What To Look For When Buying Your First Gaming PC?

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all right so what to look for when buying your first gaming pc now this is a very very key topic you know a lot of people just getting started in the you know pc gaming buying their first pcs they want to know you know what would actually be the best pc for them and the most affordable pc for them now i'm here to tell you guys that the key question to this is you know you got to know your parts you got to know your your pc parts what you're actually buying now pre-built pcs can be okay depending on you know how you want your pc to be so if you want to spend fifteen hundred dollars on a pre-built pc you gotta make sure the part in that pc is worth fifteen hundred dollars so to say if you're coming from me i would tell you to you know don't buy a pre-built pc i would you know buy the parts myself and actually build a pc yourself that is the most affordable route for you and the most dependable route for you because you're going to be able to upgrade in the long run you're going to be able to you know buy additional parts that will save you money pretty much now the most key part in this whole video is you know if you're going to buy your first pc how would you do it ready you would have to know what the pc is going to do for you pretty much so if you want to be able to stream if you want to be able to game if you want to be able to do both you're going to have to cater in the factor of going a little bit more expensive on the pc for a one pc setup for gaming and streaming so to say um if i were to buy a gaming pc um i would need to think of three parts that i definitely need in my pc and that's all i'm gonna really say um besides you know buying a keyboard like this or buying a mouse like this or buying a monitor as you guys can see right right here above me um besides all that because obviously you're gonna have to factor all that stuff in the three components that you definitely need in a pc to get you started and to get you thinking about buying your first pc is the cpu the gpu and also the motherboard now if you think about the cpu the cpu or the cpu is kind of like the brain of the pc the motherboard is kind of like the the the placeholder of the pc think of think of a mom right a mom has a baby right the mom is the brain the baby is let's say the gpu right and let's say the mom has a belly right the mom gets pregnant right the mom's belly gets big the mom needs the belly as the motherboard to have the have the placeholder for all the components for for the mom's brain and for the baby of course the gpu think of it like that so to say now for me my pcs they're pretty high tier you know i've come a long way with my pcs i'm not gonna really talk about that too much i'll show you guys and you know later but what you need to do is think about like i said again the cpu the gpu and the motherboard start right there if you start right there you're gonna be you're gonna be good to go pretty much because once you have those key components you literally can just buy everything else like i said again the monitor the keyboard the mouse um you know you could buy a power supply that's going to help you power those components you'll buy the memory you'll buy you know the cooling stuff like the cpu cooler um the fans the case you know obviously you have to chip in all of that and also the storage hard drive the ssd you have to chip in all that but just start from the cpu the gpu and the motherboard and you will definitely be good to go because those are the main key factors that's going to make that pc good so to say if you think about it okay so think about that when you're looking for your first gaming pc okay don't go out buying all this stuff and not doing your research please don't do that okay that will mess you up in the long run and it will it could mess you up quick because you can buy a pc a pre-built pc or whatever without knowing it and what if it doesn't run call of duty warzone or what if it doesn't run the new halo or what if it doesn't run better than the playstation 5. so you bought a pc and it doesn't run better than the playstation 5 or the xbox series x think about that but you paid more for it so you got to be you got to be you got to be very smart in this game when it comes to pc so wait do your research um stay tuned to my channel of course because i'm going to be helping you guys out with pcs and gaming stuff and all this tech stuff um so yeah stay tuned hit that notification bell subscribe to the channel hit that like button you know you guys know the drill so what i'm about to show you is i'm going to show you how to actually find a the good parts so the the cpu the gpu the motherboard i'm going to tell you off of this video the three things that can help you build the pc from the start okay now quickly i'm going to show you guys my setup real quick and yeah let me know what you guys think all right so this is my setup right here as you guys see in my room i have one pc that is my gaming pc the big pc right over here and then i have another pc right here that is my streaming pc that is kind of the smaller pc that i use to stream pretty much do all the encoding do all of the uh you know heavy workload when it comes to streaming the gaming side i'm running my game i'm running some music in the background if i want to and i'm doing like some content creation stuff so doing some rendering um for you know uploading youtube videos and stuff like that um that is basically the most powerful pc out of both of my pcs that one is pretty powerful as well but yeah that's a little take on my pc i will go in depth on my pc um i have an i9 900k in my gaming pc in a 2070 super for my gpu all right so right off the bat let's take a look let's go into system builder let's go into pcpartpicker.com if you guys want to know a good site to basically start your build learn some knowledge on pcs and parts and stuff like that this is the greatest site for you um this is not an advertisement i have no sponsors when it comes to pc stuff and gaming stuff i would love to have sponsors to direct you guys to the best possible products for you guys but right off the bat as you guys can see just go on this website boom um if you want to create a a build start your build whatever i would go right into system builder okay right at the top right here and then i would go to cpu start from cpu the cpu is the first one great now what you're going to want to do is you're going to you're going to want to know what you want and as opposed to you know do you want to go with a budget pc or do you want to go with a a pc that is going to be more reliable for you in the long run right now amd and intel are both great great cpus um great companies they they they both have different trades i'm more of an intel type of guy um just because i like to render at high points um amd is also good with that as well amd seems to be better in the gaming aspect um i've never tried amd so i can't really tell you to buy amd i can tell you to buy intel because i have an intel and i have an i9 9900k and it's great for me um but amd is also good as well i'm going to start with intel because i'm more familiar with intel so what i'm going to do is if you see right on this left side i'm going to select the manufacturer and i'm going to go to intel i'm going to keep intel and i'm going to look at all the cpus by price okay and basically i'm going to narrow narrow one down what i want okay now when you select a cpu remember not all cpus work with all motherboards okay motherboards meaning like i said again the babies the belly remember the mom the belly that is the mel that is the motherboard that is going to hold all of the components and give it resource pretty much right um now let's take a look okay you got an i7 9700k intel core i7 9700k this one goes for about 260. okay it has an eight core processor and i think it's about how many threads i don't even know how many threads this has actually eight core processor just look at the cores ready eight cores 3.6 gigahertz you can clock it up which means overclock it to 4.9 gigahertz which is pretty good really good actually you know um i have this cpu as well actually i have the cpu right here in my hand um yeah i have the cpu right here this is the i7 9700k i bought it uh i used it a little bit it is a good cpu but i find the i9 9900k a lot better now this is this cpu right here it is an eight core uh 16 thread no 12 thread i believe 3.6 gigahertz but clocked at a 5.1 gigahertz i don't know why it says 5 gigahertz it's a 5.1 gigahertz clock um 95 watt this cpu is 400 right now in the market i got it for five i paid 500 for this actually when it first came out this cpu is god tier when it comes to gaming i love i love the cpu i really do now obviously there's better cpus out now um that you can get but this cpu like i said again is a god tier cpu um if i were to tell you to get a cpu right now that'll be affordable for you and pretty much reliable and will get the job done not only get the job done but do very good in fps and if you want a good cpu go with the i7 9700k it's going to save you money okay yeah you can go with the i9 900k um it's better obviously but the i7 9700k is still good um it'll you know you'll you'll still be able to use it it is eight cores i don't know how many threads i keep forgetting um i don't want to give you guys misinformation but the i7 9700k at 260 dollars versus the i nine ninety nine hundred k at four hundred dollars if you have that extra money go with the i900k if you want a affordable one and still get the job done as much as the i9 i would say get the nice 9700k i would i would um now obviously if you were to sell in the long run if you would try if you wanted to try to sell the i99900k it's gonna be worth more obviously because it's a better cpu it is more up-to-date i guess you could tell you um but both of them they can run on the same motherboard and pretty much get the job done get the job done good too so you you won't be disappointed don't don't worry about that um but yeah like i said again i 99900k or i7 9700k go for it that's what i would start with in 2020 because the way things are looking right now um don't cheap out on the cpu is what i'm saying don't go with a budget cpu don't go with an i3 don't go with an i5 you could go with an i5 depending on which version but you're going to want to go with an i7 or an i9 if you're going intel just just go with that don't cheap out always get a k for gaming meaning 9700k 9900k um 10 700k always get a k the k's are always good for gaming if you go with like a 9100f 9400f you're not going to be able to overclock and yeah that's never good because you're going to want to be able to overclock just just so you know now i'll talk about a video i'll make a video talking about you know the the fs and all that other stuff all those lower end cpus always go 4k just always go for the k just think about that all right so next so yeah if i wanted to pick a let's say i7 boom i got that let's go back let me mark that down actually boom add that boom so boom 260 right off the bat like i said again next would be motherboard now for me i like gigabyte motherboard so i'm gonna i'm gonna show you all the gigabyte motherboards because that's what i have ready um now for this cpu like i said again the cpu that you have is a 9700k by intel you can't put like i said again you can't put a cpu with any old motherboard you can't do that so you got to get a motherboard that is compatible with your cpu so boom now your stuff down i'm going gigabyte and i'm going to go intel so the socket that i use if you as you guys can see right here this is gonna help you the only socket that i can use for this cpu is the lga 1151 socket boom i'm gonna click that and boom i'm gonna get all these motherboards i'm gonna get all these motherboards but first i to show you guys my motherboard and what i have okay i hope hopefully you guys can see this all right here's the gpu we don't need to talk about that but boom i got three motherboards now these motherboards are different from each other okay they're they're gonna be different from each other right see if i can focus up all right nice so i have a b365 m uh d33h um which is basically a gigabyte motherboard that is an entry-level motherboard this can work with the cpu that we just bought okay um this is a good motherboard it's a good starter motherboard it'll get the job done how much does it go for let's see right here this is the first motherboard that's popped up boom 73 bucks you can get this motherboard for 73 bucks that is cheap that i think that's that's about the same i paid for i think i paid 50 for it actually that is cheap the max memory you can get on this is 64 gigabytes but don't worry about that we're not talking about memory boom my next motherboard now this is the motherboard that i have in my gaming pc currently okay this is the z390 master aurora's gigabyte motherboard um gigabyte has very good motherboards i'm not gonna talk about it too much just know that it's good for cooling and stuff like that okay this motherboard right here mr all reliable i love this motherboard man um my first motherboard that i ever bought was this one actually bought i bought a pre pre-built pc i shouldn't have did that because i spent a lot of money on it but boom this motherboard good to go um you can use your 9700k in this motherboard and a 9900k in this motherboard as well both of these motherboards now the next motherboard the next motherboard that i have is the z490 master z490 now that was the z390 this is the z490 this motherboard is for 10th generation that is ninth generation in eighth generation i believe ninth and eighth generation so the i7 9700k in the i900k will not fit on this motherboard but if i go with the i7 10 700k or the i7 you know no i9 10 700k whatever it has to be a 10th gen cpu in here so the newest cpu out this is for my string me piece i used that for my streaming pc isn't that insane but yeah so if i were to if i wanted to buy the z390 aurora's master or aurora's elite if i wanted to save some money boom i could get one for 160. i can get a z390 a worst elite for 160 if i wanted to master they're kind of out of stock with the masters it's gonna be hard to find that so you're not gonna be able to get a master unless you somehow find one from a different site um but yeah let's say if i i just wanted an elite boom go back to gigabyte all right let's say if i just wanted to buy this for 160 bucks boom or i can get it i can get an ultra and go a little bit more in the money but i want to go a little bit cheap here i don't want to go super cheap but i want to go cheap i'm going to buy this 160 one boom the elite is pretty good too i don't know too much about it but it's pretty good too i could buy this right on amazon 160 bucks so i'm running a total of 419 bucks now a high-end cpu would be more than 500 so i just bought a a motherboard and a cpu for less than 500 let that soak in okay now a pre-built pc on nzxt or um i buy power pc would be like 1200 bucks for these two parts right here okay let that soak in now i didn't even put that i didn't i didn't even put a a a gpu in yet now besides all the other stuff like the cpu cooling all that other stuff you know power supply all that other stuff all that would be included with the i buy power pre-built pc obviously but these are the two parts that you definitely need as opposed to the three components gpu cpu and motherboard remember that okay now next we're going with the gpu the gpu is the last thing that you need to know in picking your parts now we're not talking about picking everything we're just talking about the the cpu the gpu and the motherboard because those are the main components right there that is going to defer if you have a good pc or not for your first pc think about it okay okay so here we go now obviously your manufacturer doesn't matter um pretty much for the gpu uh the one manufacturer i would probably say stay away see like all the other all these ones i don't really know too well i would say go with amd is pretty good a b is good but i don't know too much about them but they are good um so i'm gonna go with the ones that i know in general so i'm gonna go with evga because i have one of those gigabyte is good i know they're good msi is good nvidia is obviously good um i would stay with like i would stay away with like p and y they tend to have like bad cards and zotac they tend to have pretty bad cards so pretty much i want to narrow down the two so i'll go with nvidia and in uh evga boom those are very good companies for gpus boom okay what card do i want do i want a high-end card or do i want a card that's going to get the job done now let me show you a card that i have right in my hand right now this was my first gpu that i got with my pre-built piece uh pc my pre-built pc ran me pretty expensive um actually not that expensive you know actually not that expensive expensive because the way the way people are buying pcs are a lot different than what how i bought my pc i bought my pc from someone i didn't buy my pc from the store okay this gc this this gtx geforce 1070 was my first gpu very good gpu still a pretty good gpu today not the best obviously but still good gpu today it could it could run some games at 100 fps today like call of duty maybe maybe multiplayer i don't know about warzone warzone you need some high demand with that game for some reason on low settings okay i love this gpu okay i would consider this gpu let's look at this gpu right here and see how much it cost now this gpu the 1070 where is it where is it where is it okay i see a 1070 ti okay 1070 by nvidia this is the exact card that is by nvidia the gtx 1070 boom now you know what it looks like guys it is actually unavailable and i'm gonna tell you why it's unavailable right now it's unavailable because it is a hot sale card a lot of people love this card it is all reliable it is cheap enough for you to buy and put into your build and be able to get the job done so that's why that's why you're not gonna be able to find it let's see if we can find a ti nope you can't find a ti as well what i would say to do in this day it is for 2020 i would say go to rtx rtx is basically ray tracing um you don't need it obviously but that's what it is right it's a newer series card obviously they came out with the rtx 30 series which is obviously way more expensive um actually yeah you could go with a 30 series card it would be more expensive but it's very powerful just say that um but let's take a look so i have a 2060 super in my streaming pc this 2060 super is 700 i would not buy that because you you could just somehow find a 30 70 and get that for what i believe it's like 500 bucks and it's more powerful um so when it comes to gpus right now the gpu market is very very very scarce right now um in buying parts because of the 30 series cards that are out but they're out of stock right now because people are buying them and scalping them and stuff like that you want you want a 30 series card if you want to spend that money but you don't want to buy a a card that is like a 2060 super and spend more than 600 for it because that would be ridiculous you could have just bought a 30 series card that is more way more powerful you see what i'm saying so this is this is tough this is this is very tough oh man what i would say is if i were giving you this advice right now you watching this video i would say wait i would say buy a card that is kind of like a a 1070 and just wait until another one comes available i don't know how much these are now i bought this for 150. i bought this for 150. i got i got it from somebody i bought it for 150. i believe they're 250. i believe they're 250 now um what i would say is looking at the cards right now you got a 1660 ti which is pretty good for 303. i would say that's a bad price but if you wanted to say hurry up and you know wanted to buy one i would buy that if you were to buy a 2060 in 2020 it's going to run you 400 bucks 400 bucks for 2060. and then if you jump to a 20-70 or a 20-70 super that's gonna run you a thousand dollars the only reason why the market on the gpu is is so high right now is because people are trying to buy their gpus and sell them and stuff like that the market's just fluctuating right now i would say save your money and just purchase a if you wanted it now i would say purchase a 2060 for 400 and just sell it okay when you're ready to upgrade 2060 is good a 2060 will get you running great games at great fps without having a bad system okay 1070 is also good too but the rare card to find nowadays hopefully you can find one um i would say the 2060 or the the 1070 would run you about 100 maybe 199 200 220 depending on you know where you can find it 250 in store i would grab it or you could grab a 1650 super it's not going to do super great for you but you know it is what it is now in this market today like i said again it's going to be hard to find a gpu there the prices are high because the 30 series cards until the 30 series cards stop and still until the 30 series cards start selling to actual people and people start getting their cards and you can be able to buy a 30 series cards this market right here is going to stay up until that happens so we won't see lower prices and gpus until those 30 series cars actually start selling more and more just so you guys know so that's why the prices are so high right now okay they're so high they're super high but if i were to say to buy buy something right now who what card should you buy that's a good question you're not going to find a g 1080 ti you know that's going to be pretty hard and it's going to be high i would just say by either a 1660 or a 1660 ti or try to find a 1070 for a reasonable price what you don't want to do is buy a 500 card whether it's a 20 60 or 20 70 or a 1070 and it'd be like 500 and then later on the 30 70 or the 30 60 comes out and it's like less than 500 or 500 and you lose out on that opportunity i don't want to say that that could happen so right now is is is very scarce on buying something i would say go lower in gpu right now and just save your money go with a 1660. yeah it's a six gigabyte card it's only 230 so let's see let's add that boom 1660 it's not the best card obviously but it's going to run you about 657 dollars total from the cpu and the gpu and the motherboard that is a good price okay that is a good price yeah you can find this gpu at a lesser price if you wanted to or you could chalk up some change and buy a higher end and that'll benefit you but right there i got a bill for 700 the three components that i need everything else i can pretty much cheap out on if you think about it my memory yeah i could i basically need more than 12 gigabytes minimum i need 12 more than 12 gigabytes for my memory my storage i need a pretty good ssd i don't have to have all the memory but if i want to be able to have enough games boom or i could just add a cheap hard drive in there boom that'll run me about let's say if i got a ssd for 100 bucks boom a nice little ssd boom 500 gigs boom i got that right there that's 757 dollars total next would be the case obviously you're going to need to buy a case of case cheap casino that little case right there my streaming pc 50 bucks 60 bucks on sale boom 60 bucks at 50 bucks whatever 800 bucks i got a case power supply don't want to cheap out on that but i could go with like a a 550 a 550 watt it's another 100 bucks how much am i at right now what did i say seven okay eight i'm at like 850 i think 850 boom i got a power supply and a storage device so far now i just need to get fans in a cpu cooler fans are pretty cheap however many you want in the in the system obviously you can find some on ebay boom um you don't really need an operating system well you can have one um they're easy to they're pretty much free online i'm not gonna really talk about that but yeah um software you don't need software um you obviously would need a monitor but we're not talking about that today obviously you know go find a monitor from somewhere try to get something on black friday for free or for for cheap try to find one you know pretty much but yeah the minimum the minimum wattage that you need for this build is 285 so i could buy a 5 500 watt power supply and be fine but you that's that's that's another day that's another day talking about that but that's pretty much it that's pretty much it for the video um cpu gpu motherboard start with that and then stay tuned for more videos because i'm going to be talking about what you need to do next what you need to buy next to help you not buy not spend so much money on a pre-built pc this is a 657 dollar build right here cpu gpu motherboard those are the three things that you need you need all the other stuff too but those are the main pc parts that you need that will determine if your pc is actually good right there all right i will be coming out with more videos we will be doing a lot of testing stuff i'm going to talk more about amd as well in intel as well i have a lot of parts that i want to show you guys we're going to be building pcs doing all this other stuff stay tuned hit that subscribe button like the video of course um be notified every single upload because we will be coming out with a lot of tech videos pc gaming videos all that good stuff i hope you guys are gonna stay tuned because it's gonna get wild it's gonna be pretty cool stay tuned i'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching and let me know in the comment section if you guys have any questions follow me on instagram let me know if you have any questions dm me i do stream on twitch twitch.tv slash nate push weights come check out the stream say hello ask me any questions and yeah i'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Natepushweights
Views: 21,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Natepushweights, gaming pc build 2020, gaming pc for beginners, gaming pc setup, how to gaming pc, how to build gaming pc step by step, where to buy gaming pc parts, where to buy gaming pc, where to buy gaming pc online, best gaming pc under 1000, best gaming pc 2020, best gaming pc parts 2020, best budget gaming pc parts 2020, best budget gaming pc build, best budget gaming prebuilt pc, best gaming prebuilt pc 2020, Buying Your First Gaming PC?! This What You Should Do
Id: nnksUQIBqH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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