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good evening god bless you welcome to comments of peace our Wednesday Bible study if you are joining us for the very first time the Lord bless you the Lord be with you I'm so excited that you can join us tonight tonight we are gonna have an opportunity to ask questions so if you want to ask questions please go to Pastor Dave UK YouTube channel and then when you post your questions there I'll be able to see it and if I have time within there look at that time I will look at your questions and then I may be able to answer you live welcome the Lord bless you the Lord be with you tonight talking about something which all of us before we do that do you want to just bow your heads and let's just say a word of Prayer Heavenly Father we just want to thank you we give you glory we give you honor we thank you for tonight we thank you for giving us the opportunity to be able to come to your feet and learn your word you said that we shall know the truth and the truth will set us free and the truth is indeed your word tonight Almighty God as we learn about what the Bible says about attitude let's become spirit alive in us in the mighty name of Jesus I pray Almighty God that your words today will nourish us in the mighty name of Jesus and as we pray to you tonight concern in any area of our lives which we are trusting you that you will meet us at our point of need father tonight please answer our prayers in the mighty name of Jesus we commit Britain into your hands again Oh Lord we pray Oh Lord are doing these coronavirus father please have mercy upon us in the name of Jesus help us to deal with these coronavirus in the mighty name of Jesus thank you our Father thank you Jesus in Jesus mighty name I pray good evening again welcome to covenant of peace a parish of the routine Christian Church of God this is our Wednesday Bible study and we've started a series or segments last week what does the Bible say so last week we looked at a topic this week we are going to be looking at attitude what does the Bible say about attitude I believe someone said your attitude will determine your attitude your attitude will determine your altitude so I believe what the person was saying is that works about your attitude is will determine where you get you in life I think that is important if that is true then it means that we need to look at what does the Bible say about our attitude would you turn your Bibles with me tonight to chapter 3 chapter 3 we're going to read from verse 17 to 19 past 17 to 19 it says it's a dog the fig tree does not bow and there is no grapes on the vine though the only crops fail and the field produces no food though there is no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the store yes I will rejoice in the Lord I will be joyful in God my Savior to say this the sovereign Lord is my strength he makes my feet like the feet of death and ensures a enables me to tread on the height for the tread on the ID with the Lord bless the reading of his word brethren this morning I said this morning can you imagine this evening we'll be looking at attitude attitude attitude we understand what the scripture is saying if everything is not working right if you are facing situation your life is not proceeding as you would have planned it what he was saying he said there is no grape in the vine where the fig tree does not work what the fig tree does not produce this is flower where there's no culture in the store so there's no money where you are lacking in one thing or the other thing he will do is that he will rejoice in the Lord that is the attitude that a Christian should have your attitude like I said in the beginning determines your altitude your attitude determines your altitude and it means that if a person chooses to just look at the negative things that is their reality forever do you know it can affect their future so saying here rejoice in the Lord the world because God come with me to Genesis chapter 4 Genesis chapter 4 and we're gonna read from verse 6 to 7 Genesis chapter 4 from 6 to 7 this is a story that you probably know what's the story it's the story of God a conversation between why is your first down cast if you do what is right will you not be accepted but if you do if you do not do what is right sin is crouching because it went along and killed his brother you see things that you must be careful during this time is to begin to blame God [Music] decision decisions when you look at 14-14 if you read from verse 1 to verse 4 that's night number 14 numbers chapter 14 - - we will choose and bondage and they cried out to God the Egyptians are using slaves they are killing our children they are killing our wives the human beings prayer as God we hear your prayer two nights in the name of Jesus mighty name of Jesus one night the cross the Red Sea destroy the armies of it the Egyptians because they all perished in the Red Sea filled with milk and honey and then the best just one problem and then they began about yourself [Music] [Music] blessings to pray for you pray for the church then having a chitchat with you every single day talking about the news that we should have latitude leads to poor decision you saw the poor decision is from me they said they were going back because they said that do you know those people make that decision they never saw the promised land I want you to pray today no matter what face [Music] [Music] applause do you know some people now right now they will lose fit to them so because of what has happened I don't think I want to pray anymore because people are dying I don't think I want to bread to God anymore why should I worship God so why should I pray to God why should I sing songs to the glory of God [Music] which one goes authority of our lives anymore to that we'll be living a life worthy of God will be given to God we pray to God I don't think I want I want to be with this God anymore and then we become lazy like I said last week and we choose not to worship God anymore if we are one of those people I want you tonight to ask God to forgive you in the mighty name of Jesus ask him to forgive you right now lord I promise I will never that's why it is important it doesn't matter what is happening in the country right now the Almighty God will spare you he was family he was period children he will spare your husband it was very wise in the mighty name of Jesus so bad attitude our relationship with God the second thing that we learn is the bad attitude leads to poor decision and bad attitude in God what does the Bible say we should do that should be our attitude what's the positive attitude you put your trust in the government you cannot put your trust in the physicians even doctors are dying to salvage it watch the news you can put your trusting is god unless you put your trust in God God will bless you in the name of Jesus so your teach you to be trust God Jesus Christ he was preaching so they must be at least 10,000 people day because instead of worry is not he turned to God the all sufficient God [Music] [Music] because you belong to God your mindset must be different in the world you should have a mindset as Christ has a mindset and that's why I'm trusting God for you today that the Lord will be with you in the mighty name of Jesus that joy will fill your hearts in the mighty name of Jesus if you've been unhappy if you've been distressed if you've been worried in the name of Jesus in the NIV in every situation in the new what you need you know what you need tell God about everything the world maybe why you should not be rewarded it's a bad attitude the attitude of Christ the attitude of just talk to him a few minutes to do that talk to him right now just keep on talking to God keep on talking to God talk to him talk to him just talk to him in Jesus mighty name so what is this don't worry about anything but pray about everything and as you do so the Lord will bless you in the mighty name of Jesus bless you thank you very much sister boo me just the Lord bless you is the place bless you bless you thank you very much I hope you watch it because I thank you for the world of you thank you very much the Lord will be with you thank you very much I appreciate all of you in the mighty name of Jesus I just want to say to you it's time for us to give our offering please let us continue to support the ministry and as you do so God will bless you in the name of Jesus the account details you already know is on the screen and as you do so the Lord will bless you thank you very much all of you continue to contribute and I give your title offering the Lord will continue to bless you in the mighty name of Jesus and please remember if you've known of anybody who needs our support we keep on calling on but if there's anybody who needs our support and I'm saying it anybody who needs our supports who are members of covenants of peace please let us know so that we can contact those people and we can reach out to them at these trying times the Lord will bless you in the mighty name of Jesus god bless you have a wonderful night I hope you are blessed tonight in the mighty name of Jesus now presume people who have questions and since nobody has any question then I think I'm just gonna bring this to close and the Lord will be with you in the mighty name of Jesus thank you very much for being with us thank you for joining this life telecast God will continue to strengthen you in the mighty name of Jesus I will see you on Sunday again by the grace of God please keep safe keep on praying remember the scripture for tonight don't worry about anything instead pray about everything the Lord bless you in the mighty name of Jesus god bless you good night the Lord be with you in Jesus mighty name
Channel: Ask Pastor Dave UK
Views: 99
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Kj6XbQixGQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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