What Should You Do With Your Life? - Hamza Yusuf

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[Music] again establish prayer and then change the world around you so change yourself but also change world you always see that in the quran this idea of yourself and the horizon you know that it's not just about you it's also translates into how you interact how you engage the world so enjoying what is right and be patient because if you do that you're going to have problems you're going to have difficulties if you're out there in the world as a voice for truth you're going to have trouble it's going to be difficult so be patient what comes as an affliction to you because that's the nature of the world in the vatican and that is at the essence of this matter it's about praying commanding what's right forbidding what's evil and then being patient right that's really at the root of this is patience now if you're going to be out there doing this don't turn your cheek and scorn to the people in other words don't become arrogant don't think because what you're doing is upright and righteous that that gives you a right to be arrogant towards people that aren't at your level of behavior or understanding in other words you have to go out there with compassion if you're going to change anything you can't look at them with contempt you have to look at them with the eye of rahma of mercy and that's the way the prophet sam looked at the creation and then what atom shifted and don't walk with insolence and it's very interesting how people walk because there's a type of walk that allah hates which is the walk of the the arrogant arabs don't walk with incidents in the earth the quran says they walk gently on the earth they tread gently on the earth those are the people that don't disrupt things armies you know it's very interesting how armies march it's not marching is not walking lightly on the earth that's a innovation that came later but the sahaba didn't go around marching and right i mean really and goose stepping and i mean that's insolence i mean look at goose stepping what was that right it's a very strange thing to do but i mean that's the point is don't do that because that's an indication of your heart and the heart is an indication that you're arrogant and arrogance is something that allah hates walk lightly on the earth you know tread lightly on the earth i mean it's interesting you know when you cross a bridge in the army they actually break the the march right because during world war ii they had a group of people that marched across this bridge and because they were in pace the whole bridge collapsed it's very interesting and that's kind of that's a metaphor for that type of marching it's like that's khasfi you know that allah can open up the earth to that type of insolence be modest in your walk be gentle in your speech don't speak harshly with people the worst type of voice is the voice of the donkey and that's the worst type of voice and now allah says haven't they seen that allah has subjugated everything in the heavens and the earth i mean this is what they call the anthropic principle now they actually recently started thinking of of the fact that the entire universe is designed for life just on this planet and that's an actual philosophical position now and that's exactly what's being said here haven't they considered that the whole universe was designed for you to exist here in this funny small little corner of this vast universe in order for life to be exist here everything has to be exactly where it is in the entire universe because if it shifted slightly everything would shift and he has showered you with his blessings inwardly and outwardly think in other words things that you're aware of and things you're not even aware of you don't even know there's things right now you've got phagocytes in your body that are fighting foreign invaders you're not even aware of it you know you you've been exposed to some virus or bacteria and your body is doing this work and you're not even aware of it and it's enema from allah and you're not even saying thank you for these white blood cells that have emerged to protect my body from getting sick we don't even think of there's some and how many other things are we totally unaware of that are going on constantly and that's what that's what allah is saying there woman and from amongst people there's people that argue about all of this without any knowledge they're just going to argue with you know i don't believe that well what's the basis i just don't believe it they don't have in other words they're not arguing from because see the even the atheist has to admit that he doesn't know that's why the agnostic is really the only philosophically sound position the atheist who says there's no god has no authority to say that in reality he doesn't it's just it's a position he's decided to take but it's a position of arrogance whereas the agnostic he's saying i don't know it's a a more honest position because he knows that the possibility is there right that i'm allowing for the possibility but i don't know so the idea of arguing against this is is arrogant that's what's being said is that it's a position of arrogance the best that you could say is i don't know it could be true everything you you're saying it could be true but i don't know but to say no i don't this is not true what what's the basis of your foundation i don't believe it you know the world's evil where'd the evil come from i mean they can come but it's in the end of the day the arguments uh begin to fall short it's not guidance they're not doing it from knowledge they're not doing it from god and they're not doing it from some illuminating book in other words some source of revelation we either pleaded i mean this is always really interesting is that one of the fascinating things about the quran to me and it differs from other books like this is that it gives all of the possible objections that people have for the quran in it and i guarantee you if you if you look through the quran at all the objection you'll you'll not hear original ones right there's people that say like patricia crone uh who's a professor i think now at princeton uh who wrote this book that the quran is it's just fables well i mean the quran says that there are those who say this is just fables the quran says that and then there's other people you know if you say why aren't you following no i'm i'm following i'm i'm this or i'm that well where'd you get this or that from from my parents that's one reaction that people have is just i'm following what i found my parents doing or i'm going it on my own right i did it my way so uh the reason that i wanted to do that is because this chapter lokman is such an important chapter in terms of the relationship between the father or the mother and the child and the relationship to the child and the parent and in the end of the day uh we we're all here because of two parents i can guarantee that for everybody in the room that everybody in here had a mother and a father even this modern manipulation of biology is still manipulating x and y chromosomes and xx chromosomes there's there's no way that they can get around that yet i mean there's a verse in the quran that says you knew how we brought creation about the first time shaykh abdullah said that that's could be possibly an indication that there will be other ways of doing it towards the end of time like cloning and things like that so i mean that that the quran doesn't even negate that it actually says that there's the first way of doing it and the first way usually indicates there's a second way now in terms of children parents and marriage because this generally for most muslims i mean the prophet sallallahu islam said islam there's no monastic tradition in islam in other words we don't believe that you can draw near to allah through avoiding marriage we don't believe that that does not mean that you have to get married marriage is the man i mean normally that's how they do it it's it's considered the hukum of marriage the ruling in islam is it it's manduba according to imam malik radhilan it's recommended it's not a it's recommended and there are many hadiths that encourage it and it's definitely a sunnah the one that does not desire my sunnah rejects entering into paradise now and and he was referring specifically to marriage so but that has to do with the idea of not marrying for religious reasons that we don't accept that idea that i'm not marrying because i want to draw near to allah that you actually draw near to allah by getting married and his wife um abdullah died and he he only waited one day before he remarried and he was asked about he said i didn't want to be a bachelor because it's the sunnah of the prophet he he wanted to fulfill the sunnah and one of the sahaba on his deathbed said zawi junies o you know marry me somebody marry me i don't want to meet my lord as a bachelor right so those are indications that it's it's a important thing now i want to now just look at two hadiths the first hadith is about men towards women and the second one is about women towards men the first hadith is from abu hurayrah and it's means it's related in sahih bukhari and sahih muslim which means it's the soundest form of hadith outside of what's called mutawatar which is multiply transmitted to the point where it's impossible that it could have been a lie or some mistake in it and this hadith says a woman is married for four reasons the first reason is wealth so there are people that marry for wealth and very common wealthy people tend to like to marry wealthy people and there's a number of reasons for that and that's certainly acceptable in islam there's nothing against that i mean it's just an acceptable thing it's not encouraged but or anything but it's acceptable and some of the unima consider scholars consider that wealth is a type of that it's good for somebody from one socioeconomic class to marry somebody from a similar socioeconomic class because if somebody was raised was a certain level of opulence or a certain level of standard of living and then they marry considerably under that that can be quite traumatic for that person and it can lead to problems and that often happens when people marry for love like a romantic type of love so wealth generally in islam is property and liquid assets and liquidity that you have capital i mean that's wealth and from from an islamic point of view you know rich most of us would be considered rich in islam if you have a house if you have a car if you have money if you can buy pretty much what you need and what you want then in sharia you're honey that's wealthy i mean poor people are people that literally hand to mouth in islam and that that is poverty there's two types of poverty the muskena and meskin fakir is somebody that i mean there's a difference opinion between shafi and mataki but a fakir is somebody who has a year's supply of provision and a mesquite doesn't even have their day's supply because the quran says allah mentions the fakir and then the mesquite and and the opposite version is that the fakir is the one that doesn't have a day supply in the mosquing has a year and the proof of imam shafi was the boat in surat al-kahf was owned by mesakin so to have a boat is to have something
Channel: TheHumbleBeliever
Views: 51,140
Rating: 4.9245772 out of 5
Keywords: Hamza Yusuf
Id: KNWLRw_xBhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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