What was your CREEPIEST experience?

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what is your creepiest most unnerving experience when i was 15 i lived on a ranch and cared for my great granny the only people around were people driving on the highway down the hill and the neighbor that lived a few miles away one night at around 2am a man knocked on the door and asked to use our phone we didn't have any cell service or internet service out there or a landline the fact that he knocked on the door meant that he hopped two locked gates and hiked up a hill i was so scared i just said no go away i have a shotgun he left i spent a year in thailand when i was about eight years old while celebrating their new year songkran this big truck of people stopped near where we were standing this lady jumps off the truck and walks up to me smiling and grabs my arm really hard and starts pulling me towards the truck and almost got me on when my brother comes running and asks me where i'm going the lady let go and the truck quickly drove away i didn't realize until i was way older that i almost got kidnapped in a foreign country took a photo of my friend the first day at my new place he helped me move and then we were just having a couple of beers and chilling he went home i went to sleep i woke up the next morning cleaned out tv was gone and my still unpacked boxes of electronics were all gone too door was a jar i was looking at my photos a few weeks later and i saw a foot sticking out behind my friend in the photo it was sticking out from a large overhead storage shelf in a small storage room which was facing into the room and away from the main space robber was hiding there before i even moved in i have the photo somewhere i was six and in a restroom stall at macy's in the men's restroom my mom was waiting outside the restroom while i was using the toilet i can tell there was a man in the next stall because i could see his shoes his shoes disappear and i can hear the toilet creak as if he started standing on it i see his hands over the wall of my stall which indicated he was about to peek over i pulled up my pants in a split second without even finishing taking my dump and bolted out of there i never told my mom ever what a creepy freaking experience was coming home to my place at night when i used to live in the city with my roommate at the time the key didn't work for the front door so i always had to use the back door that led to our kitchen the door had that blurry glass window on it not sure what that's called but as i was turning the key i could see a figure walk by real fast i assumed it was my roommate so i went to my bedroom then checked his room and couldn't find him i finally went down to our living room only to find the front door completely open i called my roommate and asked where was he going so fast and why he left the front door open he told me he hasn't been to our place in a couple hours so yeah i was waking into my house while someone was snooping around i've got a lot of these moments but one that stands out to me is when i was little i got up at something like three in the morning to get a glass of water and heard something outside the back door i went and woke up my mom and when she opened the door to show me there was nothing out there she tensed up and said hello i got my dad to call the police that morning i learned that a druggie had broken into our fenced off yard used several needles broke open our outside freezer stole a brand new bag of pizza rolls and tried to cook them in the old broken toaster oven we had yet to dispose of all right this story haunts me basically i was 17 and working at a high-end retail shop in a big shopping center literally the last place you'd expect a ghost story the shifts used to run quite late over the christmas period as we'd be open as late as 9pm so it was dark and quiet for a long time one particular winter night i was on a late shift with two other co-workers my two co-workers were on the shop floor and i was out back taking stock and putting away stocks if anybody has worked in close shops with large stocks hopefully you'll know what i mean when i say the clothes are stored in rolling racks like shelves on wheels and each rack is controlled by a wheel on the side which you spin to move it along the rail you can also lock the shelves so they don't move i know that people say this all the time that they know they did something but i truly do know that i locked the shelves and i know this because i was climbing the shelves using each row as a ladder to reach the top sections had they not been locked i couldn't have done this as the shelves would have rolled so i climbed down to grab some more stock and as i turn around the lights turn off now the lights are movement triggered and i was moving in the space but even so sometimes they turn off for some reason though this plunge into pitch black raised all the hairs on my neck and i froze in my place there are no windows out back so no light at all when the lights flickered back on all three shelves all of which i had locked in place were rolling towards me on their track completely unbushed i have to emphasize that firstly they were locked and secondly if you know what i'm on about these shelves are heavy they require pushing and won't move on their own it's probably quite unprofessional of me but i couldn't stand another minute and i dashed out into the shop floor completely unable to speak luckily we're a small team and i'm quite close with all my co-workers and my boss could see me visibly shaking once she'd calmed me down enough for me to tell her what happened she said come on let's just go check the security cameras and see what happened here's where it gets really creepy we went into her office brought up the security footage and all that had been captured was the moment the lights went dark and then it skipped straight to a minute later and you see the door shut after me as i dashed onto the shop floor the 30 seconds a minute where the shelves rolled towards me was completely unrecorded creeps me out just rewriting it this probably pales in comparison to others experiences but it stands out in my mind i don't remember this super well because i was pretty young but a contractor that had just replaced the roof on my parents house apparently didn't pay his employees after my parents paid him for the job one of said workers showed up at my house very pissed off yelling and screaming that he wanted money i just remember being really scared and comforting my little sister who was crying hysterically my dad didn't budge and finally the guy gave up and left we never saw him again about five or six years ago i had been to the pub with a few mates i don't drink so i was always happy to drop everyone home so it saved everyone a taxi fee and they all bought my soft drinks all night this one night we have stayed until about 1am when the pub is at a point where they kick you out we walk to the car i drop everyone off and i'm on my way home it's about 2 30 it takes me roughly 20 minutes to get back to mine from the last drop off and i'm about halfway home everything is normal i've gone my usual route and i've got music playing all of a sudden out the corner of my right eye i see what i think is a man running towards my moving car right up to the driver's window as soon as he hits the window he disappears the stereo in my car stops for no reason and i am just driving in silence with that horrible sinking feeling of dread with my hands and feet clamming up i kept driving until i got to some traffic lights where i turned the car off and back on to get my music going again i can't explain what went on but it still terrifies me to drive down the street where it happened to this day where i live there's this phenomenon called the lindsay lights basically a bunch of people who live out here have seen lights appear above the tree line around the bluffs in the area and they behave strangely so essentially ufos there's even a book about it by a lady and her family who lives in the area a lot of people have seen them it's just an own thing in this neck of the woods one night my boyfriend and i were driving home we live on the very top of the bluff and i noticed a light over top of the trees by my uncle's house who lives in the valley between bluffs it was very bright and absolutely still but when i looked at it for a few seconds it immediately darted off into the distance in less than a second it was impossibly fast and very unnerving a few minutes later when we got home my boyfriend looks at me and goes did you see that tour i witnessed a kidnapping while going down a dark back road at night in the middle east saw some guys putting a long black thing into the back seat of a car they were having a difficult time of it i thought it was a rug and it was only after i drove past i realized it was a woman in a burka but by then i was into a motorway on ramp so i could not go back i thought of phoning the police but i did t know how to describe where i was no mobile or gps then and street names were in arabic it took me 20 minutes to get back there and everyone was gone it shook me up a lot and thought about what i could have done differently for months some friends and i were camper camping in rural northern california their family had a piece of land they leased near the river and had set up a little campground of like three trailers and campers obviously not as luxurious as a cabin but you didn't have to set up a tent each weekend and could invite some friends it had a parameter of a bamboo fence which gave the illusion of privacy but obviously wasn't really gonna keep anyone or anything out that night we hiked up to a vista above the river to smoke a j and look at the stars suddenly from what seemed like across the river we heard a blood curdling scream then dogs barking we realized it was a mountain lion which sounds like a woman screaming look it up on youtube utterly terrifying we frozened about a minute later heard the scream again but this time it sounded much closer obviously we decided it was time to hightail it back to camp the walk was about five minutes but of course felt like forever it took everything in us to move slowly and not sprint down the hill we had no flashlights just the moonlight to guide us and i kept catching glimpses of what seemed like eyes shining in the dark i can't tell you how vulnerable the back of my body felt on that walk every animal instinct in me was terrified of something coming up from behind we made it back without incident and all took shots to calm ourselves maybe you had to be there but it was for sure one of the top three most terrifying experiences of my life and i've had knives guns pulled on me etc lol when i was younger my mom took me to a mall upon arriving there small cop walked up to me and just stared at me all strange my mom quickly got me away from him later my memory is a bit fuzzy here since it happened when i was five but the guy tried to grab me for some reason he was following us the whole time and my mom decided to go home afterwards one night i was trying to sleep and i heard what sounded like a woman screaming bloody murder it turned out to be a lynx that was in my backyard dumb cat when i was little went to my grandma's house with the family she had a small house so we had to sleep on mattresses in the living room that time i was around 12 years old i woke up at night around 3 or 4 in the morning i opened my eyes and saw this tall black figure standing in front of my mattress it just stood there staring at me i tried to mumble to it but then it raised it hands to its sides never was i more afraid and i literally froze i couldn't do anything and i thought this devil was going to take me the next thing i heard a moan and my uncle was just stretching his arm before going to the bathroom we still bring that story up after 10 years sometimes and laugh about it it's just weird how our body can freeze and leaves you vulnerable this [Music] so
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Id: bs_5DhtWz5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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