What to do in Paris in 5 Days in 2024! hotspots, budget tips, MUST DOS! Best of Paris 2023

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ah Paris known as the city of love where millions of people all throughout the world come to travel and experience the romance the beauty the culture and the Art of the beautiful city of Paris but planning a trip there can honestly be pretty daunting and overwhelming you're trying to mix in your history but also mix in some time to relax and really take in the culture so what do you do when you have five days in Paris well don't worry I got you let's go um Ashley I am an American in Paris and I'm gonna take you through what it's like to travel to Paris and try to maximize your time in five days yes five days we have a lot to cover so let's get started but wait before we get started give this video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and hit the notifications Bell so you never miss a video for your favorite lifestyle and travel tips on a budget five days was the perfect amount of time in Paris especially because that first day if you are traveling over sees like us there's going to be some jet lag there's going to be some trying to find your Airbnb and hotel maybe getting in a quick nap we are staying in Montmartre steps away from soccer curl I loved our place I will put it in the description below highly recommend airbnbs over hotels you will spend one third one fourth the cost of a hotel this was just our place to sleep and we absolutely adored it meet my amazing partner and boyfriend Alan hi Alan so cute our first night we explored the area we visited the catacombs which were the underground tunnels where they held the remains of more than 6 million people in this kind of underground Network and then we got some local French cuisine which is fabulous in montem art and that was totally enough for day one because day two we got a lot in store and we're doing something that might sound kind of silly might sound kind of cliche but I was highly recommended to do this and that is we are going to do a photo shoot with a Parisian photographer at some of the top locations headed to the train station highly recommend booking your place of stay near a train stop this was our main mode of transportation it was the most convenient the cheapest Paris has a really robust system here you could get a one-time pass it's 2 40 or you can get an all-day pass we did the five-day all-day pass it was 95 Euro for me and Alan total saved so much time and money we just got at the San Michelle with our amazing photography so Felix how is it go today so today we're gonna start uh over here in uh in front of the Notre Dame which is right behind us but we're gonna go to the Riverside and then we're gonna go to the Louvre and at the end we're gonna take the subway to the Eiffel Tower Allen was such a champ I mean a photo shoot in Paris on your first day I know who am I Emily in Paris no but seriously it gives you memories that last forever and you just have some gorgeous photos but now it's time to get a little snack before we go on the next epic adventure time to hit the lube I mean you can't go to Paris without seeing it it's awesome so you want to make sure you purchase your tickets ahead of time they're gonna give you a time frame and then they'll say come here to the security line which is right outside of a pyramid but it moves pretty fast but you definitely want to make sure you get here on time Alan are you excited for your first move experience oh all right sure okay here's the deal the lube is the the most famous and most visited art museum in the entire world and if you spent just one minute at each painting and sculpture in the Louvre it would take you over a week to see everything so you could either pick a tour guide or you can kind of explore on your own which is what Alan and I did for this particular experience pick and choose the pieces you really really are dying to see of course A lot of people are coming for one specific painting and that is you know it the Mona Lisa take a look at that huge line I mean you could stand in line it could take up to 45 minutes to an hour or you can kind of look like we did from far away and get your shots but take a look at the painting right opposite of the Mona Lisa equally as incredible it's the largest painting in the entire Museum this is the wedding Feast at Cana this is where Jesus had that iconic moment turning water into wine it is just equally if not more breathtaking okay I don't care who you are or how much time you spend in the loop when you are done you are totally going to be starving shout out to Felix for this awesome wreck highly recommend going to Beau and me this is a creative boulangerie so it has just the cutest little pastries that taste utterly delectable but they're also like pretty creative when you actually take a second glance at this this lemon tart guys we are so so hardcore on our lemon tart and it was incredible that sandwich Alan and I shared oh it was so good I highly suggest this just get one sandwich and then get a ton of pastries we were dying but not least my favorite thing on the planet a pink croissant what I didn't even know these existed they are the cutest things I think it's like strawberry I could eat this every day I need your recipe but when me welcome back guys oh my gosh those pastries were so phenomenal we just walked back to our place excited to chill a little bit and get ready because now we are going on a dinner cruise on the Sand River so we did a little bit of it outfit [Music] give you a little OOTD this is the outfit for our little dinner cruise pants are from Amazon top is from Kohl's and of course we still have our Beret time to go Ellen you want to do a little OOTD yes describe it baby he's like I don't need to um okay I know what you're thinking a river cruise in Paris I mean does it get any more touristy but I'm telling you I just need you to trust me I haven't steered you wrong yet I can only speak on the company Bato Moosh because that is the one we used ah it was like a four or five course meal guys get there early so you could get those sick window seats it's first come first serve when it comes to window seats so get there early the best way to describe this adventure is romantique and also just relaxing I mean you're sitting there you go from day to night they don't rush you you have just the best views you have some champagne to start it's I think a four or five course meal that's some fromage with a little bit of bread Alan had the chicken comfy and I had some Pate to start and then we both had the veal look at live music oh I mean it's just so darling and you have literally the best views of Paris at this time of course you have all these major monuments and some fun restaurants along the sand but then you have the gorgeous the one and only Allen also the Eiffel Tower oh sparkling at night on the hour literally the prettiest thing I've ever seen videos photos everything does not do it justice folks it's such a memorable night I also love that they let you just pop up and down stairs when you want you can have your dessert you could go back and see the Eiffel Tower so it's just it's just such a lovely experience and very very memorable well Alan sleeps it's time to get some croissants heading to the bologn Rafael unfortunately this ended up being closed but it was a fabulous recommendation by my Airbnb host we're gonna check this out later in the video she's gonna head down the street where I saw some locals eating at a cafe because it looked it looks pretty fabulous the decor looked great but talking about Decor this place is so cute but it's kind of like I wouldn't have naturally just walked in so really great to get recommendations from locals because you just never know there could be that little hole in the wall that's like spectacular that all the locals know about but a tourist would never stop it because it's just not like super appealing to the eye got my cappuccino got a pan of chocolate basically a chocolate croissant warmed up fabulous we're walking up the steps from our Airbnb on the hill of Montmartre lies Sacre curl this is the second most visited Church in all of Paris it's also the second highest point so it's really very heavily populated especially during the day entry is free and it's just a really cool place to get one of the best views of Paris definitely try coming at night too because there's less people it's beautiful and just very peaceful and now let's go explore montemort I love this area again this is right near where we're staying in our Airbnb great place to check out where to stay if you like bopping around getting Crepes doing some shopping we then headed over to chumsley say you can see this is the more high-end Brands you got Dior you have Chanel all those top kind of Brands galleries Lafayette chumsley say this is like a mall it's just so beautiful too definitely check it out me and Alan both loved it and then we walked over the bridge to our Eiffel tower tour now this is one definitely get your tickets ahead of time I would personally do a tour because it gets you just a lot quicker in the lines I don't want to climb for hours and hours on end the name of the building was Gustav so we are on the second floor of the Tour de fell and look at this incredible view they actually say this is the best view because when you're at the top kind of harder to see but I want you to take a look at this gold color that it's painted so they repaint yeah Ellen likes to say it's brown we're in a debate right now but they repaint the Eiffel Tower every seven years it takes four years to paint and 82 million euro and they're repainting it for the 2024 Olympics in Paris now what's really interesting is that back when I came here my first time in high school we were able to actually climb all the way up to the top you can no longer do that they actually shut down the stairs all the way up because of the terrorist attacks in 2015. you can't take an elevator all the way up to the top but that's about it but they said this is a pretty great view so depending on your ticket you'll pretty much have a great view no matter where you go time for dinner on our way to dinner we literally got Crepes and if you want to do that I say go for it you're in Paris and I mean those Street grapes the Nutella banana there's just they're just so classic they're so delicious for dinner we're heading to the pagal district to check out what's become a very famous Italian restaurant yes I said Italian in France we were boycotting eating Italian food but this is just blowing up we had to check it out see that pink building well it's called pink Mama you'll know you're there it's a huge four-story restaurant and there's gonna be a long line look how cute it is each floor is kind of a different theme and we were sitting at the rooftop it was just so lovely with all the little Ivy started off with some burrata they have all different kinds melted in your mouth the cute cocktails were just so fun I had the famous truffle pasta I really liked it I recommend this but I absolutely loved Allen's this is the popper deli with pork Oh I'm on it right now that's how good it was so good good morning guys it is super early here in Paris but we had to wake up early because we are off to a day in Versailles today oh my gosh this is gonna be so epic you're gonna be so glad you were coming along and are you so excited you tell your parents definitely not awake and neither is Ellen I woke up at 4 15. I stayed awake took a 20-minute train ride to our bike tour of the Palace of Versailles we use the company Boutique bike tours we actually found them on Airbnb experience but you can book with them directly and it was the best day we had in Paris I mean it was just so fun so well thought out and planned Fiona was our tour guide and she took us through all the gardens welcome to Louis xiv's own personal Gardens then she took us to a market where we got all our little produce and fruit and just everything for a wonderful picnic that we had and you need to see our picnic spot it is right here next to the Glen Canal this massive Canal that is just you know right below the gardens and it's just so beautiful you can you know see up close but people are rowing their boats and just enjoying the canal and back in the day Louis XIV actually loved battleships and what he would do was have enactments on the water for all of his guests at his parties to recreate all the battles that he fought in and then we explored the inside of the palace and this was just such a memorable day it was only like 10 15 people with us and it was just amazing I couldn't recommend this more so a local company which I just think is so cool so I'll be sure to put the link in our bio um it was just so it was just perfect it was great the bike riding thing is incredible because if we would have walked it I mean ourselves yeah I mean I bet you bike ride alone was probably between 8 and 12 miles after our full day at the Palace of Versailles we took a little nap and then we decided to Rally because when in Paris we went out to a highly recommended kind of sit-down crepe restaurant it's called brez Cafe and we got two different Crepes our favorite one was the Apple oh my goodness it had just Apple puree homemade with some caramel on top and some ice cream and that one was absolutely our favorite time to find a speakeasy in Paris mission accomplished this one is called Place particular in Montmartre it is gorgeous guys totally worth it I created a whole separate YouTube shorts on how to find this particular one definitely check it out that one's so cute our last day in Paris we started a new tradition and that is not having anything booked or scheduled and I specifically just wanted to try out the top best croissant places that were named in Paris some of the top places we want to recommend that you guys check out in Montmartre it is Mont it is blue sakur and then in the 12th acronis month for patisseries and you know me and Alan we just love our sweets Takes the Cake hands down isaki this is one of the best pastry chefs in all of Paris they have a to-go store and then across the street you can sit down have an espresso and eat all the pastries and guys just order as many as you can because you just have to try them all it is so fabulous this is one of my favorite days just taking the time to bop around eat go shopping enjoy the culture and I just highly recommend it also one of my my new favorite souvenirs that people really responded to on Instagram and if you don't already follow me definitely give me a follow on Insta to see more kind of behind the scenes and all my recommendations is getting a children's book in the native language of each country's visit in Paris I got juvu on shien I want a dog we have returned we are done eating our way through pickley and shopping but right now we are going to dinner which is why we're all dressed up for our last night in Paris and then we have something really fun it will for sure be interesting I didn't know the full extent to the concept of Moulin Rouge but it it shall be interesting for a sake of time we headed back to Lombre du Decor in Montmartre recommended by our Airbnb host Tonight I tried to order like all the stereotypical French things frog likes to start delicious onion soup the French don't call it french onion soup fun fact and then we had duck Allen had this duck with like honey sauce and it was so good A little sweet and then I had just a different form of duck and all of it was just awesome and then we headed to Mulan Rouge he wasn't kidding no photo no video just enjoy the show okay back to our beautiful Parisian apartment it is time to say goodbye to Paris honestly it does really remind me of that show because it's just the cutest little apartment overlooking our gorgeous view I mean it's seriously it seriously cannot get better than this I'm so happy also fun fact guys this is the first time I've ever booked an Airbnb was my first Airbnb was in Paris like that's that's awesome anyway I've got my montecita me and Ellen let's tell them real quick about Moulin Rouge it was actually really good it's been just kind of a crazy mix of things it's very sensory overload yes oh my gosh We Are Gonna Leave it a bit of a mystery so you guys can just be surprised yourself but the costumes everything is just so much more than probably what you can imagine in your head before you guys head to Paris I highly suggest you checking out my video of teaching you guys some French phrases I'm not even kidding you it has been completely transformative to a Parisian experience to have some of the language under our belts it's been amazing before we go Ellen what was your favorite thing about Paris AI tour right Versailles was absolutely amazing um I'm so glad she did the Bike Tour because there's no other way to do it seriously there's miles and miles and miles of ground covered so it really takes a weight off of your your back your feet your ankles your knees all of it we just left every moment I love the food I feel like we like got all the experience so I feel very fulfilled I'm sad to leave but I feel like yeah we did it and I'm excited to come back and check out some museums we weren't able to fit in and things like that but overall that's why I want to make this video for you guys because you don't have to cram in every Museum or every single thing on those tour guides like you seriously want to give yourself some time to explore the city and just enjoy it you know eat as many Crepes as you want eat a crepe on your way to dinner um we did that fall in love I really think this trip was a insanely nice balance of both those things where you feel like you got a lot of the history but also just took in the modern day culture as well so I hope you found that helpful as well if you guys have any questions definitely leave me a comment in the comments below and now we are off to Florence so definitely like this video subscribe if you want to see that trip will be your complete tour guide as well and we guys thank you so much if you watch this far until next time Boswell
Channel: AshleyB_TV
Views: 14,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paris, Louvre your, Palace of Versailles your, Where to stay in paris, What to do in paris
Id: h78uoVc40NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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