What Was the First Language? Why Did God Confuse it?

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Genesis 11 and basically the the question was asked Dwayne Lepke asked this question and I'm going to touch a little bit on what Tara asked Tara Heaney she asked about the earth divided in land bridges in the continental drift and all that stuff but the premise is this if the Bible is true of course I believe it's true but if it is true then science would always corroborate would always prove what the Bible says now remember science true science is a observation measurement of what scientists see and what they what they observe and so true science I'm not talking about their interpretation of the facts I'm talking about the facts of science the facts of science will always match up with the scriptures Christian's don't have to check their minds when they get saved you don't just live in this dream world of just trusting and taking kind of like you heard this morning with that Indiana Jones thing I think he threw something on that before I don't remember the movie I don't watch movies over and over but I think that Indiana Jones threw something before he stepped but I don't remember how he did it but you don't have to live that way with the Bible you can know that that longer as long as time goes by scientists will more and more bump into the truths that are in the Bible so let me show you what I mean here's Dwayne's questions what is Genesis 11 is one language I think that's restarted why did God confuse that language was the Tower of Babel you know he kind of said what was going on there and what language he ended with will we have in heaven and so that that was that was a good question - Wayne and so that takes us to Genesis 11 so open your Bible because this is a record from God for us now this is not everything that's possible we already know from John 21 that if if our John chapter 20 that if everything that Jesus said and did was written down the world can contain it which speaks of who he really is he's not just a Jewish figure that lived 33 years but he is actually the God of the universe and so it's incomprehensible to right now all he did and said and everything else but either God gave his account in Genesis or he didn't so as you're sitting there looking at Genesis 11 where Dwayne asked his question from either what you're holding is the cut the account God gave in Genesis or he didn't give it or it is what the German liberals the school of interpretation that said that it was Genesis was written by four different groups the je P and D group and because they didn't think Moses knew how to write and he couldn't possibly have written all that anyway so either God gave this or not either the record of Genesis is true or we don't have a true God because Jesus in the New Testament said to the Pharisees don't you believe what Moses wrote and we have entire segments of Christianity that don't believe what Moses wrote so either record of Genesis is true that God told them what to write or we don't have a true God because the Incarnate God himself believed that Moses wrote the first five books and it was true and either science would uncover proof of Genesis or God is false in other words if not their twisted interpretation you know basically scientists a lot of them say anything but God and we say that everything was made by God they say God made our mean anything but God made everything and we say God made everything and so we have a real disparity there so let's see what true science does so where does Genesis 11 fit well it fits after Genesis 1 through 10 how do you like that and so either it's all true or none of its true so what I'm going to show you this evening is that we can't pick and choose an Genesis 11 if we just take that question is one of the most powerful evidences that everything God says in this book is true so let me show you what I mean first of all it's get the run-up Genesis 1 & 2 gives the truth remember God is always going to accurately tell us and and God his truth and there's no lying and so his account of Genesis 1 is how he wants us to understand that in the beginning God created everything I mean even a little child could get the drift of Genesis 1 and 2 and it's the truth about the days of creation that God witness and he tells us what he did that's how the whole book is written and if you if you go to Sunday school you know in day one in Genesis 1 it says that God created light and separated the light from the darkness and he saw that it was good and that was the first day what backup we don't want to miss any days and then the second day he separated the the sky in the see the firmament above from the firmament beneath and we all know that and on day three the land he formed the dry land and all of the the plants and come on step oh my shirt is getting on there come on there we go we don't want to add to creation but God made the dry land separated the land from the water he made the plants in the trees on day three now see the problem with theistic evolution is that they overlay the creation account with evolutionary thought which is the fact that that a day is like ten thousand years or a million years or a billion years so the first problem with the theistic evolutionary thought is which which is held by a vast majority of the prominent well-known Christian schools around the country that are trying to accommodate to try and like you heard this morning that they want remember in one of the messages Michael Brown was saying that they have their foot on both places and they're kind of trying to straddle if you straddle theistic evolution with the Bible how did the plants and trees survive for millions and billions of years with no light from the Sun now there was light in the universe but there was no light as we know it coming onto the earth in day 3 other than the general light of God you know lighting where he was because on day 4 God made the Sun in fact look at Genesis this is my one of my favorite awesome verses in the Bible if you read in Genesis chapter 1 and he says that it at a verse 16 then God made two great lights here they are you know the Sun and the moon God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day the Sun the lesser light to rule the night that some moon now look at the next part the ending of verse 16 because there's this little smudge over here he made the stars also there's an incomprehensible number of stars in magnitude and variety in every aspect all stages from collapsing dying to exploding everything and look at the only that was such a non-event for God it's just included as almost a appendage a maeda starts to and that's one of the most awesome events when we think astronomically of the world but that's on day four so the so added to light and the sky and the sea and the dry land and the plants come the Sun Moon and stars on day four and day five the only witnessed of creation tells us what happened it says that he made all the the teeming fish of the sea and the birds of the air and it wasn't until day six that he made at the same on the same creative day all of the animals to add to all this else and then of course he made Adam and Eve and then he rested the seventh day which by the way that concept of rest not the cessation of life but the concept of rest is going to be very interesting when we get to it in Genesis 58 I mean Isaiah 58 it's right after the whole fasting thing is God talking about that and the need for rest but that's in the morning service but Genesis three and four continues and explains the truth about how mankind fell into sin and then all the universe fell under the curse of sin that's what Romans 8 says it says all of the universe is groaning waiting the redemption so that's the truth about how we got into the predicament the horrific infection of sin the SI n virus then Genesis six through eight explains the truth about how the entire earth was destroyed by water through a cataclysmic global flood that was survived by Noah and the occupants of the art so that means that if the water was a hundred feet above everything that was on the earth you know even above the mountaintops that means that there would be no structure no human habitation no anything that any humans built from before the flood because the earth before the flood was completely destroyed by water and if if you've ever seen any any news reports on flooding or tsunamis or anything else imagine combining volcanism the The Fountains of the deep the volcanoes coming up we know one of the volcanoes from the flood it's the one at Yellowstone and it covered the continental United States about 40% of it that was one volcanic eruption from the caldron of Yellowstone during the time of the flood and so I mean unbelievable devastation and so everything that we see on earth right now all of the plants all of the animals and all of the humans are from after the foot so that's another reason why we're all related not only are we all descendants from Adam but all of us are descended from Noah and through one of his three sons so we're all cousins everybody everybody in this room you're cousins because you are the descendants of the three sons of Noah and so am I and so the this is each of these has to be true for chapter 11 to be true because the same God wrote it all witnessed at all and tells us everything about it but keeping on now to where we're getting Genesis 11 is actually a part of the package it's Genesis 9 10 and 11 explains the truth about how the entire earth was settled by the descendants of the three sons of Noah after mankind's language was confounded by God at Babel how do you pronounce that well did you know the dictionaries have two different pronunciations it's either ba hbe ell or ba why beƶ so it's either Babel or Babel it doesn't matter how you pronounce it but it does matter whether you believe it so let's look at what happened because Genesis 10 by the way if you go back from chapter 11 it's very fascinating that God tells us the genealogies of all these descendants of Noah in chapter 10 and here they all are there were three sons of Noah Japheth Shem and ham and they each have these these incredible listings of who their descendants are you say does that even matter it's really interesting if the flood is when God said it was how long ago was it what are the oldest living creatures substances what what's the oldest life on earth right now well there are two groups there they're basically plants trees actually the Sequoias are 3500 4,000 years old some of them the Bristlecone Pines though that's the oldest current living thing are about 4,000 some years old some of them they say are 4,600 years old that would mean that that's pretty close to I mean our reckoning of the time of the flood science has proved that there's nothing alive on earth that was alive before the flood that's an observation they've made that's a fact exactly agrees with the scripture but also every nation on earth is somehow today tied to these family groupings that you can see here you know the Hamm family is right goes all the way down to there and the Shem family goes all the way to there and the Japheth family and it's fascinating if you study history I in fact one interesting this is an early Irish genealogy they all of these you know the the Irish clans and everything if you look at them they actually say that they come through may Gog and down and actually come down this way this is not biblical this early Irish genealogy is actually if you go to the Royal archives in Ireland you'll find the biblical names well some of the biblical names these aren't in the Bible these are from modern history post mosaic but it's interesting you can do this in fact there's a book called it's by Bill Cooper it's on Amazon it's really interesting those of you with your phones can even look it up and it's about something about the table of Nations and what happened after Genesis 10 and he actually spent this guy spent his entire career thirty years grousing around the Royal archives of all the European nations and he said there is not one disagreement with the biblical table of nations so that's that's a fascinating study but it's not what we're doing tonight so basically the record of Genesis is this the more we look the more we see everything in Genesis is reflected in all the scientific observations in facts on earth now we're just going to look at Genesis 11 tonight but believers agree with all the facts of science just not the interpretations of those who want a true creator god which is so interesting see all of us have a bias and we interpret the facts through our grit through our bias through our predetermined way that thing our worldview is actually what we've seen over the last few weeks so the record of Genesis everything in Genesis is reflected in the world around us as long as you don't interpret it away like Romans 1 says because they did not want to retain God in their minds they there's a whole group of people that don't want to retain God they don't want this judge they don't want this creator they don't want the responsibility they don't want to have a judgement so back to Dwayne's question ok it was question 2 what is Genesis 11:1 language well let's look that up it's the one God spoke to Adam in and the one that God spoke to care in and the Cain talked to a Boleyn it's that same language so look at Genesis 2 and we'll see what the language is it says in the Lord God commanded demand saying and God spoke in a language to Adam in Genesis 2:16 of every tree of the garden you may freely eat but of the tree verse 17 of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat for in the day that you eat it you shall surely die and so right there there's a language and God is talking in it and Adam is hearing it and he is understanding it now look at chapter 4 verses 6 and 7 it's the same language the Lord said to Cain why are you angry why is your countenance fallen if you do well will you not be accepted and if you do not do well sin lies at the door and its desire is for you but you should rule over it by the way that's the first occurrence of the word sin in the Bible it's very interesting and its desire is for you that you but you should rule over it so sin is is a force it's a if just it's very hard to describe thing but it's it's powerful it's almost like a virus sin is like virus in fact our whole electronic world is showing us so much about the spiritual world a virus is not really alive but it attaches itself and and causes havoc by its attachment sin is is a powerful attachment that corrupts and and brings under bondage and its desire is for us but we should rule over it and say no and so same language now look at verse 8 now Cain talked with Abel the same whatever this language is God communicates to Adam and to Cain and others and Abraham etc etc and they communicate with each other verse 8 came talked with Abel his brother now think about what you're reading in Genesis 4 and verse 8 you're reading an actual record of an event at the beginning of history you're actually reading it and it's it's absolutely accurate what's amazing is that the Bible is accurate and all the other records have been kind of altered a little bit in fact Sir Isaac Newton still thought to be one of the greatest scientists of all time you know you know the Apple falling on him and gravity and all that stuff but Isaac Newton was a lifelong scholar of the scriptures and in his spare time when he wasn't being mr. famous British scientists he read all the classics I mean every classical piece of literature from all the way back to earliest Greek writings everything he was just a master he just was kind of like a computer you know what he said he found out that all of those ancient civilizations exaggerated their rules of the Kings and they exaggerated their accomplishments and everything and he said what's so interesting is in the ancient Greek records in ancient Egyptian the ancient Assyrian in the ancient everything records he said if you just kind of let the air out of them they all calibrate with the Bible and he spent his hobby Isaac Newton's hobby was writing a history of the world and he it was published actually two years after he died but basically what what he saw is that all of this is true that it's recent he really was affirmed he was a in agreement with Bishop Ussher 's chronology within a few years that the earth creation was about 4000 BC which would get you laughed out of western K College kV CC and most Christian colleges today but the greatest scientist in history Isaac Newton spent his entire lifetime tracking down all classical literature he read it all himself you should see his calculations and everything else and he said if you just take the fog out of those they all agree I usually say just take all the zeros off and most of you know scientific like go to the national parks and if you take all the zeros off the extra zeros it's probably just about right but let's go back what was genesis Elevens one language well think about language today and again I'm going to use unbelievers here think of this Apes around the world can understand each other so why do intellectually superior humans have around 7,000 distinct languages now I didn't write that that was queried by evolutionary biologist mark Hagel he's from Britain look what he says Pagal a professor at the University of Reading and the UK heads a team searching for an evolutionary explanation for our many languages and you can read as findings online here's what he s why he asked would humans evolved a system of communication that prevents them with communicating with other members of the same species why does he say that well Hegel writes you can take a gorilla or a chimpanzee from its troop plop it down anywhere these species are found and it would know how to communicate you could repeat this with donkeys crickets or goldfish and get the same Oh if you ever think of that birds from anywhere in the world of the same species are all watch them you can import them they'll fly in sync they communicate fish animals doesn't matter if a deer is from you know here or Texas if they snort they understand and they knew what's going on but you put humans from tutor you know they look at each other they can understand them have you ever wondered why the most highly evolved to use their terms species of animal humans have 7,000 distinct languages well if you believe the Bible you know exactly why because God confused the language see that's why but why did got confused language we know the result is we have 7,000 or actually 6,000 something they're always going up the more they discover different languages but why do we have these 7,000 languages because God confused the language why did God confuse the language because mankind refused to obey God spread out fill the earth and instead started building a structure now let's get to chapter 11 it's just a fascinating study what's going on here in Genesis 11 the whole earth had one language and one speech so God made all species able to communicate with each other from goldfish to humans and all human beings all made in his image all were able to to communicate at the highest levels because they were doing things that we can't understand how they do did you know to this day we don't know how early civilizations right after the flood were able to construct some of the things that are constructed just one rock up at Baalbek in Lebanon I mean in the Hizbollah camp there's a temple to Zeus up there that was built by the Romans and there is not a hydraulic mechanical machine on earth today that can move those rocks yet they're there beautifully in the temple of Baalbek they're there up there and we don't know how they that I mean how did they get Stonehenge so perfectly lined up I was taking a group into a tomb in Egypt once Bonnie and I were I wouldn't suggest it now but we wrote a houseboat down the Nile it was fun back in the old days were really open when it wasn't dangerous and we were down there and I was as lecturing and teaching about Moses and everything and all of a sudden we got into one tomb and all these people were laying in the sarcophagus and they were humming and they were hugging all these Egyptian stones and what it was is that was the day one day a year when the Sun at a certain point when it rose would shine a shaft of light right into the center of that tomb and there in the middle of Luxor in the middle of the desert those engineers engineered this incredible I mean they had calculated and knew exactly how to get the Sun to shine on that sarcophagus once a year all these New Age people were trying to get the vibes from the god of nature or something there is still knowledge we don't understand that's that's part of this incredible overflow of plan all of humanity right after creation was so endowed by God with so much knowledge so they had one language and it came to pass verse two as they journeyed from the east they found a plain in land the shiner what journey from the east what are we journeying from the east they're coming down from the region around Mount Ararat you see the the Bible is explaining that God created everyone army created Adam and Eve and their descendants and then he took from that Noah and his family put him on the ark and the ark settled on Mount Ararat part of the flood was the upthrust the continent of the tectonic the moving of the plates and all the earthquakes and everything settled out so that it looks like it looks now on on the globe and then the flood was slowly receded in the ark landed on Mount Ararat and so then humans began living in that area and so they start moving downward in fact they move downward well is this a real event and but let me show you how I'm going to get to my map but I forgot this there's two scientific facts remember I told you that the Bible would agree or science would agree with the Bible it's amazing that just like God says in Genesis there are structures like the one we're going to talk about in this event on nearly every continent have you ever thought about that have you ever thought about the similarities between the choroid come mounds you know down and on the way to st. Louis in in in southern Illinois those things with the Aztec the Inca and the Mayan Machu Picchu in South America the Egyptian have you ever thought of the amazing similarities the Nubian incredible pyramids there is a structure that's at the Tower of Babel the tower doesn't mean leaning tower of pizza it was a stepped structure the word actually means this stepped structure a ziggurat and these structures are amazingly similar on every continent nearly every continent that and of course we haven't covered every moved every bit of dirt everywhere to find them and that there are so many languages almost 7,000 it can't be traced why would that be well because oh and I I clipped this out of The Wall Street Journal to the mother of all languages the world's 6,000 that was in 2011 see they didn't know we're up to almost 7,000 but the world's 6,000 or so modern languages may have all descended from a single ancestral tongue spoken by now see they get it all mixed up just knock off some zeros between about 5,000 and 7,000 years ago see just just lower take some zeros off Tower of Babel was actually about four thousand years ago forty some hundred years ago the findings published Thursday in the journal Science and I'll show you some of those it talks about this fact that there seems to be this over spread of course dr. Leakey localized it down here you remember dr. Leakey you know in the National Geographic you would find a tooth and construct this amazing looking person out of a tooth now honestly I used to read the National Geographic and you'd look at this entire thing and you'd find one bone fragment that he had constructed an entire body out of but it doesn't matter people were paying him and he was excavating down here in the divide gorge in Africa actually everybody spread out from up here and so you know how long ago do you say it was 3.6 so he was just off a little bit dr. Leakey was because they came out of Mount Ararat and they started spreading out and went down to the furthest reaches look at this this is now Terra Haney's question how did they do that after the flood during the Ice Age there were land bridges you could get to every continent because of that or take little boat trips to you know to get down to Australia if if you miss the land bridge but basically they have seen human habitation or occupation or they call it migration came outward from a central place there off a little bit they say it was in Africa we say we know where it was because God witnessed it and they didn't but it it really if you look at this and especially if you look at this this is out of a sunday-school book the Tower of Babel but if you look in every civilization around the world I mean you recognize the pyramids but and in all these Mayan Aztec Inca the ones that are in Mexico there is a similarity between all of them that emanates from this event and also in their histories if you look in the ancient histories of the civilizations of the world most of them have some type of a flood account now it's kind of screwed up and not according the Bible but they exaggerate and fluff and put their characters in and everything else even the Chinese language has an ark with a people in it I mean the ancient capturing and all of these records of ancient civilizations talk about this structure and languages being confused and it's fascinating these vestigial these little things in in history now this is what's fascinating that evolutionists can't figure out the patchwork of languages these different colors are different language groups and what they found out is of the 7,000 about 7,000 languages so far up through the last few months they have found all seven thousand of them reduced down to 94 distinct branches on the tree of languages the the ethnological language trees and and I have a picture one in here and they're really interesting to look at but what they can't figure out is why why did this you know the Chinese group and Tibetan they call it the Tibetan why did they all stay there and why did these stay up here this is a real unique group up here it's it's related to little touches around other parts of the world but it's very unique and only over here in this part of the Scandinavian and the top up here why are they like that and why is this black one you know thrown all over the place and the purple one there but the green this indo-european they call it P ie proto indo-european language why is that one so spread out and intermix and basically secular theories fail to explain the many distinct language families throughout the world but the biblical account get the Tower of Babel explains and everything all the data they're finding fits with what the Bible says here's the this is just one example I mean if you are studying ethnology and linguistics you'll see the old-world language families here's the P ie the proto indo-european and it goes into the endo and into the European and then the endo it gets into the Indic and it goes up you know Bengali Hindi Punjabi Persian and the Iranian is one separate little branch and all together and here's they basically say there's two basic big parts the urologist which are the Scandinavian and these Inuits and all the or whatever the top of Russia those people that live up there in the Arctic region those two are the neurotic and then the proto-indo-european there's everybody else and what's amazing is that they look at this and they can only reduce the 7,000 down to ninety four branches all these branches all over here did you know if they keep working they will probably get to the 70 that are in Genesis 10 because God already told us that there were 70 family groups that he dispersed to the ends of the earth so they're getting closer they're not quite there yet but they're getting closer with understanding what the scriptures say that God said that he sent him out where'd he send him out this is the possible location of Babel right here between the Tigris and the Euphrates in the plain of Shinar south east of you know up here up there would have been higher off the screen would have been Mount Ararat and they migrated to the east and liked this flat plane now see some people say that the tower they were building was to escape the flood they didn't want to go in a flood again if you didn't want to escape a flood you would not have gone in flat ground between two rivers you know I mean you would have stayed on Mount Ararat so they they actually were not building the Tower of Babel to escape a flood they were building it as a rebellion against God which goes back to that's where we were in the text and it came to pass as a journey from the east they found that where they are the plain of Shinar and they dwelt there and they said to one another come I'm in Genesis 11 3 let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly they had brick for stone and they had asphalt for mortar asphalt asphalt what every time they poked a pipe in the ground over there in the plain of Shinar what do they find well yeah I mean this is over there in that spot and they get this asphalt and use it they're sticking it together with this black substance and they said come let us build ourselves verse 4 a city and a tower whose top is to the heaven is in the heavens and let us make a name for ourselves lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth now what was it that God said be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth God wanted humanity to overspread the whole earth and to be fruitful multiplying by the way he created God created in two plants the most incredible explosive life did you know one sunflower next time you see a sunflower if you cut the head off that sunflower and planted every seed and harvested in seven successive years you could over spread the whole earth with just one sunflowers product do the math sometime of multiply exponentially what God has done just in a sunflower now imagine if every egg that every fish lays if all of them in one season survived and didn't get eaten by all the other you know predators and every one of them had you would fill the ocean after just about ten years with one exponential growth the the way God made the explosive power of life on earth there was going to be enough food for everybody if they filled the earth of course there's enough food right now if it wasn't for greed and some religious did you know the cows eat more grain in India than you know almost than we use in America I mean if there weren't some of these strange ideas there is enough food for everybody in the whole earth but it's greed and not agreeing with God but I'm not under wayne's question come on let's go we'll be scattered abroad verse 4 over the whole earth and the Lord came down to see the city verse 5 and the tower they built and the Lord said indeed this people are one and they all have one language and this is what they began to do now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them come let us go down and let and and there confuse their language that they may not understand one another speech so the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of the earth and they ceased bill doesn't say you destroyed the tower in fact some of the stuff that they dig up over there they've found a huge base of some structure over in the Shinar area it there might still be some of this around because the the flood didn't destroy it but the Lord scattered them verse 8 over the face the earth and they ceased building the city there for its name was called Babel because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth and then this list and look at the lists the genealogies in verse 10 but look at the the actual wider genealogy of chapter 10 verse 1 this is a genealogy of Noah and here are the 70 nations that that are the ones that are available the ones that are spread over all the earth it's just fascinating to read so basically now again this is this is vintage National Geographic and I mean as in 2015 vintage and this is their human migration right here this is how the National Geographic says that got to where they are and they're plotting you know there's Monteverde fourteen thousand six hundred years ago and Clovis New Mexico and Meadowcroft I don't know where that is New York or something spirit cave Kennewick Jana river up there with the Inuit people and Menna Tagawa I mean oh there's something in China but look where they're spreading out from they say that they came from the Olduvai Gorge but actually they're they came from Mount Ararat and the descendants of Japheth went mmm they were eager beavers and ham went down and Shem went here and combined with Japheth i'ts and went to the furthest to the island people and everything and what's so amazing is human migration they're just off by about 15 1,800 miles and several zeros but exactly but as they went out what they did is all of these groups stayed within and if I could go back to that other map that showed the language groups once they I mean think about once they got confused you know the the Japheth i'ts that took the northern route this family group stayed here with this language this family group kept going and they stayed there with this language this this Hamitic group stayed down here but they were overrun by some Japheth i'ts that either sailed around and landed with this language group or you know there's little green specks went down but there was not like the Japheth i'ts couldn't go here and there but each language group from the descendants of Shem ham and Japheth each of them kept a distinct language that didn't commingle with the others just like all of these River people along the Amazon and but yet there are these unyu two language groups that like right down here in Guatemala there's one and right up there and on the coast there that is near where one of our missionaries is right there in South Brazil and where the Logan's kids were there's a distinct language group from Central Asia that's down there and even this family and see what it says in Genesis 11 it says therefore verse 8 the Lord scattered them from there over the face of the earth verse 9 and the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth and all of that spread out from Mount Ararat and from the plain of Shinar and went to every corner of the earth and they went on that land bridge and came in here and settled and went all the way down here and all these these ninety-four language groups are actually the seventy from the table of Nations from the family of Nations that that went okay so let's keep going or we'll never get finished tonight because it's 704 so whenever you see pyramids whether it's the the the ones in America the ones in Central America the ones in South America the ones that that are in the Middle East that are in Africa even Angkor Wat although that's only 900 years old this whole idea this tower which all of these that's really a blurry picture of the pyramids but these things are engineered astrologically they're tied to the Stars and there's such a high degree of even even the Sun coming in at the the different solstice and equinox and everything else they're exactly scientifically engineered with a astrological that means that that there's this worship of the Sun and the moon and the stars that all of these like the Mayans the Aztecs that we're trying to appease the Sun or the Sun God instead of the true God see what what happened is at the Tower of Babel they were trying to have you notice that they want a name they want to make a name for themselves let's see let and make verse four let's make a name for herself they didn't want the name of God they wanted to make their own they wanted their own worshipping themselves which is so interesting God spread everybody throughout the earth until now when the world is united we are finally united in communication finally I mean I get posts on Facebook from all different languages and you just hit the translate button trans now it's a little choppy but we finally have overcome basically in communication Babel now not culturally people don't take Google with them to the you know where they live and so there's still a snicker ival reasoned distinctions and and and all kinds of tensions but communication wise the whole world doesn't miss anything anymore and that is set the stage for indeed the people verse 6 or 1 they have one language and what they begin to do and nothing they propose do will be withheld from them the Lord was withholding the unification of the languages until the end of days when the Antichrist is going to be able to communicate with the whole world so when you see the pyramids think of of the fact of this over spreading so back to where we were if if we have a question and we go to the Bible to answer the question we go to the record of Genesis either God gave his account either God is the authority of how we got here our origin either God is the authority of our purpose why we're supposed to live every day and of our destiny or he isn't either he spoke in Genesis and you can trust it or you you can't and if you can't believe the record of Genesis is true then we don't have a true God because when God came to walk on earth Jesus believed the Old Testament in its entirety he called all 39 books 22 in Hebrew he called those the scriptures and he said they can't be broken there's no error there's no part of them that can be overthrown they can't be controverted they are reliable either science would uncover proof of Genesis or God is false so scientifically they're finding that there's not one come even though The Wall Street Journal said they were getting close scientists have still not been able to find why the 7,000 languages exploded among one species from 94 little units but we know why and science has verified God himself confused in one instant all of the families of the earth so the record of Genesis tells us that and it's verified by the fact that just like God says in Genesis 11 and 9 and 10 there are structures like the one at Babel these stepped pyramid extractors are everywhere and also this this whole astrological connection all the ancient religions have this worship of the stars rather than of the Creator they worship the creature more than the Creator so the structures and the so many languages so what that tells us is you can trust the Bible we only have six minutes left so let's see Dewayne I saw you here do you have a follow-up on that Oh what language will they speak in heaven we didn't get to that you still want to know that that with one heart and one voice in one language yes it is interesting now I don't go this far but some people think that it could be that Hebrew Hebrew doesn't usually show up on these ethnological charts until later days but it's interesting that it's it's very possible in fact I was in seminary they said we're all going to speak Hebrew in heaven which is probably true but what language are we speaking in heaven the same language that God spoke to Adam and Eve see God has has chosen and he hasn't told us what it is but he's communicated to us to Adam and Eve and to Enoch and to Noah and all the way through and he talked to Abraham and he's going to communicate with us in heaven and what's interesting is in heaven were all back to speaking one language and so that we was one heart and one voice can magnify God so he repairs the disunity the confusion that that he instituted in heaven we'll only have one language because if you notice when you get to Revelation 4 everyone is chanting the same words and it's the same words that the cherubim are saying and so God corrects all of our language problems in heaven and he unites us air around the throne but here on earth until computers we didn't have United languages but Dewayne I'm so glad you asked such a complicated question but you have a follow-up yes Zephaniah Haggai chapter 3 verse you said nine four then I will restore to the people's a pure language that they may call a name of the Lord to serve him with one Accord yea that's in the Millennium yeah in the Millennium yep it interview he said Zephaniah three nine well we do have four minutes okay and by the way pastor Brown went way over in second service I always feel bad until he was just plowing along and I thought wow I can do that too but just a thought for you to think about in the last four minutes and it's this what Dwayne just said in Zephaniah 3 9 is a reminder that God has a future plan to rule the earth and it's talked about in 20 percent of the Old Testament prophecies are about this future time and therefore it's really dangerous to do this to to get rid of those future words God says he has a future plan for Israel that's who's F and I is talking to he's saying Israel in the future I'm going to have a pure language when is that that is when in Ezekiel that huge Book of Ezekiel chapter 42 48 God has Israel rebuild a temple in Jerusalem for the whole world to come to and what we have a danger for today is that in the Old Testament God chose a group of people to reveal himself to name Israel and there is a group of theologians that beginning in the fourth century Augustine said Israel has become the church and circumcision in the Old Testament has become baptism and here's another one watch out the Sabbath day which was given as a sign to Israel has become guess what Sunday and let me tell you something Sunday is not the Sabbath day baptism is not the Covenant sign of circumcision to the Jews and Israel is not the church God distinctly separates those two and the people that believe this the church has replaced Israel baptism has become the new that's why you circumcise a child at eight days infant baptism you were automatically if you were an Israelite you were the Covenant people so and your parents could circumcise you so parents baptize kids and you've got to observe all these rules and so you have to do all those on Sunday but those people who believe that don't believe God has a future plan for Israel because they have replaced Israel with the church so they do not believe this is future and they don't believe this that Dwayne said is future
Channel: DTBM
Views: 387,866
Rating: 4.6271734 out of 5
Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, Genesis 11, language, babel, tower of babel, confusion, speech, speaking, original, first, old, oldest, foreign, john, barnett, dr, learn, learning, the bible, biblical, bible, teach, teaching, lesson, question, answer, difficult, hard, empiracle, truth, true, reason, god, confuse, earth, humans, civilization, tower, of babel, beginning, of everything, history, ancient, knowledge, super humans, mankind, smarter, 21st century, discover the book ministries, dr john
Id: S051aN5o1f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 48sec (3168 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2015
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