Whistleblower testifies about Boeing safety regulations

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we're going to begin with the alarming testimony on Capitol Hill about the nation's largest airplane manufacturer a longtime Boeing Employee is accusing the company of lack safety standards when it comes to building that 787 Dreamliner another hearing yesterday addressed the door blow out on a 737 Max jet we all remember that and other recent incidents involving Boeing aircraft Chris Van Cleave has more on all of this Chris good morning it's making a lot of Travelers very nervous and by by a lot of travel I mean me well Gail this certainly has the attention of Congress good morning and there is a growing Sense on Capitol Hill that change is needed at Boeing and to get the full sense of what may need to change is likely going to require several more hearings what they heard yesterday seemed to reinforce concerns that there's a safety culture at Boeing that has to change effectively they are putting out defective airplanes Boeing quality engineer turned wh blower Sam solapur told Senators Wednesday he has significant safety concerns about the 787 Dreamliner since 2013 there have been serious issues on the 78 s program not properly closing thousands of gaps in its assembly of the fuse Lodge on major joints are these planes safe right now from what I've seen the airplanes are not being built per spec and per requirement solapur worries that could lead to structural failures down the line he claims when he raised his concerns he was threatened I was ignored I was told not to create delays I was told frankly to sh up the longtime Boeing Employee testified at one of two overlapping Senate hearings focused on safety and quality control issues at Boeing at the other hearing Javier de Lise an Aeronautics Professor who lost his sister in a 737 Max crash 5 years ago that there exists a disconnect for the lack of a better word between the words that are being said by Boeing management and what is being seen and experienced by employees across the company they hear safety is our number one priority but what they see is that that's only true as long as your production Milestones are met Boeing calls solapur claims inaccurate and points to stress testing as seen in this video saying in a statement extensive and rigorous testing of the fuselage and heavy maintenance checks of nearly 700 inservice airplanes to date have found zero evidence of airframe fatigue we are fully confident in the safety and durability of the 787 Dreamliner the company insists retaliation against employees is strictly prohibited but solapur claims there's still a Culture of Fear all the problems that we've had we put Band-Aid over Band-Aid to resolve the problems and Band-Aid over Band-Aid doesn't cover it he also says he saw things on the trip 7 line that concerned him including claims that he saw a worker jumping on components to get them to a line Boeing says those claims are also inaccurate the company did get a vote of confidence from United Airlines company has 150 Dreamliners on order CEO Scott Kirby says he is confident the 787 is a safe airplane Gil okay the picture they painted yesterday was very very unsettling thank you very much Chris
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 9,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, cbs, news, boeing, safety, whistleblower, senate, witness, sam salehpour
Id: 4HXuDbRfxcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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