What Screams "I'm Educated But Not Smart"? (r/AskReddit)

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what screams i'm educated but not very smart i read a column by a veterinarian advising against vaccinating dogs because vaccines have mercury and have been linked to autism in children even though vaccines don't give kids autism dogs can't get it anyway but they can get parvo virus rabies and a stimper all of which are present here and all of which will handily and messily kill a dog i don't think he writes for the paper anymore my sister is a well-respected lawyer in our city and runs her own firm she also thought that she wouldn't get sunburned when driving her convertible because she was moving yeah as a lawyer with a little bit of interest in science i can say most lawyers have not the slick best idea of science during orientation we were asked why we study law the most common answer was because it is the field that has the least to do with math the college-educated stay-at-home mom who has an exciting business opportunity to tell you about that will allow you to work from home set your own hours and get as much out of your business as you put into it smart people know how much they don't know in college it was always humbling when the professors didn't have an answer for something if an old guy with a harvard phd and years of experience doesn't have it all figured out the rest of us probably don't either and that's perfectly okay when someone insists that there is one way to do something and won't entertain any other methods usually they want to only do things the way they were taught and have spent years mastering if you introduce a new way even if it's better they are intimidated because they doubt their own ability to learn it they have learned the road motions but not the underlying concepts work smart not hard a lot of age-old bureaucracy within businesses rests on people benefiting from rejecting innovation i used to work in a thrift store and one time we had a customer who wanted to be let into the store 10 minutes early we told him no and eventually he came back when we actually opened he then started ranting to us about how customer service should work and how we were going to go out of business because we didn't know how to put the customer first he went on to say that he was smarter than all of us because he went to harvard bonus when he went to check out he was buying a tea cup that was marked five dollars he asked me if i could lower the price and when i told him that all prices are final he answered with this gem it's always no with you isn't it dear lord i hope you answered yes and watched his head explode i took a class on this subject once therefore i know what i'm talking about this is a good one people who are educated and smart are more likely to know exactly how much they don't know i work for a college we had a lady come in and get all annoying with us because we're legally not allowed to give her details of her child's account ferpa laws she started saying really shti things about how we just don't care about anything except money or something yeah right ek so when we still refuse to literally break the law for her she goes i don't need you all ganging up on me i probably have more degrees than all of you combined she said she was a psychologist and thus understood privacy laws but didn't understand that similar laws exist for education she was a c we laughed about that one for a while we had an office manager several years ago that like to tell the admin staff that she was better because of her master's degree i proceeded to print up degrees for every one and every object in the office my favorite was the one posted on the wall above the water cooler granting the machine a masters in hydration from the culligan university they bring up their high school grades if they ever feel their intelligence is challenged my act is 33 okay but you have set the communal microwave on fire three times because your cup is metal being able to spout many facts but being unable to follow basic logic as i get older i'm starting to worry i'm actually a dumb person who's been told he's smart his whole life for this exact reason me every day regretting the life decisions i have made as a fully grown man typing this post from my room in my mom's basement 20-30 percent of grown children always lived with their parents if you check shards going back say 100 years you want a new terrible failure don't worry also have you seen the price of rent and houses it's insane buying the most expensive car you can afford directly after entering the workforce teacher in the staff room telling her co-workers she had a tutor from infant school up until she finished her degree then went on to argue only capital cities can host the olympics my neighbor told me he went to doctor school that one still makes me pause demanding respect for having a degree that is super obvious when you get a fresh graduate and mix him her in with experienced co-workers without degrees extra points of the management and the graduate share in alma mater yes you do have a degree no you did not fill this paperwork out correctly fix it and stop being a dick i ain't doing very well in either category so i don't judge there's a lot of smart people that have problems once they get to university because they never took the time to develop decent study habits they coasted through high school on intelligence alone but hit a brick wall once they realized how much more work uni requires oh my friend's ex was exactly that she went something like this my husband you can have good grades and still be stupid we're talking about college ex-friend that's literally impossible if you have good grades it means you're smart or you wouldn't get good grades i have straight ass i am not stupid five minutes later ex-friend hey i have to deliver a letter to the post office go over there right now me but it's 6am on a sunday ex-friend so me they are closed why don't you just put it in the mailbox ex-friend there's a check in here to pay my bullets almost 150 dollars i'm not putting it in a mailbox just go to the post office and we went to the post office and watched her shock and all that the doors were locked he also asked if we had any stamps and got upset why none of us had spare stamps on us you were hanging out at 6am on a sunday having a good job but still living paycheck to paycheck financing a new car every year going all out on holidays too frequently eating out every meal yeah they were educated to get the great job but not very smart to still be struggling with finances people who think they win online debates because the other person isn't typing grammatically bachelor's and master's degree but no idea how to use photocopier and answer the phone people who can very artfully argue a point but who simplify the issues involved down to the point that their conclusions are severely flawed sure karen bob could plant the apple he got from sussy and see a massive return in investment over a 10-year period the issue is that bob hasn't eaten in two days and he's been given a single apple realistically what the hell do you think he's going to do with it people who think something is immoral because it's illegal we had a discussion and one or my first classes in university about what's more immoral a man who steals money to pay for his wife's medicine because she's about to die or a man who tricks an old rich person with alzheimer's to give him his inheritance claiming he's his son so he can buy a new ferrari i thought it was a relatively simple question i mean i think it's pretty clear the man who cheated an old dude with alzheimer's is more immoral cause all his actions follow pure selfish reasoning so i shared my opinion first and everyone in my group looked kinda confused partially because i'm bad at explaining stuff verbally and they all disagreed and said the other dude was more immoral cause he was breaking the law while the other guy was shtai but he didn't break the law so technically he wasn't immoral i decided to keep my mouth shut cause they were all set in it and it still scares me to think about lacking basic life skills like hanging a curtain road or swapping out an air filter my college roommate didn't know that she had to change the oil in the car her parents gave her talking about your education if you are not smart enough to avoid turning yourself into a how do you know someone's an iv leaker punchline uradumbus not accepting when they are wrong an educated person who is not smart like other dumb people will get pissed when they are proven wrong and lash out a smart person accepts they were wrong and assimilates the new knowledge and better yet they ask questions to figure out exactly how they were proven wrong smart person never thinks he she knows everything or knows anything even within their field however on the flip side a smart person who knows he she is right will figure out how to effectively argue their case lots of dumb people like to call their opinions evidence-based because they cherry-pick studies however even studies aren't always right things like statistical flaws methodology flaws pure scientific flaws exists and aren't caught in the review process always popular debate means using evidence academic debate means questioning the evidence if the evidence is never questioned neither party is smart for example if someone says something like study shows is alarm bells should immediately go off in your head such what journal check the study what country is it from china for example is well known to do a lot of fake science so chinese articles in my opinion should often be questioned more heavily data is literally routinely faked in major chinese journals what was the methodology for example if it was a servery what were the questions what proportions were democrats or republicans if it were a political study was it randomized how was it ensured people didn't fill out the survey multiple times always always question evidence no only will it vastly improve your ability to think logically and critically but it will improve your ability to question things a most people that are educated or smart or both are only smart in some areas and stupid in others i have a phd and i'm a faculty at a research uni i make a habit of doing 10 stupid things before breakfast every day most of colleagues are the same although few can match me for sheer quantity and quality of stupid one poor bastard i work with is a creationist oh he doesn't know what creationism or evolution actually entails but he is damn sure that creationism is the way to go but he is a statistician try to find a creationist among ecologists biologists geologists or paleontologists you will have a much harder time it is because those scientists know their respective fields and those fields are relevant to evolution if you are an expert in field day there is a big chance you are pretty stupid about fields b through z and lots of street knowledge as well this is harsh but man do i cringe every time my friend who has a master's degree and schooling up the wazoo still pronounces specifically pacifically [Music] do you
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Id: rq77fs7eCJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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