What Was Going On In Africa During The Life Of Mansa Musa?

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the history of Mansa Musa really permeates knowledge concerning African history for the common observer he's one of the most known kings in African history even though my series usually focuses on unique events outside of the continent I thought I'd make an exception for the wealthy mandingo ruler [Music] what about the world is home Samir and welcome back to another video of African history culture and worldview by supporting this channel on patreon you're hoping in the creation of these videos and supporting this content if you like access to full courses and sources or you simply want to show your support you may do so by clicking the patreon link in the description box below some scholars believe that Mansa Musa was indeed the wealthiest human being the world has ever known it's no surprise because Africa is one of the wealthiest continents in terms of natural resources and that's why they became a target for the rest of the world even though the discovery of African history is still in its infancy as a concerns popular culture Mansa Musa still remains the exception his fame in medieval times has translated very well into the modern era and that city he revitalized Timbuktu became a legendary city one that gets frequent reference in popular culture Timbuktu is no doubt the most popular medieval African city and perhaps the most popular African city period the Mandinka King really overshadowed a lot of what was going on in the early 14th century his reign began in 1312 and ended in 1337 so let's talk about what else was happening in Africa during that time now a lot was actually going on in and around 1300 during the life of Monson Musa and just 12 years before he came to the throne in North Africa the moroccan city of Sidra massa was said to be in its final stages of flourishing perhaps a perfect segue into the dominance of Simha - for almost a thousand years trade moved over routes from the Niger River all the way to the city of Sergio masa children masa became a major economic center as a result of the transient trade that banded into other goods well beyond the trade and golden salt according to an account by I bin haka silver masa grew in economic power due to shifting trade routes at one time trade between Egypt and the war god om / took a direct route across the desert but because of the harsh conditions this route was abandoned instead caravans passed through the Maghreb - says ro masa and then headed south across the Sahara in West Africa during the life of Mons Musa the will of people began to migrate into the area of present-day Senegal and Gambia and established the wool of Empire around 1300 the wool of system of government based on individual wealth and the preservation of personal privilege and power became one of the most autocratic systems of government in West Africa hereditary grilled saying the praises of the divine leader and there are Socratic masters and transmitted the history of the people from generation to generation in northern Nigeria Islam began to take more precedence among the house of people in the 1300s Muslim missionaries from Mali are said to have advanced Islam into the house of states and following the familiar pattern of conversion in West Africa the upper classes of house' became muslim perhaps the benefit more from their trading relationships in eastern africa a very important political event began to take form in ethiopia when your Kuna unlock the founder of the Abyssinian Empire died in 1285 his son yaagh Messiah took over and reigned until 1294 however there were many power struggles among his descendants during the period following his reign because of this family fighting a new rule was introduced in 1300 it stated that all males tracing descent from yo Kuna am loc except the reigning Emperor and his sons were to be held in a mountaintop prison this prison was almost impossible to reach and it was closely guarded by soldiers who were loyal to the king most Kings followed this practice into the early sixteenth century when the prison was destroyed the royal prison helped solve a problem that plagued a Solomonic through its long history constant fighting over a succession among those claiming royal lineage this was a very important moment in African history because succession disputes plagued many African empires making them easy prey for invasion foreign and domestic the Ethiopians were able to figure out a way to peacefully solve this issue for quite some time significantly reducing the likelihood of violent civil wars also in East Africa during this time the Tutsi who were always a pastoralist or cattle raising people began to settle throughout present-day rwanda and burundi an area that had been occupied by the Hutu people for centuries because they possessed cattle and had better weaponry they slowly gained political control over the who to the MOI me was at the top of the to see political economic and social pyramid presiding as king and to see society the MOI we controlled all affairs of the state and eventually took possession of all who to land there for a contractual relationship called the Oba hockey was formed between the Hutu and Tutsi under this system many Hutu people became indentured servants in exchange for the use of Tutsi Land and Cattle this feudal system was so strong that it remained intact for quite some time and Zambia an economically complex society had evolved by 1300 excavations at in Gombe led an archaeological site near the Kafue and Zambezi rivers uncovered distinct class differences among burial practices in Gombe Leyte is thought to have been a small commercial state or principality whose chief item of trade was salt some of those individuals buried presumably the nobles had elaborate jewelry incorporating gold clasp beads and seashells these would have had to have come through trade from as far away as in Bob way and the east coast of Africa speaking of the eastern coast of Africa the Magnificent Swahili Palace of Hasini Kokua was built during the life of man's Musa in the early 1300s the Swahili Palace was located in Tanzania the palace was commissioned by Sultan Al Hassan Abed Suleiman because upon his visit to Mecca it became inspired by the architectural wonders he witness and he wanted to emulate that back in Africa it became one of the largest buildings in Africa during its time also on the Swahili coast the island of Pattaya was founded as a city state along with fahza Cu and Shanga Pat I formed an Indian Ocean trading empire that exchanged gold captives and ivory for cloth and weapons and for our final event in Central Africa during the life month Musa the canoe Empire began waning setting the stage for a civil war later in the century but that wouldn't be the end of km this civil war only made it a stronger Empire an event that is extremely rare it even expanded its borders after the civil unrest that's why I consider the cannon Empire to be the greatest empire in all of African history well more like us hopefully I gave you a decent picture of what was going on in Africa during the life of monza Musa if you like these videos and want to help in his continued production consider supporting the home team on patreon.com the link is in a description box below know thyself remember ancestors peace [Music]
Channel: HomeTeam History
Views: 70,212
Rating: 4.9511533 out of 5
Keywords: Mansa Musa, African history, Mali Empire, Swahili coast history, African king
Id: 9gbYdY43mY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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