What SECRETS Are Your HIDING From Your Family? (r/AskReddit)

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a slash is credit once something your family doesn't know about you my family is poor mother work double duty as a hotel maid in grocery store Clark for the longest time she saw my MVA debts and nearly had a heart attack but he'll never forget how him or she was when I deposited $500 from my first big boy check into a savings account it does suck though because to my extended family especially the ones back in the doctor they'll think him rich F I bought a Honda Accord not new but a few years old and really well taken care of also a coupe which I think gives off a vibe and live in a TT apartment but with roommates they all think him full of money though tough to reconcile one of those grasses always greener situations I guess I love them more than I show them I can't show up to any one of my family for some reason they probably think I don't care about them but I do and one day I'll tell em edit thanks to everybody who gave me advice or just took their time to talk about their lives and experiences I won't respond to everyone because of limited time but I truly appreciate all of your comments I m20 come from a family of four three sisters 13 comma 26 comma 28 I never could show any affection to them for some reason I never in my life told my parents or sisters that I love them except for my little sister I will definitely change that as soon as I finish work today life is not guaranteed and I want to open myself to them before it's too late thank you again everybody that means a lot to me if I have anything to say to repay the favour you did to me you'll should start or continue being true to you being genuine is the best thing you can do to improve your life love y'all I hate to make this about me my sister is dead I wish I could tell her everything like what my life is like now that I'm older the girl I love what my job is like what makes me sad what makes me happy I'd like just to have lunch with her and talk about something meaningless if I could I'd like her to know how much I love her because I never got the chance to express those feelings I'll never be able to do that because she's gone and you really don't know when someone is going to die so it's better now than later regardless of how cranky it seems you need to let go of that [ __ ] typo edit my brother is the sentimental one and always has been but he puts on a tough-guy Act I always find it so sweet when he calls around ten in the morning to tell me he will be driving through my town around lunchtime and wants to go out before he goes home I almost always go when my shed you'll allows because I know one day it won't be an option my family used to constantly ask me if I remembered any of my mom's abusive boyfriends doing anything to me I always told them no because they worked so hard and sacrificed so much to keep me safe from her and her homicidal / pedophile boyfriends when she and my dad had shared custody I never told them that I remember one of my mom's boyfriend's shoving my head underwater and my mom nonchalantly calling out for him to stop edit Wow didn't expect this to blow up there were many many more things my mother did to harm me and my family and as far as any of her boyfriends doing anything else to me I was told I've blocked out a lot of things all I know if that growing up I had an incredibly strong fear of sexual intimacy so I fear the worst but cannot know for sure thank you all for your kind words it truly means a lot to me more than you all will know I'm doing fantastic now and haven't associated with her for years I felt like I owed it to myself to protect myself from her destructive and reckless behavior I'm a god silver and jolt well [ __ ] there's a lot more childhood trauma where that came from but in all seriousness thank you all very much for the encouraging words not great at all being near my dad makes me feel physically repulsed in sake for my secondary school graduation body language in the pic I took with my daddy's so awkward that a lot of my peers asked me who he was like I'm legit pulling a get this [ __ ] over with face so I can sanitize my body they straight-up ruined my university graduation for me I haven't got any nice memories of that day apart from my so being a [ __ ] Saint keeping them entertained during the way to long ceremony my dad apparently wanted to leave and come back when I was about to come up but so told him that was frowned upon I think since then I have been limiting the contact they keep trying to get their clutches into my life mostly by trying to control me financially like if I ask for money as long as it's not a large sum they ll say yes but only to hold it over my head later meanwhile when I need a substantial amount like my 15k for college education they said nope Lowell then tried telling me that my dad paid for his own education he didn't his parents paid for his BSC and one of his masters the second one he did I'm starting to think is a lie but not long after asking for help they tell me they're buying me an apartment I say no thanks and they point out my crushing debt now I half owned an apartment with them and play a landlord to the to spare rooms even though they get all the money for me playing landlord ironically I still have to pay rent I tend not to borrow money often unless it's like I'm so broke I can't pay for groceries social media was a [ __ ] nightmare I wrote a tongue-in-cheek status about what happens when you drink gone off milk without thinking and my mum called me hysterically crying and begging me to delete the status in case people thought we couldn't afford fresh milk mum what meanwhile my dad kept commenting on myself eyes weird comments like very sexy very beautiful so proud to be your dad on thirst trap cleavage [ __ ] photos the worst was when a friend of mine asked me if I'd ever seen his Twitter and then shows me a stream of posts by him posting selfies of me with captions like sorry boys she's taken it's like the blunt is gone now sorry boys and random ass [ __ ] like that that's when I decided to block them on everything I lied and told my mum I was deleting social media to preserve my mental health now our relationship is solely on whatsapp they are both incredibly selfish and narcissistic people with really strange concepts of money asked them to borrow 50 euros and they need to hear a big sob story about how hard life is before they consider it but offer to visit them and they'll bring you and your partner to a super expensive restaurant where the bill will definitely be about 300 euros because they insist on getting starters and desserts also my mum always buys a bottle of wine drinks it and then insists on driving home so I've adopted never drinking when out with them so I can offer to drive us home I know my mom is about to go on an abusive rant when she messages me out of the blue asking a random question like Hetal starters have you found anyone to fill the empty room yet and end with you're so ungrateful and you make me feel like such a monster me making her feel like such a monster is her favorite line sometimes I daydream about saying I make you feel like that ha and how did I make you feel when you and adlet pedophiles have sex with me for money when I wasn't even 5 years old but I know exactly how something like that would end sewer lass it remains a daydream also it sucks when my older brother who was the golden child makes excuses for our parents especially mum we don't share the same dad but mine adopted him meanwhile our autistic brother was physically abused by them like crazy and they just dumped him into assisted living didn't tell him until the day he was moving it affected me a bunch still does I get sad at Christmas because I always wanted a normal one I can't [ __ ] wait to have kids so I can do it all over again the right way I also get sad when I see happy families in movies or on TV and get really angry when my friends complain about their loving parents I used to get triggered as [ __ ] go into my souls parents house because the dynamic was just so different to mine I spilled tea and started having a panic attack and his mom didn't even look in our direction just went about her business and told us where to put the tea towel when we are asked it triggers me because it reminds me just how a normal and unhealthy our upbringing was even outside of a sexual abuse that being said my souls family have essentially adopted me in and I love them they don't know the actual amount of difficulties that I had going through life with undiagnosed ADHD I got diagnosed at 28 after having essentially my third mental breakdown because of the huge amount of pressure and disgust I put on myself for failing to do even the simplest things I told my parents and they were devastated not because I had ADHD but because they never knew or suspected and honestly looking from the outside it was impossible to see I was valedictorian graduated college Manickam Lorde participated in tons of activities seemed to have friends etc but I was so broken and only did those things because of deep shame that resulted in an almost suicide attempt that my body saved me from it's hard to allow yourself to die from exposure I was hoping to make it look like an accident but after my body said nope not gonna happen I realized I really needed professional help I'm doing much better now but I know my parents wouldn't handle that well I was diagnosed with ADHD young but my parents were against medication and I struggled in my early thirties I went to a psychiatrist because my doctor had just been trying multiple to depressants for years that didn't work the psychiatrist wanted to treat my ADHD first and then my depression it worked and I hadn't had to go on antidepressants since my parents still don't know and just think I cured my depression I don't go to school anymore but am planning to my life has been messed up for the last couple of years I got depressed after high school and dropped out of it college after two years I then went on to become a teacher but my depression got the better of me again and I quit six months ago I lived on my own after a big fight with my parents and were on no speaking terms for months before we talked it out then my landlord kicked me and my roommate's out because we kept complaining about the state of the house we hired leaky roof broken gutter leaky gas pipe now I'm living with my parents again but they are on to me to keep up the farce I travel to another city and stay there for eight hours to keep them under the impression that I still go to school if my parents find out that I quit I will probably kill myself out of shame also I have no concept of love anytime any of my friends or family tell me they love me I think they are lying because I have no idea what love feels like my family now now I write romance novels for a living they don't know I used to write straight up jerk-off erotica as my sole source of income for a couple of years that means that they definitely don't know that every Christmas present I bought for them during that time was paid for by basically the deepest perversions I could conjure up my mother has a small statue of an elephant that I bought for her one year it has pride a place on the mantelpiece she has no idea that it was the direct result of my writing a very vivid Buckhead scene that's between me and the elephants and so Shalit remain that I have social anxiety and crippling depression every day it's second nature to just say I'm fine and move on they think I'm lazy because I don't have a job and sit on my computer or laying bed all day when in reality it's because I can't put myself through the stress fear and constant stomach knots from interacting with people every day and I need a job because I have student loans to pay from when I dropped out of college from my social anxiety they think I'm just shy and eventually I'll grow out of it but they grow more impatient by the year I can't open myself up to any real person so therapy is out of the question I can't even sit down to tell people about my issues because I feel emasculated and patronized wanted to share a positive story I'm getting married in October after my grandmother and my mother and father died I separated myself from my cousins aunts uncles surviving grandparents because our family was so toxic in that for years I fell in love developed a new family and have been quite successful you never know who is dragging you down and before anyone asks I made multiple attempts to rekindle relationships with family but it's a two-way street that no one else was driving on apparently my parents divorced in 2000 but were on and off after that my mom and dad died three years apart and because of his drunken ways and random knocks on the door I was relieved and I wasn't invited to the funeral or included in the abit I still have a little darkness from it but there is so much light now that it drowns it out pretty well I still have moments with my fiance when I'll get upset because something triggers me but we talk about it and move on my ex-wife and or my stepmother convinced my family I hurt my daughters I raised them from for five years since they were a baby potty-trained them and everything I never hurt them in any way then I found out since I got a call during the investigation either they were being hurt by new boyfriend or my family coached them about reproductive parts so my family has no idea I'm one of the nicest people in the world and taken advantage many times because of that and I would give my life in a moment to protect slash save a child I shalt be surprised though they abandoned me through all my childhood abuse - why should I expect them to every give a [ __ ] about me how much debt I'm in my mom probably has an idea but student loans aren't a joke I'm going to school for Sivir forensics and will be graduating this year however I have only recently realized that while I'm good at networking and technology my two years actually working in the field has shown me that it does not make me happy whatsoever and it actually makes me miserable I'm an expert in it networking and security however I hate doing it I've realized recently that acting is what makes me happy and I want to pursue that despite being deep deep in debt for a major in silver and six back when I was in high school I did several background acting jobs for movies and commercials and this summer have gotten back into it and recently just did a background acting job for an upcoming Netflix series releasing next year and it's made me realize that that is what makes me happy and gives me personal satisfaction acting you do something new every single day you meet new people and make new connections / friends every single day and you get to be a part of something amazing and I can see myself making a living off of acting my family doesn't know that my major plus job experience and what I'm skilled in actually makes me miserable and something as stupid as acting even if it's just background acting and acting in student films makes me happy and that I regret not going to school for film but once I'm graduated I'm going to keep pursuing acting jobs and see where it lands me even things as small as background acting makes me so happy and I love it my mom thinks that after I graduate that I plan on going for my masters in this field but I know that it'll only give me more debt for something I have absolutely no interest anymore in getting into I don't know how to tell her that I decided not to go for my Master's TL DR the field I'm majoring in and have years of experience and Gibbs makes me miserable and I want to throw it all away for acting my entire family is proud of me for going into a major that makes a ton of money and that I've built a successful career already in said field but it's made me miserable money is awesome but at what cost when you're miserable everyday throw away time what they don't know is I'm in a very very dark place mentally I'm pretty much running on drugs and alcohol and overworking myself every day from the outside I'm a very successful guy I'm semi famous around tens of thousands of followers I throw jokes around and I like making my buddies happy / motivated my family call me the fun guy to be around but when I closed my apartment room every day when I get home I have to use a substance to keep that pain away I almost cry every night and I'm planning to call it goodbye two years from now I've been working non-stop for the last three years to stack money to help my family maintain the lifestyle Erin without me and I made a saving account that I put money in that is linked to my best friend in my inheritance papers something happened to me around decade ago and it kills me everyday nothing can help it go away not a psychiatrist not a love partner or even family and friends all I can do is numb the pain till next morning then drowned the noise with work and maintaining my fake happy personality on social media I'm trying to power through it for the next two years I know it's very selfish of my that I can't endure it I broke up with my gf not so long ago to push her away because I really love her and I don't want her to feel that pain after I'm gone how much awesome kinky sex I have I went through therapy and II converted from fundamentalist Christianity my family is still very religious in that they think dating someone who not white as an exotic thrill and consider an age gap of more than three to four years to be creepy and weird my siblings are the most liberal in the family and have recently decided that they actually don't think gay people are going to hell extra-fast the last time I in my late 30s admitted to finding a friend in her twenties attractive they called me gross I stopped talking to them about my love life at that point they have an image of me as a virgin weeb who wants to get married to a nice girl I'm 40 I've sucked dick to see if I liked it I make high-quality leather bondage and impact gear for fun I am sleeping with two extremely attractive and emotionally healthy women in their mid-twenties in an open poly FWB maybe more relationship and probably having my first threesome this year I'm trying to help one of my lovers come out of her shell enough to date a mutual friend of ours we are going on a vacation in the winter and our packing list includes two data for cuffs vibrators and ear plugs I said it as a joke but people are starting to call me a [ __ ] Smith because of the things I can do in bed and asking me to make calling cards so they can recommend me to friends of this who just need a good evening a weekend my entire family would have conniptions if they knew any single one of those facts it's not because I'm protecting them either I don't give a [ __ ] if they know I just don't want to deal with the panic response they didn't evitable have at the thought of me doing things their imaginary friend doesn't like that the divorce I'm going through is a lot harder on me than I'm letting on I wanted the divorce no one in my family like my ex and they are happy I'm getting away but the divorce has been dragging on for two years now and is really taking its toll on me the first year things were fine in my family saw that I was a lot happier but it is dragging on to the second year because my ex is refusing to cooperate and is trying to manipulate the system I'm at risk at losing time with my kids and losing half my life savings and having to pay 50% of my paycheck in child support for the net fifteen years note my ex makes more than me which is the most frustrating part she has no problem supporting herself she talks [ __ ] about me to my kids but I'm trying to take the high road and ignore it it is depressing realizing I have to deal with her for 15 plus years a big reason my family doesn't know is one thing I'm struggling with is they haven't been there for me my mom has had some health issues and can't travel my dad was supposed to come out for Father's Day but changed his plans because my daughter had a recital on Father's Day I had to spend time with my ex's family on Father's Day I live close to my brother but he makes no effort to plan events with my kids we were even supposed to have a joint birthday party for our kids because they are a couple weeks apart and he straight-up forgot promised to make up for it but has not reached absence that I hope my mom marries her boyfriend has a new family and starts over without me my mom got pregnant pretty young and was a single mother she did a lot for me and I appreciate it but she's an alcoholic and has no idea how to manage money as a result my childhood was pretty rough I am about to graduate college and I'm looking to move pretty far away for grad school and it would be a huge load off my shoulders if my mom had something else she went through pretty bad depression when I moved out I had to move out during high school due to her drinking and frankly I feel like she's holding me back from my life the idea that she could have other people to help support her when she gets older gives me so much hope as is I'm planning on fully financially supporting her in the medium-term future because she's already had to move back in with her mother and my grandmother Seif is declining throw away because my main account is known by some my wife and I are both PhD students and started at the same time with her being more successful but me being further into the program long story short she didn't pass an advancement meeting and has to retreat xed month this has lead her to having crippling anxiety and I'm spending the majority of my free time doing anything I can for it to stop it has gotten to the point where she's losing sleep constantly having stomach problems and drinking a lot she's seeing a therapist but it isn't working for her because she's not putting in the effort for anything that's not work which brings stress and anxiety she has been snapping at me much more often and at first I was understanding and have tried to calm her down I'm kinda at my last nerve and have to constantly remind her that she can't treat me like this if I'm trying to help her it's been a daily dance of getting her out of bed after her having rough sleep and making our breakfast and lunch walking on eggshells in the car to work in case anything I say will set her off sending encouraging texts through the day and then driving back home to her being more cheery because she doesn't have to deal with stress at this point I have to go and get food or make food for dinner while she drinks she then can't get to sleep due to stress anxiety again unfortunately I can't leave her at home for a day off because she also will get separation anxiety I love her so much but this has been some of the hardest couple of months and I'm hopeful it will end soon it's broken me down for the past 7 months and I have to fight the feeling of regretting getting married years ago I faked a pregnancy the father told me it had to be done because his family would never accept us being together otherwise he had broken up with me a few weeks prior and told a bunch of lies and horrible things about me to them I didn't know at the time and I wanted to get back together I was crazy about him this was the ugly head of his emotional and mental abuse and I should have ran them but I was young and stupid and believed I was madly in love we went so far as to even fake us on a grand picture and a positive pregnancy test I asked him what we would do when after a while I didn't look pregnant he said he would have been knocked up by then anyway then he ended up with holding sex from me as a form of punishment for my bad behavior in the end I had to fake a miscarriage went to the air and everything he knew it was fake so he didn't bother to leave work saying they wouldn't let him leave he broke up with me again a few weeks after the act ended and I moved 500 miles away to get away from him he still managed to coerce money out of me with excuses I can't afford my phone bill this month if my phone gets turned off I won't be able to talk / text with you et Cie always promising to pay me back and never did he convinced me to move back down there and in with him and like an idiot I went there was so much more mental and emotional abuse over the next three months it's too much to go into I called my mother crying regularly and finally found the strength to call my dad and tell him to come get me and don't leave here without me no matter what he had driven my truck without oil and blew a rod in the motor so I had no vehicle and couldn't leave after I left for good I found my strength in small truths about him I uncovered on my own things I had ignored before one of the biggest secrets he had often denied was that he had had sex with another man i catfished one of his dating profiles posing as another man so much closure my family knows it was bad but they don't know the extent the only person who knows about the pregnancy being fake is my current husband for trust and medical reasons my sister had a miscarriage that no one else in my family knows about but me my brother has a massive cocaine addiction that again no one knows but me don't know why they decided to tell me but I'm glad they felt like they could trust me to not tell the rest of the family and still be able to get it off their chests in terms of my own secrets I used to be a pretty bad drug addict and I'm in like ten thousand pound dead because of it I won't be able to pay that [ __ ] off for a long time I walked in on my dad having sex with another woman whilst I was staying with him for a bit abroad and he was still married to my mum at the time I feel a bit shitty for not telling anyone at the time and it would make me such an ass to bring it up randomly all these years later so I still choose not to say anything I think I hated my mum and didn't tell her out of spite and in hindsight that's just a really shitty thing to do my ex-girlfriend died due to a heroin overdose and I decided not to help her and I still don't know why it eats at me every single day I tried to kill myself and was sectioned under the Mental Health Act I spent six months in hospital and not a single family member contacted me during that time so I never bothered to tell them after the fact thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
Channel: Slime King
Views: 52,668
Rating: 4.7723579 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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