What Tulsi Gabbard Was Told Her First Day in Congress | Joe Rogan

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the Joe Rogan experience this has been one of the most frustrating things that I've seen and experienced throughout my over six years in Congress that really started when I first went up after I got elected where after every election happens the new members of Congress they go and they have what's called new member orientation and they give you these books and here's the maps and here's what your offices and you know all the all the administrative and logistical stuff but very quickly I would say within the first few days you know where we first come in together as Democrats and Republicans immediately gate Democrats go this way Republicans go this way immediately separated and what we're told right off the bat is look this is about getting wins for our political party and if you work with the Republican then that's gonna hurt the party especially if you work with the Republican that the Democratic Party is trying to take out forget the substance of the idea forget the substance of the bill and this happens on the opposite side as well Republicans with Democrats both both political parties or DIF are guilty of this where they're really putting the interests of the political party ahead of the people who just voted for us to go and serve them and not just the Democrats who voted for me but yes they're the independence and the Republicans both who voted for me or who didn't but who I serve as part of my constituency and you just you continued I've continued to see this where you know you'll have a bill that because it's a Democrat bill Republicans will vote against it substance aside or Republican bill Democrats a vote against it just because it's a Republican bill but then hey if if they come in and you know a month or a year later introduced the same bill or a similar bill but now because it's a Democratic bill okay everybody hey let's go let's go and support this legislation you can you can imagine why there is so much gridlock in Washington why nothing really gets done and ultimately how this divisive nough sand this hyper partisanship is hurting the ability for the needs of the American people to be served when you talk about people like yourself that are completely funded by the public and you have this very logical and objective way of discussing this gridlock do you think that the future is in young people like yourself getting involved in politics that they are not connected to this old world for thirty five forty five years this world it sounds like this is just what you do yeah I mean I watched house of cards I get kinda I get it sorta what that that seems like chaos it seems like there's no way to fix that it's almost like these people have to stop being politicians they have to be voted out or die off yeah well I think it's evident where we see those who are very entrenched in this this broken system feel very threatened by the rise of people powered campaigns individual contributions coming in and supplanting the big money that they get from you know the packs and PACs and lobbyists and and and there's fear there because they see their whole world being disrupted by people like me or others who are coming in and saying no we're not buying into any of that and we're coming in to actually fulfill the mission that we've been charged with by those who voted for us to serve the people all the people of this country and would you say that which well this is my position I think that Trump plays a part of that because I think he was the first guy to camp that come to come in it's basically self-funded or being funded through his own means and not listening to the rest of Republican Party saying hey I'm gonna take over and I'm gonna do this my way and then knowing that he could do that and knowing that there were so many Republicans against him and knowing that there's so many Democrats against him as well but yet he's still the president yeah people like Jesus this is a fragile system but the system is it's what they've done to acquire power is still very vulnerable even though they have this deeply entrenched system of weird little relationships that it's not good enough yeah that if the people do rise up and they decide hey we want to put Tulsi in as president you're gonna have a different situation a lot of you clowns gonna be out of work absolutely I mean and that's really that that's the message that we're carrying to to living rooms and town halls and communities across the country is Washington continues to underestimate the power of the people and most to work for you exactly and that's the thing as you know our founding fathers had this vision for our country that our government would be of the people by the people and for the people and instead what we have is a government of the rich and powerful by and for the rich and powerful of the special interest in corporations by and for the special interests and corporations and you know we the people get left behind and they continue to talk to us like they're in control yeah they are one of us and they're supposed to be public employees they're supposed to be servants that's right of the public yeah they don't talk like that now they talk like people who are in a position of power and influence yeah and it's not healthy it's not a healthy perspective it's it's evidence of that huge disconnect bubble that is Washington and the reality of the lives that we live every day people all across this country that's always the case though when people get in control of things there was metal make it easier for them make it better for them what can I do to make this a little easier is there another way how can I help write myself here how can I make sure that when I get out of office I can do these public speaking tours and make a quarter million dollars a pop yeah when I hear about the money those guys make to just go and talk yeah what who is paying for that he's paying to listen to Hillary get an out of it what are you getting out of that can I listen I would love to like pretend to be a banker to put a lizard-skin face mask on and go sit with those bankers and listen to one of those conversations that Hillary Clinton got paid a quarter million dollars to talk yeah never released the transcripts what is that about it's some weird sneaky deal that they make yeah where he maybe wants to pay that like go to that in Madison Square Garden see many tickets yeah right exactly Bill and Hillary are doing like a speaking tour thing right now yeah I am baffled as to who is gonna pay to go see Bill and Hillary [ __ ] them that's right they're doing it together now right yeah yeah bells so old why don't you just come clean you know I would love to get that guy and just get him drunk and put him on the I just like have them just talk about life no you only got like a few years left everything's falling apart in your body what are your regrets yeah what'd you do wrong what could you have done differently stop all this bullshitting yeah like what what you know have him on your show I would love to I would love to do mushrooms with them I wanted to have them on the show and do it in Colorado because they D analyze mushroom it's just yeah this role of being the person that is in control of this country has always been this impossible task and when I see a person like you who wants to do it I say listen you have some of the best ideas and the most healthy perspective that I've ever heard from anyone that's ever running for president but why would you want to do that to yourself those are the two things that I think of because it's not for myself and and it's not to be in control of the country and the people it's to serve the people and our country it's a continuation of this mission that I have chosen for my life to be of service to find different ways to do that you know it started in Hawaii with gathering my friends as a kid and going in and picking up trash off the beach on the weekends and experiencing even then at a young age that that made me happier then than anything else then you know going and playing video games with my friends or anything like that and that that mission that that was deeply ingrained in me further with my service in the military serving as a soldier where you know I'm serving alongside people of all walks of life as you know of a race religion ethnicity orientation everything every one of us wearing that same uniform serving that same flag that represents the American people with that laser-like focus on putting Service Above Self and that's what I seek to bring to the White House to restore those values of integrity and honor and respect to make it so that that White House is a beacon of light for the American people to know that that white house belongs to them and represents them and their interest in their interests alone does anybody do you mean even a person like you who's on the outside do you think anybody truly knows what it's like to run the country until they get in there do they can you even have an idea of what how impossible a task it is to be in control of the economy the environment the the infrastructure the military our position in the world it seems like the most insane duty yeah to require someone to run all those things to be aware of all those things to be responsible for all of the successes and all of the failures yeah it's an awesome responsibility there's no question about that and I think it fulfills that that higher that higher that higher calling that this is not about any kind of selfish interest this for me is not about any kind of ambition that I've had I've never had any kind of thought I want to be President one day or even I want to be a member of Congress one day it's always been about how can i how can I best be of service and how can I make a greater impact and that's what I've seen throughout my time in Congress where I've served on these committees I've served on the Foreign Affairs and Armed Services committees I've been been calling for and fighting for an end to these wasteful regime change wars an end to this new Cold War a nuclear arms race there is only so much I can do as a member of Congress to be able to serve as president and commander-in-chief I know that I can make that kind of impact and see change in our policy that keeps our country safe that moves us closer to that future of peace and prosperity and that's where I hope to be able to make a difference [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: E6urQjuO9eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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