What will it really take for a Mars human mission? - SpaceX's Mars Plan

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This video is supported by Curiosity Stream.  Hey, Hey Marcus House with you here. We are all   very excited to see the continuing development  of SpaceX’s Starship and the new momentum for   Starbase 2’s construction over at Cape Canaveral.  We are still some way off seeing this system in   full swing, however, in the grand scheme of things  it won’t be long before we are witnessing not   just orbital starship launches, but crewed  starship missions that will take humanity back to   the surface of the moon, on even longer duration  deep space flights, and eventually out to Mars   and beyond. But first, I’m sure you have a whole  host of questions regarding how exactly humans   can survive long duration spaceflight, and in this  video we are going to be looking at exactly that.  SpaceX’s Starship development is something I’m  sure most of you here have been keeping very   close tabs on over the past couple of years. Even  though activity over at Starbase in the form of   test flights have slowed down in preparation of  the first orbital flight test, overall starship   production is really starting to gear up. With  a huge new Starfactory facility being built at   boca chica to replace the production tents, and  the beginnings of Starbase 2 taking shape over   at cape canaveral, these are all good signs that  the primary architecture for starship is now ready   for its final stage of testing. With this story  and others, it’s the first time in about half a   century that we are truly seeing the start of new  advancement in human space travel. A rocket large   enough, and cost effective enough to hurl us out  into space and finally advance past the first moon   landings. Fun fact I think people often forget.  The launch of Apollo 11 was on July 16th 1969.   Following that first successful mission to  the moon, Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 with   that final mission returning to Earth on Dec 19th  1972. Those 6 very successful missions were all   completed in just under 3 and a half freaking  years. Can you imagine that again now? Well,   we wait, and hope that SpaceX with NASA  not only matches this astounding feat,   but surpasses it. Over the last 50 years though,  we’ve learned a great deal about the health   related issues that we need to protect against.  How do humans survive the duration and the hostile   environments they will be placed into? Using Mars  as an example is a good exercise simply because   of the length of time needed for the journey.  How we will survive long duration space flight   is a question that is a lot more complex than one  might first think. Sci Fi driven pop culture and   even the Apollo moon landings themselves can leave  us with a false sense of security. It is easy to   think that all we really need is a launch system  like starship and all of our deep space dreams   finally come true, but diving just a little deeper  we see that this couldn’t be further from reality.  SpaceX aspired to send uncrewed Starships to Mars  this year in 2022, but the dates got pushed for   many reasons. Now, SpaceX is hoping to send cargo  ships to Mars by 2024. Back in March, Elon Musk   tweeted this, guessing that with updated timelines  humans could be stepping on Mars by 2029.   Will that guess be true? Can they overcome the  challenges of human spaceflight this quickly?   Cargo missions are simple in comparison,  but these squishy fragile human meat bags?   Yep. Much different. NASA has been actively  researching how the human body reacts to   spaceflight for over half a century, and  being the lovers of acronyms they summed   most of the major risks using the acronym  RIDGE. This stands for Radiation, Isolation,   Distance from Earth, Gravity, and  Environments that are Hostile or Closed. The first and most critical hazard is  Radiation! Earth has a pretty good magnetic   field that protects everything on it. But once  you are on a Starship and on your way to Mars,   Earth cannot help you any more, and you are all  alone traveling hundreds of millions of kilometers   to your destination while being bombarded by high  energy ionizing radiation. Radiation containing   particles which can literally kick electrons  from atoms within the cells in your body!   Obviously radiation is all around us all the  time, but not at this magnitude or energy.   It is considered perfectly safe to experience  radiation to a degree. After all, the sun releases   many types of radiation all the time. Visible  light just as one example. But occasionally the   Sun erupts, ejecting billions of tons of charged  particles into space in one hit. These are known   as CME’s or Coronal Mass Ejections. Although  it is quite unlikely, if a spacecraft came in   direct contact with one of these CMEs, it could be  disastrous. We can forecast these events however.   If living on the surface of Mars or even the moon,  underground bunkers would mitigate this issue.   On the transit to these destinations though  this isn’t an option. On top of radiation   from our star, you also have Galactic Cosmic  Radiation. This is high energy radiation that   comes from outside our solar system, primarily  from within our galaxy. These are the nuclei of   atoms that have had their electrons stripped  away and are traveling at almost the speed   of light. These can come at any time from any  direction. Typically not at any huge volume,   but the vehicle will be constantly hit by such  radiation. So not only do we have events that   increase radiation exposure but also an  elevated level of background radiation,   which adds compounding complexity to the problem. So how do we protect astronauts from these   dangers? Well, procedures can be put in place  to bunker down in the center of the vehicle,   putting as much mass between the humans on board  and the outside of the vehicle. Water is very good   hydrogen-rich molecule that can absorb radiation  very well just as just as one example. A specific   radiation sheltered area within Starship  would have all these resources and consumables   constantly surrounding it. That area could also  be where the crew sleep. In the case of a CME,   you can also rotate the vehicle in such a  way that the engines, bulkheads and remaining   propellant shields the crew as well. With the  high amount of potential shielding options it   seems as though Starship will provide adequate  risk mitigation for the voyage. SpaceX will   certainly be measuring the potential exposure from  initial cargo only missions so that they gain a   much better understanding of all these factors. Radiation exposure doesn’t stop even after the   outbound voyage either, as unlike Earth, Mars  doesn’t really have a magnetic field useful enough   to protect us. Here our magnetic field  deflects harmful ionizing radiation away,   with a great deal of charged particles being  captured and held within the Van Allen radiation   belts. The radiation here is very deadly of  course, and this is why you may hear this as a   reason that “humans have never visited the moon”  by moon-landing hoax believers. They believe the   moon landings never happened, assuming these  belts are instant killers and omnidirectional,   neither are the case and the main irony is that  our collective awareness of the Van Allen belt is   basically thanks to JPL which to me has always  made this conspiracy more of an oxymoron than   usual. In reality, it is more about the time you  spend within these regions and what path you take.   Sure, passing right through the middle of the  most dangerous areas would be very problematic,   but humans are smart, we are able to take an  inclined trajectory bypassing the worst regions,   and at such a high velocity, that the exposure  is only minimal. Just as we did with Apollo   missions. Missions to Mars will use a similar  method, so there is no problem there. It is the   longer term exposure to deep space radiation  that is more troublesome. Just remember,   the longest trip away from low earth orbit and the  protection of the magnetic field surrounding the   planet was with Apollo 17. That full mission from  launch to landing was only 12 days. The one way   trip to Mars alone could be 6 months or higher. A side note here, back in the days of the   Interplanetary Transport System which was the  first design of what we now know as Starship,   numbers like 80 to 150 days were being thrown  around for a potential transit time from Earth to   Mars. This of course depends on available delta V  and whether you can slam into the Mars atmosphere   much faster than the minimum interplanetary  transfer speeds. The faster you are traveling   toward Mars, the more velocity you need to wipe  off to capture into a Mars orbit. And you only get   one pass otherwise you shoot off into space. True,  you can also use the engines and propellant to   slow down, however it makes no sense to do that  when you can use the Mars atmosphere instead.  So yes, the longer term exposure to deep space  radiation is troublesome but manageable with the   correct mitigations and shielding configurations,  but you also have the lengthy stay on Mars itself.   NASA has reported quite detailed papers on the  expected radiation dose for a mission to Mars.   Based on a 6 months trip, a single astronaut would  be exposed to an estimated 300 millisieverts of   radiation. To put that into perspective, an  average human on Earth would be exposed to a   little over 6 millisieverts per year. If we assume  that the crew would spend 18 months on the surface   while they wait for the planets to realign  to make the journey back to Earth possible,   they will be exposed to an additional 400  millisieverts on the surface over that   time. Then the trip isn’t over, another 6 months  for the return and another 300 millisieverts,   so that adds up to a grand total exposure of  about 1,000 millisieverts for a full trip to   Mars and back over a 30 month period. That works  out to be about 65 times the radiation an average   person on earth is exposed to. This is comparable  to the increased risk in cancer you would get   if you just stayed on Earth and took up chain  smoking for example. (not great, not terrible). As with any radiation damage, the main risk  is that it can alter the structure of our DNA   causing abnormalities and cancers to mutate from  previously healthy cells. At some point we will   hopefully develop better treatments to deal  with such factors. We are starting to see the   beginnings of quite interesting nano technology  aiming to patrol the bloodstream and kill off   target cells. After such treatments are available,  perhaps small radiation damage over long periods   of time can simply be “cured”. Certainly not  high doses of course, but it is interesting to   think about all the same. The unfortunate fact  is that we don’t have a real lot of experience   with travel outside the bounds of our magnetic  field. With the exception of a handful of cases   from the Apollo program, we’ve not really  exposed many humans to such an environment.  Inspiration 4 was of course conducting research  getting a little higher in their orbit than we   have been in a few decades. The next mission  Polaris Dawn aims to go even higher and do   even more tests. So yes, radiation there is the  biggest risk outside of a vehicle failure or   something more catastrophic. But a few  more factors that you may not consider   are equally crucial to prepare for. [Ad Start] ...I’ll talk about those in a moment   but before that, a massive thank you to Curiosity  Stream today for supporting this video. Curiosity   Stream is a subscription streaming service that  offers thousands of award-winning documentaries.   Their content library includes many great videos  that expand in what we are learning right here   today. Do you want to know more about Mars and  the related challenges involved with human space   flight? Take this episode of “A Curious World”  just as an example. They also ask the question,   Can We Colonize Mars? At almost 55 million  kilometers away from the Earth at its closest,   Mars is obviously the first achievable  objective in interplanetary travel. Also,   what will it take for humans to establish an  Earth-independent way of life? A topic that   expands well past the subject of our video here  today. Scientists propose housing in lava tubes,   and in the more distant future even  changing the atmosphere over time.   Something we have no current experience with. All  we have are theories. I’ve been a subscriber to   Curiosity Stream myself for several years  and there is so much here to check out.   Not just the space content that we all obviously  love, but loads of stuff on Travel, History,   Nature, Science and Technology. It is all here and  you can stream this incredible content worldwide   on all of your devices anytime. If you would  like to satisfy your thirst for knowledge,   give it a try by heading to curiositystream.com  slash marcushouse. With that, you can sign up for   access at just $14.99 for the entire year. You’ll  find that link in the description below. [Ad End] So yes, the next biggest risk factor for a Mars  mission in my opinion is simple Isolation and   Confinement. We are a social species. We wouldn’t  have evolved if we weren’t. The crew is expected   to stay in a spacecraft millions of kilometers  away from home for a minimum of 2 and a half   years! And however trained one might be, that  is not an easy task. We all know how stressful   it has been dealing with the pandemic and many of  us having restrictions in place limiting movements   and contact. That was hard enough, but think about  being restricted to a small spacecraft and habitat   for even longer and you might get just a small  glimpse into what it could be like. There is no   outdoors, you can’t just go outside and clear  your head. Not without a full space suit on   at least. Now, if you are feeling cooped up, I’m  not sure if being stuck inside a full space suit   would help a great deal or not. Everything you  drink, eat or breathe has been brought with you.   Water and air, is recycled. No matter how much  work you throw yourself into, it is the downtime   that is the most isolating. That time of rest  where you are with your own thoughts. You can’t   just pick up a phone and talk to who you want.  No internet of course. Only the media libraries   you’ve bought with you. How do you deal with  the monotony? The crew can bring along state   of the art VR headsets. Nowhere near Startrek’s  solution of the holodeck, a useful way to trick   your mind into some different experiences.  Gaming in particular can be a great way to   escape for a while. Astronauts living onboard  the Space Station often say the best pastime   is to watch the Earth revolve below. A luxury  removed during an interplanetary trip like this.   Good sleep and nutritional intake is also just  as, if not even more critical than on earth.  Due to sleep routines being so very  important for a human to function properly,   it is important to regulate times for sleep as of  course in transit. There is no day/night cycle.   Space travel in particular would certainly result  in poor sleep patterns if not kept in check. It   has been found that a person’s circadian rhythm  has a profound effect on their neurological and   physiological behavior. Living on Mars would also  be unusual in this regard. The Martian daylight is   primarily a yellowish-brown compared to Earths  blue-green. We are lucky that a Martian day,   also called a “Sol” is very similar in length  to what we have here on Earth at 24 hours and 37   minutes long. Even still, researches suggest  that even this 37 minute longer difference   might have a negative influence on human sleep  cycles and circadian rhythms over time. So what   is the solution? This is quite difficult to fix is  it not? Well, a simple solution for this problem   is to create quite sophisticated, well-equipped  artificial habitats that are capable of mimicking   the light from Earth’s atmosphere simply to help  astronaut’s circadian rhythms to improve sleep and   their performance. It is obviously however not  practical to try and keep the new Martians synced   up with a 24 hours clock. This would be one  issue they would need to learn to live with.   Mission control personnel for NASA’s robotic  missions to Mars already work to a Sol centric   work schedule which at least gives us  some practical experience in that regard. The next issue is the staggering distance. Mars  on average is around 225 million kilometers away   from Earth! At this distance, even light speed is  frustratingly slow. It does differ a lot too as it   depends where both planets are in their orbits. It  would take us between 5 and 20 minutes to send a   message to Mars in one direction, and then double  that up for a response. This detachment can have   a very negative effect on the psychology of the  crew. The mental aspects alone need to ensure the   brave people training for such a mission, have the  needed support and resources to deal with these   issues. The crew need to be compatible too. You  don’t want to confine a group of people together   for years that create conflict with each other.  Again, a lot of preparation is needed simply to   select the right people. NASA has recruited  people for a Yearlong Simulated Mars Mission.   A one-year analog mission in a habitat to simulate  life on a distant world such as Mars. The research   and results of these tests are essential to  understand and plan around. Astronauts can’t   depend on scientists and professionals here on  earth for immediate solutions, they must be able   to come up with quick solutions by themselves  and be socially compatible with each other.  The International Space Station is  a terrific resource of course. Here,   the crew perform ultrasound scans on each  other to monitor organ health just as one   example. If a crew member is sick, they can help  diagnose and treat them! The huge distance also   means you cannot be resupplied potentially for  years. The obvious things like food, water and   typical medicines would be pre delivered, but  it is hard to imagine everything you may need   to solve any predicted problem. This is where a  number of critical pre-supply ships are needed.   With the colossal volume of Starship, anything  imaginable could be delivered to ensure the first   crew landing teams have many years of supplies.  It also means the first crewed mission can have   a little more space dedicated to their comfort  and morale. Some Crop Food Production would help   here as one example. It needs a lot of space, but  as all food is nonperishable, growing some leafy   greens and other useful crops would add a little  extra nutrition to the diets of the crew, and it   would be a nice bonus to psychological well-being  spending a little time taking care of the farm. Astronauts will come across three different  kinds of gravity fields on their Journey,   Firstly, micro gravity in outer space, then one  third gravity on Mars, and of course regular   old 1G back here on Earth. The crew must get  used to these three different gravity fields,   and transitioning from one to another is actually  really hard on our squishy human bodies. In micro   G, where the mechanical strain put on our skeletal  system is essentially non-existent, our bones are   not subjected to the same level of stress they  would normally be. As a result you experience   progressive bone loss of around 2% a month, in  other words the moment you enter orbit your bones   start to undergo osteopenia which if unaddressed  eventually leads to severe osteoporosis. This also   reduces the formation of bone building cells and  breaks down calcium stores in the boes heavily   reducing their strength. Where does this calcium  go? It’s released into the bloodstream, and   increased levels of calcium in the blood lead to  a higher incidence of renal stones. Not a problem   you want when on a distant mission from home. It’s  also worth noting that these changes to your body,   along with getting used to different environments,  drastically increase your chances for injury. You   can just imagine how big an issue a broken arm  or leg would be on such a critical mission. Gravity also helps us in maintaining our blood  pressure. We’ve evolved to have that pressure   distributed differently across our body. For  example blood pressure in our feet is 200 mmHg   and in the brain, it is only 60 to 80. In space  though at micro G, the pressure is equalized all   over our body. This makes it around 100 mmHg  everywhere. Although short term missions in   micro G don’t seem too problematic, for long  missions this might cause severe problems.   It increases the amount of blood in our brains,  which can over time potentially damage various   parts of it. Optic nerves can swell as  well causing vision impairments. NASA is   specifically working on solutions to these  problems. Monitoring astronauts closely through   frequent organized scans and check-ups alone can  go a long way, it can help us detect and prevent   any harmful effect the journey might be having  on them. There are devices astronauts can wear   that’ll help them control their blood pressures,  by drawing fluids from the head into the legs   or vice versa. NASA has also been researching  effective medicines astronauts could use on a   long space journey. When on the Mars surface at  one third gravity, these problems are minimized,   but still problematic to a degree. A lot of  exercise in the transit stage of the mission   would be essential to ensure you don’t land,  and are then incapable of doing any useful   work when you get there. We see how difficult  it is returning to Earth after a lengthy stay   at the ISS. You might think that the one third  gravity of Mars will be easier to adapt to,   than returning to the full 1G, but sadly probably  not. Though equipment will weigh a little less   than it would back on earth, the time spent in  micro g would completely rearrange your balance   and coordination, potentially incapacitating  someone for at least the first few days.   With no ground crews in situ to assist, the crew  will need their own solution to assist themselves.  Finally, you have the problems associated  with closed environments for years at a time.   The health of the internal ecosystem of the  space habitat is something you may not think   about. Microbes change behavior in space. They  transfer between humans much easier. Researches   have shown that space travel might actually weaken  our immune systems as well. Research on the ISS   has been critical to learn as much as we can from  such a closed environment. Various samples are   taken from the crew and the station itself is  swabbed regularly for analysis of the microbial   population. What we have already achieved on the  ISS is a testament to the brilliant minds out   there already putting solutions in place to ensure  we all know what is needed to explore a new world. So yes, I’m super interested in your thoughts  on all these areas. We could literally make full   videos on each of the risk factors alone. So do  let us know what interested you the most in this   video below in the comments. It is always great to  dive even deeper where we can in the near future.   After having a greater understanding of all  these areas, how long do you think it will be   before we see humans exploring the Mars surface.  Is Musk’s guess of around 2029 remotely possible?   Realistic for a HLS mission to the moon sure,  but for a crewed mission to mars and back?   As always, it is the unknown unknowns that  are always the biggest problems we face.   What else can you think of that we haven’t yet  covered. Let me know in the comments. And thanks   for subscribing here to follow the industry and  what we do. To all of you all incredible viewers   and supporters. You could be a regular viewer of  our content. Perhaps a Patron or Youtube member   supporting what we do or you could be picking some  gear from our merch store including this shirt you   see here. That design is also available in a  wide range of products and clothing styles. No   matter how you support, know that it contributes  significantly to what we do, and it allows us to   increase the time we can collectively spend in  research, editing and quality control especially   for videos like this one that take a little  more research. If you like what we are doing   and would like to help assist us with what we do  directly, you can join as a Youtube member via the   join button below or you can become a patron at  patreon.com/marcushouse. Either of those options   gives you access to chat to us more directly  via the linked roles on our Discord server,   you can get your name listed right  here like these other amazing people,   and you also get earlier and ad free access  to the videos to watch before anyone else.  In the tile in the bottom left today, we have my  video talking more about the travel to Mars. In   the top right is my latest video and in the bottom  right... content that Youtube has selected from my   channel, just for you! Thank you, everyone, for  watching and we'll see you all in the next video.
Channel: Marcus House
Views: 493,404
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Keywords: elon musk, elon musk mars, elon musk starship, spacex starship orbital test, spacex launch, spacex, Spacex orbital launch, Spacex starship launch, elon musk spacex, marcus house, Spacex starship, spacex starlink launch, elon musk mars plan, nasa mars human mission, spacex mars human mission, spacex starlink live, spacex news, Spacex starship progress, Spacex starship update, spacex orbital launch tower, spacex starship landing, Spacex boca chica, Starbase, spacex mars
Id: sVWxw5W8cMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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