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so we're trying to make it to camp and robert has just stuck the wagon in here so this worked to be fun thankfully i'm full drive so we shouldn't have much issue from here we're gonna be spending the night here guys how cool is this we're just getting camp set up he's getting the old tractor out this is right up my alley [Music] so [Music] so for those of you that are new and don't know robert robert runs sidestep adventures and watch your step youtube channels and he has started basically this saved the birdhouse initiative this house has been around since the 1880s and he's trying to preserve as much of it as he possibly can it's been abandoned for quite a while but you see he's doing a pretty good job of trying to stabilize the roof trying to keep stuff from falling porch is going here but he's got some jacks in place he's putting a whole lot of work in and as soon as i saw this house i was like man i gotta get down there and take a look around because who knows what may be laying around so we're gonna set up camp for tonight once we get get him unstuck over here then we're gonna do some looking around and some plotting for what we're gonna do tomorrow this is gonna probably be a longer video than normal so i hope that y'all enjoy should be a blast [Music] [Music] [Music] you like this yep oh yeah yeah just like that i'll be sure the rooster tell you to get the mud effect in there [Music] right you're already stuck all right i'm locking it in f-150 we'd have been sunk back there so well i made it further than you did you made it much further i'll give you that i'm a little bit proud of that you know well i mean you've had practice that's true that's true [Music] it's not a good camping trip without an adult beverage and this stuff right here is killer i just gave robert one and he was like it's good and all but i got something that'll keep you warm so i'm kind of curious to see what he's got over here what do you got over here man well i couldn't invite you to the backwoods of georgia oh man a little bit of this so is it is it apple pecan or is it just pecan or it is a candied pecan that sounds amazing here i'll let you uh it's on there there we go there you go i'm good to take a swig go ahead it's strong enough it'll kill the chrome i'm gonna kill the rona yeah that is fantastic holy cow i tell you i got a i got a buddy of mine that makes this is is a identity protected and for one after you taste it you'll be tasting candied pecan for uh it's got like a little hint of salt to it too so it's got like caramel flavoring yeah man it's good that's fantastic he says it really needs to age more hold on let me do that again all right we're all set up for the night got the campfire going got my tent set up got the cooler all over there ready to go for tonight we're gonna batten down the hatches even got the toyota a little bit muddy and that mud smells terrible i wonder if that's all how all georgia mud is robert's gonna sleep in his truck over there and i don't blame him he's kind of got it made so we're gonna get started bright and early heard the rooster in the background it'll probably wake us up at the crack of dawn and we'll get started we'll see what we can find out here [Music] alright guys first signal of the morning and yes we decided to get up early and do some metal detecting is this old truck base right here looks like it's part of a semi truck not sure how old it is but not a bad first signal we'll take it so how long have we been at it now oh hell two hours something like that we've been we've been scratching our head we found a 1985 penny a radiator cap and about five trillion vines from wisteria i genuinely think we've got our first pretty cool target right here because i think it's brass now yep it's got something on it i think it's a dog tag really oh yeah oh we're gonna better get some information off this dude oh cool this made my entire trip down here worth it just for this right here my heart's pumping a little bit says department of public health georgia rabies vaccine so that's an old dog tag that is probably the oldest dog tag that i've ever dug that is a crazy cool find sometimes they've got a date on them let's see can you make it out i don't see a date on it doesn't say you might be able to pull the uh some uh a little bit of research up on it but that's that's a fantastic find what's so crazy is we marked this last night to come back and dig that signal if we dug that last night we'd probably spent the majority of the morning right here where we're at right now so right so that tells us that there was something going on on this hillside right here and uh robert had found a bottled up here before too so we're gonna spend a lot more time right here on this hillside for the next few minutes and y'all can see these vines i mean i'm not even joking they're they're nuts but that's a fantastic find that definitely relates to the homeowner at some point and i believe that there was a home or a house right here because on the topographical maps the big bird house is straight back that way the big barn is right here and on top of graphical maps there was a third building looks like a house from old satellite photography that was or called aerial photography not satellite that was sitting right here it was gone by the 50s i want to say so it's probably early sharecropper house there's a lot of fieldstone around here that's probably foundation where after they got rid of that house they just kind of pushed everything down this hill yeah but this is cool yep that's cool man that's gonna that's gonna go in the case of this house whenever it's completed and for sure i mean you like i said you may be able to do some research on the shape of it in the number and be able to pull up the date i don't know we'll have to find out that's cool though so check this out right here i got a really good signal down there we're in this spot that we're pretty sure is a new dump and i saw an orange color pop out and there's the marble wipe that thing off that yeah that's a nice uh nice looking one yeah i think it's a uh i think it's an older one i mean obviously probably right where the snap yeah right there so we're we're in it in it to win it that's awesome let's keep going all right what do we got what do we got well we had a big iron target to the left the big iron target ended up being a large probably a farm implement piece of uh iron i don't know what what a big washer maybe yeah and uh to the right of it i said it's probably a piece of that farm implement i said but let's just dig it anyways and it looks like something good it does look like something good we haven't extracted it look right there that's that's the back where it was sitting against it that looks like a button to me i don't want to take your glory no go ahead it's a button for sure look at the back of it you see how it's squished in oh yeah i do uh it's going to probably be military-related i think i see an eagle on it oh no way yeah can you hold the camera for me it's rolling let's see if we can get it we can see what's on it oh i don't know it might be a horse on that i don't know what that is can you tell can't tell can't tell yet you got water with you um back at the truck yeah okay we'll uh have to clean it i'm gonna rub it on my pants just a little bit uh usually like world war one buttons uh we'll say scoville on the back yeah it's an eagle okay and you can see the shield for the eagle right in the middle of it now i'm not positive but my id of that right there is going to be a world war one button wow and the size of it is bigger than a cuff so that's probably like a jacket button you know it's it's right under a quarter size now here's the cool part is if this is a trash dump like we think it is they may have threw a whole jacket right here so there might be more buttons so we need to i guess i'll turn the sensitivity up make sure that we're deep enough and dig this whole area right here and make sure we don't miss any sounds good pretty cool awesome man i think we did it again brandon yeah we've we're just covering this hillside just slowly but surely and uh had a pretty good signal right here and there she sits guys it's gonna have designs on it we can already tell that i'll let this get that tree out of your way for you look at that wow oh man oh man that is beautiful beautiful isn't it that was a pocket watch back a bigger pocket watch than the little piece that we found earlier yeah and uh you can see the shield on it and uh that's all i know [Laughter] that's a that is a amazing relic guys so we kind of had a standing bed at the beginning to find one good coin and one good button and this will suffice for the coin in my opinion that's awesome you know that may if you clean it up enough sometimes they would put the initials of the person on the inside oh yeah so we may clean it up and find something yet on it so that's that's phenomenal so we were walking through and i told robert i noticed this little stand over here that you can see and sometimes these stands were to hold newspapers bread whatever at a grocery store but occasionally these held wooden crates of antique bottles so it could have been it could have been a pepsi display a coal display we don't know so we're going to extract it real quick so real quick so we're shifting gears from metal detecting to seeing what in the world this thing is the only way to get this out of the wisteria is to cut it out [Music] so with this being a stand like it is i was telling him the wooden crates would have sat on these right here and you could have put one two three four crates full of bottles on it and the advertising would have been right here but sadly it is roached you can almost see it if you squint your eyes the right way yeah almost make it out yeah you can almost tell if it had been about 10 years earlier you could probably tell what that was for sure but still yeah we couldn't tell with it uh being strapped to the ground with a wisteria we had to cut it out and find out hey and clearing up junk like this has been my major priority on the farm too so it needed to be done yeah well i mean you have 140 years of accumulation from multiple generations of different families yeah so i mean they've you know back then especially when you lived in the country you didn't have city service for trash so they just found the spot and threw their stuff down not until like the past 10 years out here yeah so there you go yeah i even remember as a kid in alabama they would have big dumpsters at the ends of neighborhoods and it was your responsibility to take your garbage to the dumpster i remember that the closest one to us was over 10 miles away oh wow so a lot of people still burnt their trash all the way up into the 80s wow pretty crazy here's another pile from the remnants of the previous owners from forever ago it has a street sign of course it's got wisteria on top of it yeah but what caught my attention over here was the can behind it the trash can is full of these cans it says donald duck on it orange juice i was not in bad shape man that's pretty cool i don't think i've ever seen those uh up where i'm from what's this one say i've seen people say you can soak these in vinegar this is sarsaparilla on it it's got a log cabin on the side of it i do not know much about cans at all but i do know that there is a lot of people that like to collect them that's pretty neat it looks like there's a whole bunch in there there's a root beer i'm gonna find a snake just so y'all know oh come on beer by kissed some of y'all may remember these brands these are a bit before our time with the punch tops like that so welcome to the danger zone we're in the old barn now and i was asking robert i said is there anything cool in here he said yeah he said i filmed this old tractor over here it's a pedal tractor check that thing out that's a cool old kid's toy they don't make them like that anymore and i turned around and he said check this out over here and there's an actual plow or a cedar it looks like it may have been a cedar and a plow and you got the plow forks on the front step in here and show you something else that's pretty cool oh yeah the home company and uh there's one in there or there's the top of it in there that's pretty neat i wonder how many chickens were in there yeah i bet you a ton at one point reminds me of my my grandmother's old barn she had she had one that was very similar to this it's about in the same shape sadly it doesn't take long no not at all i always thought this door was kind of neat too this little door obviously out of a house yeah i don't know where it came from it came from that house for sure they may have updated it and moved it out to here so this is also one of the coolest things on this entire property to me you ever seen anything like that looks like a 55 chevy it's got the headlights built into the front it's got the tail fins that is really cool robert said he's gonna try to restore it i don't blame him i mean how cool would it be to have that thing pulled behind like an old c10 well man i appreciate you having me out i had a blast dude i did too absolutely loved it from camping to uh our fun stories around the campfire to a little bit of treasure hunting today and just overall exploring i've got to tell y'all we didn't find the coin that we promised in the beginning but in my opinion i think that we did okay oh yeah oh heck yeah i mean i i know that y'all probably didn't hear the signals before everything's said and done you may hear some on robert's video i didn't do a fantastic job of recording how many signals there actually were i mean it's just so many targets because there were so many structures on this property it's just they're still all in the ground it's crazy but check this out there's that button we did a little bit of cleaning on it if y'all got an age on that let me know like i said i'm pretty sure it's world war one there's that awesome animal tag we did some looking i've it looks like it's shaped like ones that are similar to be to around 1920. y'all let me know what you think about that in the comments as well and two pocket watch backs now that pocket watch back right there may be the find of the day believe it or not that's one of the coolest things that we pulled out of the ground without a doubt plus the marble and we did pull the pipe stem so overall i had a fantastic time man man i had a blast if you're not subscribed to sidestep adventures and watch your step be sure to go do that because he does two different things on two different channels and they're both fantastic i told him i said they're almost like asmr stuff you just watch them and you relax and it made it super chill so i appreciate that well i guess we're gonna hit the road i've got a few hour drive we'll see you i had a blast thanks for coming down let's see if we get out here without getting stuck you first
Channel: Adventure Archaeology
Views: 22,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, metal detector, metal detect, overnight, camping, overnight adventure, watch yer step, sidestep adventure, what will we find
Id: gdvQuWV1OgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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