What Saying 'No' to TiKTok Really Says About You | DailyVee 595

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- [Gary] Anything that allows you to be 100% close to the end consumer is always the best. (gentle music) - My content, if you could look at it one day, it's more tactical, I like to give them more tools. Less motivation, more tools. - Yep, the details. - But somehow it's much easier to push sex, comedy... - People want escapism. People wanna escape their life. They don't wanna make it better. - But you think The content is a way of escaping their life? Or you think that you're really educating them? - I think I'm tricky, and I don't know this to be true, this is my hypothesis, I don't want anything from them and I think there's something very real about that. You know, there is no funnel. It's a big deal. I think that's why I'm winning. Unlike almost every other business whether tactical or motivational, somehow, someway it's leading to a course, to a mastermind, to something that, you know and so I'm giving so purely that I think subconsciously people understand that, and I think I'm entertaining at some level, but... - But we have to be a little bit of entertainment. - I don't think one has to be, I mean look, I think there's a lot of people who are educators and things of that nature, that are not entertaining at all. I think you see the ones that are entertaining. You don't see the ones who are doing 27 million selling the course quietly, nobody knows who they are, you know? - Mm-hmm. - So I think the entertaining or the sizzle is in the face and people think but like, I mean there's hundreds of thousands of people that make more money than me on internet marketing, because all they wanna do is the money and you don't even know who they are, and they have 47,000 landing pages, and they have 400,000 different marketing campaigns, you know? All depends on what one wants. - There you go. - You know? ♪ Yeah, uh-huh ♪ It all depends on what one wants. For me, I wanna be the entrepreneur that gave back to the most entrepreneurs, that's what I want, I really do. (upbeat pulsing music) ♪ Yeah ♪ - [Man] You're really into TikTok aren't you? - I'm really-- - Are you excited with what's happening, and how quickly-- - I'm always excited when a new platform comes along that has 100s of millions of users and you can have no following, post once and get a million views, yeah, that's very rare. That was 2011 Facebook, you know, this is very rare, and I'm just fascinated, people's ability-- (man speaks faintly) Yes, but people's ability to say no. - [Man] What frightens people, what scares people of TikTok? - Judgment of other people. They don't wanna make a TikTok video 'cause they're worried about their friends, and business friends, and associates saying, "That's for kids and it's stupid." Mm-hmm. And the biggest thing, the biggest reason TikTok matters to somebody who sells steel, and to 60-year-old C-suite executives in a B2B business is not that TikTok even at scale, if it got older, is necessarily gonna be a platform for that person to do business. It's that humans are reacting to certain styles of content, and it's important for you to pick up on those nuances. It would be no different than when hip-hop came along. Everybody who only believed that rock and roll was important they said no to hip-hop, they said that's not real music. And then it became the music. And so that's always what happens in popular culture. The way we story tell on TikTok is going to matter in 10 years. Nowadays, the Internet is the distribution. To your point, Leonardo, you know, distribution used to be very expensive. If you wanted to start an actual television network you had to shoot a satellite into space. If you wanted to be a newspaper you had to buy a printing press and have distribution. Because the Internet, for all of us in this room, is free, the reality is that everybody has the potential to be in the media business. On a personal brand level, on a talking about your favorite subject. If you wanna be the most important media outlet around football in the country of Mexico, properly executing on top of Instagram, properly executing on top of YouTube, starting a podcast with no cost, gives you the potential, if you're a good storyteller, to be in the game within two, three years, it's crazy. How are you my friend? - Okay. (photographer speaking in foreign language) - Hi, Gary, how are you? - How are you? It is highly likely, highly likely, that the breakthrough, or the advancement, or the growth that you're looking for, comes at the expense of you understanding that you're actually a media company, and not what else you do. I believe that everybody will realize over the next decade that almost everything in our society is being commoditized, except the ability to communicate. That when you think about what you do, the product you sell, and your ability to communicate it, is fundamentally what's left. The Internet will become the wholesaler, the distributor, the middle. (ring tone chiming) Hey guys, sorry to interrupt your video, I'm just giving you this call from my number to let you know that you have to join my text community, 212-931-5731, hit me up with a text. (slow electronic music) What up, sir, how are you? - I feel like I know you. - Thank you, man. - I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm in the B2B business, I'm doing like you're doing, like, the whole thing, strategy, cats, everything. Do you still think we should still be doing like you know like trying to keep the content on landing pages and stuff, and so people leave their email and everything? Or do you think we should just push everything? - I think a mix is always right, but I think the old you know, content through a Google search strategy is more vulnerable than it was eight years ago. Your strategy that you just laid out is a Google search strategy. And I believe that we've become more of a content, social network-first place. - So you feel like if I invest a ton of money into content I should just push it and even if I don't get an email or nothing? - That's right, 'cause brand leads to opportunity. You know, when you're doing funnels to landing pages to get leads, you're in the sales business. I think you need to add some marketing and branding. I didn't have the luxury of living in this world that you guys live in. There weren't people like me talking about emotional intelligence around business. You know, this was, and so I'm excited, you know, when that young man's like, "You really," like when I hear that, "I've been watching you for three years, "you really changed my mindset." It's so powerful, it's so powerful. I sit there and when I hear that I'm like, man. Hey, you know it's funny, I don't even feel like I'm myself I'm like almost watching the conversation and I'm like "Wow, the world is so crazy," like we can all, you guys already both feeling it as well and so it's just crazy to be able to impact somebody and I also know what I'm putting in the system. I'm putting a very important thing into the system, I think, selfishly, because I'm winning in business, I'm an alpha male, and most alpha males that are winning in business are talking about very different things than I'm talking about. And I think it's an important balance to the conversation. Leaving money on the table, patience, doing the right thing, gratitude, empathy, like all this stuff that, you know unfortunately for the last 50 years alpha business men were talking about alpha business men stuff, but deeply and secretly were very unhappy and very broken. And I don't know, that's just not interesting to me. I don't wanna teach people how to make a million dollars but then do drugs and alcohol and be in depression. What's the point? - Yes, it's about the purpose. - Yeah, and you know what's funny? I'm very into like, winning, and building, and this is not for me like, I'm not looking to be a monk or a healing coach, or live in that mountain and have people come and talk to me about it, I just think it's true. I think you can build a more successful business if you're actually happy. (gentle music)
Channel: GaryVee
Views: 66,777
Rating: 4.8619156 out of 5
Keywords: Gary Vaynerchuk, Garyvee business, gary vee, gary vaynerchuck, garyvee, business, success, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, What Saying 'No' to TiKTok Really Says About You | DailyVee 595, garyvee tiktok, tiktok, what is tiktok, should i use tiktok, get on tiktok, why you need tiktok, what saying no means, what saying no says about you, garyvee no, stop saying no, no more no
Id: ZbYTapqX4HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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