Debunking Kreosan's EMP gun from a microwave oven magnetron + stun gun

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so recently my friend told me about the video on YouTube from a user called crayon and in this video the guys built an EMP gun using a stun gun and a magnetron from a microwave oven now this video has over 5 million views but after seeing it I don't think it's real in the video they used this EMP gun based on a magnetron to destroy electronics in like 10 meters distant it can also light up fluorescent tubes or neon lamps 10 meters away and it could also disable a motorbike from like 10 or 15 meters distance and the electronics were destroyed with so much smoke and sparks and loud explosions it seems too crazy to be real to me it seems like they put some fireworks in it and also lighting up a fluorescent tube at 10 meters distance seems way too much to me a magnetron can actually do quite a lot of crazy stuff but in this video it's just too much to be believable so the gun in the video contains a magnetron or actually three megatronus to make it even more crazy and it has a horn to make it more directional probably there is alarmed probably just for indication some batteries a switch and a stun gun as a source of high voltage and the batteries probably are for the filament of the magnetron so let's try to recreate it and maybe debunk it and maybe prove it let's see what a magnetron can do and what it can't do a magnetron is actually a special type of a vacuum tube which produces microwaves at a frequency of two thousand four hundred fifty megahertz and this is used in microwave ovens to heat up your food and it requires a heating filament voltage it's about three volts and an anode voltage which is about four kilo volts and you can of course get it from a microwave oven so let's take a look at it [Music] open it like this and here you can see the internals here is the magnetron a high voltage transformer 4:8 a high voltage capacitor and a high voltage diode and those are the only components necessary to produce microwaves the other ones are not necessary there is just some timer and power regulator some fuses soft-start some interference filters a fan and so on there is also some lightbulb and some safety switches but those four components are the only ones necessary to produce the microwaves in it so here you can see the main components of a microwave oven and here is the schematic of it here you can see the transformer is a mains primary high voltage secondary and the auxiliary winding for the heater of the magnetron the magnetron has the heater connected here and the a node is the entire metal body of it the transformer has a primary winding the secondary winding and the heater winding here in the middle just few turns of a steak wire here is the high voltage diode and a high voltage capacitor because the entire metal body of the magnetron is the anode and you don't want to have a high voltage in it the anode is actually grounded in the microwave and so instead of putting a positive high voltage into the anode there is a negative high voltage in the cathode and the anode is grounded it has a directly heated cathode which means that the filament works as a cathode and there is a circuitry with a capacitor and a diode working as a voltage doubler for the magnetron but it also works as a capacitive dropper limiting the current of the magnetron because the magnetron can't limit its own current itself but the capacitor is also in resonance ways the transformer so it works as a power factor correction and the transformer has magnetic shunts in it hood has a higher stray inductance and the inductance of the transformer is in series waste the capacitor so the capacitor is not being rapidly discharged into the magnetron each cycle of the AC voltage and this is basically a voltage doubler in a negative polarity and with no smoothing here the voltage is about 2.1 kilovolts and the peak is about 3 kilo volts and this capacitor is charging to about 3 kilowatts in this polarity so the voltage here is basically a sine wave but it's shifted down like this and the peak voltage here is about minus 6 kilo volts and this is actually if it wasn't loaded by the magnetron but after a few seconds the filament heats up and the magnetron star this drawing current and the voltage drops to about 4 kilowatts peak and it's important to say that a magnetron has more or less a constant voltage drop which doesn't change ways current switch acting as a Zener or maybe a discharge lamp and here you can see the current and the voltage of the magnetron the current is basically negative half cycles of a sine wave but the voltage is more or less a square wave so as you can see the voltage drop doesn't depend on the current it still has the same voltage drop about 4 kilo volts and this is very important for us because it means that you can't increase the power by using a higher voltage but you can increase the power by increasing the current if you increase the current the voltage drop is still going to be about 4 kilo volts and if you try to increase the voltage it will draw a crazy current it will clamp with the voltage down to work your vault at almost any current so if you for example have a capacitor charged to more than 4 kilo volts and discharge it into the magnetron it will create an impulse with a very high power so if you use a stun gun which contains capacitors in its voltage multiplier and the output voltage is surely over 4 kilo volts you could run the magnetron inshore at high power pulses now I have two possible theories the first one is that the magnetron acts as a discharge lamp which means that if you have a capacitor in a parallel to it it will slowly charge until reaching a certain voltage and then the magnetron will suddenly trigger and create a very short very high-intensity pulse the voltage will quickly drop and then the cycle will repeat and my theory number two is that the magnetron acts as a Zener diode which means that in this circuit it will draw just a steady current and then you have to put a spark gap in it to make it run in a pulses so at this point I'm not sure which one is right but now let's go from a theory to some experiments to see if this is real or fake and as you can see there is quite a lot of videos on YouTube from people who have also built a microwave gun which is a little bit unsettling because some of those people have absolutely no idea what they are doing and how they in Jerusalem had quite a short range they didn't destroy anything or light up anything 10 meters away but they were using the original transformer as a power supply not a stun gun and there is also a video from Alena pan with over 1 million views he was debunking croissants gun and trying to recreate it to see if it's possible he tried to power a magnetron using a stun gun and he had some a little success he was able to light up a fluorescent tube but from just a short distance he could also cause some radio interference but didn't destroy any electronics with this and I also have to mention that the guys from cryosauna channel are wrapping their entire bodies in some aluminum foil or aluminium sticky tape as a protection against microwaves but it seems completely crazy because they are not protecting their most vulnerable body parts their heads and especially are yes because if you are exposed to powerful microwaves the fair thing that happens is that you lose your vision because it heats up your eyeballs and some other balls of Korus so let's try to do some experiments and now it's getting very doji of chorus first let's try to run it in the original microwave circuitry for comparison so let's see if it can light up some fluorescent tubes and destroy some camera or flashlights or a calculator so let's see what happens and the camera is still remain the flashlight as well but the calculator is glitching but I can reset it it still works so as you can see it can write up some fluorescent tubes but the just a very short distance but this is just a better magnetron with no directivity no impedance matching no waveguide or horn so let's try to make it a little bit more directional waste this random piece of metal it's actually a long shade but let's try it to have something to begin way so let's the stick and those are to see if it goes backwards the camera [Music] well it seems completely wrong so there is some leakage here and it's completely strange because it's lighting up the ones which are farther but not at the closer ones so let's try to shield it a little bit and of course this is a very bad idea but let's try this [Music] no it's crazy hot of course with no fan as you could see the directivity of it is completely unpredictable there is like several BMS waste nothing in between but of course this is not a proper antenna it's not a war it's a sphere and there is no waveguide let's try to make a long shattered picture like it is so I basically was moving this lump in front of it on a steak like this and here you can see the picture that came out and it's quite impressive and it shows that this antenna is not very directional I can see till all was innate so now let's try to build kuranes horn to see if it does any improvements and I have a feeling that this video already has gone too far because I just accidentally came across a stupid video on the internet on YouTube and I just wanted to debunk it I just wanted to show that it's not possible but I have a feeling that I'm accidentally going to prove it in the process which I didn't plan and this is the risk of debunking instead of debunking something you may actually end up proving it which I didn't throw a plan to and this is probably going to go horribly wrong because when debunking some stupid video I may actually end up building a horrible weapon isn't this illegal I have to get rid of it after I test it and this is really a bad idea because this device can actually be quite the day in Jerusalem to the demonetised and my channel detail and I'm going to get arrested for days but let's do it for science and if it's actually possible it's better to make people aware of it of course so this is what's going to be my horn and it looks like promised you paid a sci-fi movie but what scares me is that this may actually work and it is my waveguide made of a can and the magnetron now let's join it and there is quite a chance of this Catching Fire but let's see what happens and I have a feeling that this video already went too far and it's not yet finished but when you start debunking something you just have to finish once you start you can't stop of course so here is my horn it's very crappy but it's going to be just for a short experiment anyway so this looks completely crazy and it actually is crazy but remember I'm reconstructing what I saw in a crevasse honest video and the most dangerous component of course now let's tie it together somehow so this is definitely not a perfect shape but it's probably enough to prove or disprove a theory so let's see now let's try to run it with a transformer and then in a pulses for example with a stun gun as you can see not imagine how burners okay so let's try a little better calculated one [Music] so let's try to put some capacitors in a parallel to the magnetron so it may be rawness in palaces instead of half cycles maybe something like this so here is a capacitor bank from a my classic Tesla coil and now it looks completely insane so now you can actually hear it running in palaces but it doesn't light up anymore a lamp and the camera is still working and my calculator is also still working so as you can see a parallel capacitor can make it run in palaces instead of half cycles of a sine wave about the peak current is not so high and it doesn't improve the range of it as you could see so now instead of putting a capacitor in a parallel to the magnetron let's try to discharge it in a head so now let's try to make a simple voltage doubler charging a capacitor up to 6 q volts and discharging it into the magnetron so here is the experiment here you can see the manor capacitor and here is the capacitor in the voltage doubler made of three capacitors in series and here you can see the diodes and I'm going to switch this using a long mistake like this so as you can see only those three are lighting up the nearest wellness and the camera is still ok the calculator is ok and it doesn't even greige and the LEDs are also ok so I'm starting to have a feeling that Kraus honest video is fake because I was able to light up a fluorescent lamp at alpha meter distance and he did 10 meters which is 20 times farther and 20 times the distance requires 400 times the power according to the inverse square law the power density goes down with the square of the distance and I didn't even destroy an electronics but let's give it one last chance let's try a higher voltage they used a stun gun now the question is what's the output voltage of a stun gun the stun gun often say something like five hundred thousand volts or even to you million of all this but trust me this is not possible it's fake and because the electric strength of air is about one kilo volt per millimeter and because the electrodes are usually about two centimeters apart the actual voltage is about 20 kilovolt if it was actually two million volts the arcing distance would be about two meters so this is a human and this is the theoretical arc so let's say crocin used a capacitor charged to 20 kilo volts and a sidenote at such a high voltage the human technology can already produce some x-rays okay so there's a high voltage transformer and some diodes for a multiplier so now the original transformer is just for the heater and the new one has a doubler here and then i will connect it to the magnetron and the voltage here is about -15 to -20 kilovolts and crocin actually uses a lithium ion battery for the heater but this doesn't make any difference now let's measure the spark is he saying it's quite a high voltage you centimetres bloody hell that's a loud bang so is the definitely has enough of which for a stun gun and crocin says that he has a very powerful stun gun but I'm sure that he can't have a bigger capacitor in his tank on earth than a DS so if this isn't enough nothing is and nothing happens except extremely loud bangs and camera okay calculator okay ladies okay and no lamps lighting up so it doesn't work at all I'm almost giving up what if I remove the interference filter from the magnetron there are some coils which can be blocking or spreading the powers days so let's remove it and I have to be careful because this pain part can be actually beryllium which is quite toxic of course so let's remove this filter there are coils and this part is actually a capacitor so let's try to connect it directly ways no filter okay so now the filter is bypassed [Music] okay so just a very little blinking in those closest to honest the camera is still okay calculator okay it is okay and maybe some little interference in the video from this camera so let's put it even closer like 30 centimeters [Music] so at a higher voltage it seems to be less efficient so the calculator glitched but I can still reset it and the camera is still okay now the question is did I destroy the magnetron let's try to run it normally it still seems to or did crafts amuse a higher heating voltage and microwave capacitors in parallel to the stun gun and let's also try more a magnetron us okay probably the last experiment before giving up [Music] so even more capacitors even more voltage and a calculator camera and radio so the calculator is still okay not even clutching camera still running and what about the radio still running so that this point I'm giving up I think it's properly debunked and an EMP gun made of kitchen staff is busted it can't even destroy any electronics at 30 centimeters so if you want to destroy some electronics it's much easier for you to just take a hammer and smash it because with the hammer you can actually reach much farther so to sum it up you can't really destroy any electronics waste this device and let alone at ten meters in croissants video there were probably some fireworks or smoke generators hidden in the electronics or in the motorbike there are definitely some special effects and electronics definitely don't fail this way the amplifier was exploding and there were some pieces flying from it which is impossible if it's in a housing maybe it can light up some rhombus but not at such a high distance and as you can see the video is cut when there is room at the lamps which means that they may have gone much closer to it and then record the growing ramp and the glitches in the video may actually be real bad it can also be from just the high voltage not the microwave and definitely don't try to do this it looks like fun in the video but it's actually quite dangerous I nearly electrocuted myself and cooked myself trying to test ate to survive such experiment you have to have a lot of knowledge or a lot of good luck or probably both did I really try to build it that's crazy so this is diagonals and see you in my next videos and thanks to all of my patrons on patreon I really appreciate your support and in the next video I definitely have to do something less crazy because on a scale of insanity from zero to ten this is about 100
Channel: DiodeGoneWild
Views: 203,485
Rating: 4.5610533 out of 5
Keywords: debunking, Kreosan, EMP, stun, gun, microwave, magnetron
Id: CWF-2Z508j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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