What to wear on a Cunard Cruise

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hi this is lynx from sweet natured and today we're having a look at what to wear while on qnad as always i'm joined by marky hello hello who put the video together and this is my first time watching so let's see what we can see [Music] so today linds we're going to take a look at what to wear on a q naught cruise because that bothers people it does it's the question we get from the most people who've never been on one and it was a question we had of just how formal is formal i don't look very casual it's casual you're not too sure in that particular no no and we're gonna have a look at sort of the day time because it's very different a daytime on q r the evening and how it compares to other cruise lines so let's start off with dirt time casual and poolside and you can see from when you first get on cue now that gentleman's got jeans on yes there's people in track suits and trainers it's very very relaxed i imagine before we went on i don't feel the same that i'll get on everyone wearing suits and ties and dinner dresses dinner dresses well maybe not a dinner dress at that time but not track suits and trainers no and that's the impression people get that you have to be fancy all of the time all of the time and the reality is as you can see during the day he's got a baseball cap on he has got a baseball cap on i'm not sure that's an approved q a attire but the reality is during the day you can wear within reason whatever you want on as you would on any other ship it literally felt no different to me to any other cruise line no as long as i would say you were covered up there wasn't a lot of flesh apart from what if you buy the pool yes but inside they don't want you to wear um swim shots or anything like that and there's not there's no crop tops or anything like that if you're on a younger ship no but to be honest there isn't on other cruise signs yeah you wouldn't see someone going into swimwear on there no it's just not allowed it's not allowed no so actually during the day it's exactly the same as any other cruise ship yes i didn't see people dressing up anymore i didn't see them dressing down anymore no so you can wear what you want i would say just well what's comfortable we have people asked you know do we have to put formal more formula tyrone to go up to the pool and get changed up there no get your swim gear on put a robe on if you want to do and walk up from your stateroom to the pool yes it was yeah it's just like i would say most cruise lines yeah yeah it's got the sort of more formal a bit it's like the afternoon tea and stuff but everyone who's having the afternoon tea i didn't feel dressed up enough for afternoon teeth i'm quite honest but it no but it was also gala night so i like to feel fancier so i get ready i don't know i thought that was three o'clock yeah i should i feel i should have made more of an effort but nobody else had no but now i look at it i think old ideas about thinking that you wanted to dress up more more you have to dress up i feel i should have at least put some lipstick on i think that's one of the big things for qnad and we'll talk about as we go through it isn't so much that you have to dress up it's that people want to dress up yes and i think that's a big sort of key difference lens would you like to take a second invite people to subscribe i would like to invite people to subscribe i realize you need to do some things with the buttons uh and it can be faffi but thank you and thank you if you subscribed already it really means a lot thank you next we're going to take a look at cunard on a non-celebration evening around the shape restaurants buffets because there is a big difference when it's not a celebration night that's true but you still have to wear trousers now q and i'll tell you in an evening they would like you to wear a dress shirt with trousers so no t-shirts no t-shirts but as you can see there there's people in t-shirts polo shirts yes basically there is a guideline yeah but they don't enforce it no not on non-formal nights at least no now a lot of the evenings when we went went out we would put a shirt on maybe a jacket what am i doing with that crisp you're enjoying that chris by the look of it oh goodness but we never felt that we needed to wear a tie i didn't feel i needed to wear a tie i never felt like i would need it where time but my preconception before went on was that i would be expected to wear a tiger night and i hate wearing tires i know you do i know you do so on the non formal nights where were you comfortable with if you're going into the restaurants as opposed to the buffet they do ask you to wear a dress shirt but other than that you'd have to wear a jacket i had a jacket on me i love you in a jacket thank you but you don't have to no and as you can see you're there you're looking very very smart you smelt the right word i don't know i'm not loving that frock now um but in the buffet in an early evening i'm late in the evening we'd see people going in there and jeans jeans and t-shirts now officially they say you know jeans are illegal yeah in an evening yes but the reality is you do yeah now formal nights is a different thing they give you a little description you get it the day before the night before what's going on during the day and what happens in the evening we were actually told before we got on the ship don't we so we know what to pack yeah because there's four different types of celebration that is black and white yeah there's the roaring twenties which we had there's the red and gold yes and the masquerade yeah i don't know how i'd feel about the masquerade it feels a little bit eyes wide shut for me as you can see from there that was the the twenties night so you do get glammed up a little bit the black and white night where a little bit a lot and we said it before that people want to get dressed up as opposed to are being told to yeah and no q ad video is complete without the bread bread with fancy clothes yeah but people do it is part of the attraction yeah and everybody's really lovely as well another way to look at it if people are maybe not inside is it's kind of cosplay on the cruise having watched comic con i kind of get where you're coming from but how does it compare to others so let's take a look at piano first of all and yes you can see that we're wearing very similar things on there i would wear that dress i'd wear that dress on cunard people in an evening when they were going out to the restaurants were still getting dressed up yes who are wearing shirts and jackets yeah it wasn't really any different no it was just an expectation during the day hats same casual wear as well so is it really that different i don't know it's more the reputation yeah and i think it is like there's a psychology behind it that it must be fancy it is but i could have wore that shirt there when i went through afternoon team cunad i didn't but i could have done yeah yeah and in an evening that what you are there is perfectly acceptable than any of the cumulative restaurants i was thinking the buffet there if you take a look at virgin now virgin you describe as the polar opposite to cunard in everywhere yes but during the day people are in the t-shirts the jeans the casual ones yeah exactly the same in an evening you're not wearing tuxedos or dinner jackets no but people are wearing very fancy clothes there was but there was skin on show on that there was a lot of um you know strappy numbers they were but not you wouldn't describe them as sort of cheap clothes people oh goodness silly dress oh no no no yeah people were really going to town on it just in a different way yes more nightclub i felt than dinner yeah but again even on virgin you're into the restaurant you can see behind there there's people in the same sort of outfits that you'd be wearing in an evening yeah so it's this reputation there yeah which we've bought into for the longest time and a lot of people have and that's the questions that we've had which is why we're doing this video of you know what to wear and the reality is whatever you would on any other that's not q nad that's not a cune address but it's a very virgin dress yeah absolutely but our final thoughts on qnad is it it's a little bit more formal dress than other cruise lines yes on the formal night but the reality is not that much most of the time it's just as relaxed that's that shirt though in the pub you know so you can wear whatever you fancy i did buy a couple of new outfits for their specific gala nights um but other than that everything else is what you would wear on you have to look at the videos i've got the same rockstars but basically wear what you fancy enjoy it don't feel that you have to put a suit on to go to the pool no just relax and have a good time that's the end of another video oh cheers maggie and thanks for watching and have a lovely day
Channel: Suite Natured
Views: 9,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What to wear on a Cunard Cruise, Cunard Cruise, Cunard Formal Nights, What to wear on a Cunard Formal Night, Cunard Black and White Night, cunard masquerade ball, How formal is Cunard, How Formal is a Cunard Cruise, cunard cruise line, cunard cruises, cunard cruise ships, queen mary 2, cunard queen elizabeth, Cunard Queen Victoria, What to pack on Cunard, Cunard Queen Anne, cunard line, Cunard Cruise Dress Code, Cunard Dress Attire, What to wear on Cunard, Cunard Dress code
Id: 6SeTEhjmIbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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