What To Do When Your Computer Has A Virus

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what you guys in today's video we're taking a look at what to do when your computer has an infection like a virus or malware or something along those lines i'm going to show you a real infected pc and show you how to remove it but before we do that let's have a word from today's sponsor for today's video so cd key sales i've got some cheap deals on windows 10 pro oem keys use the links in the video description create an account and use my promo code capital b capital r09 head over to the activation center with your key change product key paste in your product key and then you can click on activate to activate your windows 10 pro computer you should see windows 10 has now been activated i'll leave all the links in the video description so let's move on back to our tutorial so first off what you're going to need to do is determine whether your pc is infected or not how would you know it's infected well sometimes you can see peculiar behavior like these processes running in your task manager here you may have high cpu usage you may have high disk usage you can get high memory usage as well as from these particular types of infections some of them lay dormant until you go on to say your banking site and then you will start to know that you've got problems because they will start collecting your personal information like your login details your keystrokes or anything like that so you've got to be very very careful so the first thing you want to do when you have spotted that you've got some sort of infection on your pc is to download some software to remove it let me show you this piece of software here which is a bit more uh in-depth than the task manager here but it does give you a lot more information about the computer and it does show up a lot more easier when you can see infections on here so i'll leave the link for this in the video description it is made by microsoft and it's a much more advanced piece of kit to find and detect malware viruses backdoors root kits you name it it can find and detect all of those so now download some software of your choice and get it installed on your pc and make sure it's all fully updated once you've done that we're going to hold our left shift button down and restart our system and this will help us to get into our options menu where we can choose safe mode we're going to go to safe mode because no processes will be running there and they won't be able to get access to the internet so make sure you've got all your software updated before you do this once you've done this you can choose an option go to troubleshoot here and then we're going to go down to advanced options from here you want to go down to startup settings click on startup settings and you'll see a list here hit restart and now we need to choose number four which is enable safe mode we don't want the networking part because we don't want any malware calling home to the creator of that malware and getting our information so we're going to leave that off you can pull the ethernet cable out if you wish once you get into safe mode here i'm just going to sign into the account and you should see there's no internet activity it's important that your antivirus was fully updated before we got into this mode because we want to use all the latest definitions so open up malwarebytes which we just installed on our computer and then we can run a scan here so once we run a scan it will detect malware on the system and it should hopefully remove this and alleviate a lot of the resources that's been used by the rogue malware on your computer now this can take a bit of time to be patient but hopefully we should be able to find some malware here and we've got a detection rate of 64 so far so that is not good and we need to find out what sort of malware these are you can see backdoor is one of these trojan droppers we've also got trojan banker and also spyware and a bunch of other nasty infections on this computer so we'll get these removed off the system and i would always advise people to reset all of their passwords for all of their accounts on their bank and other things like that just in case it's stolen that information from you already it's advisable that you call your bank as soon as possible to get those changed you might want to change some other passwords as well so i've now removed all of these i need to remove uh the quarantine files because they are still on the system they're just quarantined and we're going to delete these and remove them from our computer there we go they've all gone and what we can do is we're gonna basically go into run here and remove all of the temporary internet files from our computer now if you prefer to use some sort of software you can run that as well on your computer i'm just going to use this cleanup here which is built into windows but if you prefer to use some sort of software like i said like bleach bit or cclean or whatever it is you use you can run that and clean all your temporary internet files and all your app data folder and all that sort of stuff just to make sure there's no remnants of malware left in those folders so we're just going to clean all this off and let that run now if you prefer you can actually manually go around your computer and look in certain areas like app data prefetch folders and other temporary internet files and temporary folders as well and make sure there's no files left in there and remove them from your computer there is software that you can do this with but that's more out of the scope of this video so you can type percentage app data percentage click ok and this will open up your roaming folder which is where all your app data is and a lot of malware can be residing in here so you want to clean that out inside your local area here you may see some obscure folders that you want to remove inside here we can remove all the temp files as well to make sure they're all gone and this is where malware can hide as well so you can clean all of this stuff off as well it will repopulate if it needs to put files back in there and you can just have a good general look around your computer if you're familiar with how windows works if not you can move on to the next step so what i'm going to do now is now i've lightened the load of the computer and i've removed quite a bit of malware from the pc i'm going to restart back to the desktop because eset online scanner needs to be connected to the internet to work correctly so we're going to do that now and i'm just going to quickly open up process explorer here and i can already see a lot of those infected files have already been removed from the computer which means they're now not running in the background so i'm going to open up eset online scanner here and we're going to run a complete scan on this system so i'll do a quick scan first just for quickness and we can do a full scan after that it's always best to run a scan a few times just to make sure you've got all of the uh traces and all the remnants that may be left behind so i'm just going to run this scan it will need to download the module update and then basically it will run a scan and i've speeded this up and you can see it's found one file here so we'll need to remove that from the computer now we've got uh back on our desktop here with the internet you can see web protections on malware protection and there's a bunch of other settings you can turn on on malwarebytes to make sure you're fully protected scan for root kits and other types of uh toggle on switches you can use here to get yourself protected brute force protection this will block any unauthorized users from accessing your computer remotely over the internet and things like that this might be useful uh if you are not familiar with how scammers use that sort of technology to get onto your computer so we're going to remove all of these and just put these ticks on here and we're just going to quickly run another scan on here as well just to make sure that there's no more remnants while we're at the desktop with the internet running to see whether it can detect anything else here it's always important that we run these scans one or two times here now if you choose to run other software then by all means do so there's plenty of them out there so depending on what you want to use you can use those now if you're having trouble getting to the desktop you can always use kaspersky rescue cd and run a scan there you can see it's found one more file here using the quick scan method on eset so now i've found another file i will do a full scan um just to make sure so i'm going to remove all of this stuff here so let me go ahead and close all this off it wants to do something else here so i'm just going to quickly close this off and reopen it just close application and we'll run another full scan here so while that's running i've got malwarebytes running in the background and as you can see we've already detected four and that's because we've now got the internet on and some of these malware may be calling home or there may be something inside the computer that is actually trying to connect and that you can see it is the trojan tasker so i'm going to remove this from here by clicking on quarantine and we can quarantine this and then basically what we'll do is we'll get that quarantined and then we can remove all those from the computer so you can see here just checking inside here that's all done and we can now click on the deletion of this history and that's what i will do to make sure they're completely removed from the computer so i'm going to put the ticks in here and click on delete and they are now removed so that's that part done now did say i wanted to do a complete full scan of the computer with eset online scanner so i'm going to say yes here and we'll do a full scan and let this run it will take a fair bit of time but it's important that we make sure that all of the malware is removed from our computer i'm also going to run adw cleaner and this is to remove any sort of adware pups and pre-installed software that this nasty stuff can get on your system and cause major havoc on your pc these are the main uh problems that i see with modern day computers today especially in 2021 windows 10 and windows 11 is pretty secure and it's not so much the malware that is the problem today it's mainly pubs and stuff like that so you can see here there is some areas in here if you do detect uh pups and other types of adware on your system which will allow you to delete all the prefetch files reset your winsock reset your host files reset tcp settings and other things like this which uh these adware and other types of infections can make changes to so if you want to change these and you have got problems with your computer still you can put these uh sliders across here and run the repair tool after you've removed all of the adware and stuff like that on the pc it's just a good way of cleaning up and making sure you're resetting those uh settings back so let me go back here to the dashboard and what we're going to do here is run the basic repair now i don't have any issues but i'm just going to run it just to show you so you know exactly how to do it so once you've run your scan it's removed all your ad where you can run the basic repair tool afterwards now some pesky adware can slip through the net and end up still inside your programs area so what you can do is go into control panel here and then once you're in here go to uninstaller program and have a look in here to make sure there is no programs or any sort of junk inside here that you never installed and you want to remove it so uninstall all of that from this area here let's just make sure we're cleaning up here as we go so let's now check on our progress for the full scan of eset online scanner and you can see here we've got a clean bill of health all of those infections have been removed and we should be now back up and running and i can already see that the system has started to come back to itself and there's less processes running in fact there's no processes running it's completely clean and that's basically how you can deal with nasty infections like this now if you're a system restore user it's important that you remove all of your system restore points because malware trojans and other infections will be in those uh restore points and you don't want to use a restore point and re-infect all of your pc again so it's important that you delete all of these and remove these from your computer once you've done that and the computer is clean you can then create a new restore point called clean and you should be good to go so make sure that you've removed all of those from your pc because that can come back and bite you when you do a restore i've seen it happen many times so we're just going to quickly delete all these and create a nice uh clean restore point here and this will also give you some space back especially if you've got loads of restore points it will just free up the system a little bit as well now it's important that you check your browser to make sure that your browser is still working correctly and you're having no issues no redirects or anything like that if you are then you may still be infected and you may want to look into the matter a bit further but if all of those have been removed you may also want to just reset your browser or make sure your browser is updated or you can uninstall it and download the new browser especially if it's something like chrome or firefox you can always up uninstall those and reinstall a fresh new one so let's just go ahead and reset this and make sure and check the updates to make sure the browser is fully updated there we go and you can always check the extensions here for the paths and stuff if it's redirecting to another site you can check that out now i did suggest that you call your bank and make sure you change all of your passwords i'm just putting up a bank page here whatever your bank is make sure you call them there should be some sort of contact page where you can call them and say that you've had loads of malware which were bank related on your pc and you want to change your password for security measures they will assist you with that and you can call all of those uh different types of banks across the world it doesn't really matter also make a final check of your pc make sure there's no random processes run in the background you can check task manager as well at this point and make sure that your pc is fully cleaned so you want to make sure that your pc is functioning correctly and there's no random weird processes running on your system and you need to check to make sure check your browser to make sure you're not getting any sort of redirects or anything like that or any sort of suspicious behavior that's happening with your pc while you're using it like high cpu usage or anything like that so just make sure that it's functioning correctly if you're still having issues then it may be time to start consider uh using the reset this pc option to reset your pc back to default settings or if you're paranoid you can always go here and literally reinstall windows by keeping your files clicking on this top one here or you can use the bottom one which removes everything and use the cloud download option here click on this one here and then you can go on to the next stage because it's going to download and reinstall windows it will remove all of your programs but your data should be safe but it might be advisable to back up your data just to be 100 sure so let this go to the next step and then you should see what it's going to actually remove from your pc here it's going to change settings back to defaults keep your personal files download and reinstall windows and remove all of the apps and programs by using this method i'm showing you on the screen and that's it that's pretty much it for this video so i hope this video has been some sort of use to you my name has been brian from broad tech computers dot co dot uk just want to say a big special thanks to all the people that join my youtube members group your names are rolling up on the screen right now have a lovely weekend and i shall see you again for another video real soon if you want to join the discord server the link is in the video description thanks again for watching bye for now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Britec09
Views: 16,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what to do when your computer has a virus, how to remove a virus, how to remove malware, remove a computer virus, malware removal, virus removal, virus, malware, computer, how to remove virus from computer, how to remove viruses from your computer, how to remove virus from windows 11, how to remove virus from windows 10, how to remove virus, remove viruses from computer, remove virus from computer, how to get rid of viruses, how to remove virus from pc, viruses, remove virus, britec
Id: VyZQOzV6ztg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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