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I heard that KEVIN also has crazy physical beauty. Is that right? Among THE BOYZ, we three tend to exercise the most. So I have - Do you have a big chest? - a big chest. Like a giant chest? Giant chest? Isn't that what you call it? When the chest is big, we say it's giant big. He's such a jerk. Don't act like you don't know when you do. Don't try to escape from it. What's wrong? That's not how I learned from Koreans. If a chest is big, it's a giant chest. (The KStarNextDoor4) (Night draws in KStardang) The KStarNextDoor4. The 4th KStarNextDoor4 Awards. Hi, neighbors. Today's award is the Best Effort Award. The winner is THE BOYZ. Congratulations. THE BOYZ is coming in right now. Since the debut, spandex and wigs weren't enough, they even took off their tops to survive in the jungle of K-pop. Their efforts are praiseworthy. Congratulations. We're THE BOYZ. Congratulations. Hello. Your hands are huge. (Lost his MC position) - Look. - Bigger than JUYEON. Way bigger than JUYEON. - Shall we get inside? - Sure. Is this where you live? It's my new house. Jonathan is successful! I started from scratch. Make yourselves at home. Excuse me. I think it's going to be a little hectic. The KStarNextDoor4. (The 56th KStarNextDoor, K-Productive Life, THE BOYZ) (Even 7 years after the debut, they're busy living a productive life) (they're done performing 'Nectar',) (but they're here to stay loyal) Can you say hello to our neighbors? 2, 3. Best We THE BOYZ. Hello, we're THE BOYZ. I'm HYUNJAE. I'm the present in THE BOYZ. I'm KEVIN of THE BOYZ. (KEVIN, Canadian in THE BOYZ) Hello. I'm your Prince Song. I'm ERIC. HYUNJAE and KEVIN. How did you decide to visit this show? Did you watch the previous episodes? It's so famous. Which episode was most touching? Still, it's the one with us THE BOYZ. The one with your members. The one where my members read English words. Octopus. How can they not know? Octopus? Even I could read it. It was the hardest one. KEVIN, how fluent are you in English? I prefer talking in English to Korean. He's Canadian. For real? Where in Canada? Vancouver. Speaking English doesn't suit you. (K-Profile) K-Productive Life. They've been living a productive life since the debut. You did aerobics in a flashy spandex on <Idol Star Athletics Championships> soon after the debut. Can you explain? What was going on at the time? At the time... Well... I did everything my agency told me to do. Oh, in the beginning. We barely slept - and had a crazy schedule. - When you worked endlessly. Then we were suddenly told to prepare this. We worked so hard on it. At the time? <Idol Star Athletics Championships> is the place of secret flings. I have something to say about it. What's a fling? - Between the members? - A fling between the members? No. You have to wait until I finish my sentence. What I was going to say was, that it's known as a place of flings. Wearing a spandex means there was no chance. Okay. We should've let him finish his sentence. HYUNJAE was worked up. Hang on. Who did you have a fling with? (Hmm) Wait a minute. When everyone was focusing on their looks, if you wore a spandex, how do you expect to have a fling? But... Did it work? - That's not it. - Did it work? I couldn't even think about that at the time. Because at the time, you barely had any sleep. At the time, my fans loved it so much. I'm still proud of it. It could've been tighter. - It was a shame for me. - Why? I didn't do that at the time. I should've done that. No. If I had to wear a spandex, I would've said okay. At the time, you had to do this. But even after 4 years, you still lived a productive life. What do you keep grabbing? There's more to come. KStarNextDoor4 never talks about anything without proof. We don't even start it. But you fake evidence. We fake it? (True evidence) (ERIC) (HYUNJAE) (KEVIN) This isn't fake evidence. We got to try TVXQ's great song. - We're grateful. - It's the best song ever. As a fan of THE BOYZ, I'm quite upset. - What? - What? - What was that? - Why? Only 150,000 people watched it. I know. That's such a bummer. This upsets me. You made time to film this in your busy lives. The whole world should watch this. Yes. (Agreed) (Discovered) So we prepared this. Manager? Where's our manager? But we'll show you. We still do it even after 7 years. Since you're wearing wigs, can we see the 2024 version of 'Hug' by THE BOYZ? Music cue. (Pro) (K-Productive Life even after 7 years) Let's begin talking based on your K-Profile. I noticed THE BOYZ is a very cool group. - You got it. - Yes. 'THE BOYZ members root for each other' 'without any jealousy'. But some are greedy. I think there is more than one. Not one? First, HYUNJAE. You revealed your abs during the concert without notice. (Greedy to expose himself) We were going freestyle on the stage, and I had nothing to do. All I had was - my body. - Only your body. Do you still have it? Deep inside. Is it hidden now? (Smirk) But it's ready. My goodness. I wasn't sure if I wore anything inside. I was curious, so I zipped down before the shoot. And he had it on. - Okay. - You have nimble hands. I heard that KEVIN also has crazy physical beauty. Is that right? Yes. Among THE BOYZ, we three tend to exercise the most. No? You don't? You don't exercise often, do you? - Sometimes. - Sometimes. But it seems you work out quite often. He was born with it. - HYUNJAE. - So I have - Do you have a big chest? - big chest. He does have a big chest. And I don't like it. It doesn't look nice in outfits. So I don't exercise my chest at all. You don't exercise your chest at all, yet it's big? Like a giant chest? (Shocked) Giant chest? Isn't that what you call it? When the chest is big, we say it's giant big. So if someone has a big head, we say a giant head. Your Korean has improved. He's such a jerk. Don't act like you don't know when you do. Don't try to escape from it. What's wrong? That's not how I learned from Koreans. If a chest is big, it's a giant chest. If one is stubborn, it's a stubborn giant. We say pig-headed. Pig-headed and a stubborn giant are the same. If a chest is big, it's a giant chest. You have a giant chest. KEVIN works out so much. (Resuming) I worked out today too. Where did you work out? The upper chest. (Again?) The chest up here is the upper chest. The chest down here is the lower chest. The lower chest. Anyway, I'm going to remember only the giant chest. - Okay. - And for his fashion today, he only exercised his upper chest today. No wonder it was red. Only that part was red. Because he kept straining. He put on makeup in the green room. I knew it. That Vancouver guy is meticulous. It was all part of his plan. I heard HYUNJAE is the big shot in THE BOYZ, is it true? It was true when we first debuted. Because everyone was young. Since I'm the oldest... You had to lead them. I spoke up on their behalf. The only member who's less worried. I am worried too. I only spoke up for you guys. So I said less worried. So you're saying he takes the lead. Yes. At work, it's not always nice to take the lead. Why is that? Did someone punch you? A punch in your giant chest? That's not it. Do you look in the mirror and do this? 1, 2, 3, 4. (He'd rather not see it) He's not there yet. No? (It's a bummer) Your upper chest will be able to do it, KEVIN. You use your lower chest to do that. So it comes from the bottom? It's a different muscle structure. You say you're the big shot in THE BOYZ, but you turn out to be a mama's boy? That's true. How did you know? It's so bad that every time I go shopping with him, he calls his mom before buying anything. Right. Every single time. Yes. Wait a minute. You don't want this to be aired. - But I remember that too. - Right? I believe I should listen to my mom. Right. You said, 'Since I was young, my mom was conservative.' 'She never allowed me to be in a relationship or anything.' 'So I never had a girlfriend before.' Never. Never? For how long? You'll eventually get married. I'm not going to. Hello? I'm already married here. I have a ring here. Didn't you marry THE B? I did, but... You didn't get her approval yet? Not yet. But my mom will approve it as long as it's THE B. Okay. I have a question for KEVIN. You with my family MARK of NCT and MATTHEW of ZEROBASEONE are all from Canada. Yes, we're from the same town. It turns out our parents knew each other. Did you find that out after you moved here or... - After I moved here. - After? Do the three of you hang out together? The group chat for idols from Jeju Island is pretty famous. So I thought Koreans from outside should have one too. So did you make one? Because during the holidays or long weekends, many people can't visit their families. Then you should gather. So we meet up. People asked us to invite these three people from Canada, and that even made the trends. I've seen that. I want to do it so badly. (Waiting for the Canadians) KEVIN, what does it mean that you got upset while working on TOEIC? I thought it'd be fun to work on TOEIC live. So I tried it. You left a comment. 'Advanced vocabularies used unnecessarily.' That's what you said. Were there a lot of advanced vocabularies? To make it long, they made people read unnecessary words on the test. That's what tests do. So... Yes. That's what tests do. Tests should be difficult. If they were easy, everyone will go to prestigious universities like you. (He quit the 2nd best university in Canada) You get worked up for no reason every once in a while. Calm down. People these days get upset because of TOEIC. So why don't we work on the question to see why? ERIC and KEVIN, will you join? Okay. What about me? Wait. Why don't you ask if you could? I'll go ask her. I have the question in the sketchbook. Here it is. Listening test. Question. When will the shipment arrive? When will it arrive? A. He moved the boxes. B. Yes, it's being delivered. C. Haven't you seen the weather outside? There's no answer. Is the question when it'll arrive? Isn't the answer there? - Yes, it's B. - B. But the question is asking when. Why am I here with English speakers? The answer is... B. B is the most plausible. It's C. C doesn't make any sense. Look. Ask me when it'll arrive in Korean. When is it going to arrive? Can't you see the weather outside? That's what it's saying. That's kind of upsetting. It's starting a fight. There should be something after C. Something's hidden in there? It's worked up like HYUNJAE. - Like HYUNJAE. - In real life... Can't you see the weather outside? What? We shouldn't say we're fluent in English. No. KEVIN can't accept this. So you should say something to people who make TOEIC. In English. What the... What the hell, man? That was necessary. Because of you guys and your wack questions... Because of you and your gross questions. I'm 100% sure that countless people have given up on English. Everyone gave up 100%. You're fluent in English. I am. - HYUNJAE. - Yes. I guess you are a big shot after all. - Why? - It's certain. Even before the performance ended, you ran away. That's a false accusation. I have a video. You can't do this unless you're the big shot. (Running away) (Laughing his head off) This one. What was it between the two? Were you calling your mom or were you in a rush to go to the restroom? (Dizzy) Was it either the restroom or Mom's call? What was it between the two? Unfortunately, it was neither. We communicate with the music show writers. It was a live show. Because of the next performance, they told us to leave fast. They told us to leave in 2 to 3 seconds after the song ended. (Going crazy) We were new at the time. We were disciplined. 'Yes, ma'am.' They emphasized it so much that we had to leave right away. The thing is, they told us to leave as soon as we were done. They didn't tell us to leave even before we were done. - No. - But HYUNJAE - Hey. - left before the song ended. That's not true. Be quiet. I looked at the members because I always take the lead. I told them that we had to leave quickly. So I left, but they didn't. But when you see it, if the camera was here, HYUNJAE walks from there. I was like, 'What's he doing?' I didn't get it. We looked at each other and went, 'What's he doing?' 'Why is he leaving now?' (What's he doing?) He was in a rush to go to the restroom. No, I wasn't. (Falsely accused) (Off to the restroom) Everybody, it was all a lie. He was actually in a rush to go to the restroom. You were still new at the time. - Yes. - Only 4 months after the debut. You were obedient. What was the award we got? The Best Effort Award. No wonder you received it. I have a question for ERIC. Before I ask this question, you need to thank me. For what? After you became a big fan of <Boys Over Flowers> on this show, you became popular. I admit it. Are you a fan of <Boys Over Flowers>? You too? I'm not just a fan. How many times did you watch it? And I'm talking about the whole season here. 'That's me talking about a drama with my followers.' 'The character analysis is hilarious.' That's what you wrote. After that aired, I received a lot of calls saying it was funny. Do you know how I introduced myself in the concert? I said Prince Song, and the fans... - Did they go yeah? - They went yeah. You united everyone. (Suddenly) - Get up. - Okay. Continue what I'm doing. (There they go again) You two should've been here alone. (Blinking) Start walking. (Gu Jun Pyo) (Falling) (You know what to do) Dang it. I'm sorry. I'll get you a new one. Lick it. (I knew it) That was like watching <Boys Over Flowers>. You even dressed like <Boys Over Flowers>. (Jo Jun Pyo) Can I try one? Bring it on. Hey. Why do you hang out with a thug like me? (Interesting) Hey! Wake up! I know this one. On the highway bridge. It couldn't be more dangerous. He dragged him to the road. Right. By Han River. Yes. One more. The last one. Oh, I know. Let's say I have a carry-on. You're Geum Jan Di. (Geum Jan Di) Follow me. - Cheap. - Cheap? I'll carry your carry-on. Okay. (Running away with the carry-on) What was that? That was just before you appeared. Yes. And... (After the opening,) (Prince Song suddenly barges in) (Thief 1) (Thief 2) (Reenacting) Prince Song? Yeah. Stop it. Prince Song? Yeah. Yeah! I'm just asking this. I want to see you watching <Boys Over Flowers> together. Oh, I'd love that. Do you know what my dream is? To watch it with So Yi Jeong. Why don't you send him a message? I'm... - Let me send a message. - I'm serious. To F4. (To our idols, F4) If I get a chance to watch it with at least one of you. I'm sure you've forgotten your lines. But we'll have the script prepared. We'll have it ready. Let's print it and reenact it together. I love <Boys Over Flowers>. HYUNJAE. - Yes. - Here we go. Here's what you said in the interview. (What did I say?) 'The one who takes responsibility is cool.' 'My duty.' 'My role.' 'I try to take responsibility for it.' Can you take responsibility for what you said in the interview? Yes. When you were asked if you wanted to act, you said so much. 'The role or the genre doesn't matter.' We should've made him play Geum Jan Di. I knew he looked jealous. (Absurd) How about a historical drama? He knows everything. It wasn't just <Boys Over Flowers>. You'll play Yeo Jin Goo, and I'll play Kim You Jung. Now, ready. Take 1. Action. (Holding back) (Innocent) I don't know what to do. Cut. Blooper. Not even Yeo Jin Goo can do this with him. You still have to do it. Take 2. Action. Did you ask me to forget you? Do you want me to forget you? (Sliding) (Covering) Why are you covering my face? Cut. (Upset) How can you cover my face like that? Are you telling me not to act? No. Prince Song! Yeah! Prince Song! Yeah! Prince Song! Can't it be me? So, you joined KStarNextDoor4. What did you think of it? Can you tell me your thoughts on KStarNextDoor4? This is for those who haven't been here yet. Oh, that's great. He's promoting us. This place is full of swindlers. Swindlers? Things not in the script. There was so much that they didn't show us in advance. We're such a nice show. Still, it's so much fun. You should all come and show great chemistry with Jonathan. Okay. Next is ERIC. We should make <Boys Over Flowers> Special. I can't hold it back anymore. And you need to answer my calls. If you don't answer my calls, I'm going to press this. I'm going to unsubscribe it. (Sullen) We're very desperate now. We started with 0 subscribers. - No. - I see. Then you have to answer my calls. I will. So make sure to subscribe. - Like and notification too. - We'll do that. That means 3 more subscribers. I almost forgot. We released a new album last month. Right. We released 'Nectar'. Please enjoy listening. Thank you. By the time you watch this, we probably finished performing, but please look for our videos and enjoy watching. Invite us again! (K-Pop) You must be under a lot of stress granting my wishes. What are you going to sing to relieve your stress? Not as THE BOYZ, but THE POYZ. It was released as THE POYZ. - 'Nolza'. - 'Nolza'. 'Nolza' was the soundtrack of Pororo... (Glaring) Why are you glaring like that all of a sudden? Because I'm getting tired. You scare me. Continue. - 'Nolza' by THE POYZ. - 'Nolza'. Let's sing that to relieve stress. Shall we go relieve stress now? Let's go. Let's go. Let's go have fun. Sing your stress, The KStarNextDoor4. ('Nolza' by HYUNJAE, KEVIN, ERIC, and Jonathan, original song by THE BOYZ) KStarNextDoor4 is the best It's the best! Mr. Pororo. - You hear? - Let's play. Are you Pororo? Pororo. Let's go. Let's have fun Let's have fun with KStarNextDoor4 Let's have fun Lalalalala Let's have fun Let's have fun jumping up and down Let's have fun Lalalalala - My name is KID - KID Yes I'm the future - My name is KID - KID Yes I'm the future My heart is beating all day Jumping up and down and playing is the best Everyone gather here 1, 2, 3 Enjoy singing Do re mi Well done today Thank you. You can play all you want now Right now is the most precious moment Let's go Let's have fun Let's have fun with KStarNextDoor4 Let's have fun Lalalalala Let's have fun Let's have fun jumping up and down Let's have fun Lalalalala Forget about the dark thoughts Think only positively Together I enjoy hanging out with you the most Let's smile together Everyone come out Before the sun sets Let's play Every day is Sunday Gather around Bring your thumbs up Sky high - Hello it's me - Me Yes I'm the future - Hello it's me - Me Yes I'm the future My heart is beating all day It's beating. Jumping up and down and playing is the best Everyone gather here 1, 2, 3 Enjoy singing Do re mi Well done today You can play all you want now Right now is the most precious moment - Let's go - Let's go Let's have fun Let's have fun with KStarNextDoor4 Let's have fun Lalalalala Let's have fun Let's have fun jumping up and down Let's have fun Lalalalala (Barging in) Lalalalala Okay. Bye. (The KStarNextDoor4) (Spoiler alert) When I listened to your live singing, it was the best. Among your live performances, it's my favorite. It's already so annoying. (Bursting into laughter) What's wrong? It was my favorite live performance. (Immersed) Please. That's crazy. (Bursting into laughter) I must've been crazy at the time. And this saggy undershirt. Do you have them in different colors? Who comes up with these perverted thoughts? Bad guy. (A sexy bad guy DOYOUNG is here) (The KStarNextDoor4)
Channel: 동네스타K
Views: 329,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 동네스타K, 동스케, TheKStarNextDoor, THE BOYZ, 조나단, 현재, 에릭, 케빈, 조나단 예능, 더보이즈 조나단, 케이팝, kpop, idol, 아이돌, 남돌, 더보이즈 직캠, 더보이즈 신곡, 더보이즈 예능, the boyz member, the boyz, the boyz reaction, 더보이즈 리액션, 동네스타K 더보이즈, Jonathan show
Id: yIDGb24wKmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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