What are you waiting for? - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf - Eid Khutbah July 2021

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[Music] foreign foreign and this is a great blessing in a time of difficulty for our community and for the larger human community for many many reasons the eid is a time of joy but there's also because of so much of what's going on in the world it's also a time where we should be thinking deeply about the human condition about where we are as a species about where our ummah is as a community many many things to think about made this a allah of remembrance a day of joy the prophet allah is beautiful hadith he said that i am or even it's a time of eating and drinking and remembering allah we tend to forget in this cornucopia of of the modern world that people actually did not have a lot to eat in the past many places they had famines were quite common and and this is why today was a day when the prophet saw i sent the sunnah is to sacrifice and the prophet sallallahu isaac told us that the most beloved action to allah on this day is is actually to sacrifice and what did we do with the sacrifice when he prayed they brought the coup after the prayer and he sacrificed it with his own hands a lot he said he said i'm doing this sacrifice for myself and for my ummah because many people are poor they can't afford to do this unfortunately many of us are able to do this now is a time though to really send it overseas to the places where they really need it because we don't need meat here you know but there are many places where people really are having difficult time but he sacrificed for himself and for his ummah and this is a reminder of the great gift ibrahim who is our father and the father of our prophets allies and he's our spiritual father because this is his minla it's called the ibrahim and even though the sun is is the the the uh the father is always honored ibrahim said very soon that we still follow it today but the most important thing about ibrahim that i see is his absolute taheed and tawakkon and imam al-ghazali in his book he put toheed and tawaku together and this is the foundation of our of our ummah and our teaching is to that we unify allah subhanahu ta'ala and we trust in allah and this is why the the when if you look at the the amazing story when the prophet saw islam ibrahim took his uh wife and his and she was she was a legitimate uh wife of ibrahim and he is a legitimate son despite what some of the other traditions say about islam it is not true ismail was legitimate son of ibrahim he's the firstborn and the ahad is with him as well as with ishaq he went to he took uh hajjah to a place when you look at it it's a complete trust in allah a place that has there's nothing there and and so he took him and she asked him as he was leaving is is this you or did allah tell you to do this he said no allah told me to do this she said then she was content she raised ismael there and the the the arabs that were there these are the original arabs they taught him arabic ibrahim when he came they married him because they were very impressed with him he was a great archer even the bible mentions about him they were very impressed with him as as a as a man and so despite the fact it was not their ad their norm they married him to one of their uh daughters ibrahim visited from shem when he came there he saw the woman and and he asked where's your husband she said he's out hunting and he said how are things here for you keith how are things here and she said terrible they're horrible she complained to him about their conditions so then he said when your husband comes back like the when you come into a house the ataba is the thing before the before the door the doormat he said change that so then ismail came back and he noticed he says like he noticed something and he asked her what happened today she said she came she just said sheikh old man came and he said well what happened he said he asked about our aish and i told him and then he he said did he be did he tell you to do anything he said he said to give you salaam and to say to change the door tres the trestle of your door and he said that was my father and he told me to to separate from you so go and join your family he divorced her why did he do that because ibrahim was going he made a dua ismail when they built the house send a messenger from them and then he said that yu allah send them a messenger from them who will recite to them your signs and he will teach them the book and the wisdom and he will purify them because you are so he knew that the source had to be pure the prophet said like make sure that the the one you marry is the right one because you're going to plant seeds so the earth has to be good earth so he married another woman from them ibrahim came again visiting them and what did he say he said because his ismail was out hunting she said oh we're in blessing nothing changed except the understanding the mentality changed nothing changed same conditions but the woman she didn't complain we're in blessings she said the opposite of the other woman the other one said she said we're in blessing he said what food are you eating she said meet and and uh and and he said washing he said she said water and he said may allah bless that leaf and bless that water the prophet saw i said and said you couldn't they didn't have seed had they had seeds he would have blessed the seeds all they were eating was meat and water the prophet salallahu said the son of adam that has no rights except for these beitun yasukunoho that's the only thing we're entitled to as a as a as a human being as a creation of allah is a house that protects you and for some it's just a tent clothes that you cover your nakedness with and then [Music] bread and water this is basically somebody in prison that's what a prisoner has he has a roof over his head they give him prison outfit and they give him bread and water in some places here they get other things but traditionally bread and water was what you gave the prisoner in the halloween in fast where the students studied they were given a just one loaf of bread every day and water as that was their sustenance for like going to college when you go to college you get that's what they got a loaf of bread and water and whatever else they had ate was from their own source so the prophet sam said that's all you deserve and the humans are feel so entitled to things this woman was a pure woman and then she said when when when when when she she also said jana she saw ibrahim she said a beautiful chef came to us today and then she praised him the other one just said some old man came this is the difference between world views of how you view the world and this is what our religion teaches to change your mentality change the way you think about things change all this entitlement that modern people have the crisis on these planets is one thing and one thing alone human beings are relying on themselves and they're not relying on allah they think they can do it on their own all of the things that are happening right now are because people no longer call on allah when they have tribulations calamities are the spreads of divine gifts allah sends calamities to take people back to him that's why he sends them even says that sometimes you will find in calamities what you cannot find in prayer and fasting because prayer and fasting always has the possibility aversion but when you have a calamity you know that you're nothing you know that you're a fakir and this is why the prophet sallallahu alaihi salaam a man came to him and said and he said he said i love you he said think about what you're saying he said i love you he said it three times the prophet allah is then get ready for tribulation get ready for things that are going to break you subhanallah the people that have the most tribulation in dunya are the prophets and then those like the prophets but we don't like to think about this people want ease this is human nature people want ease but allah wants you to know allah before you are confronted with your own life on the yom kiana to have maddie of allah subhanahu wa so all of these tribulations that allah sends to this species is for their benefit and this is what people don't realize this is a completely different way of viewing the world when i was in muritania a man asked me in muritania when they eat there's so many flies because it's a desert environment there's so many flies that they will literally pour sugar in the corner to bring the flies there so they can eat without the flies this that's how many fly and old very old sheikh he was a a scholar ana and he said to me do they have flies in america and i said we rarely get bothered by flies he said that he said oh i seek refuge in allah maybe they're getting their blessings here in the dunya you think about life you know this is a short time all these tribulations is a short time now here just in conclusion the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said something that struck me as so extraordinary and everything he said is amazing sallallahu alaihi you know i have two cats and these cats they walk around all the time like i pray they come they do tawaf and and then you see them walking around the house they're always going in circles the prophesies and he called them the the animals that circle you you know this is his mula-hawa so allah they said i don't think i would have thought of that except because of the hadith that made me think about it but this is the beauty of the guidance that he gave us he saw everything he said show me things as they are he saw things as they are so he said something so extraordinary to me and everything he said is extraordinary he said that he said preempt with actions seven things preempt with action seven things initiate your deeds your good deeds before one or more of seven things will afflict you and what i realize is he covered everything in those seven things every single thing that is going to come to us is in one or more of these seven things and you can you can't exhaust it he said [Music] poverty that makes you forget everything because people lose everything in the dunya and once you've lost everything all you can think about is your situation because it's dire and so the prophet sallallahu alaihi salam called it it's a poverty that makes you forget everything because you can't think straight all you can think about is where your basic needs are going to come from and there's so many people on this planet right now in this situation many of the muslim countries that had beautiful lives they had good lives the vast majority of people have good now they're in the worst abject conditions the worst abject conditions and this can come to anybody anywhere any time and then he said or wealth that preoccupies you a man told me subhanallah i got a letter from a man the other day who said to me that for 10 years he was working to get this money and uh and he said he had all these plans to help the muslims and do all these things he said it finally came and he said i've become a horrible person he said i just i was spending all this money i got into all these horrible things man will transgress because he deems himself rich you see we know from social studies people that are wealthy they drive arrogantly they treat people with arrogance this is well known studies have been done on this because they get a sense of entitlement they also think like that somehow that i was given this because of something i did because i'm so clever because i'm so important this is what so he said or a sickness that will incapacitate you people are healthy and suddenly they have a stroke and they can't function they need people to take care of them or they get some disease chronic disease suddenly they're in pain all the time now they can't think of anything except their problem oh this happens to people or you begin to forget things doting old age dementia you can't even remember some people may allah protect all of you the best way to protect yourself from these things they don't get khara you know the people of quran real you know you have to take the book you know take it seriously but dementia all these diseases that come to the mind people forget they come into a room they can't remember why they're there this happens when you age so the prophet said you're waiting for sickness dementia and then he said almo or sudden death everything's fine people young people suddenly a heart attack and they literally drop dead they don't even know what's happening to them these are all things that the prophet said we're waiting for like hasten to deeds hasten to deeds people have money now what are you doing with your money saving it for something or other the prophet saw i said when they asked what should we spend the quran replied just whatever excess you have allah is not asking you for what you need he's asking you for what you don't need but the dunya tells you oh i need this i need that you don't we don't need anything i live with bedouin i know how much a human being needs to live we don't need a lot to live and then he said oh a dejana or the antichrist and this is the most evil of things that people are waiting for at the jab the prophet isaiah said that the job won't come until people stop mentioning him on the mimbar they'll forget and you can see the preparation everywhere people you look at people now they they don't think for themselves anymore they can't think they just follow what they're told they don't think about anything it's amazing the rafla that this species is in deep and this is important too because the prophet warned us about these latter days that we're in and one of the things you see many muslims now they're deviating grossly from the book and the sunnah i mean talking about things now we would never in a million years think our community would have been talked about or accepting things that are so unacceptable in our religion and you know what i'm talking about you see this now and then also adapting all of these things that have nothing to do with our religion we don't collectivize people we don't talk about white people or black people or any other group some as this they're a collective the quran says those people have it on themselves the children don't inherit their sins don't inherit their sins we don't we don't think about these things we just adopt all these materialists now we send our children to these universities where they're going to be indoctrinated they're not going to be taught they're going to be indoctrinated into things totally antithetical to the muslim community every religious community that came to this country that was serious about their religion built religious schools and colleges every single one because they understood we can't let our children be taught by people that don't share our values that's why the catholics have schools all over parochial secondary school and colleges because they were they took their religion seriously where are the muslim cop we've been here so long where are our colleges where are our hospitals where where are the things that we where we define our values we define what we believe in we don't let them define them for us this is a materialistic culture the whole planet is becoming this way but we have a community where we actually believe in in goodness and decency and virtue and chastity and justice and forgiveness and mercy and honor these are the these are the things that our prophet taught us i was sent to teach people to use him to to purify them in the commentaries they say to teach them all of the virtuous behavior and to warn them of all of the vicious behavior this is our prophet isaiah the most generous of people the most honorable of people the prophet saw i sent him said he never swore every time he spoke about anything sensitive he used what's called kinaya he didn't ever speak crudely or obscenely this is our prophet he said one of the signs at the end of time is foul language would become widespread people would just use foul language the tongue was a gift from allah to to to speak the prophet was the most eloquent of people one of the things when when when when fakhreddin says about shephan that one of the things allah says is it you know like rile them up with your go ahead round them up with your with your voice he said it's teaching our young people foul lyrics that's what he said putting foul lyrics into the minds of the young people so that garbage in garbage out these are all the things that we have to be aware of the environment we're in and protect our young people because allah their hearts are pure their hearts are pure they're enculturated into foulness the fitra is natural even all of this talk about racism racism is not the natural state of human beings the natural state of human beings is accepting one another children do not have racism they'll play with any color of child that's enculturated into people and so this whole talk about people are racist by nature it's not true this is a lie from iblees to make people despair or people say that oh racism is the cause of oppression no racism is used as a mechanism of oppression it's not the cause it's used as a mechanism divide and conquer divide impera the romans knew this we can't be fooled we're a people that bring people together we don't separate them he despaired of being worshipped but he was content with creating division amongst you today is a day of joining today is a day of setting aside your all of your anger whatever's happening with your family this is a day shiloh or hamacom like call up people that you're related to if there's something between you ask forgiveness bring people together this is our ummah it's an ummah is a collective of people that have the same purpose and our purpose is worship of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and service to his creation that's that's the whole reson d'etre of this ummah the purpose of this ummah is to worship allah and to serve allah's creation whether they're black white red yellow whether they're buddhist hindu jain whether they're jew it doesn't matter we are here to serve this is our purpose we are here to serve one of the things we've forgotten is feeding the homeless feeding the hungry they don't enjoy people to feed the hungry that's one of the signs of people that are in sha'a that are wretched with allah is that they don't encourage others to help we have people all over in need now and many of the muslims we've been blessed and you don't have to give all your money away you don't have take one family this is what adi abu bakr allah said the prophet was not somebody who was saying give all your wealth away never and there's nothing wrong with being wealthy in islam we're not socialists our religion is against this idea there's if allah has blessed you with wealth you pay your zakat and then you give sadaqah on top of that and that's all allah is asking take one family that's in need and help them if you can do two then do two this is what probably abu bakr ibn arabia says so these are things to think about on this day of eve allah foreign told us that's the seventh day which is the hour there's three hours what's called star there is a door from the finite to the infinite it's the door of infinity it's lanihaya it's the door of infinity and that door is waiting each one of us if you could see your ajay because your ajar was written in the the it was written in the in the womb of our mothers when we were in a womb you raised me in the womb of my parents and you were before me before my parents this is this every single one of us has an agile if we could see it you know january 3rd 2025 january you know it's every single one of us it's there and we don't think about it but it's real and this is what the prophet saw i said was somebody he said remind yourselves of death not in a morbid way in a way that makes you bad hasten to actions we have little time we're here for a short period of time we have things to do each one of you has the gifts that allah has given you some of you have wealth you can support good things some of you have muscles you can labor in good things some of you have allah has gifted you with intellectual brilliance you can do that for making things to better our human condition everybody has their gifts and we don't have any power for any human being every human being has the potential to know allah the street sweeper has the potential to know a lot there were people in medina that nobody took seriously and they were beloved of allah and his messenger like the black woman who used to sweep the masjid and when she died they didn't think anything of it he's why didn't you tell me he was upset sally it isn't because he knew who she was he knew who she was so this is a time for us to think about just changing the trajectory of our lives every day is an opportunity to make the u-turn every single day with allah there's no sign that says no u-turns we can always turn back if we make tawba allah to us to love and he will forgive he said even if you came even if you came with the whole earth filled with your sins was if you ask forgiveness i would forgive you and shaytan hates tawba he wants to put you in a state of forgetfulness so subhana inshallah bless all the people wherever they are that are having a difficult eve allah subhanallah make it easy for them give them solace in their hearts may allah make us people that remember the gifts that we've been given and share them with others may allah forgive us bless us increase us elevate us protect this community protect bless all the people that set all these things up for us and did all this work may allah bless all the volunteers in the masjid may allah subhanahu wata'ala take you to your home said i mean except all the prayers on arafah on uh that happened yesterday may allah give us some portion of those prayers may allah remove this blight this plague that's on our uh on our species right now may allah all these terrible things that have afflicted uh our species may allah wake people up to their sinfulness and their need to make tawba to allah subhanahu to recognize that nothing afflicts us except what our own hands have wrought and allah subhanahu wa remind us of this may he remove the drought from this community may allah give us good rain give the parts to earth what it deserves and may all of these creatures forgive us and these trees and all these things that don't deserve anything but they suffer with us because of us we see the trees in so many places are dying you look at their leaves from the sinfulness of people not from anything they did and and the prophet saw i said who said had it not been for the trees and for the animals that the sinfulness of people would prevent rain from coming so may allah give us rain give us good rain and allah protect all of our children protect our women anybody who all these women who are wearing hijab bravely in this environment may allah protect them and keep them safe and sound may allah bless all of you the sunnah is to do the opiya for anybody that's going to do the it's after the prayer you go you have the the days of these these days of eve you can do it in any of the days of eid uh the best thing is obviously the ram and uh and uh you you you should the sun is to eat a third to give a third to your friends and then to give a third to poor people but we have now agencies that will do this for you and distribute it amongst the refugees so i think it's good inshallah to support our syrian refugees our yemeni refugees the libyan there's so many places where muslims kashmiris may allah make it easy for our brothers and sisters in kashmir in palestine obviously i mean this is an ongoing long long struggle may allah inshaallah uh foreign
Channel: Hamza Yusuf
Views: 45,888
Rating: 4.9193883 out of 5
Keywords: Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Hamza Yusuf, Zaytuna College, Islam, MCC East Bay, Eid Khutbah, Eid 2021, Ramadan
Id: mZVUmzip6OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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