him to catch up if i'm gonna have much of a chance plus also leaving an abandoned squadron of pre-dreadnought somewhere out there is a recipe for them getting ambushed now at that at this point we're faced with a bit of a dichotomy because bt heading north i can't catch him with the high seas fleet i've given him a very bloody nose by getting him to run into me but i can't catch him i know he's got fifth battle squadron with him and however many uh extra battle cruisers i've managed to put down sending hippers rather battered forces over up against the queen elizabeth is not a recipe for any kind of success so i'm gonna shadow hit um bt's remaining forces with first scouting group and tell them to report back now that means the third battle cruiser squadron is probably going to get much further south that actually gives me an advantage because third battle cruiser squadron after the dropping i've given the battle cruiser fleet probably isn't going to have enough firepower to tip the balance back and they are the most vulnerable so at this point i can probably allow for a scouting group to engage third battle cruiser squadron as they did historically um and yes unfortunately that even with hindsight that probably means let's how's gonna buy it on the end of invincibles guns it's just it's just one of those things um but this the the main thing is that with possibly even bt is dead at this point lion may well have been crippled although if if bt goes down and someone else has to take command that probably actually means that jelica gets more information so maybe we don't want lion taken out of the fight who knows anyway um i'm gonna watch where bt is going and because i'm shadowing him at slightly greater distance chances are i'm probably going to see some indication that the grand fleet is present probably not the grand fleet itself because they were historically hidden in in fog and mist but i'm probably going to start seeing the uh say the second light cruiser squadron etc and they're gonna be all um they're going to be an indication to me that something bigger is out there at which point i can start wearing ground for broadside uh ra and hope that the enemies coming to be which they probably will so then rather than again trying to get this lined up with the camera rather than getting this kind of semi-t crossing that you get at jutland historically if i've turned more east you're probably going to get a converging engagement kind of like this which still isn't brilliant in my favor because i am outnumbered and outgunned but it is much more favorable to me than plowing in with just the vanguard which is not good so i can probably get some more hits on the grand fleet than historically i can do more damage but as soon as the hits start adding up for me although that will take longer as well because remember we're not gonna have multiple ships concentrating on the vanguard it's probably gonna be 1.5 versus one so two to one in some cases 1v1 in others so at that point yeah i could do some more damage to the ground fleet and then i'm probably to be perfectly honest to share just gonna go right this is about the best it's gonna get i'm gonna do a battle turn away and i'm just gonna run like hell i'm not going to bother with um any other kind of complicated tactics i'm going to leave a fan of torpedo boats behind me looking out for returning british ships obviously throw some torpedoes their way on my way out and i'm just going to keep going and going and going and going and if any it's going to be basically the pirates code he who falls behind gets left behind at that point so i'm going to arrive back in uh germany and what am i going to have achieved i'm going to have achieved probably sinking at least half of bt's battle cruisers maybe more and almost certainly every single battle cruiser probably in new zealand because hey divine intervention is not something i can do much about um is going to be very badly damaged any survivors there's going to be a fair number of damaged ships in the grand fleet i'm probably not going to sunk anything my own battleships will have taken some damage um hippa's battle cruisers are probably going to be in slightly better condition because they don't have to do a death ride and so overall although strategically we're still back at square one in that the british can still control the seas and i'm stuck back in germany pretty much cut the legs out of the british battle cruiser force their most likely survivors are going to be new zealand maybe a couple from third battle cruiser squadron so they're going to be back to their original what no yes yeah random no don't worry we're back random glitch i don't know i've got an ethernet cable connected what more do you want you useless technology um i have no clue yeah the stream health is now fluctuating um and yeah it's like i've got full internet connection who knows um anyway so yes anyway what i've got i don't i've cut the legs out from under the battle cruiser fleet i've they've maybe got two or three invincibles left um whether or not i've managed to just tag anyone in fifth battle squadron don't know but the grand fleet is quite badly battered um say you they basically got no real scouting force if i can get hippa's battle cruisers repaired i can quite easily run straight over what's left of the battle cruiser fleet in another engagement there'll be a few more ships in the grand fleet that damage and needs some harbor repair time now granted my ship's going to need a bit of harbor repair time as well but you can repair a battleship or a battle cruiser in four to six months unless it's absolutely plastered at worst now compare that to how long it takes to build a capital ship two and a half three years i think i come out ahead on that one because even if they recall australia and even if you expedite repulsion renown at that point you can just about match my first scouting group especially once i get hindenburg in numbers but you there's no way you can match them in quality i mean renown and repulse they're launched with the invincible level armor so they've got the firepower but they don't have the protection so you're talking about a battle cruiser force that's got entirely inadequate belt protection at which point first scouting group has the attendancy now do i want to get to another big fleet battle with the royal navy probably not because they can bring out another queen elizabeth they can complete the revenges their advantage in battleships is still going up but i can make merry hell of any lesser engagements so yeah there's there's that that's how i would run the battle of jutland as sheer so that's drak's two-part take on what would drak do at jutland um un interrupted by the fact that apparently wi-fi is stupid so apologies for that um so to celebrate that part let us instead wear the pith helmet for a bit and we now will open the floor to general questions for as long as it takes me to run out of iron brew and or voice glorious and courageous like there's cruel and unusual punishment and there's cruel and unusual punishment putting glorious and courageous glorious and courageous have problems with heavy seas let alone heavy shells um igle one do you have any plans to do an episode about the british pacific fleet and or tiger force yes at some point i i will what is iron brew it is this ein brew is girders and it literally it tastes like a combination of um licking a small electric battery and licking some good iron rust mixed with fizzy so yeah there's that anand boy do you know some of the service history of uss lexington cv16 that would be the essex class yes and i did plan a episode on that for when i was going to be in america so that's all on hold until i get back to being able to make that trip basically if there's a if there's a museum ship whose career i haven't already covered um then i'm going to be trying to i want to try and get to that museum ship to to do the episode on it because i don't think there's much i mean yes i could do the episode now and yes i could do it with the standard pictures but come on if the museum ship is there you might as well just do it there it's the same same thing with um like the grom class the vasa um i mean yes i've done the georgia savarov already but i might as well do another one um if i can get to greece at some point um okay questions are scrolling really fast so i'm just gonna have to try and pick otherwise i'm gonna keep reaching forward and back to try and stop the scrolling um romney's fd british get congos and put them in the battle cruiser force for jutland um the japanese would that's one way to break the anglo-japanese alliance the japanese were absolutely determined to keep the congos in their own navy the british did think about it okay for a bit but the japanese like no no no no these are ours and they're staying with us um will there be any more featuring of naval base games such as rule waves 2 or others yes i'll probably do another ultimate admiral dreadnoughts live stream at some point uh say when my key for rule the waves 2 gets sorted i'll probably i'll probably do something about that basically obviously this live stream is friday so what i'm what i'm going to try and do is obviously keep up with the five-minute guides and the dry docks of the weekends keep up with the rum rations on wednesday and then anything that doesn't fit really into that particular format um is going to go on the occasional friday it's not going to be a regular slot by far that's there'll be far too much workload especially with the day job but for live streams like this and for and for things like yeah video games board games that are naval related then they'll probably find themselves as a slot on the occasional friday okay let's have a look um golden eagle why didn't the brits build a few congo class for themselves not just tiger well the thing was they built they were building tiger and then the queen elizabeth was supposed to try and bridge the gap because the first queen elizabeth designs that they came up with were literally like literally here is iron duke with 13.5 inch guns now we will take that and we will just go right what happens if we replace the twin 13.5 with twin 15s oh it's just a bigger version so 10 15 inch guns 20 to 21 to 23 knots etc um it's basically a slow battleship quite very heavily armed at that point but they changed it to the eight uh eight gun version that could theoretically go 25 knots when the speed didn't work out and the s uh the cost came in then they went back to doing the cheaper version which was the revenge class and the war had broken out at that point so they weren't going to be doing capital ships for a while and it was only through some shenanigans that magic get renowned and repulse through uh jay richardson have i returned to work i never stopped working i still do the day job that's why i'm doing this relatively late on a friday evening um because i'm working during the day it's just i'm working from home um so there you go would you ever like he came isho would you have a live stream a game of battleship i'd have to find someone else to play it with um maybe mrs drake could be persuaded to to play a game of battleship that would be quite amusing um what's going on here something's happening sorry they yeah i seem to have lost the questions there they are um golden eagle asks again what engineering do you do as a day job it's a mixture of things um mostly these days transport and highway engineering but it also requires a bunch of knowledge of civil engineering which is what my original degree is in because as i said before i'm helping look after the expansion of croydon town centre which means there's a lot of construction sites going on and since i'm trying to look after the construction logistics aspect understanding what the heck is going on with all the people building all the fancy tool objects is pretty handy and a z-cat our five-inch naval guns much different from five-inch tank guns yes very much so um naval guns tend to be massively heavier because well they can afford to be so um and they generally need to be with the mountings and such to aim high because obviously well pretty much every five inch naval gun passed about 1930 was able to engage in anti-air land-based guns tank guns actually tend to slightly longer barrels um but yeah there there's other things like naval guns are obviously weather weatherproofed against saltwater which uh does change their makeup somewhat um basically you can afford to be a lot more heavy engineering when you're when you're doing a naval gun as compared to a gun that's got to be moved around on a vehicle like a tank or a self-propelled artillery piece where although obviously it's got to be big enough and strong enough to fire the gut the shells regularly you've got to take into account this it takes a lot more effort to move to that thing on land um ryan chang what would you consider the best anti-service destroyer caliber gun of world war ii for probably something in the 4.5 to 4.7 inch range um the 5-inch 38 was a good gun um but it did in order to get the excellent anti-aircraft performance it had to be 38 caliber which meant that it means that you just can't quite get the same level of anti-dd punch when you're engaging surface targets i mean that doesn't make it bad it just means it's not excellent it's it's in the ranks of if you if you look on some of the scale of dual-purpose guns where you've got like anti-surface and anti-ship uh and that's the same thing anti-surface and anti-air the 5 inch 38 is kind of like this it's very good at anti-air if you take like 5 out of 10 as average it's maybe probably about actually a 5 or 6 out of 10 when it comes to anti-surface work whereas if you look at something like uh the 4.7 inch gun for example on the tribals it shells actually almost pretty much almost as lethal as the five inch gun and even though it's slightly uh physically smaller in caliber but unless you do some unnatural things to the mountings it's not as good at anti-aircraft work and doesn't have the same kind of rate of fire in that role anyway so it's a much better anti-surface weapon not so good at the anti-air part the 4.5 is kind of good at both but cross comparison is always difficult with that kind of thing [Music] um god emperor of mankind oh my goodness we are truly blessed ask what which battleship would you consider the least combat capable not including ships that had been disarmed or repurposed well the very easier one to answer if that was probably the britannias because the if you it's i mean it's going to be a world war one era warship i mean technically you could actually argue schliesen and schlesh rig holstein um the two german prairie dreadnoughts but do you really count those as battleships if you if at least if you're going to look this side of the dreadnought era um i'd say probably the britannias because the earliest thing the japanese have is the fusos and they're markedly superior the earliest thing that the british have is one of the revenges well technically by by time time of launch it's actually queen elizabeth and queen elizabeth and either queensland or avengers far superior to a britannia the oldest one the americans have that's still in full battleship active services arkansas and i'd put my money on arkansas over britannia any time to be perfectly honest um what else have we got uh sorry i'm just trying to see what this says i really need to get a proper mouse for this thing if you had to convert any world war ii warship other than yamato into a starship to save humanity which one would you pick um any world war ii warship into a starship and i can't take yamato probably take an iowa it's nice and sleek and it's big there's plenty of space on board and there's no waves in the in space so you don't have to worry about that but either alden console says well arkansas was pretty lame well there's arkansas as an old 12-inch gun battleship and then there's the britannias the britannias weren't particularly good when they were launched let alone in their basically unmodernized state by the time they get into world war ii um of all of the various ships present in world war ii about the biggest thing i'd throw against britannia and be confident the britannia coming out on top will probably be a deutschland class um what kind of binoculars are they um they are 1940 ross london binoculars and yes they are from uh an old uh an old navy naval ship i can't recall offhand which one it's actually embossed on the leather cover that they come with but i didn't put that out here it's still back in the old recording room so uh yeah the box ghost britannia versus scharnhorst no the scharnhorst actually have armor um and good long-range gunnery remember at the time the britannias were built the french didn't believe in long-range gunnery um yeah granted they did modernize them somewhat but a scharnhorst is at long range is going to easily outshoot a britannia um yeah i don't know quite what it is with the french it's like the for the pre-dreadnoughts the french built are just odd the dreadnoughts the french built are awful and then they seem to take a break and then when they come back with dunkirk dunkirk strasbourg and the richelieus i don't know what they they found the original designers and drowned them in a vat of wine um i mean dunkirk admittedly is not the world's best protected vessel by a long shot but um they kind of uh redid everything with stars books strasbourg's actually a pretty handy nice ship and the richelieus have a fair bit to recommend them as well [Music] no space ship war spike i'd love to see spaceship war spike but to be honest if i'm taking something if i'm going to take uh a battleship up against humanity's enemies in space i can't necessarily rely on plot shields um which is war spike's main strength at that point ryan chung would you special in the battle of barrancy yes at some point um albert walding did the quality of binoculars play a role in naval combat yes actually um depends on the era though because once you get into the era we normally talk about world war one world war ii in battleship scale engagements most of the spotting is when they're looking for deep close detailing is actually mostly done by things like the rangefinders and other much bigger optical equipment on smaller ships especially in world war one and in on in earlier combats um sushi even at sushima they've got rangefinders to be honest but um in the late 19th century combats then yeah binoculars and telescopes are quite important at that point because they allow you to gather intelligence on your enemy before you get in gun range actually for a lot of the time oh my goodness how on earth do you pronounce that theo guy tondus amphicolos i think i'm going to call him amphora um amphora asks could the japanese battleships have been better if they didn't go with turret farms um what no top hat anymore okay let's have a different hat we shall now answer in bowler um yeah so what was the question again oh yeah turret farms japanese ships yeah they could have been but the japanese did have good reason for doing the whole turret farm bit they uh they wanted to try and ensure that the fact that they were probably going to be outnumbered wouldn't count against them and so with with their turret farming on the fuso and issei classes the idea was that they could engage multiple uh targets at once so yeah one-on-one yes you probably could have done better with having an sort of an american approach of four triples which would allow you to shorten up the citadel make them uh more heavily protected and so forth but for the kind of engagement they thought they were gonna fight they made sense they never actually ended up fighting that engagement but there you go um your accent isn't nearly stereotypical enough for that bowler i can i can do the odd london accent there's about six but i could do one or two but i'm yeah bear in mind i live in southwest london i'm probably there's probably enough people within easy reach i don't want to try and uh get too many angry people after me [Music] um hague how do you feel about most sci-fi capital ships being multi-role instead of being only battleship or carrier like battlestar galactica et cetera it depends on the setting to be perfectly honest spaceships are going to be expensive no matter what um so if you've got all your eggs in very very few baskets you kind of have to be a multi-role type of thing but it's not ideal if you can feel the fleet to get mutual mutual support then sure go for it um but if you're going to be out there alone you do need to be kind of a jack of all trades otherwise someone's going to hit you if you're where you're where you're really weak weeb extraordinaire asks when do the 5.25 inch guns or rather their mounts become good late 44 early 45 basically they work out a lot of the um they work out a lot of the bugs with the mountings themselves and they also obviously start to get radar controlled uh direction and guidance for the for the actual anti-aircraft firing part directly so they become a lot more effective at that point yeah if you're asking if anyone's asking will you do a bat special on the battle of whatever the answer is yes at some point um any any notable major major naval engagement and probably quite a lot of the smaller ones i will at some point be covering in wednesday videos it's just that the list is just ridiculously long um scipio africanus at jotlin how significant was the lack of air scouting by both fleets it could have had a major made a major difference the interesting thing is the german approach to air scouting at that point was via zeppelins mostly they did have flying boats and such but they liked the zeptins for the long range reconnaissance and the zeppelins operating at higher altitudes actually at jutland probably wouldn't have been tremendously useful because jutland was characterized by an awful lot of fog mist and obviously later on smoke and then darkness which is stuff that they are not really capable of going for going looking through the british had a couple of they had engadin in campania um neither which actually managed to get fully involved there's obviously of course the famous rutland of jutland who actually did manage to get launched off of one of the uh little seaplane carriers and flew around watching everything for a bit then discovered he didn't have an effective way of communicating with british fleets so he just got a bird's eye view of the whole thing without being able to influence it um i think that's probably that's actually probably fairly significant because if the british had managed to get both engadine and campania operating with the with the fleets and they've managed to get their aircraft airport and been able to actually communicate their findings you might have got a very different outcome because again they could have done what bt wasn't doing and actually told jelica what was going on um i know golden eagles asked this question multiple times how the heck did the british end up with so many different um 13.5 and 14 inch guns a lot of it is down to the policy at the beginning of the first world war basically just grabbing everything everything that wasn't bolted or nailed down naval wise so you had canada and erin for example neither of those ships were built for the royal navy but both had guns in that caliber range and so by taking them into the royal navy they ended up having to use them with the guns that came installed with whereas if it had been down to the royal navy they would have stuck with the 13.5 um sprec sprachlera i think why did roma sink from an after hit from a fritz x bomb but warspite didn't um multiple reasons of that long for this world mr higgins bottom one bismarck versus tirpitz who would win um terpits because tirpitz is the latest ship and even by the time it's completed tirpitz that stream is continuing another another internet glitch stream is resumed are we there yes we're back just watching the chat to see when it catches up lots of people lots of people with the f's and everything but i think we are okay cool um yeah i don't know internet's completely stable from my end um anyway yes the last question was bismarck vs turpitz who would win and the answer is turpits because by the time turbits was complete it was already far more advanced than bismarck it had better radar it had more advanced kinds of um of other bits and pieces uh we lost the x weapons versus battleships oh yeah fritz x weapons so fritz x the reason um fritz x sunk roma and not war spike was because it touched off roma's one of roma's magazines one of the fritz x's that was dropped on it and once the main magazines go up that's it um no battleship known to mankind has survived its main magazine detonating um yeah it's got to be it's got to be youtube i don't know what it's like i'm checking the the ip um not the packet loss and everything everything's fine at this end um you couldn't be more hardwired into the internet than i am at this point in time so as i fritzex versus roma hit the magazines and that was all she wrote um what's the time it's 22 39 so i think i can keep going for maybe 10 or so more minutes so let's break out the final hat of the evening and see what questions we have oh yes of course this thing came with the norton antivirus installed i'm going to have to kill that that's probably half the problem to be honest live errors asks how good a design is the amagi class battle cruisers they're not too bad um as far as as far as the washington cherry trees are concerned the emagis are the middle of the pack so um oh my goodness questions jumping around yeah the amargi's are the middle of the pack i wouldn't rate them quite as highly as the g3s but they're definitely better protected than the lexingtons in as much as they have a degree of protection in main fleet actions um wow and now it's catching up with all the questions so now the questions are all over the place um someone mentioned i've didn't see your name before scroll down off but you mentioned that the japanese navy had evidence that codes were broken and didn't tell the japanese uh there's a japanese army knew that some of the japanese navy codes were broken and didn't tell the japanese navy yes that's completely true um as recorded as you mentioned in mr hornfisher's book uh yeah they really really um don't didn't get on yeah i need to get rid of norton i'll do that after that after this is done um have you thought about doing a let's play of all the waves too it would take far too long it would i'd like to say yes in principle i'd like to do it but in practice it's it's not it's not it's not realistic whilst also keeping up my output of other videos um austro-hungarian navy vs italian navy pitch battle 1915 who would win oh that's interesting um it depends who's having a good day the ticket hofs don't have that much combat endurance due to the various design flaws in them and the fact that poor old spent east van much as i do like this poor thing was built very badly [Music] um golden eagle have you managed to figure out why the japanese army navy hated each other so much um and just to answer the italian australian on any given day i'd i'd probably toss the coin to the italians just about but there are scenarios where the austro-hungarians might get uh ahead of things ah angel apollinar how are cage most inferior to tripods or pole masts since one shot at a tripod mask that hits the leg and the entire thing goes down um the main thing is that the theory behind the cage mast which as you say is basically to let shot pass through was fine the construction of the cage masts wasn't so much and also they were designed at a point that bear in mind occasionally show up on the us pre-dreadnoughts first once you get up to the speed and vibrations involved with um dreadnought type speeds above 20 knots they start to suffer problems from sway and they start to suffer problems from vibration which basically yes in theory they're technically a bit more survival than a tripod mask but you can't actually aim for toffee when you're using them at speed which is a bit bad they try strengthening them the problem is it's this compromise between weight and um stability versus strength so you have a k i think it's michigan's cage mask collapses which is quite bad because obviously it's too lightly built by the end of the set of the first world war when you get around to the colorado's they are actually building cage masks much heavier so they are more free of vibration and um yeah they're free of vibration they're well more free of vibration and the other issues that they have but they are much much heavier at that point basically to get a cage mask that can stand up to motoring around at 21 knots and not sway and vibrate like nobody's business you have to build it so heavy you might as well put a tripod mast on and save yourself a bunch of save yourself a bunch of weight what's the worst loss of a royal navy warship any in any time period probably captain um it's it's one of the few time well actually no you say that captain is an easy one to go for because it's a pretty much it's an all hands loss and it's unnecessary absolute worst loss it depends how you define it there's a there are a bunch of in the age of sail a bunch of ships such as actually the hms victory that precedes the one that's currently in portsmouth uh dockyard and that they go down the previous hms victory goes down with all hands and the first rate going down with all hands in the weather that's pretty bad um but when you look at something like barham or queen mary or something the loss of life there is even worse dr alexander clark says you're rather blurry yeah it's probably the webcam autofocus it's probably auto focusing on the microphone or something equally stupid um i'm gonna have to fix that i think is it i can get the webcam to focus on me when it's just me but i'm i'm trying to i'm trying to have like all the little bits and pieces on show so i don't know i might i might do the webcam a bit closer in i might try and play around with the focus or something i don't know at some point um someone asked can we expect five minute guide about the viribus unites class i did actually do one years ago it's still inhuman in robo voice i need to revoice it at some point i'll put that on the list of things to do so for the last probably 5-10 minutes let's move the noble amassement of hat back over there and we shall revert to our original beauty there we go well the the camera was set to 1080p maybe i need to change it to 720p so it can keep up um but i don't want to start messing with the settings now because then it'll probably just crash the whole thing but i'll try streaming in 720 next time uh jonathan is armor and was there armor angling or did they just sail broadside shooting um broadside was the was best from a gun accuracy perspective for most of the era when they're shooting large amounts of shells each other from big battleship cannons because it minimizes the number of variables but at the same time different ships have different ideal battle ranges and various captains would an admirals will try and maneuver um maneuver to take advantage of that so you almost always had somebody pulling away or getting closer one way or the other um which meant that one side or the other was angled slightly angling your armor in the way that you can try and do in world of warships it does have some effect but to be perfectly honest the the to angle your ship sufficiently that the angle is going to make a significant difference as to whether or not the shell goes through is almost certainly going to mask your rear guns which is actually a far bigger problem because if you can only use your forward guns then you've got half or possibly less of your firepower depending on what ship you're talking about the enemy has all their guns so the chances are they're actually going to score more hits on you and it's not just your belt armor that's going to get hit your turrets can get hit your bridge can get hit superstructure the upper part of your hole your bow there's all sorts of things you should hit other than your your belt armor which is why you want most of your guns in play as much as possible um someone asked why didn't they they just install regular guns on export ships um basically because whoever the customer was determined who what kind of gun they got they they pay the money they get the choice samuel england which was the ship first ship to mount secondary batteries in turrets was it the sphere class no um well it depends if you mean the entire secondary battery in turrets or if you mean some of the secondary battery in turrets because they're i mean technically the pre-dreadnought secondary batteries a lot of them were in turrets but if we're talking about dreadnought-era ships i think it was one of the early italian ships possibly dantia lyrie um that had some secondary turret mounts on the on the main deck um but yeah stoney lonesome says i swore i swore i sawdra kinafella a queen of the stone age concert a few years ago back in the uk possibly um how long was my hair it's not very well to be here it's never gone is the plane an albacore no this is a this is a swordfish this is my pet swordfish i haven't named it yet maybe that's a thing yeah name suggestions for the swordfish by email oh well the old contemptible with the battle of cape matapan have turned out differently if andrew cunningham preferred long-range gunnery to short-range gunnery uh cunningham liked exploiting his long-range gunnery as much as he could the the main the main thing with matapan or the night part of matapan was more than the british knight tactics which were nothing to do with their preferred gunnery range and it was everything to do with the surprise factor that you could get away with with uh with radar because the one thing you've got to remember is when you're engaging smaller ships like cruisers or destroyers very often they're going to have torpedoes so if you're going to engage in a in at night with guns radar at the time of matapan isn't fine detail enough to give you a long-range firing solution anyway so you're going to have to close in um somewhat at which point if you're going to close into within the danger zone of torpedoes you might as well close in as as absolutely close as you can to guarantee as many hits as possible and you do basically what they did at matapan which is train all the guns at the enemy and you just keep going closer and closer and closer right up until you see somebody so much as twitch on the other ship and then you just ring the firing bell and that's that um samuel in england says the entire secondary battery it might have been actually for a full secondary bat secondary battery and it's not if it's not a pre-dreadnor that's the sparrows are probably in there with a good contention for it i would i'd have to check though um swordy mcswordfish face oh dear name it stabby i like i like stabby stabby the swordfish i'm stabby is the front runner at the moment but yeah ideas by email maybe i'll have to get small squadron um yeah uh earl of allen says montana cries with no battleship named after yep montana had some really bad luck in that case every single um time they tried to name a battleship after montana it ended up getting cancelled um uh a styro asks why did only i guess ps is maybe how the what the nomenclature of norwegian ships i know norge is incorrect but i cannot remember for the life of me off the top of my head what people told me the the actual correct pronunciation was so the the norwegian coastal defense ship that was named after norway why did was it the only one to get uh firing solution on the german destroyers at narvik as they went down pretty much at the same time i believe that's because the germans were actually aboard icefold trying to bluff their way in and so they basically left and almost immediately attacked whereas with um the norway shall we call it for the minute um that was standing off a bit so they had they had more time uh to take take a bead without um getting suddenly torpedoed or distracted by having german officers aboard kevin kenley besides the mark 14 torpedo can you point to another instance where bjord dropped the ball yeah the ir was turrets i've mentioned that before the iowa's turrets were supposed to use the 16-inch 50 caliber guns that had been left over from the 1920 south dakota class and the lexingtons um and yeah they dropped the ball so badly not communicating with another department that you ended up with the guns and turrets that couldn't fit the guns because the barbettes were too small and that led to a crash program where they had to redesign to get the 16-inch 50 mark 7 so they ended up building in brand new set of guns when they didn't actually want to originally um yeah so that that would that was pretty much i mean bjord the list of their screw-ups is oh yeah the well the various derivatives not derivative torpedoes but the various torpedoes that surrounded the mark 14 so the mark 13 aerial torpedo the mark 15 surface launch torpedo etc they all had similar problems with the mark vi exploder but that's technically all the same problem they also screwed up with the mark 18 electric torpedo they literally had a german um electric torpedo that they was supposed to copy and they copied it so badly it worked awfully um yeah there's a there's a long list of things that bjord got wrong um emra mr mr avac kid i think says history buffs in his latest video on queen elizabeth the first takes a look at the battle with the armada have you seen it and if so what do you think of his analysis yes i've seen his video i have seen the film that it's about and yeah i agree with his analysis it's an awful way to depict the armada i went to see that film purely because they stuck the armada on every blasted poster they stuck they put up and i was like oh okay they're actually going to do a film about the armada this is not something i've seen before this is going to be good and then it was about five minutes of flash cuts with the wrong people in command and completely the wrong storyline so yeah that was pretty awful um i'd i don't know why hollywood keeps thinking they have to put their twist on something like that it's like the original story is good enough um guy lid and did trafalgar happen because france's officers and sailors didn't have enough experience or because uh napoleon pushed for a decisive battle it actually happened trafalgar itself actually happened and uh much as i really don't want to get into stereotypes but it is going to sound like a bit of a repetitive thing it happened because a french officer decided he didn't want his pride affronted um in this case admiral villeneuve and to be fair admiral villanova was a bit of a weird one he knew his men weren't ready for the battle of trafalgar and this is why he was staying in port for so long then uh napoleon got fed up he wanted them to attack villeneuve didn't want to attack then um napoleon basically went right i'm going to replace the nerve and get someone who'll do what i want um and yeah villeneuve would rather sail out uh into a battle he knew he wasn't ready for then be replaced and that's how you got the bell of trafalgar in short short version um atomic babel which movie was better pearl harbor or 2019 midway oh don't get me started but of the two um i'd probably go with the 2019 midway purely because there's less annoying love triangles and they didn't have a bunch of modern us navy ships exploding in the middle of pearl harbor battle sequence um devin would you rather come on a battleship or battle cruiser during world war one battleship much less chance of me exploding um and golden eagle asked why did they stop building the queen elizabeth and revenge class since battleship superiority was what defined the royal navy basically they they reckon they had enough battleships and they were in the middle of the world with middle of world war one they were trying to build as much of everything else as they could and they could only go so many ways somebody asks if you could meet captain evans what would you say to him damn good job uh what else can you say to someone like captain evans and it's just gone 11 o'clock so i'm going to pick one or two final questions and then i'm gonna wrap it up here at least we only had one glitch and a bunch of uh stutters so there's that at least let's have a look what we got um john don ho asked could japan have won world war ii if its army and navy cooperated um [Music] no basically they could have done a lot better but they were never japan was never going to win once they decided to fight everybody especially the united states antoine richard will you make a video about the ship vlasa yes i will um once i can get out to um once i can get back out to sweden i want to film at the museum no name says dractel wargaming we need hms and call in the game oh i do agree um i do agree with that i would love to see agincourt it would be hilarious [Music] um irish styrio us when looking to propulsion except for triple expansion engines why do all ships use geared or electric turbines um is it noise or maintenance um the you need the gear basically the problem with turbines is that they spin really really fast um and so you have to have some kind of way of turning that down because otherwise you either end up spinning the propellers so quickly that they start cavitating and you lose a bunch of energy um and you spend massive amounts of power and don't go anywhere particularly quickly or you end up running them really inefficiently at low speeds so you if you want they they do go with direct drive turbines for a bit because that's all they've got but once you are in the realms of being able to put in some form of uh rotational velocity reduction measure whether that be gearing or turbo electric drive or whatever you do it as soon as you humanly can um tree shaker tucker asks have you heard about nevada's wreck being found yes yes i have and i think it's quite good news there's a another another wreck found and last question for tonight spirit of 76 says which two non-commonwealth navies were best at working together one can be commonwealth and one not um two best we can't have so we can have a commonwealth navy but one of them has to be not a commonwealth i would probably say the polish navy your pick of the royal on the other hand this was basically down to the fact that when it came to the polish nay uh navy their main drive was we want to kill lots of germans and we're also slightly mad and we also have some very nice destroyers and the the various commonwealth navies went hmm let's see mad nice destroyers wants to kill lots of germans and as uh dr alexander clark will no doubt agree long sideways glance i guess we're sticking you with the tribal glass flow tillers then have fun and they did so yes oh my god again are we back okay so what what did people miss because that was going to be my last question but i can't have it halfway i can't have it halfway answered video output low halfway through the answer i don't understand this this has got to be youtube because my let me just check x split my bit rate's fine weird okay so we're back right okay so to finish off the last question before we all get to go to bed um yeah as i was saying it would be the polish navy and your pick of commonwealth navies um whether that be royal navy royal australian navy royal canadian navy and that's basically because as i was saying earlier um it's it's basically the the fact that the polish when they when they showed up yeah they had submarines and such but effectively the the polish criteria for continuing the war with their navies was we have some very nice destroyers and we'd like some more we're very angry with the germans so we'd like to kill as many of them as possible also our crews are insanely aggressive and slightly mad um at which point um yeah everybody went and as i was saying early when before i got cut off basically as dr clark would tell you as well the commonwealth navy's kind of went hmm nice destroyers mad wants to kill lots of germans tribal class flowtillers we have found you some new friends meet the poles you're going to get along very very well and um yeah that was basically that oh yeah so with that before the stream dips out again um i shall say thank you very much for watching and uh farewell until well yeah there you go thanks very much and now probably youtube won't even let me cut the thing off fun times let's see let's see if we can make it stop
Channel: Drachinifel
Views: 57,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mM2EOoJ9tBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 30sec (5250 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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