What They Don't Tell You About The Yuan-Ti - D&D

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deep in his cavern the snake god slumbers with your blood he shall revive from his milky skin he shall wriggle free and in the night your world he will devour today we're talking about one of the most sinister and evil races within dungeons and dragons the reclusive and powerful you wanted you would of course know them as the snake people but there is so much more hiding beneath their skin a complex and organized society with one goal in mind but before we delve deep into it this video is brought to you by factor get your meals conveniently delivered onto your home without the hassle of even preparing them look guys i play dnd 4 times a week that is a total of 12 hours plus prep time and post-mortem conversations we're really talking about 22 hours a week that i spend doing dnd that is not an exaggeration that is a literal fact and i still have to work on creating videos for you guys okay so i have no time at all to be going out into the grocery store preparing or cooking meals a 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what my typical what they don't tell you about videos delve into which is you know biology ecology extra abilities that you might not know of important fun details you know things of that nature it should be a set of normal videos as far as you're used to but then our third video will focus on sort of what made them this way it'll be focused on their history as a species where they came from where they are now where all their massive cities are located all of that good stuff like i want to open the forgotten realms map and directly show you where they are but anyways let's get this started as we always do before i can talk about what they don't tell you i have to show you what they do tell you so let's check out the fifth edition entry in the monster manual for the unt okay so from the get go you can tell that this is an important type of monster because they get a full lore page not every monster get this but okay let's dig in it says here that the unt are devious serpent folk devoid of compassion they plot to supplant and dominate all other races and to make themselves gods so as you can see from the get-go we're basically already told what they're all about but we'll see if they tell us why they are this way which would be really interesting so it says here that the unt were once humans who thrived in the earlier days of civilization and worshiped serpents as totem animals they lauded the serpent's sinuous flexibility its calculated poise and its deadly strike their advanced philosophy taught the virtue of detachment from emotion and of clear focused thought unt culture was among the richest in the mortal world their warriors were legendary their empires always expanding the unt temples stood at the center of ancient metropolises reaching ever higher in prayer to the gods they longed to emulate in time the serpent gods heard those prayers their siblings voices responding from the darkness as they told at unt what they must do the unt religion grew more fanatical in its devotion colds bound themselves to the worship of the serpent gods and imitated their ways indulging in cannibalism and humanoid sacrifice through foul sorcery the unt bred with snakes utterly sacrificing their humanity to become like the serpent gods in form as well as in thought and emotion so this is actually very well written and it is fairly true as well it doesn't it doesn't mention how exactly their transformation took place other than they quote bread with snakes but the gist of it is in there now the thing to keep in mind is that on my channel i focus really hard on the forgotten realms and i have talked about it before i don't think that i have to necessarily explain it every time i bring it up but the forgotten realms has sort of become the de facto setting for fifth edition so that's why i cover them specifically on my videos and so anyways the thing to keep in mind is that the monster manuals are not necessarily forgotten realms they're they're meant to be more generic it's basically lore that can apply to all settings most times they they do apply to the foreground realms but not really in this instance so so so this entry is really well done because it works well with the other monster model entries including dnd magazines and generic dnd lore books it however does not match the forgotten realms mainly because it was the forgotten realms this time who actually verged away from traditional dnd lore with their unt but we will keep going for now and down here it says that those that did not transform with them eventually became slaves or food for the blessed eventually their empires withered or were defeated by those who fought against their cannibalism and slavery and the serpent folk were left in the ruins of their great capitals far removed from the other races okay so i feel like there's a lot in here that is left on set because uh they just focused really hard on how epic they were how grandiose and then suddenly they obtained presumably even more power by becoming blessed by their serpent gods but then they just got completely annihilated and we don't really get a how exactly that happened but anyhow it continues saying that humanoid emotions are now foreign to most unt which understand sentiment only as an exploitable weakness they view the world with extreme pragmatism that is nearly impossible to manipulate influence or control even as it seeks to control other creatures through terror pleasure and awe now a lot of this sounds very grandiose like they're trying to play up the power of the unt but this is actually all very true and i'm actually glad that they put this in here because this would be normally the sort of thing that typically gets caught from 5th edition entries but we will talk more about this later we'll keep going at unt know that the world they hope to rule cannot be bound for long by brute force and that many creatures will refuse to serve as a result they influence other creatures with the promise of wealth and power this here is huge and it is kind of a small paragraph here but this is one of the most important things that you need to know really about the unt they are manipulators not warriors at least not anymore but then the last point unt's life revolve around their temples yet unt do not love the gods they worship instead they see worship as a means to attain power a unt believes an individual who attains enough power can devour and replace one of the unt gods the unt strive for ascension and are willing to commit the darkest atrocities to achieve it this last part here is the only i guess big issue that i have with this whole entry on one hand that is not what is established in the lore but most importantly two it just straight up goes against what they have already just told you so unt are legendarily pragmatic and nobody actually would believe that if you attain enough power that you could just devour and replace one of the unt gods that to me feels like a childish dream not a not a realistic like pragmatic thought process especially when you're saying that the ones giving you the power are the gods in the first place so how would you expect to overcome the gods when they are the ones giving you that power it is one thing to say that you just serve the gods for power and that's fine that's calculated and feels very much like the unt but then to say that you do it to supplant the gods just turns around to become fully silly but anyways in the 5th edition monster manual we have three different types of unt the abominations which are the highest caste of unt they look like serpents with burly humanoid tauruses and arms we have the unt malicense which form the middle cast of their society and are the hideous blend of human and serpent and then lastly the pure bloods which are the lowest cast and they basically just look like humanoids with very subtle serpentine features like you know perhaps patches of snake skin in parts of their body or forked tongues or reptile looking eyes for example we're not told a whole lot about these distinct types of unt but i wouldn't blame them too much since we already got a full page of lore for the species as a whole so honestly no no problems there but yeah in the hopes of not taking too long doing this all unt appear to be immune to poison and all have proficiency in stealth both the malaysian and the pure blood are great at deception while the purebloods and the abominations are great at perception they all appear to be highly resistant to magic have the ability to manipulate snakes and even humanoids thanks to their use of the powerful suggestion spell and uh overall we get this powerful impression that they are definitely not meant for pure open combat they're more about being manipulators using their abilities to hide deceive and control to help them achieve their goals but there you go the unt are one of the most popular monsters within dungeons and dragons and you can probably see why they are very thematic and have really interesting lore but there is so much more so let's go ahead and now talk about what they did not tell you about the unt so first of all i think it would be wise to cover the differences between all of the different kinds of unt before we can delve deeper into their ecology we kind of have to break down their kinds since they are very different so so as you know the main kinds are the pure blood the malicense which we will now reference as half-bloods and then the abominations so the unt have a caste system where the more serpentine you are the more blessed you are or the more perfect you are so the abominations in this case would be the most perfect they also happen to be the strongest and so they form the leaders of these societies the purebloods get their name from having close to pure human blood which puts them basically as the farthest away from perfection so they are in this case the lowest caste and then the half blots of course fall somewhere in there between the two so the way that you would create these distinct classes of unt is exactly as how you would expect it with some twists of course so all adult female unt's regardless of the cast will lay clutches of eggs typically numbering around three to six eggs every three months this is an involuntary bodily function so yeah they just cannot control it they will lay eggs every three months now the actual process of fertilizing those eggs is standard at least the lore kind of alludes that it is pretty standard so basically unt couples have sex the normal way and a unt can indeed have sex with a human in order to create more unt now the lore does allude really hard to the fact that this only works with humans though that combinations of unt with stuff like dwarves or elves simply does not work but we will talk about that of course later on in any case the process of fertilization is heavily controlled within unt societies for one because you can precisely produce exactly what you want now what do i mean well as you can deduce two pure bloods will create a pure blood baby two abominations will create an abomination baby etc etc and of course you can combine a pure blood and an abomination in order to create a half blood it is pretty straightforward in that way but what they do is they will match male and female with the deliberate intention of breeding the smartest fastest and strongest possible baby so basically losers within this society just do not they just do not get to breed this is all controlled by the priests who also use these selective breeding techniques in order to enforce the desired population ratios among the three different castes now because at the end of the day all the castes are important they all have a function to fulfill within the unt society it is important for them to balance them appropriately now before we get to those functions though it is important to note that even though you can basically 100 guaranteed to get the cast that you want depending on the parents you cannot control whatsoever the type of serpentine features that the baby will get for example whether the pureblood baby will have serpentine eyes or a forked tongue whether the half-blood will have serpent arms or a serpent head or whether the abomination will be a pure serpent or whether it'll have humanoid arms this is all just kind of random and chaotic and you don't know until you see the baby this does bring me to a point that weirdly enough was actually not brought up at all in the 5th edition monster manual so the abominations actually have multiple forms too just like the pure bloods and the half bloods in the monster manual they kind of just made you believe that this is just here how they all look but in reality these are some of the rarest types of abominations that you will actually find so the most common type of abomination are actually just like enormous snakes like literally just big snakes these amount to about 50 of all of the abominations abominations with humanoid arms and torsos like these amount for about 25 of all of them and then the last type which are the most important type actually are the full serpent types but with a human head rather than a snake head ironically art for these types of snakes are very hard to find these are called the sean pashan and they are the holiest type of natural unt well i mean natural is a funny word to use when describing unt but basically you on t that are naturally born i do want to mention that you can indeed eat unt eggs in fact they are described as being incredibly nutritious however the unt society is very strict on how or whether this is even ever done traditionally only the abomination priests are allowed to eat them and so sometimes you will see unt offer these to them as a sign of veneration any other unt eating these eggs would be a tremendous sign of blasphemy since the eggs are regarded with extreme reverence like as if they were like a gift from their gods quote in the event of a severe food shortage the priest might grant others the right to eat eggs as well but most unt would find such a diet too awful to even contemplate outsiders who eat unt eggs are mercilessly hunted down and subjected to horrible vengeance and even worse fates away to the hapless half-blood guardians who allowed such enemies to get past them in the egg chamber end quote i have dm'd too many games to know that players will always ask whether or not they can eat the eggs so i figured i would put this in here you're welcome now yeah let's delve deeper into each of the yuanty kinds so purebloods quote look essentially human although they possess subtly deserving features that on close inspection give away their serpentine heritage purebloods are the ambassadors builders artisans and spies of the unt nest it is they who venture up into the world of men in eternal quest for slaves and sacrifices end quote these guys learned since they are very young how to manipulate humans and are taught the cultures customs and specific important traits of the humans that live nearby so that they can better fool them politics within the pure blood circles are brutal affairs with murders being rampant between their ilk see typical unt societies encourage competition within the castes and don't particularly punish those who resort to murder in order to ascend within the ranks provided that you know it doesn't get out of control obviously but yeah this is particularly bad within the purebloods they just kill each other all the time now the half bloods are very different they are quote the guardians warriors and enforcers of the unt world half bloods rarely travel far from their nest in fact they do so only when their leaders decide that the nest security depends on a pre-emptive attack thus these unt tend to look on the outside world with a mixture of fear contempt and hatred although half-bloods don't bother to develop the charming and seductive qualities that allow their pure blood kin to operate on the surface they are still brilliant thinkers most of them devote their burning intelligence to military matters becoming quick thinking combatants expert long-term tacticians or both end quote because unt in general believe that an officer who fails to anticipate attacks from his underlings does not deserve to occupy his post it is generally perfectly acceptable for them to kill a superior in order to take his place however the difference between the pure blood and the half bloods is that the half bloods are ferocious combatants and extremely tactical in the way that they approach combat which means many half-bloods are actually really good at anticipating encountering insurrections or mutinies those who want to slay their superiors know very well that it is a difficult challenge to attempt to do so and so murders between half-bloods are actually fairly rare now lastly we have the abominations who are considered holy thanks to their physical forms closely resembling that of the serpent gods they basically just looked the most serpentine and that's really what it is quote abominations are the mystics philosophers generals judges and leaders of the unt nest the holiest of them all are the sean pashan the human-headed snakes members of this select group always serve as the high priests in unt communities and the most senior sean pachan priests in the nest doubles as its ruler abominations are as eager as half-bloods are to avoid direct involvement with the surface dwellers but since they require extensive knowledge of another civilization to plot its downfall effectively they are intensely interested in the surface world to this end each abomination cultivates close ties with particular purebloods extracting complete details of each and every adventure the latter have upon the surface blessed with both vivid visual imaginations and powerful memories abominations are capable of correctly imagining down to the placement of the last house entire surface towns and cities as described to them by generations of pure blood proteges player characters who make an enemy of an abomination might be distressed to discover that the creature knows the rooftops dark alleys and escape routes for their own neighborhoods better than they do and quote just that you know they actually have different names for the different kinds of abominations since they kinda differ greatly in how they look the full snake-like abominations are called majin while those that have human-like arms are called mazee and unlike the pure bloods and the half-bloods there's actually no reason for these abominations to fight each other since there's actually no upward mobility within this group remember that the only ones who can be the high priests within the abominations are the sean pashan the human-headed full snakes now within the sean pashan yeah there is a lot of bloodshed specifically when the elder shows a sign of weakness normally throughout the years it you know things will be fairly peaceful but then the second that weakness is shown by the leader there will be a bloodbath between all of the different champions to figure out who will be the new leader these fights can actually get so bad that they can literally destroy an entire und civilization now this is because it is entirely possible that there might not be enough champions within a unt society either because they all killed themselves fighting for supremacy or because they simply were not born so see you and t in general succeed when they have the time to enact their plots when they can hide in the darkness and control humans from afar they do not succeed when they are forced out into the open and fight head to head with humans thing is when there are no priests when there are no sean pachans this is kind of what happens having a lack of new champions being born is actually considered to be an extreme sign of disfavor by the unt gods which forces the unt to become more hostile and aggressive in their desperation to regain favor which does make them sloppy and combative with their neighboring civilizations which ironically tends to get them destroyed you know people sometimes ask like why don't you and t just simply breed more and more abominations you look at the difference in power between the abominations and the rest of the unt's and honestly it is difficult not to wonder why wouldn't they just create like an entire society just filled with these monstrosities then maybe they wouldn't have so many issues fighting other civilizations thing is if you remember the roles that abominations take upon the unt society are the philosophers the judges the mystics i mean abominations are just not suited frankly for a hard labor not that many of them in particular those that have humanoid arms wouldn't be able to do hard labor it's just that like why would they why would abominations create other abominations to do hard labor for them when they can just create pure bloods to do that for them instead especially since there is no way that purebloods would challenge the supremacy of the abominations creating a ton of abominations would risk destabilizing the unt society if those abominations are forced to take on mundane jobs that will make them unhappy especially in a society that promotes challenging your superiors and slaying others to take their posts having a lot of champions can also be dangerous since it means much more bloodier fights of secession so there is a tricky balance that must be held and just spamming abominations is just not going to do it there is also a religious aspect to this where the unt gods actually favor manipulation over brute force and so they actually tell the high priests of unt society to create more pure blood and have plots in order to accomplish this like i said before um this paragraph right here of the fifth edition monster manual entry is one of the most important passages in the entire lore unt know that they would lose if they tried to go about doing this stuff with brute strength and so they simply just don't do that i do want to point out though and this is very important that that different gods sometimes do have preferences in who they want as priests and things like these are subject to change depending on the whims of gods at the time so in this particular scenario one of the bigger differences between say mershock and seth is that seth actually uses unt half-bloods as priests rather than abominations specifically they have lots with snake heads this is why you see these more represented in fifth edition art but worry not we will talk about these things on our third video once we delve deeper into seth and the history of the unt but for now we will end the video here but i will try and get the sequels done as fast as possible trust me i'm trying there is a lot to go through so so i'm sorry for separating them like this hey guys so spell jammer is popping off and wizards of the coast is gearing out to start releasing some major spell jammer adventures and supplements so if you don't know spell jammer is basically like d d in space and i myself am super hyped for the spell jammer comeback so hyped in fact that i wanted to start making my own content for it so on our website mrrex.shop i have just released my last pdf escape from the crystal moon an adventure for level 1 characters set in a spell jammer setting so being stuck on the mysterious moon of enigma the players will have to rally support from the ragtag group of citizens of the town of gods forsaken a town formed from all of the people that have gotten stuck on this moon and cannot escape and they will have to challenge the mysterious alien dwellers of the moon a collection of crystallized humanoids known as prismoids who seek to quench all life in the place the players will have to travel through the alien world and find the home of the prismoids a crystallized cave system that leads straight into the mysterious core of the moon in order to find a way to escape check out the adventure on my website mrrax.shop it was extremely fun to make and i cannot wait to make more i'll be making a lot more spell jammer adventures so stay tuned for that thank you guys so much for the support go to the website and check it out thank you very much i would like to thank my patreon supporters barry maskin 5v magic shop morgan johnson rusty rayne doc feeder the great cardini omega scale terry culp faulky 951 or doryx abim kurshap thomas haunt soulless rider lost crusader stalia treb909 trevor hess stephen the living guild pack described the wizard's vault herbert johnson james the perverted shoddycast jesse feliciano lucas cyrek nakhtor ashura john harley john the wicked shane and sam skinner sir ignatius thunderblade warren smith wyvern claw 0-0 elisa castrol creasy 3 murder games loa falcon scientist hanson games richard sawyer map wrath master of secrets lauren vector x-men gaia broman and mediocre at best for supporting me on patreon at the 25 level if you would like to support me as well then please please head on over to patreon.com mr ranks to support thank you guys for watching thank you for being awesome and i'll see you really soon with part two of this video
Channel: MrRhexx
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Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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