What Were They Thinking?? - Lobster From 1755

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Looks delicious

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mrduckmd1 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Now I wanna make some

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Unattended_Adult 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to 18th century cooking I'm your host John Townsend did today special guests again Michael dragoo will be cooking something wells very interesting fried lobster thanks for joining us today as we savor the flavors in the aromas of the 18th century well Michael you brought this fried lobster it's interesting we don't eat fried lobster do we I don't but mostly learn about to try it you boil the lobster you take the meat out either by yourself or you know it's done in some other way and then we dip it in butter and done right right and lobster we think of as something you needed a fancy restaurant in this time period lobster is so everyday that it's only being fed to the prisoners on the prison ships in Baltimore in New York Boston Harbor well yeah lobsters are cheap in the time period and thought to be sort of like a trash fish or very well they are kind of a trash fish but a very inexpensive thing to eat so obviously this recipe is kind of fun because she doesn't cook anything alike I don't know she breads it and and we fry it up and then we've got a sauce that we put on it yeah so she's covering it up she's covering it up so you're gonna read this one I can't I sure can okay Elizabeth Cleland 1755 from London and to take a boiled lobster take out the meat as whole as you can slice a long ways flour it and fry it and clarified butter and we're not gonna do that we're gonna Orson she says or you may make a batter of cream eggs flour and salt dip the minute fry them here's the sauce then beat some butter up thick with grated nutmeg claret and orange juice late lobsters in the dish pour the sauce on it so basically it's like how can we cover up Lobster how can we how can we turn these into the fish sticks of the 18th century so we're you know we're boiling Lobster we take the meat out we get we bred it we fry it and then we put a sauce on the top it's like ketchup you know it's terrible we're gonna find out so we're gonna we're gonna ruin these lobsters and I'll betcha it's gonna be great the citrusy the claret and the and the and the orange juice so we're gonna get these lobsters in some boiling water different cooked up so the lobsters are all cooked up to get them to make the batter yep and it's simple it's just flour an egg some heavy whipping cream and some salt okay so we're just gonna make a well get a rig in here start to mix this up a little bit of cream mixing salt in there yeah you're ready for some yep this is the only seasoning in this whole thing so I would add a little more maybe okay thank you there you go we're just gonna sneak up on this cuz I've really downsized that am i looking for a thin batter yeah just something that's thick enough to stay on them yep on the lobster meat okay I can't believe we're gonna put this slime on the outside of the lobster and then cook it up more well it's just wait I'll get it taste here so the batter and the lobster are all ready to go but we're not gonna put many up because we don't when they get all soggy the sauce the sauce is easy it's butter its claret it's an orange squeezed and nutmeg yeah yeah so if you wanted a slice and squeeze I will get the butter in here [Music] now with these four ingredients we just need to get it over to the fire and simmer a little bit [Music] they look fabulous you really do and the sauces is I mean smells good it's claret and butter right how could not and your Nutmeg how could you go wrong so I mean breaded lobster let's find out how how it turns out I mean can you ruin well you might be we're gonna find out the same I like that the saltiness of the breading yeah you know we've we pick it up the salt in there there's definitely cheating you could probably do this with other things other than lobster obviously yes um this was worth the trial I think it is hmm sober this sauce adds definitely I mean it's got that major butter note which is what we're looking for anyway yeah um but then we've got that nutmeg and then orange juice in there and they're really the wine that the declared is you know it's a it's not like Lambrusco it's a it's like a rose a it's it's got that kind of back your tongue kind of it's wonderful yeah it's it's truly wonders know is it all right here is it worth it to take your Lobster and do this with it rather than just dip it in butter yep yep he says yes yes I bought it with my mouth now remember the lobsters in the 18th century they were cheap inexpensive food and you know you could see them saying and they might have even done this as a street food I mean they did that with oysters right so it's fried oysters David you know they might have you know fry it can you imagine fried lobster street food you'd pick up a dish and you know just a walk and eat with it like you would potato chips or something and lobsters were larger then oh yeah them so this this would have been larger pieces yeah yeah home run on this one yeah so Michael thank you so much for bringing this shirt this episode this was the first one we've ever done with lobs yeah so you know and I thought for sure you was gonna ruin it no but it's really good very good I thank you so much thank you and if you want to see another one that's similar to this make sure to check out this shrimp episode
Channel: Townsends
Views: 555,479
Rating: 4.9619722 out of 5
Keywords: townsends, jas townsend and son, reenacting, history, 18th century, 19th century, jon townsend, 18th century cooking
Id: Es_Ga7g2k30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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