What Will Europe Look Like In 2025?
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Channel: General Knowledge
Views: 534,628
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Keywords: generalknowledge, funwithflags, countriesthatdon'texist
Id: 4aV8zeqgnoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
As someone from Bavaria I unless Germany suddenly goes down the drain highly doubt Bavaria leaving any time soon. There are a few disgruntled mostly old conservatives who want Bavaria to become independent but the party gets something in the 1-5% range. Scotland and Catalonia on the other hand I could see becoming independent.
I do not think Veneto is going to declare independence anytyme soon but ok
This video is inaccurate.
The name of the region is Veneto and not Venice, trust me I know I'm from there. The numbers reported by the organizer of the online referendum were never proven but most checking bodies confirmed that the numbers were not only inaccurate, but they were also downright false. The initial number released by the organizers was higher than the numbers of people eligible to vote. The number you have given would be around 60/70 percent of the voting population. However, according to the internet traffic data visible to everyone from the website, the number of views was around 135,000, 3,6% of the voting population of Veneto, what is more, important a significant proportion of this was not from Veneto or the rest of Italy, but Santiago, Chile and other South America countries.
To give you an example of how the referendum was perceived in Veneto I will tell you something that happened to me. A friend once came to class saying: "finally the government makes us vote on autonomy", no one knew anything about it, so we asked what was she talking about, in a group of 6 friends she was the only one that seemed to know about or had voted, she showed the website, and I told her that was not a request autonomy but independence, to which she laughed, and proceed to not believe me. I also came home and voted, for the lols( if I remember correctly I voted 2 times, but I'm not as sure about this), and I don't remember the website having any checking or confirmation of identity.
If someone cares to know the actual number of people pro-secession and independence in Veneto it is here (http://www.demos.it/a01301.php). The people that want a separate Venetan state are a minority (between 4% or 9% of the people interviewed). What most people want is more autonomy.
This is from Ilvo Diamanti One of the best pollsters we have in Veneto. When asked if Venetans want "independence", around 48 were favourable, however when asked what the word independence means, 52 percent said it meant being autonomous in the style of Trentino-Alto Adige, other said it meant being in a federal Italy and the minority 12 % said it meant being actually independent so in a separate state. Of the 48% that said the were in favour of independence 9% described independence has being a separate state, 9% of 48 should be around 4% of the population
From the way dear Ilvo phrased his numbers I struggle to know what he means, ( the guy is a good pollster but a notoriously bad writer). He reports that of the people that say they want independence just 9% want actual independence ( a separate state). I'm not sure if he means 9% of 48% or 9% of the total. Anyway I think both are actually high but certainly less than 60% or 70% percent as reported from the video. Se qualcuno che parla italiano mi puo aiutare a capire cosa intenda Diamanti sarei grata XD.
It is all and nice to spread federalism, but could we in the meantime not spread misinformation. ;)
P.S: also the one you used is not the flag of Veneto, but Venice, you might not believe this but there is a difference, Venice had always been a left-leaning city in a sea of green-blu, while separatism has always been a mostly right-leaning issue in Veneto, as is highlighted by the statistics I shared too, they never voted for the lega. Even now that Brugnaro is right-leaning he is not part of the lega Nord.
Edit: would you call Lombardy Milan? Would you call Tuscany Florence? Why do it with Veneto, it has a name.
I don't know how Catalan and Scottish independentism is opposed to federalism as they have repeatedly shown that they are extremely pro European integration
Sicily, sardinia, veneto, padania, one United tirol in a federation
Amazing stuff! More more more
Maybe the independence of those regions is a path to Federalism, or its a torn in the foot for federalism, i am in the opinion (inside the EU) to leave things as they are, but stronger autonomy to some. Autonomy inside the "future" federal "state/country".