What To Look For When Getting A Used Tractor

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hello nation and welcome back to the homestead well today we're back out here with steak with my main man Jay and Jay's gonna help us out today he's going to tell us what to look for if we're going to buy a used tractor all right Jake so I'm gonna volley it up to you and just let you take over the show here if I'm if if I just have to have a used tractor can you help our viewers out maybe tell us what to look for what if there's going to be any red flags or anything like that not when you're coming to a dealer but if you're going to buy it from Joe schmucketelli out there on the street so the first thing in a used tractor is you need to decide what use tractor you want um a lot of people shop brand name a lot of people shop color a lot of people have shop horsepower so you got to decide what you get you a checklist and decide what's you looking for there's a lot of different Avenues to look there's Facebook the marketplace there's a Craigslist there's you know yeah it's out there so there's a lot of more people have used tractors out there than you can shake the stick in so when you're looking for a used tractor you find the one you want to go look at generally not in your hometown so uh you have to drive somewhere so what I like to do is I always like to call up a friend to take a friend with me have an extra pair of eyes something to bounce off ideas with and and so that's that's a selling point to me but when I go to look for a tractor the first thing I want to do is I want to drive up and make sure it's the tractor that we're talking about there's a lot of pictures out there that can be photoshopped and all that stuff can take place so make sure you look at the tractor that you're supposed to be looking at make sure it's clear ask your questions so you want to know is there a service records on this tractor uh has it been serviced by anybody recently a dealer or whatever so when's the last time the oil was changed in the tractor or ask them what they do I would look to see if this setting underneath the shed or outside so I'd start looking at the appearance of the tractor now most tractors are designed are going to fade in color not like a car a car won't feed as much but most tractors will fade over time because they don't have the automotive style paint in the old days they do that they do now so uh but they'll start looking at it so I'll start walking around the tractor I'm going to look at things like the tire tread make sure everything is good with the tires bed I'm gonna make sure to see if I see any plugs in the tires makes sure I see things like that then I'm gonna start looking at the wear points on the tractor if that's the front end loader I'm going to look at the bar on the front the too far on the front or the cut bar on the front to see how bad it's worn I'm gonna start looking at the pins to see if they've got grease in them to see if they're wore or sloppy or whatever so I'm going to look for things like that I'm gonna go around to the back of the track to look at the three-point hitch and see how it is see if they got nuts and bolts that from a telephone pole stuck through it or if they got uh the original bolts and stuff in it so I won't be looking for things like that then I'm going to pick up the the hood on the tractor and I'm going to look at the engine and I'm going to check the antifreeze and water in the radiator I'm going to look at the radiator screen see if it's cleaned uh or if it's this thick and dust uh I'm gonna check the oil uh I'm gonna check the hydraulic fluid and I'm looking for levels I'm looking to see if this I'm gonna feel the oil see if it's oily or if it's watery um and so just several things like that once I do all that outside hey this is something I want to look at I'm going to get on the tractor and I'm gonna Crank It Up and I want to be the first one to crank it that day I don't want him to tell me he just crunk it up and drove it out here when I see that I sort of a red flag to me because uh I want to be the first one on it because I want to know what it's like when it cranks up that morning um most older tractors because of Admissions and not on them when you crank them up they're going to smoke that doesn't bother me but after a minute and it's still smoking that bothers me so I want to look at things like that so then I'll rev it up I want to listen to it and here see if I hear any knocking now I'm definitely one here can't hear out the other ear but when you rev a tractor up you can hear it and you'll be able to know if there's something wrong with it so you want to do that then I'm going to reuse the front end loader I'm gonna pick it up let it down I'm gonna dump it over roll it over see how it responds uh uh to it to the hydraulic pump and see if it squeals and hot winds and and all that stuff I'm also at the same time I'm gonna do the three-point hits the same way and then uh so I'm gonna check the transmission out and this is one thing that I'll tell you as far as checking the transmission out if it's a manual transmission you can put it in gear and let the clutch out and match the brakes if it stalls the tractor out the clutch is good if the tractor just stops the clutch is not good so you can look at those things like that so you're looking for a lot of hidden things that point that you can't see there's no way you can know everything and you may buy that tractor and it may be a perfectly good tractor today you drive it down the road and it breaks things are going to break that's a brand new tractor now but that's the advantage of a new tractor most likely if it breaks on a new tractor it's covered under warranty and somebody else is gonna fix it when it's your tractor you gotta fix it so okay are there anything like that like a red flag that if you walked up and you saw it right away like obviously if you walked up and you saw hydraulic fluid on the ground or a bunch of oil on the ground you turn around and walk away but is there anything no I would turn around walk away I would want to know where it's coming from I mean I'm I'm a realistic person I know that when I'm buying a uh I'm 62 years old when I get up in the morning I know I'm 62 years old okay and I understand that so I when I buy a used tractor I know it's a used tractor so I but I want to know where it's coming from I want to know how much it's leaking I want to know uh how long has it been sitting here how long is it did that oil dot happen in in an hour it happened in six weeks so I'm a realistic person there are a lot of good used tractors out there a lot of good used tractors just gotta make sure you get the right one now do hours play any bit on I know that you and I had a discussion about hours one time and especially like when it comes to a diesel motor and stuff like that can you re-elaborate that for for my computer sure uh so diesel engine all tractors made today are all diesels you you can't buy a single track on the market it's not a diesel so that's a great point but diesel engines are designed to run and perform uh uh more than a gasoline engine so when you look at a tractor uh most people about 50 hours so if you look at you remember when we talked about the the half that use it every day and the hat that use it some so they have to use it some probably 50 hours a year is probably a good point most people around around that point 50 hours if I use it every day or if I use it more than probably about 200 hours a year is a good point that you can use but uh so one thing I'll tell you about the tractor is is that the tractor is based upon the RPMs so if you run the tractor at 2200 RPMs that's Full Throttle that means for every hour that you run the tractor you put an hour on the tractor if you run it at a thousand RPMs for every hour you put on the tractor you only put a half hour on track so so that's something people are call upset I drove it for five hours and only put three hours on a tractor well you didn't run it Full Throttle the whole time so uh that's that's the difference so our meters I've got a tractor with 3 300 hours on it it's a 19 2004 model um I use it the bill hay and Ray K and cut hay and and during the summer it never rests so uh not worried about it I keep the oil changed just like you're doing new in every every 70 hours I change the oil in my tractor um and so I do that and I'm a you know very Fern about that so so as long as you maintain it keep good oil in it good air flow in it and good fuel in the tractor they'll last you a lifetime so any any type of uh what would make you walk up if you saw it right away like if you walk up to this John Deere right here what would make you just walk up you would see it and then turn just turn around and say not the same for me um so first thing is as I'm I'm an engine person so I want to look at the engine first so so I I want I'm gonna look at the tractor eyeball it I'm gonna say hey normal wear and tear it's got scratches dents dings that doesn't matter to me it's a tractor when I bought my new one I drove it straight to the woods and scratched it my wife liked how to fit but that's what you do uh so you buy it to use so when I walk up to it and I see um the front cylinder uh is leaking down or or uh are the the oil is no oil in the dipstick or or uh yeah yeah float smokes like a freight train I'm gonna probably walk away from something like that um uh but then again if the price is right I mean you know so you gotta look at it so uh there's a lot of people out there I mean um I just bought a used tractor to get one part I bought a tractor to get one part really yes so they don't make it anymore you can't get it anymore and it's off my my wife's uncle's tractor and we wanted to restore it and I needed to part so I bought another tractor I didn't even Crank It Up see if it run I bought it for one part part and that's and that's one of the things that we have to you have to take into consideration when you're when you're buying used like we've talked about in the other video you know anything over what did you say 10 or 10 years 10 years you might start to have issues because they're not they're not fabricating that part anymore well and and so when anything over 10 years you're gonna probably start seeing some some delay in your parts there will be plenty of Parts out there but it's just not going to be you know at the dealership you got to go to a warehouse and and this is where my house might not have them I have to go to the next Warehouse to have it so so there are Parts out there this is you're not gonna get out there and buy a tractor 10 20 years old and not have parts that's not gonna happen but it's just gonna be a slower process to get the parts so there you go that again Jay's helped us out with a lot of great information and look if you're in the Anderson South Carolina area and you're in the market for a tractor I highly encourage you to come over here and talk to Jay over here at stack or I mean well let me ask you this does stack offer a service where if somebody was gonna buy a tractor from Joe schmuckertelli that they could pay to have your technicians look over it or anything or is that I mean so uh I'll tell you what the answer to that question is my boss will tell you the answer is always yes okay you just have to make it yes just have to make it yeah so I'm so the answer is yes uh you know so we'll just have to make it yes I have to make it and so uh and we we try to uh we try to treat people the way we want to be treated there you go that's awesome that's what I love about you guys so if you're in the Anderson South Carolina area and you're in the market for a tractor hey come on over here see my buddy Jay tell him that Jason and Robin at Big Bear sent y'all over there shoot if you're just in the area just drop by and say hello that way he knows he's he was seen on YouTube help boost up the old man's ego that's right come have a cup of coffee with me there you go well I hope this video helped you out um when it comes to purchasing a used tractor if you're still up in the air about new or used look go check out our conversation with Jay about new versus juice we'll put the link to that video in the description and go get yourself a tractor because I promise you it will help you on your homestead and it makes it a lot more enjoyable too it's fun to have a tractor to get out there and do things trust me on that thanks for coming by the Big Bear Homestead God bless and have a nice day
Channel: Big Bear Homestead
Views: 881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what to look for when getting a used tractor, john deere, kubota, tractor, buying a cheap tractor, buying a tractor, buying a low cost used tractor, how to buy a used tractor, farm, mahindra, tractor time with tim, how to buy a tractor, buying a used tractor, what to look for when buying a used tractor, loader, farming, homestead, massey ferguson, compact tractor, kioti, good works tractors, purchasing a tractor, tractor buying advice, tractor buying tips, used tractor
Id: 7X15T3hDwC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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