What to Salvage From an Old Microwave

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oh wow this is really close up sorry first thing I'm going to say is uh sorry it's been so long I've been kind of in a slump for a little bit about filming so I'm kind of starting back in with an easy one as you could tell I'm tearing apart of microwave uh yeah I actually replaced my microwave on Black Friday so that tells you how long I've been sitting on this video and my second apology is for this lens it is very in my face I have no zoom control I actually dropped my original lens and broke one of the rollers and then I fixed the roller and as I was putting it back together I was taking tweezers and pulling the ribbon cable back out for the electronics and I just tore it off so that one was toast so what we're gonna do is we're gonna tear up out the tear apart this microwave and I'm gonna show you guys what to keep what throw away and there's always some variance with the type of microwave that you have and the different features that the microwave haves like some has mechanical buttons you know those are really nice for keeping and yeah I think that's it just let the type of buttons everything else you can keep and you can make things out of so let's get started all right so [Music] first things first see how this comes apart with frame here comes part with two Phillips and two allen wrenches the allen wrench first well you know what they're they're tamper resistant screws I'll show you this in a second here the first thing I want to show you guys is this screw right there it's got a little a little nub in the center so what we're going to use is these bits that I have they have a little nub removed so this this is a like a I got this at Ace Hardware in like the clearance bin section but it's come in handy more times than I can count okay so we're gonna have to find the right bit here that might be it [Music] [Music] so the first thing that you might want to keep is this man I'm not going to because I have plenty of scrap steel but this is this is steel it helps cage all of the rogue microwaves that come out of it it's like at the last line of defense so so first thing is your second thing is this the power cord so we plug and just like the what to scrap from old CRT TV all the circuit boards in here have good components good capacitors good inductors good resistors this cord right here very good to hold on to I'm gonna hold on to that the next thing is this bad boy right here holy crap this has a monster capacitor in it I'm gonna show you guys that right there that's a capacitor it filters out noise but man you charge that thing up it gives quite a shock the next thing this guy right here microwave transformer it's what I used to make my fractals in my fractal video tipped I have it all prettied up in a in a box right there with a display on it and my probes and my gloves for safety and all that so we're going to remove the transformer the capacitor the motor for the fan and also the motor in here that spins that plate around inside and that'll be it for me but uh oh there's another professor too right in there those ones are really good too oh yeah and right here this is a magnetron now if you don't want to do super illegal things with the magnetron now it's actually pretty hard to find an area to test this out at in fact the only real safe spot I can do this at is that Tesla coil back there whenever I point this in the general direction of a plug the breaker instantly flips as you can see when I shine the gun at the bulb but instantly lights up and by the way that sounds you can hear is when I point it towards that plug now that much but focus but uh there's two big disk magnets in there those are really cool too all right so I got the transformer out now this right here is the output the high voltage output you can attach a bigger wire to it and the case itself is in the ground you can see right here the wire comes up and attaches to the iron now these two wires here those are the middle coil these two you put 115 60 Hertz in and fires it up so let's show you guys what what a microwave transformer can do what okay so we got the my fractal making box all hooked up it's like left it outside it's kind of falling apart but when you flip the switch here [Applause] let's get some shots of it in the dark how about that huh Yeah right it is oh there goes the breaker okay so the next thing that I wanted to remove is the mag the magnetron I don't know if you can hear me so unplug this stuff unplug this now I just put in a clip of what you can do with these magnetrons they're very dangerous so if you see here the magnetron is right here and the top goes down this way and then there's this channel is this danger high voltage discharge capacitor before servicing I probably should have done that ah but it's been sitting in my shop for weeks on end without being plugged in so it's fine but this this channel directs the microwaves down into the top and then there's a some of them have a fan that like just distributes the microwaves throughout the thing but this one doesn't that's why it has the tray on the other side on the bottom that spins so you get an even coating of microwaves because it's the wave form is very long wavelength so you get different like spots where it heats up the food so you spin the food and it gets an even heat through all those different more intense spots of microwave electro boom did an excellent video on that he is the thermal camera to show you the distribution of the microwave store a cardboard box that he put in the microwave and it's very good video I'll leave the link in the description alright so I got it out I got the magnetron out so if you look it would you know it you it would be easy to assume that the microwaves come out of this ring up here but it actually comes out of this like steel wire brush type a look-in thing here it gets a minute out of there goes there this channel through down through the channel but I'm not gonna do anything with it other than I'm going to take out these two big ring magnets out of it and I'm going to show you guys what I use them for but I mean you can use for anything like screw collection and refrigerator magnets and anything like that so let's get this thing apart so there's a way to unclip this top plate here but I'm just gonna cut it off the easier way cheater way [Music] [Applause] so one thing that I wasn't very careful about but you need to be is this white stuff right here and here I think it's like beryllium dioxide or some like that's like if you break it it's extremely toxic so I'm gonna do my darndest to not break it [Applause] alright there's the first ring magnet the second one I'm gonna have to cut off later but to show you what I want to show you I only need one so ok so this box that you see here is a plasma generator now you can make one of these from the flyback transformer from the CRT TV now that's one thing you can do CRT TV but one thing that you can do with the microwave is that this is basically a Jacob's Ladder like if I had two prongs coming off the top it would operate like a Jacob's Ladder but basically a plasma generator so if I turn it on I just broke my power supply see this alert there we go so that's what it does so now I'm going to put met our ring magnet in the holder here okay so now I just got a get into this little configuration I just made here I spin the screen out okay so make sure it's a sinner stop spinning very well but it smells like static there goes focus focus yeah so that's basically what it does and it's fun to play with but always be careful when you're playing with high voltage if you can avoid it then don't do it yeah but uh I like doing it so as you guys have seen in my videos but so now I'll give you an overview of the rest of stuff that's in the microwave but that's really the the main cool stuff okay guys so yeah it's like a lot of stuff in my face dirty in here well I remove the big cooling fan for going down the magnetron it just runs on 115 60 Hertz and it good for many projects and there's also this motor this is at the bottom of the microwave I kind of had to pump the tabs off to get it but he runs also on one 15 60 Hertz but this deny someone about this one because it spins very slowly so we're gonna throw both of those in my motor bin then this is the this is 2200 V AC volts 50 60 Hertz 0.9 T 2 micro farad this is a bad-ass capacitor we're gonna throw this in my little faster bin and then there are some random electronics in the circuit board that's in there there's also a light bulb that runs off of the 115 60 Hertz that's the same bulb that I used in the top of my fractal box so it just I didn't have to step any voltage down or anything it just runs off 115 and it's small so it's nice and stead of using like a big incandescent bulb and the rest of it you know there's some scrap metal in there there's some wire but other than that that's about it I chucked the rest so thank you guys for watching and sorry if it's boring I'm getting back into swordmaking soon hope I earned your subscription and see you next time
Channel: KO Creations
Views: 54,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Salvage, #Microwave, #Teardown, #KOCreations, #Dangerous, #HighVoltage
Id: 5jmsxKEpGkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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