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I love your live performance. This live performance is my favorite. I'm getting annoyed already. (Laughing) What's wrong? It's my favorite live performance. (Immersed) Please. That's crazy. (Laughing) I must've gone crazy at the time. And this saggy undershirt. Do you have a lot of undershirts in different colors? Hey, who comes up with these perverted ideas? Bad guy. (The sexy bad guy DOYOUNG is here) (The KStarNextDoor4) (One youthful day in April) The KStarNextDoor4. (Ho) Hello, neighbors. This is Jonathan. The 5th KStarNextDoor4 Awards. The winner of the Fatal Blow from Habitual Flirting Award is DOYOUNG of NCT. Congratulations. With habitual flirting, DOYOUNG fatally injured his fans' hearts. He didn't tend to excite them, but with his great love like a mother, he even made the SM family fall for him. Congratulations. Congratulations. (Hug) Congratulations. Let me give you the award first. Do I really take this home? We can talk about that later. Return it? No, but let's first... I really want to take this home. Since you received a special award, tell me your determination. I saved this show to watch it on the plane. Even on the plane? I watch it every time I eat. Today, I want to make a good video to watch for my meal. - Why don't we get inside - Shall we? - and talk for some more. - Sounds good. This way. Last time, we met at school. Yes. This is the way. (Gentle) - Thank you. - You're welcome. I'm alone. (The 57th KStarNextDoor4, K-SM Mom, DOYOUNG of NCT) (The man guilty of getting his fans excited) (With his first solo album, 'YOUTH',) (he's here to excite everyone) DOYOUNG of NCT. Yay. Can you say hi to the neighbors? Hello, neighbors. I'm DOYOUNG of NCT. I'm very excited to visit KStarNextDoor again. - This is your second time. - Yes. Last time, you were here with your members. But today, you're here alone. Were you brave enough to come here alone? It hasn't been that long since the last time I was here. I wasn't sure if it was okay to come. But I wanted to come so badly. And I happen to debut hot solo. Hot solo. I told my agency that I wanted to go to KStarNextDoor4. I'm very excited to hear that too. Right. Were you looking forward to it? - Yes. - Okay. Then let's begin. (K-Profile) K-SM's Mom. You're SM's mom who looks after all teams. Since you were a trainee, you looked after other trainees. I guess I did. 'The idol who took brats in middle school out to Han River' 'and ended up in a disaster.' That's what it says. I have a video. You decided to spend some time with kids even at that age. (Glancing) You got a bad habit. Did you write something down? - Yes. - Did you write that yourself? Yes, I wrote it myself. - Did you? - Yes. - Seriously? - Yes. I had to get ready. Check this out. (JENO, 16) (Obedient) (HAECHAN, the brat) (Playful) (JAEMIN, sexy boy) - They're all friends. - Yes. 2015. How did you get to hang out? We had a day off once a week. Because they were in middle school, the adults were nervous and didn't let them go anywhere. I felt bad for them. So I said I'll take them out and took them out. I heard since that day, JENO became your favorite guy. Yes. I still remember it vividly. HAECHAN got hurt while riding a bicycle. He got injured, so we brought him home. Then JENO said, 'Thanks for your help, DOYOUNG.' Since then, he's resided in my heart. This guy is my favorite from now on. I see. That's not all. Recently, you looked after SOHEE from RIIZE? Today, it's very heartwarming. You were wrong about this show. (Don't take it wrong) Has it changed over the season? It's changed. We're trying to become more like <Screening Humanity>. With warmth. (KStarNextDoor4 with humanism) You'll like it. Here, you pat him. You also said... You're getting started, aren't you? No. This is heartwarming. SOHEE. He was cute. He was cute. We went to Indonesia to perform SM Town. Like an elementary school on a field trip alone... (Looking around) He looked so cute. He was cute. You always look after everyone, but how come you don't look after me? (Sullen) Since the last time I was here, we never met personally. Right. You never give me a chance to ask when you're available. - Why do you say that? - Because among everyone I've seen in my life, you never reply the most. (Guilty) That is... You leave me on unread. (CHANGBIN of Stray Kids) (Compilation of Jonathan's victims) Jonathan never reads my messages. (JIHOON of TREASURE) He never reads it for once. When you reply to my messages, I told you to reply right away! (Yoo Se Yoon) I wonder if you even want to see me. Oh, it's not like that. But you still got me something. On my birthday, you got me - the department store gift certificate. - Yes. That's what he got me. I think it was worth 100,000 won. No, I bet it was more. Because I don't just give 100,000 won. - But it wasn't a million won. - No. I think it was probably around 300,000 won. Come on. It was 100,000 won. It says 100,000 won. What's wrong? It says right here. Why did I do that? That's so annoying. It's still great. Among my team, do you keep in touch with me the most? In NCT... (Expectant) HAECHAN? Why are you getting jealous? No. I'm just curious. You and CHENLE. CHENLE? Oh, CHENLE. CHENLE is like a submachine gun. - He messages you a lot, right? - Yes. I know. CHENLE is like, 'Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan.' So he keeps himself on top of the list. I'll try to reply to you right away. You should come to <MUK 2 U>. (NCT's self-produced content) I'd love to. - Really? - Yes. Really. Then give me your manager's number. Because if we reach you, you're never going to reply. No. I like that idea. If you come with anything to promote, it's even better. Even if you don't, you should still come. I do have something to promote. The KStarNextDoor4. Actually... Good. That's good. We have zero subscribers. (As of April 18, 2024, 44,700 subscribers) Is it new? - We created a new channel. - Really? I'm desperate. I hope to promote my show, so more people will watch us. Next is the K-High Note Runner. With his outstanding skills, he pulls off all the high-note parts. 'All the high note parts.' When you sang 'Fact Check' last time, it was a hit. I'll be happy to admit it. I love your live performance. This is my favorite among them. This live performance is my favorite. I'm getting annoyed already. (He noticed it) What's wrong? It's my favorite live performance. (Closing) That's so annoying. Oh, my gosh. Please. That's crazy. It's gross. That's... You're mean. You're really mean. You knew I'd hate it. No. It's my favorite video. I must've gone crazy at the time. How... I was out on the US tour for a month and a half at the time. I guess I didn't realize what I was doing. Sweet voice in an undershirt. In fact, I wore it inside out. (Inside out) Are you wearing it inside out? Because it said something here. It was a suggestive phrase. If you wore it inside out, you made up your mind to film it. It wasn't a coincidence. So this is the thing. (All set) I'm a bad guy Isn't that it? (Glaring) You're so annoying. But it's true. This is what I think. There was a time when I gave my all to everything I did. I'm serious. Because I lived my life to the full... (Thanks to DOYOUNG in the past for giving us the idea) I want to hear that sweet voice again. Can you sing 'Bad Guy', please? Can you do that? 'Bad Guy'? He's so annoying. Geez. People are going to watch it once this airs. You can watch this on the plane. You seriously live up to your name. (Touched) We were only doing our best after hearing your story. When we thought you might watch this on the plane, we could never do it half-heartedly. Can you show us what you did in the video? (Hesitant) I'm a bad guy No. I'm a bad guy (Patience) Okay. I'm sorry. (Ending K-Profile before he gets real upset) We'll now begin talking based on K-Profile. You're known as a big fan of this show. Am I right? Yes. Were you expecting to get a call from us before releasing the album? I mentioned it first in the album promotion preparation. - I'm not lying. - Really? I thought I reached out to you first. Oh, no. We called you because we wanted to invite you. When I heard you were coming, I was very excited. The bad guy is coming. I'm a bad guy I was so excited to prepare this. As soon as I heard you were going solo... (Immersed) Wow. Unbelievable. You kept shouting out to us in the live show. I always want to be here. Anyway, you kept flirting with me and expressed your heart to me continuously, so I opened up a little. You opened up? I opened up my heart a little. But I have to say I was disappointed in you. You know we have the same birthday? We have the same birthday? Really? Wait. (Jonathan born on February 1, 2000, DOYOUNG born on February 1, 1996) But you didn't celebrate my birthday, did you? I only celebrated your birthday alone. No, I celebrated your birthday too. I said, 'Happy birthday to you too.' Okay. Why did you have B.D Week alone? BD Meek? What's that? B.D Week. What's that? Let me read what you wrote. 'My birthday is coming up.' 'I was thinking about' 'making that time a little longer.' 'From January 28 to February 2,' You prepared a lot of things to upset me. 'I prepared B.D Week.' Seriously, you are invading my privacy. You call this a privacy invasion? - You said you were having B.D Week. - Hey. I only wanted to join. Why are you making fun of me for spending time with my fans? I'm disappointed. - Only a day for a birthday is too short. - Yes. I was like, 'I wish my birthday was longer.' And you were having B.D Week. Seriously. From January 28 to February 2, my birthday was within that period. Why couldn't I enjoy it with you? Then next year, can I make a B.D Week? Let's do it. I'll say it now. I'll tell the neighbors now. - It'll be 2025. - Let's do it. From January 28 to February 2, Jonathan and DOYOUNG's B.D Week. We'd appreciate it if you prepare it. My personal favorite song is 'Bad Guy'. If you could also prepare that, we can all enjoy it together. I had no idea... You knew. (Whining) While we haven't met, you became rather bold. Bold? You took a selfie, and you were in an undershirt again. It's a continuation of 'Bad Guy'. This is what you posted. Did you take it where the line was on purpose to make your shoulders look broad? Hey, who comes up with these perverted ideas? It's obvious. Look. When I took that, I wanted to move, but there were a lot of staff around me. I couldn't tell them to move. So I took it first. Then I realized later that there was a line. Did you lean on purpose when you took a picture? To be honest, I thought about that too. I thought this shoulder looked too broad. But I guess I wasn't the only one. If you wore a white undershirt for 'Bad Guy', you wore a black undershirt for this. Do you have a lot of undershirts in different colors? That's still Dolce & Gabbana. (The ambassador) Bad guy. (Satisfied) Bad guy. You're fit now, but back in high school, you couldn't become student president because your contender revealed his abs? I still keep in touch with the one who ran for the election. He didn't just become a student president for revealing his abs. - He went campaigning. - He made an effort. He had good pledges. On top of that, he revealed his abs. That's how he became the student president. Look at me. I sang too. - Did you sing? - Yes. But I lost. What did you sing? 'Bad Guy'? It was way before that. You should've sung that. That would've beat this. You should've sung 'Bad Guy'. With this too. That's a shame. I just felt something empty here. Do you want to go home? Something drains me. We prepared so much. DOYOUNG. You were bold enough to challenge MARK? I know what you're talking about. Is it the butt? It's a drawing of your butt. I'll tell you what happened. MARK sat here. And JOHNNY drew him. We thought it was cute. Then JUNGWOO wanted to draw me too. And the difference was clear. (Admitting) MARK does have big butt. He has a special butt. We were surprised too. His butt is unique. MARK is mentioned as a special butt on this show. I heard your members love your butt so much? Others like my butt? His butt is pretty... - Is it any special? - Totally. It's plump. I'm jealous. Although your butt lost to MARK, I heard something nice happened to you recently. Give it up for him. You had something to celebrate. I'm serious. I'm serious too. Can I go to the restroom? You want to go to the restroom? You're not going home, are you? No. - Are you really going to the restroom? - I'll be back in 20 seconds. No, 15 seconds. 15 seconds. Okay. 1. 2. 3. It's not there. Where is it? (In a rush) (K-Break) Now that he's here, I should watch that video. (Immersed) Sorry about that. I'm sorry. (Sly) You're back. I heard you had something to celebrate recently. After shouting out to IU for many years, she finally responded. Oh, yes. Tell me what happened. How was it? The person who wrote 'Love wins all' is my friend. He sent me a screen capture. I was surprised to see it. (Touched) So I went overboard. What's your favorite IU's song? My favorite? There are so many. 'Dear Name'. I like 'Dear Name'. Can you sing it briefly? Okay. I'll wait for you I promise to find you Even if you're too far away to see Let's go To the place where this dawn ends I should've done better. (He sang it live on the spot) - That puts a distance between us. - Why? It's the same as what I felt at the concert. (Live performance with no editing) (He nailed it) When you were doing your job... I should've done better. Don't say that. Have you ever sung that song in an undershirt? (Patience) - What? - Have you ever sung that before? Do you want to get closer? (Laughing) (Playing hard to get) I've sung it in a coat before. What's the difference between a coat and an undershirt? The vibe from the song. (Understood) Right. (Giving up) Any recommendations? A song to sing in an undershirt. That's how easy it is to sing. What were you doing? (Hommage) - The undershirt playlist? - Yes. Something from our song. 'Baby Don't Like It'? (DOYOUNG's undershirt playlist, 'Baby Don't Like It' by NCT 127) Can you sing it briefly? (Sexy) - That's how it goes. - You just made harmony. And sexy songs... Why am I answering to this? (Good guy) (Bad guy) Finally, it's time. My best friend DOYOUNG's new album. Can you introduce it? The title is 'YOUTH'. It's like traveling youth from 1 to 10. So I contemplated a lot about the track order. The title song is 'Little Light'. The moment the firefly shines the most. - It emits a light - Right. - from its butt. - Yes. It means that I decide the moment to shine the most. And now is that moment. That's my attitude when I sing the song. I hope people listen to the whole album, not only the title song. We prepared the next segment with hope for your solo album to succeed. The Spring Forehead on Kick. About this game, Taeyang played it with enthusiasm. - Taeyang? - Yes. (Even the tough guy Taeyang enjoyed this game) The balance matters. I know that much. If I can't do it, it means I won't do well. No. You can keep trying. Just keep trying. Set, go. It's not easy. But the celeb must succeed. (Dangling) I got it. (Gasping) DOYOUNG's solo album will be a hit. (It's guaranteed to be a hit) This is your second visit to our show. Any messages? It felt like an investigation on a civilian? I liked how you made the things that upset me in a funny way. Shall we start it on the 12th next year? From January 12. - What? - B.D Week. (Whining) We should get ready for the B.D Week. Anyway, I was very happy. I was here for NCT 127's comeback and my solo debut. What will be my next excuse to be here again? (Touched) I'll come up with one soon to be back here. (K-Pop) You said it was an investigation on a civilian. What are you going to sing to relieve stress? I'll sing 'Little Light' to relieve stress. B.D.B? (Shocked) Firefly. B.D.B. I should express it in your way. Shall we go relieve stress by singing 'Little Light'? - Yes. - Let's go. Do we just go? (Encore) Like this? Let's go. Sing your stress, The KStarNextDoor4. K. ('Little Light' by DOYOUNG featuring Jonathan, original song by DOYOUNG) (Off beat) KIM DOYOUNG. 'Little Light'. You see The bright light shining on me Why does it try to erase me KIM DOYOUNG. Will my light shaken by the wind Go beyond KIM DOYOUNG. I'm getting confused because of him. Wait. But... I'm sorry. That's why I was keeping a distance. I can't interrupt him. Don't drag it. Say it clearly. - Like, 'KIM. DO. YOUNG?' - Yes. Thanks. Sorry about that. He's stressed out. Let's get it. (Nervous) DOYOUNG. 'Little Light'. You see The bright light shining on me Why does it try to erase me DOYOUNG. Will my light shaken by the wind Go beyond DOYOUNG. When the dusk comes, it'll get stronger Still if anyone approaches me Yes, a bit more Quietly Dimly If this light is for your eyes At a faint blink If I pour out this light and my breath I hope my small moon resembles that star It may be faint at a moment, but it will still be okay Even the passing comet is Dazzling to me In darkness with no stars Like a firefly We shine more when we're together When everyone is here, we'll dazzle DOYOUNG. With my own light Will I be able to use my memories DOYOUNG. I want Those unfortunate hearts walking the night Lie down on dreams and fly the sky Yes, a bit more desperately Like that sun In this warmth that I can feel even with my eyes closed If I pour out this light and my breath I hope my small moon resembles that star It may be faint at a moment, but it will still be okay Even the receding universe is dazzling to me. More To me Ask to light up more Like the firefly that draws a line faintly Let me remain in the afterimage of life Like the light of falling stars Like the light of falling stars. Like brightly falling days Like brightly falling days. When the light comes on in your heart I hope your days Resemble that day Because even your breath and your sound Illuminate You'll light up in darkness and find the path in the end Like a firefly that's illuminating by itself Everyone. Like a firefly. DO... (Wrong again) (Ho) DOYOUNG. Firefly. 'Little Light'. Like a firefly (Still immersed) (KStarNextDoor4 is rooting for the good guy DOYOUNG's first solo album) (The KStarNextDoor4) (Spoiler alert)
Channel: 동네스타K
Views: 394,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 동네스타K, 동네스타K4, 동네스타케이, 동스케, 조나단, 동네스타k nct, 동네스타K 엔시티, thekstarnextdoor, kstarnextdoor, jonathan, doyoung, nct127, 엔시티127, 도영, 조나단 도영, 동스케 도영, 동네스타k 도영
Id: yqoKLTsce20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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