What Was The Original 1962 Barbie Dream House Like? - Opening A Reproduction Dream House

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hmm how does one do this probably not like that hello people of the future I'm back and today I am channeling my inner vintage because I'm just so darn excited in fact I am aggressively happy because after 671 days of staring at it I have finally decided to open up my 1962 reproduction Barbie Dreamhouse ain't she a beaut but what is a reproduction Jen it's basically a modern-day rereleased by a brand of a once popular product so I actually had this since November of 2018 when I bought it off of Amazon for around 71 dollars Canadian unfortunately I can't tell you how much that's gonna cost in a US dollar amount because it's no longer available on Amazon but if you go to the Mattel website they do have it listed for $100 which I assume is us but unfortunately the little tab that says click here to find a retailer isn't highlighted so I'm not sure if that means that no one's selling it right now or if they're just sold out or whatever it may be and sadly that's all the info I have right now unless you're trying to buy it off of ebay which I did not look into at all for pricing when we open this up we're gonna get a doll a doll stand a certificate of authenticity and a whole bunch of furniture that will assemble ourselves the year is 1962 and Barbie has moved into her swell new Dream House this vintage reproduction is a replica of the original right down to the furniture and decorative accessories the custom-designed mid-century modern decor includes a HiFi stereo and self-assembled slimline furniture Barbie is included too and she's ready to entertain friends or spend a quiet evening relaxing in her living room fold the walls and the house neatly stores the furnishings and becomes a portable carry case for on-the-go fun three two one Wow it's either the front or back door here is our carry case it's a mix of greens turquoise dark blues and whites those of thick black plastic handle on top and I'm assuming this side is the front because not only is there a door but there are also two metal clasps and they'll allow us to open okay I'm wrong it's not the front it was the back alright check it out whoa I didn't expect it to pulled out so big that's so cool okay I need more room you can't see nothing that looks much better for you so let's continue on and open out the first wall which is gonna click right into this little plastic jibber that they've got what full dropping stuff my cardboard furniture has fallen forward it's an empty box and this one is also empty but comes with some little grey plastic jibbers this one here is gonna have our Barbie doll and lastly we have some more furniture which we'll need to assemble our walls are bright yellow and on this side we have framed plants as well as an orange double door closet the back wall is white and yellow with one window and the curtains start in the middle and our striped with pink and white we can see some plants outside the third wall is also yellow and we have two flags on the wall that say state one is white and black and the other is pink and black we also have three windows with plaid curtains which are orange red pink blue and green and then there's just a bit more foliage outside the flooring is a white tile with a yellow oval rug and there's also a large red rectangular area rug with a print on it that makes it seem as though it's textured and that my friends is it which is perfect because now we can start building our accessories and furniture unless you don't build accessories it depends on what they are so I do have two packages and it seems as though they each have five boards in them and each of those boards contains pop-out pieces for us to create our stuff so far this is my first piece of plastic waste looks like I've got some instructions here and they tell you to check off each step as you complete it and they also give you a really easy guide to make sure you understand what things are what for example this is a slot this is a notch these are tabs and this is a hole makes it super easy she says as she looks at the mini ikea book I can't wait so I'm gonna be starting with my bed but since the pieces are kind of scattered among the different boards I'm gonna have to do a little searching oh there's a bed piece looks like I gotta open the second one this side also has my certificate of authenticity my second piece of plastic waste Kevin mirror luckily everything is labeled that's a wardrobe wardrobe wardrobe wardrobe more robes wardrobe wardrobe bed okay it took some work but I have four pieces of my bed one two three four five what the crap oh no it turns out I'm missing one hold on now I have five pieces and I'm ready to assemble there's some very detailed instructions here which is excellent there you go guys we have a bed let's move on to the rest of the furniture we've got a blue rectangular ottoman with four small wooden legs here's our vanity chair it's pink with sloped back and sides and has four long wooden legs here are two sets of books [Music] we've got a little coffee table [Music] how cool is that way for it oh there's a record player inside moving on to chairs and this one's all blue with wooden legs playing stack the furniture over here there's my couch it's a mix of red blue and green plaid and has wooden legs [Music] there you go we have a brownish yellow lamp gonna put these things off to the side and get started on my wardrobe which by the way is like 50 billion pieces luckily they are all alphabetized so they go in order how the heck you're gonna start with beef okay I can't find a dowel so I'm assuming it's got to be in the doll box so I'm gonna have to open it oh she's so pretty I'm dropping stuff kay we'll check her out a bit better soon because I see the dowel taped on the back of the box and back to building ooh oh hey it'll be like this Oh nope nope nope it'll be like this whoo [Music] all right I finished building the Wardrobe but before it's completely assembled it needs to be added to the dream house and attached from there which means I need to grow a bit and change the camera I am topside once more and now it's time to attach my wardrobe to the back wall using those little plastic jeweler's well they're flying away that's one that's two and then we're gonna need two more on either side now all I have to do is fold down the tops and call it a day I thought it would be a little bit more snug to the sides but oh well now we can add our mirror to the center of vanity we have a sliding door panel so we can put shoes and stuff we've got that dowel that I found so we can hang our six red hangers and they're really realistic they've even got the little hooks on the sides to hold dresses and now we got to add our creepy photo of Ken he looks kind of demonic but if Barbie doesn't care then why should I does he fit there no so I'm gonna put in my wife I will put Ken on there throw in our couch and our coffee table of course we're gonna need a bed but I'm gonna put it this way here's our vanity seat throw a little pillow on there some pillows on the bed at our chair and ottoman and Barbie is a pretty smart chick so she's gonna need some books and you can't read if you don't have lighting so we'll need to give her a lamp and they've also given us two more triangle flags these are blue and they say state in yellow I'll put one there but because I want to stick one to the wall but don't want to commit to its location I'm gonna attach a little bit of painters tape so I can move it whenever I want without worrying about damaging anything and lastly I have six different records we've got recipe for instant love I'm just gonna put them on the bed six terrific teenage tunes sung by Barbie and Ken the busy buzz sung by Barbie and Ken my first date sung by Barbie and Ken nobody taught me by Barbie and Ken and lastly Barbie and Ken you know their relationship would be super cute if you completely ignore the fact that they're based off of real-life siblings so I finished decorating my entire beautiful dream house and the best part is whenever you're done using it or no longer having it on display all you have to do is fold everything in on itself and you don't have to worry about disassembling anything and I don't have Barbie out yet so that I can add her to her house it means I'm gonna have to test that out right now which it just dawns on me means that I spent all this time setting it up for no reason mmm how does one do this probably not like that viola she's healed except I didn't seal it excellent the house is packed up and now we can move on to our Barbie although we've technically already opened it and quickly saw it we didn't unbox it fully Wow look at this box that we've never checked out yet inside we get a clear plastic stand and another plastic bag I think my tally is at 4 or 5 now if you count the little jibber bag we also get a round black base that says Barbie and that's gonna click right into that and a clear plastic waste hugger not a face hugger and that's what's gonna hold on to Barbie so that she can stand because of course she cannot stand unassisted and now Barbie herself dude okay Murphy take a look at the cameras wow she's gorgeous holy smokes she's got a metal zipper and it zips these are like a real-life people clothes all right so we're gonna switch down to the top down so that you can see this doll a little bit better but first I just want to let you know the vintage reproduction and silk stone dolls are my absolute favorite of the Barbie looks it's just too bad there isn't an option to get the Dreamhouse with a black haired version or a brunette and before you say that you don't think that's possible because you don't think that's the Barbie that would have come with the Dreamhouse if memory serves me correct the original didn't come with a Barbie I'm pretty sure you had to buy that separately which means there's absolutely no reason why I can't have a mini-me in Barbie form except that it didn't come with one here's a close-up of our reproduction blonde ponytailed Barbie from the 60s and as that description suggests she does have a tight blonde high ponytail with the signature Barbie girl in the back and in the front she has tightly curled bangs just like the original teenage fashion model her hair is held together really nicely and I don't think I'd be able to recreate it if I were to take it out but a quick peek through the top tells me that her head is in fact bold other than what we can see in what I assume is only an outer row of routing which is most likely how they're able to get such a smooth tight ponytail without bumps and based on my quick assessment of the doll having bright red lips and nail polish and what feels like a hollow body I'm thinking this is a reproduction of the number five ponytail Barbie dolls which came out around 1961 but I could be wrong moving onto Barbies face and makeup she does have that vintage silhouette with deep inset eyes which from a side profile looks so so creepy but facing forward just looks so delicate vintage and beautiful she's got light brown eyebrows bright blue eyes with light blue makeup and dark eyeliner a fine pointed nose light blushing on her cheeks and bright red lips and she also comes wearing two pearl earrings the doll comes wearing a knee-length floral print sheath dress which has four round gold buttons and two rail pockets in the front with a silver metal zipper in the back and look it works the quality is fantastic it's got great stitching it's thick and starchy and overall it's a wonderful reproduction of the 1964 on the go fashion pack dress which would have fit both Barbie and midge it even comes with the petite red sandals which are currently secured with an elastic band but we can easily take those off before we redress her we'll quickly check out her body she has movement in both the shoulders and at the hips she does have that pointed bust a pretty voluptuous bottom a hollow body and funny enough no knees but she does have bright red polish on both her hands and feet and now we could put her clothes back on so now we're gonna have to set up the house again so we can see what she looks like in it as a size comparison she is pretty tall even if you think about the lowest ceiling which I'm pretty sure is like 9 feet unless you're in a basement this would make Barbie insanely insanely tall talk about not proportionate am i right and I'm gonna try to switch up the room again and while I do it I'm just gonna give you my final overall thoughts the cardboard is nice and thick and really brightly printed which in the end results in a really nice quality one thing that was a little annoying was that all the pieces for the furniture were scattered across 10 different pieces of cardboard although I do understand that it was to maximize the space so they didn't have to use more and to be fair you could go ahead and punch out all those pieces and it would probably make your life a lot easier I wish it wasn't made to move Barbie I know it wouldn't make sense for the time but then you can cross her legs and she doesn't have to be quite so stiff because right now she'd be resting her feet on the table what kind of record do you want to listen to Barbie one that's sung by you and Ken or another that's sung by you and Ken okay guys that is the end of my 1962 Barbie reproduction dream house review and I swear to you I did not know that was gonna rhyme but it is a great great win all the hairspray and mousse that is super tight to my head is giving me a massive headache it's falling flat and also starting to frizz which naturally means that I'm done because I don't want to look like a super fool I already look like a relatively okay looking cute ish weird fool anyways here is my first reproduction Barbie that I've ever taken out of the package I do have more and I posted on my Instagram asking if you guys think I should open them and a lot of you said don't do it a lot you said do do it instead I decided to open this one the real question is how can I show it off all the time without it getting ruined or super dusty would it be really weird to just create a coffee table that is all Plexiglas so that I could set it up and you see everything inside maybe but I kind of want to do it because why wouldn't you I don't know but whatever I'm gonna set her to the side so don't accidentally hit her because I've been known to do such things and yeah you know somebody who would enjoy this video then please share it with them and if you enjoyed it yourself then please make sure you remember to comment like and subscribe you can let me know down below everything you liked or didn't like and if you bought this Barbie Dreamhouse reproduction or if you have the original because you know audience vast you just love you all didn't come with a Barbie because I'm interested to know whether or not I just made that fact up in my head anyways as always like you guys so much for watching and I'll see you my next video thanks you
Channel: NexJen
Views: 788,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, gbtb, honest, review, bebuts, nexjen, vintage, adult collector, adult, product review, reproduction, rerelease, Silkstone, 1962, barbie dream house, collectable, unboxing, build, set up, display, carry case, retro, 60's, Gold label, black label, fashion, doll, fashion pak, Mattel, dream, house, on the go, cardboard, furniture, Slim line, Hi Fi, diy, assembly, dreamhouse
Id: EtgWXyEzM5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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