What They Don't Tell You About Paella! 🇪🇸

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the original valencian paa it's rabbit and snails and beans we're not getting that one so when you think of Spain you probably think of Baya and the birthplace of paa is actually a small town just outside of Valencia called El Palmar from what we hear it is beautiful pictures are stunning flat Delta is rice growing region and we're going to bike down there so it's a fair shortest ride so uh we might do some bike biring we brought the binos but before we get going we're going to hit up a coffee shop here in the neighborhood of uh laaban one of the best coffee shops in Europe say the reviewers so let's check it out all right here's a place it's called tat coffee so we got the Kyon and lur got Ethiopian paper taste test we're going to swap at some point right yeah all right so we did some uh very serious and scientific backto back testing they're both really good but both of them very Foody both of them very rich and deep did you have clear winner no they were different they were both good so highly recommend if you're in the cabanal neighborhood of Valencia there you go there's your Coffee Spot we've got the bromton bag all packed up with a kind of beachy things things for laa so bamos okay so the route today isn't super long I believe it's about 12 miles from Valencia but it will be windy we're trying to find some smaller roads and potentially some trails that go down to uh alala it's part of a naal Park area called alueta which looks pretty cool a great spot for birding so we're going to try to stick to the smaller roads to avoid the highway but there might be a point where we might just have to hop on it for a bit [Music] okay so we're finally out of uh the dense part of Valencia and I got to say the infrastructure out of town is is numerous if not a little confusing but glad it's there now we're on this uh bike path out of town not quite sure how far it goes down there looks like there might be some uh Shenanigans once we get into alueta off to the side here is the port of uh Valencia it's supposed to be I believe the largest port uh in Spain it's kind of the Long Beach of Spain if you will lots of the goods Goods get shipped in through this port some cruise ships not as much as Barcelona but mostly [Music] cargo so we came around the corner this part's really cool so we're crossing Canal h no yeah see I I saw you on YouTube oh cool I say to my it very glad to meet you Manuel and cool so we just ran into a local that watches the YouTube channel he's on his way to uh CIA so if you're watching this hola thanks for stopping and saying hi this part's pretty cool really reminds me of uh the [Music] LBC we're here at the beach uh feels a lot like Long Beach for some reason you agree yeah it's um yeah FL River giant p s Pedro kind of Vibes Parts get a little bit Sandy so so not the best for the small [Music] Tire okay the scenery is changing once again uh leaving the beach little bit more Wetlands Vibe all these little small interesting structures here which believe are tied to some kind of farming I know that rice is grown here it's crazy how many cyclists are on this Trail right [Music] now okay so I think we're officially in the uh alua which is a become of natural park some beach ACC interesting Beach signs uh they've got a series of flags so swimming permitted swimming uh with caution uh swimming prohibited and uh the presence of aliens for right medusas medusas I don't know why it's so interesting to look at the signs in other countries but they've got alerta Tortuga okay we're leaving the trail portion in hopping on the road uh leaving the beach and getting more towards the wetlands part hopefully the traffic is not too bad theoretically the trail this is the way that we routed based on where other people have gone um we're trying to figure out if you're allowed to bike here there's a no bike sign that way and there's a no bike sign over there and there isn't one that way so process of elimination I'm going to assume that's okay sure I'm going to do some grab grab with the bromin yay every bike's a gravel [Music] bike a little bumpy tires are pumped up really hard from the bike rental shop and every every bike's Gra bike right okay we're hopping back on the road because as much fun as riding gravel in the bromton is if only bromton would come out with a an off-road version hint hint all right so we're making a left on the big Highway not ideal but it looks like all our options for smaller roads in are kind of done there are some Trails but it's hard to tell if you can actually ride a bike there and the bromton um let's just say that they're they're Charming on gravel but would not be my first choice all right on the highway at least there's a shoulder watch out for burning broccoli does that mean no bikes hey you want to stop and take a look okay so we're getting our first views of the Lagoon in abua there's an inlet and Outlet so salt water comes in it's controlled there are 20 species of fish that are in the waters that get fished and end up in I'm assuming some of the paa it's also a good place for biring I believe this water is also used to um to irrigate the all the rice patties right so super important for for the region we're grabbing a a paa lunch if you do this it behooves you to make a reservation we just kind of picked one not quite at random but we were also advised that most places every place down here is good I think I tend to go off the belief that in a place where there is so much of the samees like nobody can really do it bad we're getting the one the Mariscos mhm which is not traditional turns out but what's in the traditional one traditional one is what did I say rabbit snails and beans and chicken no no chicken rabbit I thought it was rabbit and chicken though the most the original the original valencian paa it's rabbit and snails and beans we're not getting that [Music] one all right this is our turn to El palar so the small Road to El El Palomar um no shoulder at the moment traffic isn't very dense which is good but we are a little bit before like the main lunch uh rush hour so I think if uh one were the bike here maybe air on the early side when everyone isn't driving in for lunch got a little tiny one lane bridge to negotiate here oh cool so there are rice patties over there to the left so we pulled over to what I'm assuming is a a rice rice field and not just some random uh plot of wet dirt and lur is coping out a bird from here it looks brownish black but when you look at it through the by nose it's almost like reddish glossy glossy Ibis mostly dark with iridescent green and reddish tones okay so we made it to uh El palar and uh we still have an half we still have a half hour before our lunch reservation so I think we're just going to walk around and see what we see so like I said you can take boat tours which I guess are called P Sara we were just talking about how the word p gets used in so many ways to describe a Meandering walk Meandering bike ride and apparently a Meandering boat ride as well if uh party Pace doesn't stick here maybe poo Pace all right so we've got a little Canal more rice fields some uh like fishing boats here's a spot it's called aeta for little Pearl um got the bammies over here when Andra and and the rice patties little Canal I don't know tough to beat yeah not bad pretty good pretty good okay first the the the starters came out we got some Tomatoes some bread a local dish like a esaret bread belt pepper salad with some um cut you wouldn't think like a plain tomato would be good but it's just so yummy yeah little oil a little salt [Music] M all right looks amazing PA Maris so it's seafood seafood paa has these absolutely enormous prawns M they're like mini lobsters [Music] I think that's your scallops okay and there's shrimp in there too what's tasting it's really good all right so we just wrapped up uh lunch I think we're going to walk it off a little bit check out town it's about 2 p.m. 2:30 and uh the town has filled up like all the restaurants are full probably a good time for us to start heading out of town I like where we ended up it was a lot more chill so how was uh your authentic P experience I thought it was delicious absolutely delicious it's a good spot yes yes I mean you can't beat the fact that we uh can do some uh multitasking and do some biring and eat a wonderful lunch [Music] and it's so much busier than when we first came in okay so I think we're going to employ bromton cheat mode fold up the bikes and take the bus back to Valencia because I'm full of Paya and there's a headwind are you okay with that I am totally okay with that I need a nap and I don't feel like fighting the wind which has really kicked up cool if you guys enjoyed this video or want more information about where we ate how we got here all good stuff be sure to join us on patreon that's how we keep this channel going as always everybody keep this up aide down [Music]
Channel: Path Less Pedaled
Views: 10,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bicycle touring, bikepacking, bicycle, travel, tourism, ride, adventure cycling, pathlesspedaled, the path less pedaled, bike touring, bikepacking gear, bike gearing, roadslikethese, gravelspecific, partypace, gravel bike
Id: MW2457Xzilc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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