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hello everyone um welcome to the ecotree or welcome back if you've been here before today is going to be just a very quick rough and ready video because um i film everything on my phone and my phone is broken and i've sent it off to get fixed and so for today i've nicked my husband's phone and i'm not enjoying it to be brutally honest and everything else is kicking off in the background so we're going to keep it short and sweet today we're going to be talking about etsy trends for 2001 and hopefully it will give you some ideas as to new products that you can make for the upcoming year or even how to incorporate some of these trends into your existing products so that we can perhaps get a bit of a boost in our shop and make some more sales ah there's a nut hatch outside they're my favorite i should probably feel the bird feeders anyway colors okay colors are probably the easiest way to incorporate a trend into your products and etsy's color of the year because they have one every year hence color of the year this year's is sky blue hence the jumper so regardless of whether you have physical products or digital products a color such as sky blue is quite an easy one to incorporate there's also pantone colors but just be wary if you use these in your products pantone the names of the colors themselves and other aspects to their company and name are protected by copyright and it goes against etsy policies to use these in tags descriptions yadda yadda yadda if your item gets flagged it will be removed by etsy at best and if you keep on doing it etsy might remove you completely from the platform i have seen quite a few examples of people who have had their shop closed because they keep on using copy written tags disney is a very very popular one and it always makes me cringe a little bit when i see people using like characters from marvel and stuff into their products because you think oh i don't do that so don't do that i take inspiration from the colors but don't blatantly steal them which is kind of common sense or you could just go and take influence from the seasons so for example here we're going into spring and you have things like pastel colors like pink and blue green yellows and what have you blue and then as you move on later into autumn you have the darker deeper richer oranges yellows and reds and what have you there's always a way that you can incorporate colors into a listing and there's always colors that are key for example just look on youtube or even actually on etsy for digital digital downloads there's always a word that's hard today it's digital downloads and you'll see that pink is a huge color in these niches at the minute it will change it always does some colors even come back again but just it's worth keeping an eye out because color which whatever one it is at the time is a really easy one to incorporate into our products okay i'm going to be dipping in and out of other niches now to bring up some trends that etsy have flagged up but they've all been influenced by the same thing and i think you know where i'm going with this they're pandemic a huge one is in the interiors niche so etsy have noticed a huge upward trend for people searching for room dividers which kind of makes me giggle we've gotten to the point now where even if we have a small space we want to put work over there and we want to put our living and personal space over here and we want to separate the two and i mean it makes sense i am very lucky in that i have this room here as an office at the moment my daughter is through that hatch there in the kitchen sat at our kitchen table doing her work at her computer which has moved from her bedroom down into her into the kitchen because that's where she works best and i can hear that she's being distracted so i might have to go in there in a minute and check that she's doing what she's supposed to be doing but it sounds like she's playing with a puppy but i'll come back to that you can tell that this is a rough and ready video because i am all over the place today room dividers or screens they are huge as are things like foldaway desks um anything for small spaces desk accessories chairs or even not just with work not even work related but just things to help us decorate and use up our homes seeing as we are spending so much time in them now so yes if you're in the interiors and home niche [Music] you will no doubt know of the pandemic influence on the trend at the moment and here's another one there's been a pet boom since the pandemic and people are spending a lot of more money on their pets so if this is your niche you probably already know this or you probably already do this and you've probably already seen a complete spike in interest in searches but like bowls clothes i say that with a screwed up face because i'm not one for buying clothes for my pets i mean each to their own but it's worth mentioning that personalization is a huge thing in this niche so personalized dog bowls cat bowls bedding um leads portraits even toys etc it's all it's all good unless you're my dog who's just peed on the carpet there'll be no personalized anything for him what have you been up to see hello do you wanna play okay moving on this next one actually made me chuckle because it's above the keyboard fashion so nobody cares about the waist down now i i'm saying this i'm wearing my jogging bottoms and slippers and i've barely made much of an effort up top let's be honest but things like statement tops jumpers sweaters necklaces earrings headbands anything that adds a bit more this is a good one for anybody who has a vintage store because they often get overlooked i feel so vintage wear you can usually find some really good statement tops quite bright with bold print and what have you so if you're in that niche you might be doing really well with this at the minute and they even mention things like detachable collars i think like the peter pan collars something or anything that can be used to judge up a more planar top and there is another element of the fashion clothing niche that tickled me and that is a trend in what they're calling regency core and if you've heard of the netflix program bridgeton you'll probably know where that's come from it was a boring show i don't know what what people saw in it to be honest nothing much happened anyway yes regency core so we're thinking of like jane austen that kind of like dress accessories anything to do with all of that now to be fair this was a trend that was around it's been around for years and years and years i i don't know if the net the term regency core is new but it's it's had a bit of a boost because of bridgeton i think let's move on kids and babies section which is what will happen if you copy the characters in bridgeton i'll stop now what was i saying kids and babies apparently outer space is a huge trend in that niche at the minute um i'm not really in the kids and babies thing so this trend completely passed me by and also it seems to be a theme that runs regularly nevertheless i'm not here to question etsy if they say that it's a trend and that they are seeing a spike in searches they're seeing a spike in searches so think of outer space aliens rockets astronauts planets stars spacey things clothing if you do baby clothing toys party accessories you know for all of those parties that we're all having now that we're in lockdown right i appreciate this is a bit waffley so i'm going to crack on now with the three remaining trends that i don't think are necessarily trends but are huge so i'm going to include them they said they saw a huge trend in personalization i don't think this is such a trend because it is one of the biggest draws to etsy for buyers all the time people come to etsy because they want one-of-a-kind or pretty unique items either for themselves or as gifts and one of the things that makes items on etsy stand out from what you can get on the high street is personalization now granted not everybody's going to be able to do this in my own shop i found it really difficult because it took so long to personalize something so not everybody will be able to take advantage of this see if you can add personalization of some description the second thing that etsy has a trend which i think again is an onward thing is gifting people usually come to etsy to buy a gift for someone to celebrate an event or an important milestone in their lives so birthdays christmas mother's day father's day graduation first job first house getting engaged getting married having kids getting divorced i don't want to get divorced husband if you're watching i love you but any kind of milestone or anything worth celebrating people will be looking for unique gifts for those things and therefore they will be going to etsy so yes i don't think gifting is a trend i do think this is something that when you make anything for your shop um think about it in terms of would this make a good gift are you marketing it as a gift does your seo reflect that it could make a good gift for a certain event i'm actually going to be making a more in-depth video on this when i get my phone back so subscribe if you don't want to miss that okay and then the last one sustainability i take issue with this being called a trend i guess it's no surprise my name is the eco tree but seriously it's even if you care about climate change the environment and all of that stuff less than i do it's still something that each and every single one of us should be caring about with regards as far as our shop goes simply because it will future proof the shop and our business because i promise you this isn't going away do what you can i'm i am not here to shame anybody it's just giving it some thought and doing what you can and if you can't do everything then fight nobody nobody can do everything it's about each and every single one of us just doing a little something if you do already do something are you telling people about that for example in your photographs you could be taking a picture of the sort of packaging that you use and using that as a selling point because so many people care about this and they may well buy one thing from someone because it's packaged in a thoughtful manner as opposed to someone else who's just like pass me all the plastic jiffy bags you can go further and think about your product at the end of its life how would it be disposed of could it be reused recycled composted or is it going to end up in the bin on landfill basically we need to open up a conversation about sustainability and at the moment it's not easily seen or reflected on the high street there's a lot of green washing going on but genuinely there's not a lot so this is something that you can take advantage of on etsy and make a thing of it and if you don't believe me when i say that this is not a trend i promise you'll be having this conversation again next year and the year after unless we all die okay if you've survived that lecture on sustainability and my mum face then congratulations you get a medal no you don't i don't have any medals but i am chuffed that you join me and i hope that you managed to get something from this very waffly video i'm sorry i am very aware that there's a kid not doing her homework in the kitchen and there's a dog who's gone very quiet all of a sudden and i just hate this phone so i'm gonna i'm gonna say goodbye and i will see you again soon hopefully with my phone and more uh more professional setup and probably less waffle bye
Channel: Kim Bliss
Views: 10,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what to make on etsy, what can i make to sell on etsy, what to sell on etsy, what to make on etsy 2021, etsy trends 2021, etsy trend predictions, etsy for beginners, etsy shop for beginners, etsy shop, etsy business, etsy, grow your etsy shop, soulful business, make on etsy, make to sell, creative business, online shop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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