What Was Coachmen Thinking!?!?!

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hey everyone welcome back to another video today we are in Elkhart Indiana at open house or should I say Middlebury Indiana we're in Elkhart right now we are in Elkhart open house at The Coachman display looking at everything new for 2024. new brands new floor plans new interior schemes when it comes to every Coachman that we sell for motorized for 2024. and behind me is something very very very new and this looks like something that we took a look at last month when we were in Dusseldorf Germany coming back to the show Zach at first thanks for having me thanks for all thanks for doing the bourbon bonfire Edition with us that was a great video and a great success at Hershey so you guys are riding on a high with an urban bonfire Edition what the heck is going on here yeah um how do we we decided to kind of surprise everyone this week and uh we wanted to introduce The Coachman Euro e-u-r-o yep e-u-r-o which is funny because this looks a lot like the European classes that we see in Dusseldorf we actually had a couple dealers here yesterday that thought we imported this from Europe oh yeah so the the look from the outside the inside we're very excited it's um you know when we built this we built it out of the first one out of a bay we just kind of threw everything out the window that we normally build by North American Standards yeah and really focused on hey how do the Europeans do it yes yeah and that's why you know we were inspired by him so he's you know as an homage to him that's why we call it the coachmaniro I love it I love the name I love the look and here's what's really exciting to me when I see this this is competitors to the Thor access Vegas but there's one big difference and that is well this this is on the f53 so you're going to be on a track okay I see bigger tires you know more towing capacity more cargo carrying capacity um I mean it's just the look of it I I think people say it might you know be similar to that but I think uh I think it's way different for sure for sure and when you're talking about chassis it is different so when we do a thoraxis Vegas we talk about the SUV that's a Class C chassis ripped apart and designed like a Class A that's why that cargo carrying capacity is going to be lower no disrespect to it um but it's just a lighter weight chassis this is a true f53 which this what they make all the class A's on so it's really exciting how small and low it looks can we take a look at the outside and then look at the inside so tell us some awesome features about this can we know oh by the way if you guys want to see this in person is Novi confirmed so it looks like we will have um this up at Novi to get some customer feedback on it yeah and it'll be the first time um any retail customers will see it perfect so make sure if you guys are coming to the Novi Michigan show stop by and see that also make sure you tune in to Matt survey reviews because we're going to be giving away 50 bottles of liquefied our black tank treatment every single day at the uh novite show to the first 50 people and maybe we do something more the first 50 people that see this get one too we'll talk too we'll talk to our parts team at General so tell us what we got going on here yeah so it's you know the first thing we want to start off with is you know in the past when we've tried making a small Class A we've taken a you know a 30-foot coach or you know a 38 foot coach and try cutting it down to 25 feet but at the end of the day you know it's still 12 and a half feet tall it's still 102 inches wide you know it just doesn't doesn't feel small so our whole thing like this is how how do the Europeans do it how do they build small class A's and you know they have shorter bridges over there narrow roads so so the first thing we did is actually we brought in uh the width of our chassis here we actually made it more narrow nice um so it's under 100 inches in width most you know most RVs are 102 inches wide so again it's easier to maneuver well I like that is the tires sit out further from the ground so I mean the way this thing rides okay with that 50 degree wheel cut it is it is the best class a gas RV I've ever driven the height too it's only 11 feet so it's actually smaller than some class C's as far as the actual height but we still give you two ACS ducted ACS yeah uh 13 fives we added these um you know nice diesel Chrome mirrors we typically don't see this until you get to like a 500 000 bus right um and then for the paint job you know we wanted to keep it simple something Euro yeah this is Europe yeah we get way too crazy with the colors and swoops and you know this is this is something that you can park in your driveway and you know it's it's a big SUV basically you know it's Sleek looking your neighbors you want to come over and check out the inside something that I'm seeing I'm seeing these really cool looking rims those are definitely aftermarket the 22 of the 245 that 70 are 19.5 inch tires but again the the very basic paint Scheme with the leopard windows we call them the Brinkley windows or whatever but uh these are that's from leopard right yep those are the leopard Windows really nice looking design here and you didn't paint the water heater but with this paint job it's kind of not needed you know what I'm saying it's still kind of it's not sticking out like a sore thumb anything else on the outside that we're missing here not a ton I mean on this side it's going to be you know your generator sewage there's really not too much storage on this side being you know it's 25 EU so um all your storage we put on the campsite and then all your propane and stuff like that we put on your non-cam side perfect and just so you know we are here open house there's dealerships everywhere everybody and it's the hot unit so we will do a full review on this unit at Novi together uh and then that way you know it gives you a little bit more time to learn about this yeah because you literally said this got finished Sunday and parked here Sunday night yeah we literally backed this thing down the aisle so for you guys that are here it's about a quarter of a mile we had to back it down oh because everything else is already everything that's crazy yeah well let's take a look at the other side look at the headlight designs I mean this is this is so European looking um really nice front windshield the curvature in here and that's something that the Europeans do a lot is the the curvature I like this window here yeah good visibility so got a nice large storage compartment here and another storage compartment over here nice nobody's in here nice anything else on the outside no now Tom we do that we did do the legless uh Gerard arm awning this one sensor and then a fiberglass roof too what about as though yup as though on our interior and exterior um just because uh this is the European specs we still wanted to make this um construction wise just like every other coach 360 to the right Andrea and then walk back to the rear show the whole thing real quick wow that's exciting how much are these um I'm gonna start producing about 210 on it oh I love it hold on guys you know I got a peek in the bathroom you know I have to king-sized bed that's great man this is phenomenal looking now Zach what is this gonna MSRP for so the MSRP is going to be right around 200 000 for this okay we're still just like you said yeah you know I got the first one we're still finalizing some pricing on this but that's uh that looks like it's gonna land right around 200 000 MSRP by the way you guys can help determine this if the price is going to be more like 190 200 or if it's going to be more like 210 220 based off of your feedback please comment down below let them know if you like those fancy looking rims he told me they were like four grand if that's not important to you comment that if these cabinet colors or this super solid surface countertop whatever you like and don't like about this please know because that's going to be the differential between a 190 and a 220. oh my gosh I love new I'm in love I love new okay Andrea you know oh my gosh f53 cockpit area very nice steering wheel both these seats swivel around look at the nice big iPad that comes with it iPad um right here we do have our workstation very typical but look at the curvature here no bunk over the cab very very nice and then this is huge this this is what we were seeing in Europe yes so what we were seeing in Europe in their motorhomes all a lot of their seats were safety seats or whatever you know what I'm saying like like they had like there wasn't Sofas in Europe they were all more like this with proper seat belts and everything I love how you have both oh my God you did it and I say it all the time there's no dinette in here yep I love that me too you don't need it this is what you need yep yep hey but what do I know right this is very very nice Zach take over tell us tell us what we got going on yeah I mean up from the front we also added a material called Dynamat up in the front so we actually brought our decibel level by uh 25 decibels so we went from about 85 down to 60 we brought the temperature down in the dog house by 25 degrees so we also did some you know like kind of put some new technology in here that's that quite frankly we don't even have pricing for is not even available to the market yet but uh so that's another reason I mean it's smaller it's more narrow it sits lower to the ground um you know the weight's really good on both sides so it drives really nice and that Dynamat it really keeps it very very quiet up top the other thing I like is that seat goes all the way back and I'm six feet tall and I can barely touch the pedals when it's all the way back so especially for taller customers this is actually our um has the most like comfortable driving space yes and then just like you were saying Matt we really wanted to go Automotive on not only the outside but also the inside so we gave you some nice Captain chairs here they do have the leg kick up here um you have a sofa comfortable sofa here that does turn into a bed if you need a secondary bed and then here in the galley I made a ton of you know 25 EU you get a ton of prep space induction cooktop you have your convection microwave down here you know is this necessary the big Galley I love that range hood probably not but it looks awesome nice comment down below yeah because again I promise you this if this sucker comes in a dollar over 200 000 I can promise you that's going to be the first thing that's going to go so if you guys like it comment and they'll keep it and if you don't like it let us know because again anything extra that's the stuff on The Chopping Block in my opinion like the bathroom isn't on The Chopping Block but that range hood is you know I'm telling you I think that range hood looks really awesome right there and I do I got to play switches oh here we go yeah I was like I saw the LED strip that I love that and I love the LED lights on the ceiling I haven't seen this but in high-end high-end easy well no this is this is the new lighting and we've seen a few Brands doing this so far I think it was high-end diesels soft touch ceiling yeah we wanted to get rid of all those Puck lights integrate um yeah the Encore is doing this okay I haven't seen it recently you know we have some open shelving you know spice rack stuff like that gives it a nice look European cabinets um you know real fast backsplash it's adorable and like you were saying integrated shades see that's great and you didn't do balances in here I love that guys it makes you stick around because again we're focusing a lot on this it's brand new but we are going to show you all the new coachmans for 2024 so make sure you stick around yeah so I mean again what I like is you're the same size as a almost an elongated Class B you know Mercedes so easy now exactly they're 27 feet those are 24 feet oh really three feet longer really how much more counter space you get you get the dedicated sofa you can sit six people up front comfortably wow and then what you typically lack in something that size is storage so you got two wardrobes here there's actually two trash can areas one in the front and then another one here you know we wanted to do a lot of fun things like that we're recycling in here as well um you know you get a spice rack here um or you know for other other um pantries yup thank you dude I love the Cabinetry me too another big um wardrobe here great there's another wardrobe and then what I like about this is typically something this size you're going to have some type of corner bed you know you can't walk around correct bed you can walk all the way around king-sized bed um you know you do have a TV in here too which is nice and then um does it so does it fold up yeah so the bottom will fold when this is all the way in okay and then what's nice is you can still access your bathroom and again for something this size look how big your bedroom and bathroom is so that's something that I want to point out guys when we were in these Euro RVs they weren't giving you King beds they weren't giving you queen beds they were giving you Twins and singles and stuff like that so like I love how this the euro look with like the American Comfort yes even though it's a fold-up bag guys it's king size bed it's not a corner crawling single or half single half double you know so I like that good for you Zach the Moment of Truth everyone Okay so well I don't know it's close the door real quick I want to see if you can yeah hmm okay that's funny Zach it's not a prime pool musician but it's not not a prime poop musician like I'm not touching anything and it is porcelain I am a little elevated but my feet are down like I could pass this and I could fail this I'm gonna make it net neutral and here's what I will say when I do the review I probably will pass this because it's it's what it is yeah if I'm in an encore I'm failing this but since I'm in a euro you know no slide outs or just that one slide out like it's definitely very very good and acceptable good job yeah part of it too where are you gonna were you guys thinking about a plastic toilet no obviously When we dropped the chassis we had to raise yeah no no yeah and that's what I'm saying here is we had to work on how to do the toilet right but like did you guys like draw this up with like a plastic toilet and you're like hey you better not we actually found out you were coming we switched it out yeah back in Novi it'll be a classic toilet again I gotta say I I'm really liking these LED lights up here too yes that's what a lot of the motorhomes lack is the lights yeah they just do regular lights but yeah I mean Matt it's a good shower very nice show that there nice sink rectangle sink yes I like the color in here like the ears went dark in here Zach anything else no I think you know that pretty much you know is a the nickel tours I like to say perfect even a nickel tour that was 15 minutes long guys first Zach thank you so much beautiful beautiful amazing motorhome thank you for uh doing everything that you do for us make sure you guys comment down below let us know what you like about the Euro which you don't like about the Euro make sure you guys come stop by the Novi show one stop by anyway but two there's a 50 50 chance that this is gonna be here for the first time ever for consumers to see um anything else you want to say yeah I mean we're still looking for a lot of customer feedback and a lot of you know the way this was built was based on on your guys feedback and just uh thank you and hopefully welcome you to The Coachman family in the future yes and so thank you everybody now don't leave we're about to give a big shout out to the sponsor today's episode and then we're going to take a look at some awesome other Coachman motorhomes this episode is sponsored by RV life Pro RV life trip wizard allows you to carefully plan your RV trip before you go it will show you every Campground along the Route and lets you plan important aspects of your trip like fuel rest stops brake areas and more know before you go with satellite views street views elevation and grade charts then use the RV Life app to navigate your dream trip exactly the way you planned it we are doing a free 7-Day trial and 25 off with promo code mats RV reviews no spaces thank you so much to RV life for sponsoring us let's continue the video yes sir we're back welcome again everybody and welcome again Joe Mullins one of my very first friends in the RV industry very first the first one no I think you were the first it was yeah yeah perfect so uh behind us uh you said that we were about to put together a pretty good deal on these on the new floor plan it's a side aisle motorhome floor plan for us older people we look back to 2004 2005 number one selling floor plan in the industry for class A's by far and this is sports coach with his class A Diesel Pusher let's take a look on the inside okay we're gonna go back and reinvent the wheel now all right aluminum slain latch doors fiberglass uh outside with asdal it does have the bulk chassis where we're going underneath the rail got a bag in the way right now but okay really open up the storage like on our map and a half model where you have the two big doors here you open that up it looks like a razor old chassis now right and it is a straight rail chassis which helps saves on the price but if you can have a straight rail and still have fantastic storage and keep that price point down it's phenomenal absolutely Jump On In front entry oh my goodness this is our only sports coach it has a freestanding table and chairs okay I know in the past we've lost actually have lost deals because we did not have that so when we reinvented the wheel with this side aisle floor plan we brought that back this table top will actually just fold down out of the way for a 36 foot coach look at all the countertop you're getting how wide open it is got the power Theater seating here and this is what people are looking for they're looking for small they're looking for Air Ride they want Freightliner but but they want a diesel for the ride not because they're towing a stacker trailer right you're talking a stacker trailer you got to get a bigger one right but this I mean this is going to give you that ride and that small footprint I'm liking it at her at Hershey we talked about the SRS being more of a weekend warrior one yeah this one could actually be not just the weekend warrior but a full timer as well for sure well all the RVs that we look at can be can go both ways there's people that have prevosts that are Weekend Warriors you know what I'm saying so I really like this I really like this kitchen design it has really good flow over here we also designed this with the induction cooktop you can actually lift it out unplug it Take It Outside fry your bacon fry your fish so you don't smell up the inside of the coach also very nice so we've got that the big windows in the hallway feature in the past the Windows used to come back I remember that people do okay I can't walk by in my right birthday suit now the neighbor's gonna see me we'll see now he's wearing the top right and then going back to the bedroom this is to me it's got a lot of wow factor when you turn the corner here you got the fireplace in the bedroom nice spacious queen size bed queen size and this is the only floor clamper sports coach it has a queen size bed yeah and that's been one of those things that you know there's some people that they still want the queen they kings are nice but they don't want that they want the walk around so they can make the bed easily exactly got the hidden storage behind here this floor plan we went with the combo washer for her just because we're limited on space but that's an option right now me personally I like the king size bed personally right but with that said what I like more is different floor plans and different options right definitely I like this color too lighter Grays dark grays has gone over very well dual entrance into the bathroom and one other change we made in our in our SRS we thought we made a great decision going to fiberglass showers a couple years ago okay but the thing we didn't realize when you go fiberglass I'd eat something a couple inches so we had the smaller showers now we went back to the ABS surrounds so now we've got bigger showers and these as well and that was a one of our negatives that we've had to overcome the past year it's a good size yep you know I don't care about a fiberglass shower I care about a good size good size nice I like oh it's very pretty let me sold this one on the first day at the show yep and it didn't shock me because I'm very familiar with this floor plan very excited about it and yeah can't wait I think no not the fall novice show but in the spring I definitely see it up there and I think we're going to get one going down to probably Ocala I have one that's gonna probably be down there next month I had a backup for Hershey and Bob said we might want to send that one to Florida send to Florida when Once in Florida Andre and I will do a proper review on it but again guys the one thing I want to mention we got a lot more coachmans to take a look at Coachman motorhomes but the one thing I want to mention Zac effer's down Joe Mullins it's name off team members go Mike Kaiser our engineering staff uh Eric Smith Alvin hanshu that runs our plan he's the one that has a Brain Trust behind that Euro unit well all those units all those people I mean all that leadership is why Coachman is doing this weird stuff this different stuff and don't get me wrong you guys are gonna come out with a dog one day we will come on not right now boy I mean you guys are killing it right now and I was talking with them and I'm like dude there's some other brands and they're tried and true you know I like Innovative Brands yes because this is how you change the industry this is how you change the look and you don't know it until you do it and you guys did it first with the Encore right and then you came out with um con Concord yeah Encore Concord Entourage Entourage right is Concord doing well yeah that's class seeds yeah okay okay and a gas guy but again but but again you got those three now you have the Euro you got this new interior designs these are just looking absolutely fantastic and we we as the RV Community appreciate what Coachman does anything else you want to say we keep trying every day ever it used to be model changes once a year now it's daily at Coachman I love it truly is I love it love it guys let's take a look at another motorhome great so now we're going to take a look at The Coachman Morata and they're doing some really crazy things with their interior designs let's take a look this is the model 32 LS and this color scheme I have not seen before in a motorhome have you seen this yet Andrea this gray this look yes um the brown or is this brown or gray you know I think it's against the gray I think it looks a little bit taupe but no this gray seems to be with what Coachman's going with lately okay okay so this is the same colors yeah got it but still it looks very fantastic to see this in the Mirada product as well oh nice bathroom here oh okay a little bit of storage stackable washer dryer prep guys the Mirada is their middle it's a small step below the Encore um and to still get all these very nice interior looks and features it's fantastic nice artwork good Windows these LED light strips and again all these color schemes are fantastic this with the brown furniture or dark gray I don't even know how to call it this color is fantastic and then let's take a look at some more coachmans next up my personal favorite bee Vance and we're looking at the Novi and new for this year they've added the pop top on the ram chassis um they also said there's a new color in the Galleria if we just want to pop in real quick what I do like about bee Vance is I could just stick the camera in and show you guys the new color scheme very very nice oh it looks like there's new cabinets as well in there looks very good very clean look but I'm more excited about this Novi Nova here right now okay very very cool this is the Nova this is their cheapest class B motorhome very again still very nice Cabinetry you got a little TV here Euro style Windows right there very nice over here is your wet bath hold on Matt let me just get this I like this Lagoon table yes so sweatpath real quick okay yes ma'am very cool and then we have a ladder that gets up onto the pop top just like that I thought you were gonna climb up it for a second no I'm not climbing up no ladders yep no not not these ladders not for me not right now anyway very very cool you guys know I'm not the biggest fan of bee Vance but all these manufacturers have really been going all in on the B van life which just makes more Innovative designs and we love seeing that I see on the next round there's something very interesting so let's take a look at that all right so now we're taking a look at some Class C some smaller stuff behind me this is not a Coachman leprechaun this is The Coachman Freelander and they now have the optional full body paint this is the 26 MB which is going to be a Murphy bed floor plan we're going to take a look at in just a second and then look at this this has a huge this has a real outside kitchen nice Graystone cooktop hot point refrigerator and um Magic Chef microwave right here in the sink that's actually plumped through and a propane quick connect if you want to have a girl on the outside and you even have this table set up right here very very cool now that's camping yes yes it is coming on in here oh thank you sir you're coming on in here wow see they do it different they're still putting their u-shaped dinette in here and you get a very long Murphy bed I like this setup check out this kitchen countertop area refrigerator here TV fireplace Entertainment Center and you're having a kind of combo wash the dryer I need a Freelander this is a Freelander oh my goodness really good size rare bathroom here wow wow very very nice and I love this Murphy bed look how long this song is this is very very good placement for the TV right here I like that you know what it is Andre the market they wanna they want small but they also want to have their sofa their dinette in the king-size bed and with the Mercury bed set up you're able to get all that oh my goodness look at that if you don't have enough counter space you got this too and this unit actually has the Bigfoot Auto leveling solid surface countertop as well in here wow I'm impressed yes what's going on now I don't think this prism okay this DMV that we did we'll take a look at it again the team at Coachman says you guys really kick the vote when you saw this floor plan good guys no I already love this bathroom no it's a great one yes they got the combo washer dryer down there place Place TV on the televator nice so behind it is a Coachman cross trail but you can now get it on the Mercedes chassis oh look at the color on it now yes they changed it up Mercedes wow so you can get it on the Mercedes take a look at the inside ones right oh was there front lights yeah yeah let's take a look at the front lights oh yeah so this on the numerous you guys can see those they got those little it will be but in the future we'll be available very nice very cool let's take a look at the inside I'll try and this is crazy because I don't see a slide out no slide oh good Shady's unit with no slots right that is very cool and I love this this is exactly what I want you know give me the sofa that converts into the dinette area now now Nick what are these um why don't you introduce yourself to everybody I'm Nick turnoff I'm the sales and product manager with coaching and prison and cross trail nice good to see you great have you ever been on the show I only have welcome to the show thanks thanks looking forward to it so tell us about the inspiration of this product so really where it came from is uh I was out the adventure van Expo in California in April and just really noticed that bulk of the customers in the adventure van realm like that Mercedes Sprinter chassis oh yeah and then with us getting the all-wheel drives here um in a short time we're going to start building this Crossroad it's gonna be specific for that chassis and then really where we're gonna go with this is no slides at all so in future floor plans the Gold's gonna be no slides really get creative with it and then uh get a adventure look like we do with the cross show and the transit love it yep so Nick what's the MSRP on this it'll be 147. nice nice keep on looking Andrea that is a phenomenal MSRP for Mercedes that's cabinets all around very very nice yeah it's going to be you know modeled after our 24 CB 4.0 yep however um you know no no slides it's a real real winner with this cross show line for sure absolutely production cooktop induction top convection microwave nice and then you said there was one other thing that was new all right we do have the crossroad extreme behind us though okay did we have we seen that yet on the show the pony FC um oh yeah we've seen that but but still it's extreme now oh we haven't seen this yeah I don't think so yeah so you have your uh your griddle nice yeah nice little get out here and cook your Meats your veggies whatever you want yeah my buttered sausage yeah then you got the uh sorts of the bikes the bed back there goes up and down butter sausage I want to talk about some buttered sausage have you seen that clip um who's that crazy guy hides in here either which is nice techno form cabinets very yeah I like it all right so let's see we got a split bathroom good shower here is oh sorry guys here is the toilet baby wanted to go do we have the d-rings there if you need to bring your bikes here and then this coach is from 400 amp hour lithium battery wow 400 amp hour 3000 watt inverter yeah and then you can also add in another 400 amp hours and get 800 amp hours of lithium that's funny nice so then um this is phenomenal we're gonna wrap it up with the Entourage or somebody's in it so just give us a quick second all right to wrap it up is The Coachman Entourage beautiful new with the full body paint and battleborn batteries and with me it's Mike hey Mike hey man what's going on man happy one year anniversary to you thank you very much last year you didn't want to be on video you're like man I've only been here for three days and I still don't want to but yeah so so I'm looking at this it's a new floor plan with the bow bunk bed office wardrobe in a class sees phenomenal but what's up with this International chassis here so we're we're running the new 340 BH on the international chassis 22 000 pounds okay good carrying capacity on this and it's only available on the international chest for the 340 B8 or the 340 BH the 330 will still be available on the international and uh perfect so you got up you got floor plans we got options that's right buddy beautiful full body paint what's new for 2024. now that this has finally hit some dealership lots and you guys are hearing feedback right yep so this year whole new interior I'm the coach we offer three full body paint as well and a partial paint nice if you don't want to do the parcel we have three color schemes this is the Maverick it's going to be the black and white we have the maven which is going to be more of the blue uh accent and then the Malibu which is going to be the Shaquille o' teal leather the what the shaquillo teal teal teal okay and then it looks like they're coming with battleborn batteries yep battleborn is something new that we're going to be offering this year um as far as an option yeah it's an upgrade for the better and then if you ask me I'd like to give you a congratulations on getting one of the top picks from our friends JD big truck big RV that is not an easy accomplishment especially for motorhomes I think he only gave it to like three motorhomes I know he was uh first it was probably the first day and first coach that he was in and oh yes this year yeah very cool I mean in Intel put it in retrospect the the only other motorhome that I know he selected was that um Fleetwood with that kids you know so like JD you know JD pick he only had 10 of these yeah so that's really really cool take a look at the inside Andrea all right let's do a oh okay look at this all right walk all the way down Andrea a little step up a master bedroom looks like it comes with a uh all-in-one is it all in one or yeah all in one combo washer dryer right there Andrea yep and there's a bow oh I love it I will show that in just a second and then here we've got the bathroom so do you know what these are MSRP in for up top of your head they have about 225 really yeah man 225 and you're getting a diesel this is phenomenal really nice bunk over the cab here's the cockpit area for your International I'm just gonna drive just like a pickup truck really really nice especially for tall people who want a Class C this is phenomenal uh what what else we got going on here Mike so again new interior wood color yes sir roaring we added the cup holders in the in the front up here as well um we got rid of the did a new style sofa this year okay uh new color sofa as well um they're back here in the Bronx this is the most exciting yes so for you that don't know this is the bow please tell us what the bow is so this is going to be your bunks slash office so you got your office space here right now you can fold up your chair locks into a magnet over here now it's a wardrobe now it's a wardrobe sir yep over here bada bing bada freaking boo bunk bed office wardrobe what I love is my opinion and and I'm telling you this Mike when I put bunk beds in the titles of my videos they suck people don't watch them my viewers don't watch me like bunk beds I'm not looking for something with bunk beds but when I do the encores and I do the maradas and now the Entourage when ice put the bow on it everybody watches it because it works for so many people bunk bed office wardrobe even if you don't have kids that come with you this is just a phenomenal Choice what what's been the response on your end oh it's been killing I mean also I've been hearing a lot of our customers using the putting dog kennels in here as well so uh there's another use for you yeah absolutely what's your dog's name shout out to Oscar and Rollo yes awesome I love it but yeah no I love the doll crate litter boxes storage junk and just put it away and then it's gone put it away love that continue on Sir back here we're gonna have just a little trademark to the Entourage is going to be our tilt to bed okay um so you know if you're when you're traveling yes you have to have it up but it still gives you a space to sit down um and relax when you're in here you know it's a Class C with a huge king size bed you know don't get me wrong when we do the video we will still probably make this our dislike but once you're a Class C like this that has so many likes we gotta find three dislikes so um that's very cool nice TV right there now what's going on Beyond this wall like down here like anything on that or no that that's the yeah that's it no no the wall the wall but the bunks are behind you you got your bunk spot yeah yeah yeah for sure yep very this will close it off again washer dryer prep or actually the washer dryer is in there that is an option nice what is really nice on on the entourages for your options it's full body paints partial paints washer dryer um and your lithium that's your only options yeah it makes it pretty simple for our customers out there um and our dealerships I love it I love it let me get one look at this bathroom here porcelain toilet There It Is Us um radius shower but again this motorhome is pretty cool Andre what do you think it's very comfortable too yes I'm sitting here getting a little massage for my back there you go just looking at the backsplash while I'm sitting here and the lights in the kitchen right right it's pretty cool it's different well thank you so much for being on the show I want to thank everybody from Coachman all you guys have been fantastic not just today but like over the years I was telling some some other people this um it's funny because the RV Market's starting to get tight and you have to start making Pro nobody's going to buy a Coachman no disrespect just because your name's Coachman you have to come up with creative floor plans you have to we are coming into the age where you have to listen to the customer and do what the customer wants and it's only a compliment to Coachmen that you guys are innovating not just on your super C's or your Diesels or your A's or your B's or it's not any of them it's all of them right you guys are just kicking button taking names and that's why we love having Coachmen on the show anything you want to say uh just uh come check out the Entourage check out the freelanders leprechauns and Concords and all the rest of Coachmen perfect thanks so much shout out Oscar and Rolo Oscar thanks guys we'll see you tomorrow with another tour thanks guys
Channel: Matt's RV Reviews
Views: 83,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XaFmywGpJOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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