A History of Cetshwayo: The Last Powerful Zulu King

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[Music] what about from Rhoda's home Tamara and I'm back at it with another video of African history culture and worldview by supporting this channel on patreon you're helping in the creation of these videos and supporting this content if you'd like access to full courses and sources or you simply want to show your support you may do so by clicking the patreon link in the description box below King Cetshwayo came to the zulu throne in 1873 says royal was a very intelligent political force as well as an able military commander he overcame many opponents on his way to power his father in panday had seized the zulu throne from satriale's uncle then gained the elder of two sons such a Oh had been declared in Pondy Zaire at a very early age however his father underwent a change of heart and during the 1850s began showing favor to his younger son in belazi eventually this led to a civil war in which the forces of the two brothers battled for supremacy although in velocity was supported by the British from their neighborhood colony of Natal in 1856 he was defeated and killed leaving such wail the heir to the throne from 1857 and so 1872 Sequoia was effectively the king of zululand with his father holding the throne in name only during this period such wail faced frequent incursions by the Boers who were intent upon pushing into Zulu land from the Transvaal region such wail responded by it's tempting to establish a diplomatic link with the British who interested in dominating southern Africa themselves were intent on reducing poor power thus says royal had reason to be optimistic when the British annexed the Boer South African Republic in April 1877 such swales optimism was short-lived however for Britain clearly saw a strong independent Zulu man as a threat to its rule in the region soon the British began a campaign to discredit such wail and justify intervention on their in 1878 such whale provided them with their excuse when his warriors raided zulu opponents in Natal in response the British authorities issued such wail and ultimatum that they knew he would reject the ultimatum was to hand over the Raiders pay substantial reparations and disband the powerful zulu army when such a owe inevitably refused the British invaded on January 11th 1879 thus initiating the Anglo Zulu War confident that their 18,000 troops would be more than enough for the situation the British under the leadership of Lord Chelmsford were sadly mistaken they were unprepared for both the number of warriors in such Wales army and the intensity of their efforts in short zulu commanders simply outmaneuvered the British at the Battle of Islan wanna on January 22nd the British suffered a crushing defeat one of the worst ever for their overseas military campaigns ironically this defeat made the British consider the Zulu a real force to be reckoned with and so they determined to put out much effort in order to defeat them the British went on to defeat such way-o at Eluned II on July 4th and after the British victory Cetshwayo was sent to Cape Town where he was held prisoner for two years before being exiled to the neighbouring area of the Cape Flats such royo however refused to give up and thought of returning to power and given his political acumen he convinced the British to restore him on missoula throne for the British SAS whale represented an alternative to the chaotic squabbling among the various independent Zulu Lords who had been left to govern Zulu land after his defeat Cetshwayo returned to Zululand from England early in 1883 and he soon was back on a throne this time however the British made sure that he had no army to support him such whales returned to power was not unopposed however and he immediately found himself in a civil war against the forces of zip Hibou who previously had been placed in charge of northern zoo land the war went on from March to October with such way of finally being defeated and forced from power ironically the defeat of such a oboz' Babu and his Boer allies ended the era of great zulu kings and via hindsight made such wail the last great Zulu King while I'm all our guys if you like these videos and want to help in its continued production consider supporting the home team on patreon calm the link is in the description box below know thyself remember your ancestors peace [Music]
Channel: HomeTeam History
Views: 149,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zulu, South Africa, Zulu History, Battle of Isandlwana
Id: BpH1-PmneCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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